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Legals for November, 29 2023
St. Regis Travel Center robbed at gun point
ST. REGIS – At approx. 2:43 a.m. on Friday January 17, 2014, a lone male entered the Saint Regis Travel Center and robbed the convenience store of an undisclosed amount of cash. The male suspect entered the store and demanded money and exhibited a weapon, which is believed to be a black semi-automatic pistol of an unknown make and caliber. The male suspect is described as being about 6 feet in height with a thin build, wearing a black coat over a blue hoodie that was pulled over the head, and a black bandanna that covered the face. The suspect also wore black colored sweat pants with white shoes that have black markings.
Mineral County Community Calendar
Free classes at St. Regis School
Austyn Marie Dalka
Austyn Marie Dalka was born on Oct. 16 at 9:57 a.m to Brian and Jessica Dalka of St. Regis, Mt. She weighed seven pounds and was 19 and a half inches long. The maternal grandparents are Marre Lewis of St. Regis, Mt., and paternal grandparents are Andy and Sherry Lowery of Blue Lake, Ca. Nellie Flack is Austyn’s great grandparent of McKinleyville, Ca.
Planning Ahead for Disaster Recovery
Every five years the Federal Emergency Management Agency requires counties to update their pre-disaster mitigation plans to qualify for both pre-disaster and post-disaster mitigation assistance.
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
St. Regis School District offers free online college courses to community members
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Legals for December, 14 2022
Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs
Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Community Calendar
Trestle Creek Meeting
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs
Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs
Legals for March, 22 2023
Legals for March, 29 2023
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls