Saturday, March 01, 2025

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Plains' Mikiah Cook leads state 4-H Ambassador Team
August 10, 2022 midnight

Plains' Mikiah Cook leads state 4-H Ambassador Team

Mikiah Cook is not your average “politician.”

Church expels Paradise sewer board over gun incident
August 10, 2022 midnight

Church expels Paradise sewer board over gun incident

In a story that already has nearly as many twists and turns as the Idaho side of Lolo Pass, add a new hairpin corner to the Paradise Sewer saga.

Mineral County deputies train for water rescues
August 3, 2022 midnight

Mineral County deputies train for water rescues

Captains Scott Dodd and Josh Pecora with the Superior Volunteer Fire Department spent a recent afternoon training deputies with the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office on the fundamentals of using Rescue Bags.

August 3, 2022 midnight

Veterans support group highlights work of Sanders County artists

A major mission by Joint Operation Mariposa, a local veterans support group, will embark on a cross-country journey beginning Sept. 1.

New Plains store equips rock hounds
August 3, 2022 midnight

New Plains store equips rock hounds

Mining is a whole lot of knowledge mixed with a helping of persistence and topped off, often, by good old fashioned luck.

Hot Springs market exemplifies small-town America
August 3, 2022 midnight

Hot Springs market exemplifies small-town America

Norman Rockwell, the artist who often captured small-town, country living in his magazine adorning photographs, would have loved the Hot Springs Farmers Market.

Lawnmower races rule Wild Coyote summer celebration
August 3, 2022 midnight

Lawnmower races rule Wild Coyote summer celebration

Corey Frank already had it wrapped up. He had successfully won his time trials and heats and was in effect the champion lawn mower racer of the day.

Dixon 4-H'ers set the pace at livestock exhibits
July 27, 2022 midnight

Dixon 4-H'ers set the pace at livestock exhibits

There are all kinds of things most people think they will never see. Add sheep on a treadmill to the list.

What to know about reporting animal bite incidents in Mineral County
July 27, 2022 midnight

What to know about reporting animal bite incidents in Mineral County

Dog bites are a regular entry in the weekly Mineral County Sheriff’s log, with more reports coming in the spring and summer months.

July 27, 2022 midnight

Montana housing task force sets sights on 'actionable' solutions

Describing Montana’s housing crisis as “complicated,” Gov. Greg Gianforte welcomed his newly formed Housing Task Force to the state capitol Wednesday for its inaugural meeting.

New superintendent hopes to bring cooperative approach to Glacier
July 27, 2022 midnight

New superintendent hopes to bring cooperative approach to Glacier

When David Roemer earned his graduate degree from the University of Montana, he never dreamed he would later return to the state as the superintendent of Glacier National Park.

Riverdogs fall in semifinals of season finale tourney
July 20, 2022 midnight

Riverdogs fall in semifinals of season finale tourney

Anyone who has ever played fetch the stick at a local pond or lake with a retriever or other kind of “water” dog knows how tough and relentless these dogs can be.

Plains schools donates van to veterans program
July 20, 2022 midnight

Plains schools donates van to veterans program

For the longtime servant of Plains Public Schools, it was an inglorious last ride across the campus parking lot.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Mineral County Fair offers homespun charm

Mineral County (54) is Western Montana’s scenic gateway.

Plant Notes from the Arboretum: Blanket Flower
July 20, 2022 midnight

Plant Notes from the Arboretum: Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower (Gaillardia aristate) is a bold, showy, native wildflower that tolerates drought conditions.

St. Regis cancer survivor connects with church members through sign language
July 13, 2022 midnight

St. Regis cancer survivor connects with church members through sign language

When you first encounter St. Regis resident Jack Robertson, you would never know he suffers from a speech disability.

Noxon celebrates Independence Day
July 13, 2022 midnight

Noxon celebrates Independence Day

Famed American artist and illustrator Norman Rockwell would probably have loved every minute of the 2022 Noxon Fourth of July party.

Blackfoot Communications lays underground fiber optic cables
July 13, 2022 midnight

Blackfoot Communications lays underground fiber optic cables

Infrastructure changes other than highways and bridge repair and building are underway throughout Sanders County and western Montana.

Thompson Falls hosts annual Fourth parade
July 13, 2022 midnight

Thompson Falls hosts annual Fourth parade

Thompson Falls' annual Independence Day celebration brought large crowds and many venders to the area July 3. Sunny skies, warm weather, and many activities for both children and adults, drew people from all over western Montana.

Cabin Fever Quilting exhibit on display
July 13, 2022 midnight

Cabin Fever Quilting exhibit on display

“We only had about 12 people when we first started. I'm one of the charter members. Some have passed away, and others have left. We've never had a male member, but they would sure be welcome,” laughed Sherrill Christensen, with the Cabin Fever Quilters.