Monday, March 03, 2025

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Living a dream
June 3, 2010 10:49 a.m.

Living a dream

Ladyhawks take out Columbus to win first championship

Break out the virgin margaritas, it's time to celebrate. The Ladyhawks are 2010 B-C Softball champions.

Volunteers take on Heart Lake trail maintenance
July 24, 2024 midnight

Volunteers take on Heart Lake trail maintenance

One of the more popular hikes in Lolo National Forest follows the South Fork Trout Creek to Heart Lake and then Pearl Lake in a cirque basin.

What would Teddy do?
December 11, 2007 midnight

What would Teddy do?

More and more these days, as the world turns topsy-turvy, I find myself asking, "WWTRD?" — What would Teddy Roosevelt do?

November 12, 2010 2:52 p.m.

New candidates prepare for terms

The elections are over and newly elected candidates are now preparing to step into their offices and getting ready for what’s ahead. The elections saw a pretty good voter turnout. With 2,770  registered voters, 1,864 of them cast a ballot for a 67 percent turnout.

September 10, 2009 midnight

Thompson Falls football falls to Superior

Andrew Waite

Monster trucks make a loud roar on July 4
July 10, 2020 5:44 p.m.

Monster trucks make a loud roar on July 4

Sparks flew, BBQs smoked, music played, monster trucks roared and fireworks lit the skies throughout the area as Sanders County residents took advantage of beautiful summer weather to celebrate Independence Day.

Montana communities come together against vandalism
April 28, 2021 midnight

Montana communities come together against vandalism

Yet Alberton is taking it in stride as they remove the spray paint at the skatepark...

Artist visits Hot Springs to teach classes
March 28, 2015 3:34 p.m.

Artist visits Hot Springs to teach classes

HOT SPRINGS - The Songstick shop in Hot Springs had a very special visitor Sunday afternoon. Rachel Bowers, a celebrated Native American beader, held the first part of a two class session on two needle style beading.

Chamber of Commerce elects joint presidents
January 22, 2014 9:58 a.m.

Chamber of Commerce elects joint presidents

SUPERIOR – The monthly meeting of the Mineral County Chamber of Commerce brought updates on events and projects in 2014 as well as the election of the new chamber presidents.

Louise Lulack honored for service
February 27, 2013 11:16 a.m.

Louise Lulack honored for service

PLAINS – Louise Lulack was honored at the Plains Woman’s Club meeting on Friday afternoon with a certificate for her years of service.

Rocky Mountain Rifle Brigade ready for WWII reenactment
April 7, 2021 midnight

Rocky Mountain Rifle Brigade ready for WWII reenactment

This is a group of people from Montana, Idaho and Washington who have a fascination with World War II and share this by living as close to the conditions as possible for weekend rendezvous.

October 22, 2008 midnight

Strine “refreshing”

Something I have never witnessed before, right here in T.F.!

February 26, 2014 12:32 p.m.

Letters to the Editor - Feb. 26

September 23, 2020 midnight

Time to end the sewer nightmare

When I read the Opinion article in the Valley Press by Dan Risland, I realized that there may be a lot of us here in Paradise that are going through a lot of stress and worry as a result of this ongoing, and unwelcomed, sewer project here.

COLUMN: First fish
June 19, 2024 midnight

COLUMN: First fish

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

April 3, 2011 11:17 a.m.

State run benefits

I find it very interesting that all three Sanders County legislators are taking advantage of the state run health insurance program. Actually, I find it appalling that Hinkle and Ingraham have the guts to take taxpayer funded health care when both have made statements against government run health insurance

Teams from across region join Cornhole Festival
June 28, 2023 midnight

Teams from across region join Cornhole Festival

Troy Graves, a mountain of a bearded man from southern Idaho, summed it up perfectly. “It’s fun and it’s for a good cause,” he said while practicing before the opening rounds of the 2023 Cornhole Festival tournament Saturday on a scenic chunk of land alongside the Clark Fork River between Plains and Thompson Falls.

January 29, 2025 midnight

Paradise presentation looks at Montana’s historic Chinese communities

Sunday afternoon, The Paradise Center hosted another “Conversations with …” which is an ongoing series that brings authors, experts and notable people to both inform residents and engage them in a dialog regarding subjects of shared interest.

November 4, 2009 midnight

Plains graduate goes on a trip for God

Danielle Switalski

Local team takes the win at Hack and Blast
May 23, 2018 3:32 p.m.

Local team takes the win at Hack and Blast

Spring not only brings the warm weather and sunshine, it also brings the annual Hack and Blast to the Plains Trap Club.