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Legals for July, 5 2023
Community calendar
Community calendar
Montana FWP releases draft administrative rules to manage grizzlies if delisted
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks issued its first look last week at draft rules for how the state plans to manage grizzly bears should the federal government agree to delist them as endangered species in areas of Montana.
Fighting the fentanyl crisis in Montana
Families and communities across Montana are being devastated by illicit fentanyl — a drug so powerful that just 2 milligrams, the amount that would fit on the tip of a pencil, is considered a potentially fatal dose.
Local campgrounds fill up as summer arrives
Having a camper, trailer, RV or motorhome has always given people freedom to go when they want and stay where they want to, up until the summer of 2023.
Andrew Cadman honored for response during St. Regis shooting
The afternoon of Saturday, March 18 at the Travel Center in St. Regis is still very fresh in the minds of those that were bystanders or first responders to a hostage situation and resulting shootout that left one person dead.
Superior author details family, community history in "A Boomer's Story"
It took a little over three years for Superior native Kathryn McKinney Verley to accomplish her dream of writing and publishing a biography on her life, her family’s remarkable military history, and her relatives heritage.
Gambles Hardware expanding Plains location
One of the signs of business success is often expansion.
Legals for June, 28 2023
Legals for June, 21 2023
Trail runners take on grueling course at St. Regis
The 2023 Trail Rail Run along the Route of the Olympian from Mullan, Idaho to St. Regis took place on June 17.
Legion Post 13 holds Flag Day ceremony
Molly Parkman moved to St. Regis a year ago and said that she had never seen a ceremony that the American Legion Post 13 was about to perform for proper disposal of worn and tattered American flags.
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Rodeo tough: Hot Springs' McAllister sets sights on rodeo career
It usually is, according to Hot Springs area resident and recent high school graduate Jack McAllister, an “adrenaline rush.”
Denny Marvin Miller, 83
Denny Marvin Miller, 83
Kaltschmidt reelected chair of Montana GOP
Don “K” Kaltschmidt, a Flathead Valley automobile dealer and known Republican voice, was reelected last weekend to a third term as chair of the Montana GOP.
Running for new Senate district
I am very excited to announce I filed as a candidate for the newly formed Senate District 45 for the upcoming 2024 election.
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Local vendors, shoppers meet at Superior farmers market
Overcast skies with a tinge of humidity after a downpour the prior evening greeted vendors and looky-loos for the first farmers market Saturday on the lawn of the old Superior School.
Savenac Nursery joins nationwide kids fishing day
Fishing with your kids in Montana is Heaven on earth. It makes lifelong memories and the more you take young’uns out fishing the better they become, the more fish are caught and a healthy obsession to a sport might be developed.