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July 25, 2022 midnight

Pickup driver hits family in East Glacier, kills 2 with shotgun

Montana authorities say a man drove his pickup truck into a family as they walked in a tourist village bordering Glacier National Park and opened fire at them with a shotgun.

Paradise: Water District resolution seeks to recoup funds
July 20, 2022 midnight

Paradise: Water District resolution seeks to recoup funds

Saddle up friends and foes, dudes and dudettes, there’s more riding to do and some potentially hazardous trails to head down.

Plains schools donates van to veterans program
July 20, 2022 midnight

Plains schools donates van to veterans program

For the longtime servant of Plains Public Schools, it was an inglorious last ride across the campus parking lot.

Superior heptathlete Reese earns trip to national meet
July 20, 2022 midnight

Superior heptathlete Reese earns trip to national meet

The legacy continues to grow for Superior High School track and field standout Sorren Reese.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Mineral County Fair offers homespun charm

Mineral County (54) is Western Montana’s scenic gateway.

July 20, 2022 midnight

4-H'ers prepare for Mineral County Fair shows

The Mineral County Fair is the highlight of the 4-H year. The 2022 theme "Fun Galore in the 54" invites all ages to join in the festivities Aug. 4-6, at the Mineral County Fairgrounds in Superior.

Hunters help clear abandoned wire in Montana elk country
July 20, 2022 midnight

Hunters help clear abandoned wire in Montana elk country

Plastics are destroying aquatic life in the oceans. Wind turbines are killing bats and birds that fly into them. And vacated wire is causing slow, painful deaths for elk on the Idaho-Montana state line.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Trout Creek Senior Center hosts two events in July

The Trout Creek Senior Center will be hosting two events in July. The first event will be an Open House on Saturday, July 23 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The second event is the Trout Creek Senior Center Yard Sale on Saturday, July 30 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Flathead cherry harvest a few weeks away

Storms, floods, and cooler weather are expected to delay the first harvest of Flathead Lake cherries this year. Despite the delay and a few orchards that suffered damage due to hail, Flathead Lake Cherry Growers are still expecting an abundant harvest this summer.

Troy man kills 2 wolves that attacked his pet goats
July 20, 2022 midnight

Troy man kills 2 wolves that attacked his pet goats

There are two fewer wolves on the prowl in Lincoln County.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Legals for July, 20 2022

St. Regis cancer survivor connects with church members through sign language
July 13, 2022 midnight

St. Regis cancer survivor connects with church members through sign language

When you first encounter St. Regis resident Jack Robertson, you would never know he suffers from a speech disability.

July 13, 2022 midnight

Legals for July, 13 2022

Noxon celebrates Independence Day
July 13, 2022 midnight

Noxon celebrates Independence Day

Famed American artist and illustrator Norman Rockwell would probably have loved every minute of the 2022 Noxon Fourth of July party.

Blackfoot Communications lays underground fiber optic cables
July 13, 2022 midnight

Blackfoot Communications lays underground fiber optic cables

Infrastructure changes other than highways and bridge repair and building are underway throughout Sanders County and western Montana.

July 13, 2022 midnight

Dogs sweep Mariners in Legion action

Baseball is an amazing game. One day you are mired in a slump where you can’t hit the barn door with both hands. A couple days later ...

Emergency response service comes to Mineral County
July 13, 2022 midnight

Emergency response service comes to Mineral County

Residents of Mineral County now have the ability to create a free Emergency Health Profile to share medical information with the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office.

Cabin Fever Quilting exhibit on display
July 13, 2022 midnight

Cabin Fever Quilting exhibit on display

“We only had about 12 people when we first started. I'm one of the charter members. Some have passed away, and others have left. We've never had a male member, but they would sure be welcome,” laughed Sherrill Christensen, with the Cabin Fever Quilters.

July 13, 2022 midnight

'Better Together' event planned for Sunday

A local group of Mineral and Sanders County residents are holding another event this year to pull friends and neighbors together to celebrate what unites us as communities. The second annual “Better Together: A Community Celebration” will feature music, speakers, games for children, plus food and beverages.

July 13, 2022 midnight

Hunter ed course planned in August

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will be holding an in-person classroom course Monday, Aug. 8 through Friday, Aug. 12 from 6-9 p.m. in the Superior Ranger District Office, 309 West Riverside Ave.