Sunday, March 02, 2025

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Sanders County Fair Board looks for new fair manager
November 15, 2023 midnight

Sanders County Fair Board looks for new fair manager

November’s Sanders County Fair Board meeting saw a larger than normal attendance in anticipation of finding a new fair manager.

Dance workout proves popular
April 22, 2020 7:20 p.m.

Dance workout proves popular

Oula is a high energy dance workout class that is choreographed to current chart-topping music hits.

Superior-Alberton's Comeback Kids
May 8, 2013 12:30 p.m.

Superior-Alberton's Comeback Kids

Superior High School senior’s Hillary Stevens and Myranda Kuhl had their first experience playing doubles tennis together at the state tournament freshman year.

October 31, 2010 7 p.m.

Mental health clinics held

More than 19 million people in the United State suffer from depression annually. Many factors can lead to depression including unrealistic goals, financial stress, family expectations, and change of schedule or eating habits. According to Neil Nedley, MD, a few lifestyle changes may be all you need to break free of the trap of depression.

Ghosts haunt Alberton School for Halloween
October 31, 2017 3:13 p.m.

Ghosts haunt Alberton School for Halloween

Alberton Student Council members hosted their annual haunted house on Saturday night in the elementary school. Classrooms were made into scary settings where dolls and teddy bears talked. Ghosts and goblins haunted the stairs and a scary clown along with his ghoulish friend chased visitors through the halls and into the cafeteria which was turned into a cobwebbed tunnel of screaming delight.

January 26, 2011 1:48 p.m.

Lady Devils fall to Vals

The Vikings kept their District 14-C record perfect as they halted Noxon’s five-game winning streak, by defeating the Lady Devils, 35-23, on Saturday.

December 21, 2016 11:50 a.m.

Mineral County facing possible funding cuts

Residents could see tax hike

Lolo NF announces rate hikes; new cabin rentals
March 24, 2021 midnight

Lolo NF announces rate hikes; new cabin rentals

The Lolo National Forest is moving forward with implementing fee changes for developed recreation sites...

January 5, 2011 1:37 p.m.

Lady Panthers split games

After a week of practice, the Alberton girls will be back on the courts this week playing against Seeley and Hot Springs. But before they took a week to hone their skills during Christmas break, the girls faced defeat against Victor, losing 38-41, but netted a victory against Phillipsburg.

Work group discusses Plains growth policy update
March 8, 2023 midnight

Work group discusses Plains growth policy update

Sanders County residents met last week at the Paradise Center to discuss future growth in and around Plains.

St. Regis wins battle of the Tigers
September 7, 2022 midnight

St. Regis wins battle of the Tigers

The St. Regis Lady Tigers won in all aspects of the battle of Tigers with Darby Saturday afternoon.

October 14, 2010 10:54 a.m.

Noxon drops third straight game

A 30-point third quarter was enough to give Arlee a 60-26 advantage on Friday versus Noxon.

The loneliest cowgirl in Sanders County
October 21, 2009 midnight

The loneliest cowgirl in Sanders County

Matt Unrau

February 2, 2016 3:27 p.m.

Operation Hygiene

A Mineral County school counselor contacted Monte Turner at the Mineral Community Hospital in December and asked if they had any hygiene products they could donate to the school. The counselor explained that, though they teach hygiene to their students, it continues to be a big problem.

November 6, 2013 12:27 p.m.

Only 36 percent of KNF eligible for harvest?

Sadly, the new Kootenai National Forest Plan deems 64% of Montana’s most productive forest off limits to timber harvest. Compared to the 1987 plan, this represents a 20% jump in acreage that cannot be harvested. Nearly 1 million acres of viable timber land on the KNF will be officially out of production due to “other” management objectives.

Thompson Falls Woman's Club helps out
July 15, 2015 3:14 p.m.

Thompson Falls Woman's Club helps out

THOMPSON FALLS - Friday morning at 10:30am, a generous gift was donated to the Sanders County Coalition for Families (SCCFF).

Rehberg: uphill battle to get logging revitalized in county
April 2, 2008 midnight

Rehberg: uphill battle to get logging revitalized in county

Mineral County welcomed Montana's only representative in the U.S. House of Representatives in Superior Wednesday for a talk with community members about issues facing rural Montana.

Hospital receives $400,000 grant for diagnostic tool
April 13, 2017 12:26 p.m.

Hospital receives $400,000 grant for diagnostic tool

Across from the front door lobby at Mineral Community Hospital, there’s a room with an ominous yellow warning sign with red letters which reads, “Caution: Do Not Open, Radiation Area”. What’s behind that closed door is a large donut shaped machine with a gurney-style bed called a “scanning couch”.

An update from Rep. Pat Ingraham
April 3, 2013 10:24 a.m.

An update from Rep. Pat Ingraham

On Monday, March 25th, a date requested by the Governor, as a member of the House Human Services Committee, I and other members of the committee heard House Bill 590 – Medicaid Expansion, a big issue for the Legislature. On Wednesday, March 27th, the House Human Services Committee took executive action on HB 590 and on a partisan vote, Republicans opposing and Democrats supporting, HB 590, the Medicaid expansion bill, failed to pass the committee.

Superior recycling program races funding shortfall
July 31, 2024 midnight

Superior recycling program races funding shortfall

There is a danger of the recycling program in Superior of shutting down due to the lack of adequate donations to cover the costs for the bin pulls.