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Sanders County Senior News
Clark Fork Valley Hospital provides advice on staying safe in the coming weeks
To our community, thank you!
Hot Springs 'turns up the heat' on Hanna
Number of players available, or lack thereof, can have an adverse affect on a high school football team. Not so in Hot Springs’ 6-man season opener last Friday night against J.C. Charyk of Hanna, Alberta, Canada.
Plains School Board talks money
PLAINS – At the monthly school board meeting, money was high on the chain of topics as the Plains School Board discussed a new grant the school received, approved three salary increases and paid dues to the Montana School Board Association.
68th Montana Legislature adjourns
With the 90th and last possible legislative day looming, the lawmakers, staff, lobbyists, reporters and other denizens of the Montana Capitol this week knew that the end of the 68th Legislature was nigh.

Montana residents urged to prepare for fire season
All residents throughout Montana are encouraged to participate in Wildfire Awareness Month this May. The purpose is to raise awareness about wildland fire safety, community preparedness, hazardous fuels mitigation, and fire prevention.
Make each day count National Prevention Week was May 15-20
Alcohol and drug use by young people is extremely dangerous, both to themselves and to society. It is directly associated with traffic fatalities, violence, suicide, educational failure, alcohol overdose, unsafe sex and other problem behaviors, even for those who may never develop a dependence or addiction.
An update from Rep. Ingraham
With the 4th of July just around the bend, many of us will celebrate the day by hosting or attending a picnic or barbecue, enjoying a display of fireworks, watching as a parade goes by, camping with family and friends, displaying our decorations of red, white and blue and proudly displaying our American Flag in honor of the day.
Men of Worth head to Superior for March gala
From Scotland’s outer islands and Ireland’s west, some of America’s most authentic musical heritage is coming to Superior.

Johnny Lee Graham
Johnny Lee Graham was born Dec. 21 1957 to Arthur and Betty Graham. He passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones in his home in Camas Prairie on Dec. 10, 2022.

Small engine students roar on go-kart track
One can easily say that the first year of small engines at Superior High School was a game-changer for many students.
Sanders County Senior News

Schweitzer pleads guilty to drug charges
Nick Ianniello
Schweitzer pleads guilty to drug charges
Nick Ianniello

Superior Fire District considers Tarkio annexation
Steve Temple, Superior Volunteer Fire Department Chief, was approached by some residents east of town on the possibility of their area being annexed into...

Plains students crack the case of the Elf on the Roof
On a cold and snowy Friday morning, Plains elementary students were presented with a perplexing puzzle. How can their school principal, Kevin Meredith, be in two places at once?
Montana health officials confirm first flu case in 2021
Nationwide, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports 121 confirmed flu cases as of Oct. 16.

Hot Springs chief of police completes law enforcement academy training in Helena
Surrounded by friends doling out congratulations, cake and more than a few good-natured cracks at his expense, it seemed to dawn on Hot Springs Chief of Police Tim Coleman that, for the first time in three months, life was returning to normal.
Mud bog and country music event set for June
A new mud bog and country music event is scheduled to be held in St. Regis this summer. It is a three-day event from June 23 through the 25 put on by Shannon Anderson. He purchased property on the north side of St. Regis and is building an amphitheater and other accommodations for the event.