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Sheriff-elect to start anti-drug programs
MINERAL COUNTY – Along with the new sheriff in town will be coming new efforts to curb the use of illegal drugs and alcohol among students in Mineral County schools.

Local veterans help wrap up history unit
PLAINS – Just in time for Veterans Day, two junior high classes at Plains Public Schools dedicated their time to learn more about local veterans in the area.

Meeting set June 25 to discuss detention center future
After the Mineral County Detention Center closed six months ago due to a staff shortage, county commissioners will meet again with the CEO of a private prison organization to potentially form a deal and reopen the facility.

Commission discusses fair security, concert proposal
The Sanders County Fair Commission has approved the creation of a seasonal administrative position, which is set to begin in April. Advertising for the position will start in March.
Legislative update: Week 13
A very controversial bill came on March 31. It was a blast motion to get SB 305, changing our present voting system to mail-in ballots for this special election, on to the House floor for debate and a vote. It was brought by a blast motion which requires 60 votes to bring it out of committee. It failed to receive the votes. There was much discussion on the floor debate. Counties were in favor of the bill due to a cost savings in mail ballots. The reservation populations were very much against the bill due to the fact that the voter mailing lists are not accurate.

Alberton event raises 4-H funds
ALBERTON – A fundraiser last weekend in Alberton to raise money for the local 4-H chapter all depended upon a four-legged participant and her ability to “perform” on demand.

Garden digs into planting season
PLAINS – Gardeners flocked to the Plains Community Garden on Monday, June 2 for a kick-off to the season.

Daniel Ward Noonan
Daniel Ward Noonan

Searching the wilds of Montana for the elusive winged raptor
On a brisk Saturday morning wildlife biologist Brian Baxter and a group of avid bird watchers assembled at Beagle’s Bakery & Expresso in Thompson Falls.

Nutrition program a critical component of Plains schools
The Plains School Nutrition Program is a sometimes-overlooked part of the Plains school system, yet an especially important part of each student's day. For some children, school breakfast or lunch is their only source of a nutritious meal each day.

Local team takes the win at Hack and Blast
Spring not only brings the warm weather and sunshine, it also brings the annual Hack and Blast to the Plains Trap Club.
St. Regis Christmas light display contest
First place winner goes to Trina Lohman with her bright and colorful display on Main Street. Her decorations even included a Tiger with a Santa hat, which was fitting being across from St. Regis School.

Private island on Flathead Lake listed for $72 million
At 348 acres in size with three miles of shoreline, Cromwell Island in Flathead Lake is up for sale at $72 million.

Floyd Merlin Hermes
Floyd Merlin Hermes
Bison Range to undergo chip sealing operations
MOIESE - Be prepared for chip sealing of the paved roads at the National Bison Range during the week of June 1. The paved roads accessing the Visitor Center and the Day Use Area will be affected as well as the parking area at the Visitor Center. The Visitor Center and Red Sleep Mountain Drive will remain open throughout but visitors will need to follow the detour signs. The Day Use Area may also have restrictions during this time.

Shine Intergalactic draws crowd to Haugan
They came, they glowed and they danced in Haugan this weekend at the two-day long Shine Intergalactic festival.


Local athletes shine at tough Seely-Swan Invite
There were, as Thompson Falls track coach Trenna Ferris said, “29 teams and the competition was fierce.”

Game decided in fourth quarter
The game between the Plains Trotters and Thompson Falls Lady Hawks was a close match throughout the night. Eventually, in the fourth quarter the two teams were neck and neck, but a few key plays allowed the Trotters to pull ahead.
Plains elementary students jump rope for the American Heart Association
PLAINS - This week students will be jumping for a cause, as the Jump Rope for Heart Campaign kicks off at Plains Elementary.