Saturday, March 01, 2025

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March 1, 2023 midnight

Legislation to fund Public Law 280 advances in Senate

After a hearing that included testimony from several local officials, legislation that could help Lake County fund law enforcement under Public Law 280 is advancing in the Senate.

T-Falls girls bounced from divisionals
March 1, 2023 midnight

T-Falls girls bounced from divisionals

The playoffs in any sport often produce unexpected results, mostly because the level of talent and ability of the players increases as the postseason ladder gets steeper.

March 1, 2023 midnight

COLUMN: Winter sports wrap up

I will miss this basketball season and the group of characters who took to the courts from Sanders, Mineral and Lake counties.

Top-seeded Tigers find early exit at Western C
March 1, 2023 midnight

Top-seeded Tigers find early exit at Western C

Maybe it was a weird form of climate change.

Charlo boys and girls eliminated at Western C
March 1, 2023 midnight

Charlo boys and girls eliminated at Western C

For Charlo’s boys and girls basketball teams the journey to frozen Butte and the Maroon Activities Center ended way too soon.

Legislators react to GOP's break with Racicot
March 1, 2023 midnight

Legislators react to GOP's break with Racicot

State legislators in the Flathead Valley are  — like the former governor himself — unsurprised by the Montana Republican Party’s public break up with Marc Racicot.

Glacier opens reservations for July
March 1, 2023 midnight

Glacier opens reservations for July

The next round of Glacier National Park vehicle registrations begins Wednesday, March 1 at

March 1, 2023 midnight

Kalispell man charged for threats to Senator Tester

A Montana man has been charged with threatening the life of Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Tester via voicemails left at his Kalispell office, the U.S. Attorney's Office said.

March 1, 2023 midnight

Legals for March, 1 2023

Scrubs & Bubbles: St. Regis health workers launch cosmetic brand
February 22, 2023 midnight

Scrubs & Bubbles: St. Regis health workers launch cosmetic brand

With names like Clark Fork Fog, Crazy Peak Swirl, Oregon Peak Orange, Sweetly Verde Creek, Tamarack lemon Turmeric, Cold creek Bastille, Saltese Sandalwood, Bald Hill Blackberry Sage, Johnson Creek Sage, and Quartz Creek pink salt; right away if you’re a Mineral County resident your interest is piqued.

Big turnout for St. Regis Valentine’s Day dinner
February 22, 2023 midnight

Big turnout for St. Regis Valentine’s Day dinner

Shrimp cocktails started the evening out followed by tossed salads. The main entre was prime rib, noodles alfredo, mashed potatoes and peas and carrots with a dessert being chocolate lava cake with blueberry sauce and vanilla ice cream.

FWP starts new license year March 1
February 22, 2023 midnight

FWP starts new license year March 1

Everything in the little orange pocket folder you have been carrying around since early last year is going to expire Feb. 28, if it hasn’t already.

February 22, 2023 midnight

County may pursue legal action on Cyr Mountain Road closure

The first movement on the contentious issue of Cyr Mountain Road being gated off years ago took place Friday at the Mineral County Commissioners weekly meeting.

John “Johnny” Cochran
February 22, 2023 midnight

John “Johnny” Cochran

John “Johnny” Cochran

Superior sprinter Pereira signs with Whitworth
February 22, 2023 midnight

Superior sprinter Pereira signs with Whitworth

Whitworth College just got faster.

February 22, 2023 midnight

COLUMN: Polson a great host for hoops

OK Mining City, aka Butte, you’ve got some big shoes to fill.

Tom Harmon inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame
February 22, 2023 midnight

Tom Harmon inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame

Tom Harmon at about age 4 was given a brown sawdust stuffed horse on wheels from his grandfather and at age 14 he broke his first colt.

February 22, 2023 midnight

Montana hospital systems discuss deal to join forces

Logan Health and Billings Clinic, two of Montana’s largest hospital systems, have opened discussions about uniting as a single health-care organization.

February 22, 2023 midnight

Legals for February, 22 2023

February 22, 2023 midnight

State outlines efforts to protect westslope cutthroat trout

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is asking for public comments on proposed state efforts to protect native westslope cutthroat trout in the Flathead Basin’s tributaries.