Thursday, March 06, 2025

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June 5, 2014 4:29 p.m.

Court Records

September 25, 2019 12:46 p.m.

October tribunal planned to discuss and fight the problem of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women

The Blackfeet Nation will host the first-ever Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women tribunal in the U.S. over the weekend of Oct. 4-5 at the Blackfeet Community College in Browning.

September 25, 2019 12:42 p.m.

October tribunal to focus on Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women

The Blackfeet Nation will host the first-ever Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women tribunal in the U.S. over the weekend of Oct. 4-5 at the Blackfeet Community College in Browning.

August 7, 2019 4:50 a.m.

Legals August 7, 2019

The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Requests Input for Proposed Timber Sales PUBLIC NOTICE The Plains Unit of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation is developing plans for two proposed timber sales. The first proposed sale would be known as the Sales Mine Timber Sale. This proposed sale is located approximately 36 air miles north of Plains, MT on the divide between the Elk Creek, Whitney Creek and Indian Creek drainages, Section 36, Township 26 North, Range 28 West. This sale is in the earliest stages of planning and would most likely involve seed tree and shelterwood harvests with ground and cable-based logging systems. This sale may require new and/or reconstruction of roads and would include some minor improvements on existing roads. This sale would likely sell in the fall of 2020 and is projected to generate approximately 3-4 million board feet of timber for the Common Schools Trust. The second, known as the Smiley Face Timber Sale, is located approximately 12 air miles north of Plains, MT, on the divide between the Todd Creek, Mudd Creek and Smiley Creek drainages, Sections 30 & 32, Township 22 North, Range 26 West. This sale is in the earliest stages of planning and would most likely involve seed tree and shelterwood harvests with ground and cable-based logging systems. This sale may require new and/or reconstruction of roads and would include some minor improvements on existing roads. This sale would likely sell in the spring of 2021 and is projected to generate approximately 3-4 million board feet of timber for the Common Schools Trust. These sales are being considered to generate revenue for the Common Schools Trust Fund, improve forest health by reducing the possibility of insect and disease activity, to reduce excessive fuel loading and the related risk of wildfire, and to reestablish and promote timber types historically found in these areas. These proposed harvests would contribute to the DNRC's sustained yield as mandated by state statute 77-5-222. As an adjacent landowner or interested party, we request your input regarding these projects. Your concerns and comments are needed to assist the DNRC in planning, analyzing, and implementing these projects. We would appreciate your response by October 31, 2019 so that we may incorporate it into our planning process. Please send comments to: DNRC Plains Unit, ATTN: Dale Peters, PO Box 219, Plains, MT 59859 or by email to or by phone at 406-826-4722 Please direct oral or written comments to: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation PO Box 219 Plains, Montana 59859 Attn: Dale Peters (406) 826-4722 E-mail: Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on August 7 and August 14, 2019. MNAXLP

Brown steps up late in thriller at Noxon
January 31, 2008 midnight

Brown steps up late in thriller at Noxon

Junior Bethany Brown's hot hand late in the game Friday night kept the edge on Thompson Falls and the Noxon girls squeezed out the victory 53-52 in front of a packed house.

TFalls topples Trotters
January 19, 2011 2:07 p.m.

TFalls topples Trotters

It’s been said that records don’t mean matter in rivalry games and that was certainly the case as the Ladyhawks, who entered Tuesday’s game with a lackluster 2-6 overall record, upended the 6-2 Trotters 45-39 in a District 7-B contest.

April 20, 2011 9:47 a.m.

Keeping in Touch

Many of you will remember that during our 2009 Legislative session, property reappraisal was an integral part of that session as the Legislature addressed the reappraisal process per the Montana Constitutional requirement as found in Article VIII.  Article VIII requires a periodic reappraisal of property, in the interest of equal taxation, once every six years on all taxable real and personal property. 

August 7, 2024 midnight

Legals for August, 7 2024

October 14, 2020 midnight

Montanans can still respond to census by Oct. 31

Montanans Can Still Respond to the 2020 Census

Thompson Falls boys basketball team has high hopes
December 16, 2020 midnight

Thompson Falls boys basketball team has high hopes

Optimism is aplenty in the Thompson Falls Blue Hawks boys basketball program...

November 18, 2020 midnight

Cancer Network's 10th annual lantern launch set for Nov. 28

The Cancer Network of Sanders County will host the 10th Annual Lantern Launch at 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 28, at the Sanders County Fairgrounds Agriculture Building.

Plains Trotters swept to open season
January 13, 2021 midnight

Plains Trotters swept to open season

Two games and two lopsided losses against two good opponents is not a good way...

Thompson Falls Lady Hawks win big
January 20, 2021 midnight

Thompson Falls Lady Hawks win big

The Lady Hawks appear to have taken flight in the Western 7-B Montana high school girls 2021 season.

March 31, 2021 midnight

Invasive mussels found in aquarium moss balls sold in Montana

Customers asked to dispose of moss balls properly.

May 19, 2021 midnight

American Legion continues fatality marker program

Numerous enough to notice, infrequent enough to startle at seeing, they stimulate reverence, sorrow...

Rehab work on Cyr Bridge begins this month
April 1, 2024 midnight

Rehab work on Cyr Bridge begins this month

Mineral County commuters may not realize how many bridges cross over the Clark Fork River until "work zone" signs are posted.

March 6, 2024 midnight

Outdoor briefs

Outdoor briefs

Spotlight on the Arts: Emmie Tucker
October 25, 2023 midnight

Spotlight on the Arts: Emmie Tucker

“Spotlight on the Arts” by The Paradise Center honors and encourages students in the arts by highlighting their talent and acknowledging the support they receive through their schools and teachers.

December 25, 2024 midnight

Bobcats swamp Charlo on the road

Saturday evening in Charlo, the Superior Bobcats swamped the host Vikings 68-44 behind the scoring of their dynamic sophomore duo, Landon Richards and Gannon Quinlan.

Plains volleyball returns top talent
August 28, 2024 midnight

Plains volleyball returns top talent

They will be without some key players from last year’s 9-8 team, but the Trotters volleyball team has some solid talent and experience returning for new head coach Kim Lakko.