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Let's really reduce the cost of healthcare
We all know something is very wrong with the cost of health care in this country. But is the answer more bureaucracy or less?
Glacier's gift
Autumn is my favorite season. Maybe it’s the bright colors, the cooler temperatures or the general slowing down of life in this summer recreation haven. Maybe it’s nostalgia for the start of a new school year and the excitement of high school sports playoffs. Friday night football games, Saturday cross country meets, it’s hard to not be happy during those few perfect weeks when summer scorchers transition into crisp afternoons.
Coach hopes to motivate players with tough love
HOT SPRINGS - The Lady Savage Heat split their two matches last week with a loss to St. Regis in four sets, but came out on top against Two Eagle River in straight sets.
Sanders County Senior News

Wooldridge achieves childhood dream
You can ask her friends, family and teammates about it. They teased her relentlessly after every victory in the Class B-C state tennis tournament for how nervous she was prior to each match.

Elda E. (Richard) Greeno
Elda E. (Richard) Greeno was born July 10th, 1935 in Bisbee, North Dakota. She was one of six children born to Elnora “Elly” McLean and Fred Richard. Elda was baptized & confirmed in the Lutheran faith and received her formal education at Egeland, North Dakota.

Championship comeback
For the first time ever softball teams in the west had a chance to prove their worth on the field before heading to state and it was Thompson Falls who came out on top bouncing back from a rough start to defeat Loyola 7-3 to be crowned Western B-C champs.
An update from Rep. Ingraham
It’s been a little over a year since I shared with you some resources which may be of value to you in helping to alleviate some of your medicinal concerns and struggles. And since it might be the last time I am able to pass along the information due to my term coming to a close, I did not want to miss this opportunity to share some information with you again.
Montana Viewpoint
Jim Elliott
Battle of ideologies
Power, power everywhere—power, power; who really cares? It’s quite obvious the stakes are so very high and political parties stop at nothing short of desperate manipulation to win that almighty power for the political candidate. This power is to be greedily grasped no matter what the cost—cherish that power—hoard it. The political office holder is in control of that power and becomes a member of the “political elite.” Well, enough is enough.
Tick season is back; take precautions
As spring turns to summer, Montanans and tourists are beginning to venture farther into the outdoors to get away from that hustle and bustle of the work week; it is also signals the start of tick season.
Chaos and disrespect
Utter chaos and confusion is what engulfed the meeting room of the Republican Party when they met last week.

An old stars and stripes with 48 stars found in courthouse
A Mineral County employee stumbled across a little piece of history in the Mineral County Courthouse last week, while examining the building for repairs.
Celebrating the urban chicken craze
While many have just recently hopped onto the backyard chicken bandwagon, others have doing it for decades.

Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay
So another week in the gorgeous northwest part of the state, and I found one of the best roads to drive down.

Mineral County Community Foundation scholarship winners
Established in 1994 when a generous donor gave $95,000 to the county, the Mineral County Community Foundation was established.

Lady Bobcats battle at divisional tourney
They battled their way out of the tangled world that is Montana Western 14C high school volleyball.

Wildlife officials say to not harass animals while shed hunting
Liz Bradley, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 2 biologist adds more information on the science side along with cautions for those who are ready to go scrounging for these treasured discoveries.

The War for Independence
By the time independence was declared July 4, 1776, colonial Americans had already endured decades of heavy handed British rule. The war actually broke out 14 months prior when 700 British regulars secretly dispatched under cover of darkness to capture colonial arms at Concord. Tensions had been building for years, but it was this military action of April 18, 1775 that triggered Paul Revere’s famous midnight ride -- calling fellow citizens to arms.
COLUMN: Failed resolutions
I really don’t make New Years’ resolutions any more.