Tuesday, March 04, 2025

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February 16, 2022 midnight

Water management board adds final members

Members of the Flathead Reservation Water Management Board selected an aquatic biologist and educator to serve as its fifth member. Georgia Smies was picked by the board following closed-session interviews held during its second official meeting last week.

January 29, 2010 midnight

Mauhar requests motion to remove parole eligibility requirement

Back in September 2006, Jesse James Mauhar was sentenced to 17 years in prison for the Negligent Homicide of Matt Palagi, as well as for stabbing three young men who attempted to come to his aid. District Judge Ed McLean ruled him ineligible for parole until he completed six requirements, which included obtaining a GED, completing chemical dependency and other counseling, take advantage of vocational training and successfully complete the prison “Boot Camp” program.

Kinder Kareer Day at Plains School
October 4, 2017 12:37 p.m.

Kinder Kareer Day at Plains School

Plains School came alive last Friday as two kindergarten classes indulged into career day, learning about different community helpers.

August 8, 2018 11:18 a.m.

Truth about mining 'Bad Actor' law

When critics of the Mining Bad Actors Law attacks Montana’s enforcement of a state law that protects taxpayers from shouldering the clean-up bill for mining companies, it’s clearly time to impose an old-fashioned smell test. In weaving together their argument, they got many of their facts wrong.

Students participate in National Geography Bee
January 22, 2014 11:21 a.m.

Students participate in National Geography Bee

PLAINS – The Mackinaw Bridge connects the upper and lower peninsulas of which state, West Virginia or Michigan? This question started off the Sanders County Homeschool Co-op’s geography bee.

March 15, 2023 midnight

Workshops offers guidance on starting a food business

Let’s say that people rave about your salsa and tell you that you should sell it and you’d make a million bucks.

Stakeholders discuss future management at Fish Creek
October 12, 2022 midnight

Stakeholders discuss future management at Fish Creek

About three dozen people participated in a 3-hour field trip of Fish Creek to collaborate on ideas, brainstorm, strategize and leave with a better understanding of what Fish Creek means to organizations, recreationists and landowners when it comes to its future.

January 16, 2015 4:16 p.m.

Event draws opposition

What type of people delight in the torture and killing of other creatures? And why do we allow these people access to our lands to maim and murder our wildlife? These animals belong to all of us, so why do a select few – for a nominal fee – get to slaughter them and profit off of it?

November 20, 2013 9:42 a.m.

Buckle Up encourages a safe Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of the great American holidays that involves a lot of travel. Family and friends traveling across the state or just across town, take to the roads to visit and celebrate together, making it one of the busiest travel times of the year. And with all the excitement, travelers can become more focused on celebrations than getting to their destinations as safely as possible. All too often those distractions have deadly consequences. That is why it is important to do the single most effective thing to save your life in the event of a traffic crash: wear a seat belt.

October 14, 2010 9:31 a.m.

Share records

Billy Hill’s most recent campaign brochure states, “Billy has a proven record of accomplishment as a military noncommissioned officer, Korea and Vietnam...” Review of Billy Hill campaign material and interviews published in local newspapers throughout his numerous campaigns for sheriff show a number of references to his tour of duty in Korea. 

November 4, 2020 midnight

Rossbach arrested in Dixon cold case murder

Man arrested in Dixon cold case murder

Foundation is laid for Plains School expansion
December 16, 2020 midnight

Foundation is laid for Plains School expansion

On a cold and frosty day last week, the foundation was laid for a new era...

Happy Daze goat farm comes to life
February 10, 2021 midnight

Happy Daze goat farm comes to life

Out on 12 very steep and forested acres near DeBorgia, Happy Daze Goat Farm is beginning...

Longtime Superior Fire volunteer Ireland retires
June 29, 2022 midnight

Longtime Superior Fire volunteer Ireland retires

In 1982, Robert Ireland was talking to John Jackman who was the Superior Volunteer Fire Chief at that time.

October 11, 2023 midnight

Ensure food security for our community

We want to thank all of our food bank supporters past and present. Your assistance keeps our doors open and our shelves stocked.

May 30, 2014 12:05 p.m.

Booster clubs benefit from sports physicals

PLAINS – In an effort to give back to local athletes, Clark Fork Valley Hospital has donated 100 percent of their proceeds from sports physicals to local booster clubs.

Let the judging begin...
October 23, 2013 12:57 p.m.

Let the judging begin...

SUPERIOR – Bringing the spirit of Halloween to kids early, the Mineral County Library, in Superior, held their seventh annual pumpkin decorating contest Thursday.

Voices in the Wilderness: Don Otis
October 27, 2021 midnight

Voices in the Wilderness: Don Otis

My Mom will tell you that when I was a kid, I would beg and plead with her to drop me and my adventure-seeking friends at the base of a canyon somewhere.

January 26, 2011 1:24 p.m.

Hello from the Capitol

Hello from the capitol. This marks the end of week three which was a very busy one for all of us. I introduced three bills so far:  HB119, a bill to revise laws related to volunteer firefighter compensation; HB20, a bill to authorize a county social host liability ordinance and HB253, a bill to provide for recovery of costs for DUI conviction.  There are at least seven more in the hopper. All bills have to be introduced and heard in committee before Feb. 21st and heard on the floor before Feb. 24 or they will die, so as you can see I have my work cut out for me. Last week the hearing of HB20 was one of the highlights of my career; to watch all those kids testify on this bill was a sight to behold. I would like to thank Denyse Traeder of Superior and all the other people for all the hard work they did to put this bill together.   Committee member Liz made a special comment on the integrity and character of all the students who testified.

Heat look back on season
March 20, 2011 6:45 a.m.

Heat look back on season