Monday, March 10, 2025

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Joyce Babcock Lehman
March 31, 2021 midnight

Joyce Babcock Lehman

Joyce Babcock Lehman was born July 28, 1927, in Davis County, Iowa, and died March 22, 2021.

September 3, 2009 midnight

Superior Fire Department barbecue and open house

If you are looking for a fun way to start off Labor Day weekend or just want an evening out, the Superior Volunteer Fire Department has the answer for you. On Friday, September 4th through 8th, the Department will be holding a fundraiser barbecue on the Courthouse lawn, together with a fire station open house. This event has been made possible through generous donations of cash and needed supplies and discounts for community merchants. Donations are still rolling in. A full list will be made available after the event. Come join us for a fun evening and a good start to the holiday weekend. Headed out of town for the weekend? Stop and have dinner with us on the way by.

Clark Fork perfect for 'playboaters'
March 4, 2008 midnight

Clark Fork perfect for 'playboaters'

When winter closes in on the mountains of Western Montana, it often means the end of any and all water sports until summer shows its sunny head.

October 6, 2021 midnight

Noxon Public School announces free, reduced-price lunch policy

The complete policy is on file in the central office and may be reviewed by any interested party.

March 5, 2020 4:43 p.m.

Plains Paradise Senior Center here to help

Aging affects us all and the Plains Paradise Senior Citizens Center is here to help.

February 21, 2018 4 a.m.

We should all be tested for HIV and Hep C

The Centers for Disease Control released a predictive study titled “County-level Vulnerability Assessment for Rapid Dissemination of HIV or HCV Infections among Persons who Inject Drugs” in summer 2016 that was intended to identify potential locations where an outbreak could occur. Mineral County ended up on this list based on the risk factors they looked at. Mineral County has risk just like any other county or tribal jurisdiction, but fortunately we have not experienced any increase in acute Hepatitis C or HIV infections.

October 9, 2014 5:17 p.m.

No charges filed in wolf incident

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks ended its investigation today into a Facebook posting from Missoula resident Toby Bridges, where he claimed to have killed a wolf and injured another with his vehicle on Interstate 90 just east of the Idaho border. After having the Mineral County Attorney’s office review the investigation, FWP will not be filing any charges in this case.

July 24, 2013 11:52 a.m.


Live off the Rez? Not worried about Reserved water rights? Well the DNRC is, as you may read below.

Plains resident proof good things come in small packages
September 30, 2020 midnight

Plains resident proof good things come in small packages

Some people accept defeat. Others make lemonade out of lemons. Such is the case with Plains resident Jennay Ovitt, who has turned life’s lemons into something very palatable. As a result, she and many others may soon be able to do the same.

April 3, 2024 midnight

Superior posts strong results at Corvallis meet

It was a good test for the opening meet of the season for several of the Montana high school track and field teams.

St. Regis golfers win Plains Invite
April 17, 2024 midnight

St. Regis golfers win Plains Invite

One thing was certain following the 2024 version of the Plains Invitational high school golf tournament this past Friday in Plains: there are some pretty good young golfers in St. Regis and Florence.

January 13, 2021 midnight

Clark Fork wrestlers begin season victorious

After weeks of schedule changes and Covid-related issues, the Clark Fork Mountain Cats wrestlers...

Hopes are high for experienced Plains volleyball team
August 25, 2021 midnight

Hopes are high for experienced Plains volleyball team

Coach Jesse Butcher welcomed approximately 20 players who turned out for the sport this past week.

Blue Hawks earn all-state honors
March 23, 2022 midnight

Blue Hawks earn all-state honors

Good news and bad news for the Thompson Falls girls and boys basketball team.

Terry James Prongua, 74
April 20, 2022 midnight

Terry James Prongua, 74

Terry James Prongua, 74, of Hot Springs passed away on April 11, 2022.

Fred Fike
November 23, 2022 midnight

Fred Fike

Fred Fike

Piranhas place three at state swimming contest
August 8, 2008 midnight

Piranhas place three at state swimming contest

The Plains Piranhas competed at the State Swim Meet in Fort Benton this past weekend and they had quite a showing.

Out of the ashes come mushrooms: 2017 brings good crop
June 21, 2017 2:03 p.m.

Out of the ashes come mushrooms: 2017 brings good crop

Mushroom buyers have been in Sanders County for about a month now as both locals and professional commercial pickers collect the morels from the vast area burned last year in the Copper King Fire. According to Dena Wiley and Robin Daems, two of the buyers out of Washington State, the Conicals are reaching the end of their season while the Greys are just coming in. At the peak of the season pickers were bringing in about 1000 pounds per day while now the take is about 200 lbs.

Lacy assumes role as Thompson Falls mayor
November 14, 2018 6:55 p.m.

Lacy assumes role as Thompson Falls mayor

It’s a very familiar face in the position as new mayor of Thompson Falls.

August 30, 2016 7:56 a.m.

Cats, Tigers take fourth at Drummond Invitational

The varsity volleyball teams headed to Drummond last Saturday to participate in the Class C Drummond Invitational. Both the Clark Fork Mountain Cats and the St. Regis Tigers came in fourth place in their respective pools. There were two pools of eight teams for a total of 16 teams competing.