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September 30, 2009 midnight

Noxon Rapids dam celebrates 50 years

Avista will celebrate both the 50th anniversary of the first power generated at its Noxon Rapids hydroelectric dam and the first 10 years of successful implementation of the Clark Fork Settlement Agreement Thursday, Oct. 1 in Noxon, Mont.

Thompson Falls market features cinnamon roll challenge
September 23, 2009 midnight

Thompson Falls market features cinnamon roll challenge

They are gooey, sweet and spicy, often served with a pat of butter warmed enough for the icing to melt and the butter to drip down the sides. Served with a cup of piping hot coffee, a cinnamon roll is the epitome of the perfect breakfast. “Almost every weekend during the 2009 Thompson Falls Market season, someone featured cinnamon rolls at their booth. Whomever ventured into baking these tasty delights were always met by enthusiastic shoppers who scramble to buy them up before they were gone,” shares Katrina Wright, market coordinator. “So we’ve decided to celebrate the end of a great season, the incoming of fall and this wonderful baked good at the final day of the 2009 market.”

September 23, 2009 midnight

Paradise man builds work of faith

Danielle Switalski

September 16, 2009 midnight

Thompson Falls election in full swing

Danielle Switalski

September 2, 2009 midnight

Ranchers find their voice over wolf issue

Matt Unrau

August 19, 2009 midnight

Music takes place of motocross

Danielle Switalski

August 13, 2009 midnight

Huckleberry Festival 2009: Tasty and Entertaining

Danielle Switalski

August 13, 2009 midnight

Fire Danger Down this Week

Danielle Switalski

July 26, 2009 midnight

Firefighters contain 65-acre Bald Hill Fire

Lolo National Forest Firefighters were successful Saturday in containing the Bald Hill Fire on the Superior Ranger District, keeping it to 65 acres. Firefighters are continuing to mop up the fire area and will monitor it for fire activity. All other initial attack fires on the Lolo National Forest from recent lightning were also contained today.

July 9, 2009 midnight

Carnival rewards kids a prize and a smile

Andrew Waite

July 1, 2009 midnight

It was a great day for Sale-ing

Matt Unrau

July 1, 2009 midnight

Mineral County library books now available via Internet

 “No comparison.”

June 26, 2009 midnight

Thompson Falls Market opening day launches new programs

The second season of the Thompson Falls Market launches this weekend, Saturday, June 27th from 9:00am-1:00pm on the west lot of the Falls Motel. With the success of 2008 season, the market coordinators have added new elements to the event that embraces a live local theme.

June 26, 2009 midnight

Montana DOT proposes bridge repair on Highway 135

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is conducting a public meeting to discuss a proposal to repair the bridge deck on the bridge crossing the Clark Fork on Montana 135 between Saint Regis and Paradise.

June 24, 2009 midnight

Mineral Independent receives state-wide award

Melissa Oyer

June 17, 2009 midnight

Sanders County Community Calendar

The Wildhorse Plains Backcountry Horsemen meet the second Monday of each month at First Security Bank.  Any questions should be directed to Terry Collins at 826-5595.

June 15, 2009 midnight

Hunters must register by July 15 for game damage hunt roster

Hunters interested in taking part in any game-damage hunting opportunities on private land this year must register between Monday, June 15 and July 15 with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP).

May 28, 2009 midnight

Warm weather welcomes noxious weeds

With higher temperatures on the way, local Montanans and visitors are hitting the great outdoors in pursuit of warm weather activities, including boating, swimming and hiking.

May 15, 2009 midnight

Hot Springs holds first juried art show

Melissa Oyer

April 29, 2009 midnight

Fair taking logo submissions

The Sanders County Fair Commission is soliciting logo designs which depict the uniquesness of the Sanders County Fair.