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I-90 road work wraps up for season
November 2, 2022 midnight

I-90 road work wraps up for season

Say goodbye to the orange cones, candles and barrels on I-90 on both sides of St. Regis, at least until next year.

November 2, 2022 midnight

FWP opens online survey for Fish Creek

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is working with the University of Montana to develop a framework for managing recreation on its lands in the Fish Creek watershed, located approximately 30 miles west of Missoula.

U.S. House candidates Tranel and Lamb discuss issues at Paradise debate
November 2, 2022 midnight

U.S. House candidates Tranel and Lamb discuss issues at Paradise debate

The Paradise Center last week hosted a debate attended by two of the candidates for Montana's District 1 U.S. House seat, Democrat Monica Tranel and Libertarian John Lamb.

Spotlight on the arts: Hayley Fausett
November 2, 2022 midnight

Spotlight on the arts: Hayley Fausett

Spotlight on the arts: Hayley Fausett

Above average hunter success for west-central Montana’s opener
November 2, 2022 midnight

Above average hunter success for west-central Montana’s opener

After the first two weekends of big game season, west-central Montana hunter check stations are reporting elk and deer harvest totals that are up from last season and the five-year average.

November 2, 2022 midnight

Elections workgroup gives update following system examination

Montana’s elections practices were found to be “safe and secure” following an examination from a workgroup made up of representatives from organizations and stakeholders across the state.

November 2, 2022 midnight

COLUMN: The fall classic

Anyone else notice something missing lately?

November 2, 2022 midnight

Hot Springs' season ends in playoff heart-breaker

For all its purported roughness and toughness, football can also be a cruel breaker of hearts.

November 2, 2022 midnight

Valier upends Noxon in playoffs

In the days of late summer, hope springs eternal on football fields everywhere in this land.

Fall Mack Days: Anglers weather rain during week six
October 30, 2022 midnight

Fall Mack Days: Anglers weather rain during week six

Lots of rain fell from the dark cloudy skies Friday and Saturday during the sixth weekend of 2022 Fall Mack Days.

October 26, 2022 midnight

Facts about waste-water treatment plant land deal

Last week there was a letter to the editor regarding how the Waste/Water Treatment Plant sale of land was being handled, casting doubt on Mayor Dan Rowan’s character and ability to serve as a county commissioner.

Cancer Network of Sanders County holds annual fundraiser
October 26, 2022 midnight

Cancer Network of Sanders County holds annual fundraiser

Saturday night brought together donors, sponsors, volunteers and the public.

Going home: Big Medicine will be returned to CSKT
October 26, 2022 midnight

Going home: Big Medicine will be returned to CSKT

Big Medicine spent all of his life on the tribal homelands of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai tribes. Now after his death, he’ll spend most of his time back there too, after a six-decade hiatus as one of the main attractions of the Montana Historical Society.

October 26, 2022 midnight

Tribes to receive $41.5M to expand high-speed internet

The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes will receive more than $41.5 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to expand high-speed internet access on the Flathead Reservation.

Lane joins Superior District as new ranger
October 26, 2022 midnight

Lane joins Superior District as new ranger

Abby Lane has been named as the new Superior District Ranger, replacing Carole Johnson who retired in June.

October 26, 2022 midnight

DUI Task Force works to stop impaired driving

As of Oct. 11, there have been 169 highway fatalities in Montana compared to 185 at the same time last year.

October 26, 2022 midnight

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

October 26, 2022 midnight

Concerned with Funke's support for Zinke

A recent letter in the Montana Standard written by Ryan Funke made my decision much easier about who to cast my vote for in the upcoming sheriff’s race.

October 26, 2022 midnight

Veterans should see if PACT Act can help

We write this letter with the hope of reaching as many Montana Veterans and their family members as possible regarding the recent passage of the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act sponsored by Sen. Jon Tester.

Thompson Falls secures first win in 11-man
October 26, 2022 midnight

Thompson Falls secures first win in 11-man

For those who thought it might never happen … thhppppttttt!