Friday, February 28, 2025

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December 9, 2020 midnight

Paradise sewer opponents continue fight against project

There’s been a lot of digging going on concerning the proposed Paradise sewer system but not a shovel...

December 9, 2020 midnight

Montana legislative leaders name committee chairs

The appointments indicate that pragmatic 'Solutions Caucus' Republicans will continue...

Season extended for Elk B license holders
December 2, 2020 midnight

Season extended for Elk B license holders

Some Elk B license holders will have extended hunting opportunity...

December 2, 2020 midnight

Montana DNRC plans cross-boundary forest projects

The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation next month will begin...

Phyllis Kujath Dana White
December 2, 2020 midnight

Phyllis Kujath Dana White

Phyllis E. White, 73, passed away Sunday, Nov. 15...

Superior's Turner honored for work with Healthy, Happy Hikers
November 25, 2020 midnight

Superior's Turner honored for work with Healthy, Happy Hikers

Monte Turner of Superior has been recognized...

November 25, 2020 midnight

Recreational Marijuana Licenses Available by October 2021

Recreational Marijuana Licenses Available by October 2021

November 25, 2020 midnight

Governor-elect Gianforte Names Transition Advisory Team for Fish, Wildlife, and Parks

Governor-elect Gianforte Names Transition Advisory Team for Fish, Wildlife, and Parks

November 18, 2020 midnight

Montana Master Hunter Program registration deadline Nov. 30

One Montana’s Master Hunter Program is accepting applications October 1, 2020 - November 30, 2020 for our 2021 classes.

Lady Hawks make memorable run to state playoffs
November 18, 2020 midnight

Lady Hawks make memorable run to state playoffs

In that respect, the Thompson Falls Lady Blue Hawks volleyball team had by all accounts a really good year.

Paradise residents continue fight against sewer plan
November 18, 2020 midnight

Paradise residents continue fight against sewer plan

Paradise residents continue fight against sewer plan

Mineral County eyes 911 system overhaul
November 18, 2020 midnight

Mineral County eyes 911 system overhaul

Mineral County eyes 911 system overhaul

November 18, 2020 midnight

Area gridders make 6-man football all-state team

All-star honors are pouring in for area 6-player high school football teams

November 11, 2020 midnight

Mineral County Sheriff's Office employees quarantined due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has struck the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office.

November 11, 2020 midnight

Missoula tax cheat convicted of fraud

Jury convicts Missoula CPA of filing false tax returns

Hot Springs homicide suspect, victim shared residence
November 11, 2020 midnight

Hot Springs homicide suspect, victim shared residence

Hot Springs homicide suspect, victim shared residence

Jonkel shares insights into mountain lions
November 4, 2020 midnight

Jonkel shares insights into mountain lions

But with everything huntable now, mountain lion sightings will become more prevalent.

Horsemen outlast Seeley-Swan in Snow Bowl, 6-0
October 28, 2020 midnight

Horsemen outlast Seeley-Swan in Snow Bowl, 6-0

The great 2020 Plains Snow Bowl. The legend will grow and so will the stories that will last a lifetime for those involved.

October 28, 2020 midnight

That burglar was just a dog walker

Deputies responded to a burglary alarm, but it was a case of dog walking. Case closed.

Cleo Dean Sutton, 73
October 21, 2020 midnight

Cleo Dean Sutton, 73

Cleo Dean Sutton, 73, went to the arms of Jesus after a two-and-one-half year battle with cancer on Monday, Oct. 12, with his family by his side.