Superior spelling bee in photos
Superior schools annual spelling bee.
Paradise presentation looks at Montana’s historic Chinese communities
Sunday afternoon, The Paradise Center hosted another “Conversations with …” which is an ongoing series that brings authors, experts and notable people to both inform residents and engage them in a dialog regarding subjects of shared interest.
Hazardous waste refresher class planned in March
The Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) standard is a set of guidelines produced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure the safety of workers dealing with hazardous waste and emergency situations.

Resource Advisory Committee seeking new members
In a world of acronyms of organizations that overlap with similar names but have different goals, it helps to start in the correct hallway.

Clearing the way: Maintaining county roads a big job
The elevation of Alberton is 3,055 feet. Superior is 2,720 feet and St. Regis sits at 2,635. The I-90 corridor gains altitude as a person drives west where Haugan is at 3,425 feet and the summit at Lookout Pass is 4,710 feet.

Nightriders Winterfest 2025 in photos
Nightriders Winterfest 2025 in photos

New growth at local greenhouse business
Originally from Pennsylvania, Milton Pearce and his wife worked for 18 years at the Northwest Indian Bible School in Alberton before moving to their current location in St. Regis 22 years ago.
Pickleball club swings into Mineral County
After playing golf one Saturday during the summer of 1965, Joel Pritchard, congressman from Washington State and Bill Bell, a successful businessman, returned to Pritchard’s home on Bainbridge Island, Washington, near Seattle, to find their families sitting around with nothing to do.
The Wardens to perform in Superior
Three Canadian wardens are making a special trip to Superior on Jan. 23.

Snowmobile club adds to annual event
The Montana Nightriders Snowmobile Club is well known for the $1,000 Super Poker Ride the last weekend in January. Up to 400 sledders have partaken in this signature event held in Haugan for the last 36 years.

Seidel family takes over Jackies Flowers
A local family has purchased Jackies Flowers, Gifts and Espresso in the old Superior School.
Smalley takes oath as new commissioner
Shawn Smalley retired earlier this year after 20 years with Montana Highway Patrol. He attained the rank of sergeant and was the supervisor for Mineral and Sanders counties while raising his family in Superior for almost 19 of those years.

Mineral County Library gets shelving upgrades
Replacing the shelves that books are displayed on in the Mineral County Library may not be exciting, unless you work there and can see the upcoming benefits.

Classroom lesson spreads the spirit of giving
Following are comments from students in Mrs. Stacy Crabb's fourth-grade class at Superior Elementary about this year's Christmas shopping trip to benefit local families in need.

Superior music students compete at band and choir festival
Debbie Merrill’s music class at Superior School District has four students that just competed, or will compete, in the University of Montana All-Star Band or All-Star Choir Festival.
Delivery driver rescued after vehicles gets stuck
Last Friday at approximately 9:20 p.m., the Superior Volunteer Fire Department received a request from the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office to assist with locating a stranded motorist up Verde Creek.

Dixon bar still making history
In 1812, David Thompson established a trading post near his namesake town of Thompson Falls and began traveling up the Flathead River exploring and trading furs with the Native Americans.

PHOTOS Alberton School Christmas Decorating
Sunday afternoon in the Alberton School cafeteria, families were having a wonderful time making and decorating gram cracker houses while enjoying warm beverages and snacks.
Emergency services committee reviews hazmat spills
The Mineral County Disaster and Emergency Services aims to build, sustain and improve the ability to prepare, protect against, respond to and recover and mitigate hazards in Mineral County.
PHOTOS Helping Hands Auction
Left to right, Aaron and Sandye Adams along with Glen Babcock worked as ‘greeters’ at the Helping Hands Auction held at the River Edge Resort & Steakhouse in Alberton. Babcock is the chairman of Helping Hands and said that this time of year, their mission is very simple: “To help kids and families at Christmas that are in need of food and clothes.” They team up with the PEAK Foundation who organizes the Giving Tree for the area and help as many people as financially possible from the Missoula area through Mineral County.

Rehab work on I-90 bridges near Alberton complete
The Montana Department of Transportation and Frontier West have completed the rehabilitation of four I-90 bridges located east of Alberton.

State Rep. Loge nets a few seconds on hit show 'Yellowstone'
Being an extra on the "Yellowstone" production set can be both interesting and exciting, but one thing the extras, or seconds, agree on is that it also can be boring.

Big Sky Forest Products plans expansion
Mineral County's largest forest products manufacturer is set to undergo a major expansion after it was rewarded two federal grants to build a treatment plant at its St. Regis site.

St. Regis clinic joins Mineral Community Hospital
The Jack Lincoln Memorial Clinic in St. Regis is now operated by Mineral Community Hospital after the clinic's medical director Dr. Randy Lovell opted to focus on his practice in Thompson Falls.

West End department builds its own truck to fight wildfires
A Type 6 Fire Truck is required which is a powerful pickup that carries a water tank, pump, and hose on the back flatbed.

Teen harvests bull and cow elk in same day
Nicholas Cooper started hunting through the FWP Apprentice Hunter Program at 10 years old. He’s taken a turkey, a doe and a couple of young bucks, but he’s never fired a shot at an elk, until a few weeks ago.

Schober’s Towing and Repair sold after 48 years in business
Schober’s Towing and Repair started in 1976 with a one-ton Chevy and Chevron gasoline on the corner of Highway 135 and old Highway 10, where Doc’s Casino now sits today.

Lloyd Ridings VFW post organizes Veterans Day ceremony
On Monday, Nov. 11 at 0800 hours, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Lloyd Ridings Post #6238 held a small, but significant, flag assembly for Superior Elementary School on their playground.

Stakeholders develop wildfire protection plan
In response to increasing wildfire risks, Mineral County has contracted SWCA Environmental Consultants to work in collaboration with the Mineral County Resource Coalition and other stakeholders to develop a Mineral County Community Wildfire Protection Plan update.

Turkey Trot raises donations for Mineral County Food Bank
How many guests, on average, did Thanksgiving hosts expect to serve in 2023?

Standout Superior students eye future plans
Abby Wheeler is a senior at Superior High School and in the running for a $20,000 scholarship from Coca-Cola.

Hunters play key role in understanding CWD
Chronic wasting disease was recently detected in a white-tailed deer in Kalispell. This is the first time CWD has been detected in a wild herd in Hunting District 170.
Order of the Eastern Star holds fundraising dinner
Members of The Mary Baldwin Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star served lasagna, garlic bread, Caesar salad and dessert as a fund raiser to help the Superior Recycling Center and the Mineral County Food Bank on Sunday at the Masonic Lodge in Superior.

Fiber optic work continues along I-90
Motorists who traveled I-90 the last three days in October undoubtedly noticed more road crews, detours and equipment than during the busiest time of the summer.

Abandoned puppies rescued along I-90
Saturday morning, a motorist on East Mullan near the Mineral County Airport called the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office to report a frenzied dog in the middle of the road. It was wandering from side to side, looking over its shoulder, obviously lost and panicked, the caller reported.

Award-winning author to talk about her novel at Superior library
Celebrated author Leslie Budewitz returns to the Mineral County Library in Superior on Saturday, Nov. 1 at 1 p.m. to talk about her latest book "The Real-Life Mary Fields."

DeBorgia Schoolhouse hosts annual spaghetti dinner
“The dinner has always been called The DeBorgia Schoolhouse Spaghetti Dinner,” Naomi Stevens explained, who is involved in most everything in the west end of Mineral County.

Entrepreneurs team up to open new store in Superior
Christine Wharton and Janeen Willis have each been in the "fun stuff" business for a few years and recently partnered up with Superior retail store The Classy Bee’s Gift Shop at 204 4th Avenue.

Cyr Bridge on Highway 10 reopens
When the Montana Department of Transportation reported that the Cyr Bridge off I-90 would be closed all summer, they weren’t fibbing.

Field burn offers firefighters a chance to train
A recent planned burn in Tarkio on Jim and Mary Jo Lommen’s property was considered a a win-win.
PHOTOS: Superior homes go spooky for Halloween
Superior residents dress up their homes for a spooky Halloween.

County attorney explains water rights notice
The Montana Water Court recently issued a decree for the Clark Fork River between the confluences of the Blackfoot and Flathead rivers which goes through most of Mineral and Sanders counties.

Mineral County prepares for Election Day
Mineral County Clerk and Recorder Kelann McLees (left) and Deputy Clerk and Recorder Kasey Feasel are accepting absentee ballots and gearing up for Election Day. Registered voters can request an absentee ballot until noon on Nov. 4 or vote at the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 5. McLees and Feasel are available to answer any questions regarding the upcoming election.

Jazz Legacy Project to perform in Alberton, Superior
Mineral County students and the public will have the chance to take in a jazz concert and music appreciation class later this month.

County airport names Silverman as new manager
Mineral County commissioners on Friday approved the recommendation of Jim Silverman for the Mineral County Airport manager and chairman of the board of directors.

Fundraiser supports 'everyone’s favorite garbageman'
Lyle Batt grew up in Frenchtown and he is one of those guys that everyone loves.
Group discusses natural resources in western Montana
The Mineral County Resource Coalition is a diverse group of citizens who find resolutions to the complex issues facing natural resource management on public lands in Mineral County and other areas in western Montana.

Alberton's McKenna Akane honored for 'impactful teaching'
McKenna Akane has earned an Outstanding Teacher Award from Project Lead The Way, which recognizes teachers who inspire, engage and empower their students with transformative classroom learning experiences.
Baked goods on the rise at Senior Center
If at 3 a.m. you see the lights on at the Superior Senior Citizens Center don't be alarmed but be ready for fresh baked goods.
PHOTO: Alberton Homecoming Pep Rally
During the Alberton School Homecoming Pep Rally, one challenge was having teams compete to see which class could gather the most balls when released on the gymnasium floor.