Thursday, March 06, 2025

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April 14, 2021 midnight

Plains Lions, 4-H team up for spring cleaning

The South Side Sparks 4-H Club in Plains is planning a service project in their community...

Biologist sheds light on Montana black bears
April 14, 2021 midnight

Biologist sheds light on Montana black bears

With spring bear season open from April 15 through May 15...

A life well lived despite hard work and hard times
April 14, 2021 midnight

A life well lived despite hard work and hard times

By the time Grace Larson was 25, she had five children, had been divorced twice...

Mineral Co. Resource Coalition prepping for future projects
April 7, 2021 midnight

Mineral Co. Resource Coalition prepping for future projects

The east and west bound Quartz Rest Areas on I-90 both will be closed for construction in mid-March for a year...

Bonnie Laurie Franklin
April 7, 2021 midnight

Bonnie Laurie Franklin

Bonnie Laurie (Anderson) Franklin of Hot Springs, Montana, 58, tragically passed away in Nome, Alaska.

Burk paces  Blue Hawk thinclads to fourth at Bigfork Invite
April 7, 2021 midnight

Burk paces Blue Hawk thinclads to fourth at Bigfork Invite

Senior Cody Burk led the Blue Hawks with a win in the shot put at 47 feet...

Plains School addition progressing well
March 31, 2021 midnight

Plains School addition progressing well

In the 11 years that Thom Chisholm has been the Superintendent of the Plains Public Schools, he says the last 16-18 months have been harrowing.

Wildlife officials say to not harass animals while shed hunting
March 31, 2021 midnight

Wildlife officials say to not harass animals while shed hunting

Liz Bradley, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 2 biologist adds more information on the science side along with cautions for those who are ready to go scrounging for these treasured discoveries.

Wheeler siblings perform well in Keep Montana Green art contest
March 31, 2021 midnight

Wheeler siblings perform well in Keep Montana Green art contest

Keep Montana Green was formed in 1945 as a 501c3 non-profit that is dedicated to the prevention of human-caused wildfires.

Traveling equine clinic serves rural horse owners
March 31, 2021 midnight

Traveling equine clinic serves rural horse owners

The gray gelding is gentle and good with young riders...

March 31, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: A rainy night in Georgia

The point of the 253 bills that have been introduced by Republicans in 43 states is to make it more difficult...

Superior native brings nature to life in art work
March 24, 2021 midnight

Superior native brings nature to life in art work

For Tempe Regan, self-proclaimed nature artist it was while exploring one stone...

Lolo NF announces rate hikes; new cabin rentals
March 24, 2021 midnight

Lolo NF announces rate hikes; new cabin rentals

The Lolo National Forest is moving forward with implementing fee changes for developed recreation sites...

Spring prescribed burns planned on Lolo National Forest
March 24, 2021 midnight

Spring prescribed burns planned on Lolo National Forest

This spring, firefighters across the Lolo National Forest are planning to conduct prescribed burning to reduce...

March 24, 2021 midnight

Help available for NW Energy Montana customers

NorthWestern Energy Montana customers worried about their ability to pay winter energy bills should reach out.

Noxon School students step up to support Sanders Co. veterans
March 17, 2021 midnight

Noxon School students step up to support Sanders Co. veterans

The article was about the Joint Operations Mariposa group in Plains, which is well known for helping veterans, and their new project...

Frosty's Drive Inn has new owner, new name
March 17, 2021 midnight

Frosty's Drive Inn has new owner, new name

Best known for its burgers, fries, and milkshakes, Frosty’s Drive-in has been a town favorite...

Alberton School students benefit from 'Spruce-Up'
March 17, 2021 midnight

Alberton School students benefit from 'Spruce-Up'

Who doesn’t feel spiffy when you’ve just had a terrific haircut?

March 17, 2021 midnight

Native students may apply for healthcare scholarships

The fund will provide $15,000 in scholarships to associate, or enrolled members of Montana federally recognized tribes who...

March 17, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: Fraud or fiction?

The soul of democracy is the ability of individuals to have a say in their own future, embodied in the right to vote.