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August 1, 2022 midnight

Coroner says Glacier climbers fell after rock broke loose

Two mountain climbers who died in Glacier National Park earlier this week fell nearly 1,000 feet after the rock they were climbing on broke loose, officials investigating the accident report.

Dixon 4-H'ers set the pace at livestock exhibits
July 27, 2022 midnight

Dixon 4-H'ers set the pace at livestock exhibits

There are all kinds of things most people think they will never see. Add sheep on a treadmill to the list.

Riverdogs manager Zigler steps down
July 27, 2022 midnight

Riverdogs manager Zigler steps down

Almost every coach, when asked what he or she likes best about the role, will get a distant look in their eyes as they reflect on this most important of tasks.

Montana’s first territory capital celebrates its past with Bannack Days
July 27, 2022 midnight

Montana’s first territory capital celebrates its past with Bannack Days

Nestled along Grasshopper Creek, among the foothills of the Pioneer Mountains, lies what is now know as Bannack State Park.

St. Regis woman creates Christian-based grief support group
July 27, 2022 midnight

St. Regis woman creates Christian-based grief support group

For anyone who has ever lost a loved one, they understand that grief isn’t something that truly goes away, it only changes.

Artists in Paradise show returns next week
July 27, 2022 midnight

Artists in Paradise show returns next week

After a two-year hiatus, a popular exhibition returns to the Paradise Community Center Aug. 4-6 cleverly known as Artists in Paradise.

July 27, 2022 midnight

Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs

Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs

July 27, 2022 midnight

Montana housing task force sets sights on 'actionable' solutions

Describing Montana’s housing crisis as “complicated,” Gov. Greg Gianforte welcomed his newly formed Housing Task Force to the state capitol Wednesday for its inaugural meeting.

New superintendent hopes to bring cooperative approach to Glacier
July 27, 2022 midnight

New superintendent hopes to bring cooperative approach to Glacier

When David Roemer earned his graduate degree from the University of Montana, he never dreamed he would later return to the state as the superintendent of Glacier National Park.

Paradise: Water District resolution seeks to recoup funds
July 20, 2022 midnight

Paradise: Water District resolution seeks to recoup funds

Saddle up friends and foes, dudes and dudettes, there’s more riding to do and some potentially hazardous trails to head down.

Plains schools donates van to veterans program
July 20, 2022 midnight

Plains schools donates van to veterans program

For the longtime servant of Plains Public Schools, it was an inglorious last ride across the campus parking lot.

July 20, 2022 midnight

4-H'ers prepare for Mineral County Fair shows

The Mineral County Fair is the highlight of the 4-H year. The 2022 theme "Fun Galore in the 54" invites all ages to join in the festivities Aug. 4-6, at the Mineral County Fairgrounds in Superior.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

Hunters help clear abandoned wire in Montana elk country
July 20, 2022 midnight

Hunters help clear abandoned wire in Montana elk country

Plastics are destroying aquatic life in the oceans. Wind turbines are killing bats and birds that fly into them. And vacated wire is causing slow, painful deaths for elk on the Idaho-Montana state line.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Community Calendar

Community Calendar

Troy man kills 2 wolves that attacked his pet goats
July 20, 2022 midnight

Troy man kills 2 wolves that attacked his pet goats

There are two fewer wolves on the prowl in Lincoln County.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Legals for July, 20 2022

July 13, 2022 midnight

Legals for July, 13 2022

Thompson Falls hosts annual Fourth parade
July 13, 2022 midnight

Thompson Falls hosts annual Fourth parade

Thompson Falls' annual Independence Day celebration brought large crowds and many venders to the area July 3. Sunny skies, warm weather, and many activities for both children and adults, drew people from all over western Montana.

Community gathers for Plains' Picnic in the Park
July 13, 2022 midnight

Community gathers for Plains' Picnic in the Park

The Plains community celebrated the annual Picnic in the Park on Independence Day.