Wednesday, April 27
Elections 2016
In this election cycle the entire US House of Representatives, 435 members, are up for re-election.

Becoming an Outdoors-Woman is great experience
Superior resident, Peggy Temple, has been fly fishing for at least 30 years and has guided both men and women on fishing float trips down the Clark Fork River for the past four years with her husband, Steve. They own the fishing guide service, “Clark Fork Trout”, and when Peggy was asked to be a fly fishing instructor for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks “Becoming an Outdoors-Woman” program, she jumped at the chance.

Staff Infection' sweeps dodgeball tournament
The Business Professionals of America (BPA) Dodgeball tournament was held Friday, March 25th, 2016. Seven teams participated including Staff Infection; Haskins Excavating; Dodge Father; Dream Bombers; Throw Bo Cops; and the Miss-fits. Each team paid $60 that would go towards fundraising for the Superior BPA Chapter. The proceeds will provide accommodations and registration at the Regional and State Leadership Conferences.
Applicants, projects sought for County Resource Advisory Committee
Mineral County and Forest Service officials are soliciting applications from individuals to fill several positions on the Mineral County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC). The committee is responsible for making recommendations on projects that provide benefit to Forest Service land within Mineral County. Funding and administration for Mineral County RAC projects are provided under the authority of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act.
Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Wyatt Zylawy of Superior
Montana Senator Steve Daines recognized Wyatt Zylawy on April 22, for his outstanding achievements in his recent Coast Guard training and for his noble commitment to serving our country. Zylway graduated from Superior High School in 2015, and joined the Coast Guard. Zylawy was recognized through Daines “Montanan of the Week” initiative, where each week he will highlight a Montanan by submitting a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress.

Puddle jumping at Seeley-Swan Invitational
Puddle jumping was the biggest event at Saturdays Seeley-Swan Invitational track meet at Missoula County Stadium at Big Sky High School in Missoula. Teams from across western Montana attended the event as rain pounded down on spectators and players most of the day.
Mining company asks to use Taft area roads
On April 8, 2016 the U.S. Department of Agriculture released a statement that Transatlantic of Idaho LLC had requested to conduct an exploratory drilling project on lands administered by the Idaho Panhandle National Forests.

Superior sisters race for childhood hunger
April 11-17 marked the second annual statewide Fight Childhood Hunger Week in conjunction with Global Youth Service Day. An initiative of Governor and First Lady Bullock’s Youth Leadership Council to fight childhood hunger.
SHERIFF'S REPORT April 16 - April 22
April 16 Traffic Stop, I90 eastbound, mile marker 47
Mineral County Justice Court April 15-April 22, 2016
Community Events April 27, 2016
Mineral County high school graduations:

Pizza and air conditioners a part of Earth Day clean-up on Clark Fork River
Lots of cans, paper, and plastic is what students in Alberton found while picking up garbage in celebration of Earth Day last week.

St. Regis School to adopt new teaching method
Personalized learning, mentorship, self- direction, goal setting, deeper learning, community,” these are just a few of the words used to describe the new Summit Basecamp learning program that the St. Regis school district will adopt for next year.

Kindergarten Roundup lassoing new students
Kindergarten Roundup was held in Mineral County schools last week. This event gives local children who will be starting Kindergarten, and their parents, the opportunity to visit the school and meet their new teacher.

Pinocchio entertains audiences in Superior
The Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) arrived in Superior last week and within five days presented local audiences with a stellar production of “Pinocchio”.
Tuesday, April 26

Dan and Roxanna Ryan
Dan and Roxanna Ryan listen to words of support from a member of the crowd.

Justin Ryan speaks at the support gathering for Jake Ryan, who is detained in Oregon.
Justin Ryan speaks at the VFW on Sunday night.

Jake Ryan Support Gathering at Plains VFW
Dan and Roxanna Ryan address the gathering of people at the Plains VFW on Sunday, April 24, 2016.

Family, Friends Support Jake Ryan
Thursday, April 21

Tales from the 1910 Fires
Excerpts from Mineral County Historical Society 1985 paper.
Syrian refugees are not welcome in Sanders County
THOMPSON FALLS — The message is clear from the Sanders County Board of Commissioners: We do not want Syrian refugees on our land, “draining” resources, “impacting” the tax base, and possibly putting everyone in harm’s way. In an official letter addressing the issue, the commissioners cite a vetting process that is “foolproof”—meaning, one that cannot fail. Ever. And so, they have heard many voices ranging from Syrians are automatically terrorists to anti-Muslim attitudes—because according to many people, being a Muslim is proof of an egregious slight against the laws of God and nature.
Wednesday, April 20

Tanker trailer crashes, 2,200 gallons of gasoline spilled
Emergency crews from the area managed to contain the spill to 2,200 gallons. 6,000 gallons of gasoline was being hauled when the trailer detached from the truck and crashed into the raven in an early evening accident near Alberton on Wednesday

Road construction, bridges, and railroad signs discussed at meeting
The Montana Department of Transportation met with county commissioners last week to discuss upcoming highway projects. Some are slated to begin this week on I90.

Animals vaccinated at Ninemile Ranger Station
Once the horses and mules are vaccinated, they are released back into the pasture at the Nine Mile Ranger Station.
Thursday, April 14

The kids will be all right: Two key administrators will retire in June
St. Regis Superintendent, Judy McKay will retire in June, as well as Superior's high school principal, Allan Labbe.
Facebook post warns of man suspected of DirectTV Scam
Last week there was a post on Facebook warning neighbors to be on the lookout for a man who was posing as a Dish ad DirectTV employee. Reports indicate that he was going door-to-door in the neighborhoods of Alberton and Superior, telling people that he could give them a better rate on their satellite services.
Electronic billboards may soon be allowed on I-90
Electronic billboards was a main topic of discussion at a Montana Transportation Commission hearing in Helena on Friday, April 1.
Wednesday, April 13

Alberton drama club imparts cautionary tales in production of "Aesop's Updated Fables
Alberton drama student Nick Turnbull plays The Grapes in Aesop’s fable “The Fox and the Grapes,” with fellow thespians Bethany Shaske, Mackenzie Spence, and Montanna Baughman.

Gas pries jump more than 6 percent in Montana
Mineral County residents have seen an increase in gas prices over the past few weeks with prices hovering around $1.98 per gallon. Nationally oil prices rose more than 6 percent according to a report released on April 8

Gas prices jump more than 6 percent in Montana
Mineral County residents have seen a jump in the price of gas over the past few weeks, with current prices hovering around $1.98 per gallon. According to industry reports, oil prices rose more than 6 percent on Friday, April 8 to end with the biggest weekly gain in a month as drawdowns in U.S. crude stockpiles fed hopes that a punishing global oversupply may be approaching a tipping point after nearly two years.
Resource coalition has projects in the works
The Mineral County Resource Coalition held their monthly meeting in early March to discuss various projects happening in the area. The coalition consists of department personnel from the U.S. Forest Service, the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks, and the MSU Mineral County Extension office.

Sixth-grade science Class awarded Chromebooks
St. Regis sixth-graders explore their new Chromebooks with their teacher, Mrs. Gingerich. Left to right: Carter Jasper, Taylor Hurd, Breezy and Sunny Shoupe, Karmen Alexander

The kids will be all right: Two key administrators to retire in June
Principal and Athletic Director, Allan Labbe will be retiring at the end of this school year after 32 years with Superior High School. Labbe said that he “wants to be able to do some things before he’s too dang old to do them.”

The Kids will be all right: Two key school administrators to retire in June
For Allan Labbe it’s just a typical day at Superior High School as he guzzles a cup of coffee and hustles down the hall to teach his algebra class. But a “typical day” for Labbe will soon change because he will retire as the high school principal at the end of this school year.
Saturday, April 9

Glenn and Donna Hadley
Glenn Hadley holds his wife Donna's hand at the Plains Wading Pool dedication on March 26, 2015.
Friday, April 8

Glenn E. Hadley
Glenn Hadley sits at the Plains Wading Pool dedication on March 26.

Local artist Andrea Fernandez
Andrea Fernandez stands next to her painting.

Mr. Gross Mouth
Mr. Gross Mouth is used as a teaching tool about the dangers of tobacco use. Here students place real smokeless tobacco, or snuff, underneath a tongue.

Plains deer
The Plains deer, photographed in early March near City Hall.
Wednesday, April 6

Glenn E. Hadley

Plains resident, Oregon standoff suspect arrested
Jake Ryan was arrested Tuesday in Vancouver, Wash., according to Sanders County Undersheriff Lanning Hensley.

'Art at the Edge' a big success for PEAK Foundation
PEAK member Laura Acker holds a painting up for bid at an art auction on Saturday, March 26, at the River Edge in Alberton, which featured work by nationally reknowned artists, as well as local artists, including some high school students’ pieces.
Tuesday, April 5
Community Events April 5, 2016
Bands wanted for Alberton's Railroad Day for day and evening entertainment. Application deadline May 1. Food and craft vendors also wanted. There will also be a talent show for grade school students for 6th, 8th and 12 grades. Information at

St. Regis audience goes wild for production of 'Fiddler on the Roof'
On March 17 St. Regis drama students put on the most ambitious play they’ve ever produced.

St. Regis , Superior show promise at Jim Johnson meet
The Jim Johnson Invitational Track and Field tournament was held at the Frenchtown High School on Thursday, March 31. The tournament, named in honor of long-time Alberton teacher and coach, Jim Johnson, hosted 27 schools. Johnson, who is now retired, was still on-hand to record times and help organize the event where students spent the day running, jumping, and throwing in their respective sports under mostly sunny skies.

Partnership Health Center opens new location
Partnership Health Center in Superior is now open in its new location at 405 Brooklyn Ave, just a few blocks from Mineral Community Hospital.
Little Joe Road project back on the table again
Improvement on the North Fork of the Little Joe Road is one step closer to construction. Little Joe Road is located six miles west of St. Regis. Last Thursday Mineral County commissioners approved a federal land access proposal application to be submitted to the federal highways administration.
Mineral County Justice Court
March 28, Jeanne Kathryn Dennison, Fail to keep vehicle under control
Mineral County Sheriffs Report
March 27, Ambulance, Sloway Frontage Rd. East

FFA members bust out in March
A team consisting of Jasper, Drobny, Dufresne participated in the State Agricultural Mechanics contest, and the Hill sisters debated and voted on new FFA policies for next year in the delegate sessions. Members also got to show their stuff on the dance floor and attend a hypnotist show. There was also a trade show where students had the opportunity to see a variety of different career opportunities in the agriculture industry. The group also went to the Museum of the Rockies, and the Bozeman Agricultural Research and Teaching Farm.Madison had to complete 25 hours of community service and dedicate 350 hours to her agricultural experience project. Her project was raising and showing steers at the county fair in Superior for 4-H and FFA over the past three years.“It’s the second most prestigious degree you can get,” said Nielsen.At the conference, members participated in several days of workshops, meetings, award ceremonies, and guest speakers including Senator Steve Daines. Over 90 other Montana chapters were in attendance. At the conference, Madison Hill received a State FFA Degree.Next, members were off to the 86th Annual Montana FFA State Conference in Bozeman from March 30 until April 2. Attendees were Madison Hill, Emma Hill, Jacob Jasper, Josh Drobny, Damon Dufresne, Chloe Goss, and Kaitlin Jackson.It was the first time the organization had this type of event and Nielsen said that it was a great success and that they hope to do it again. Another activity was a giant spider web made out of PVC pipes and yarn. There were several holes in the web and teams had to get all their members through the holes without touching the yarn. The kids also did Karaoke, danced, played with Nerf guns, and ate loads of food brought in by each student for a pot luck. “For example, we had teams of six people and they stood on two boards and had to walk together in order to move the boards forward. If the team isn’t coordinated, than it won’t work and you can’t move,” said Nielsen.The event went from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. and included several team building activities. The activities required skills that included good communication, team-work, and cooperation.The FFA Officer team consists of President, Madison Hill; Vice President, Anna Sanford; Treasurer, Emma Hill; Secretary, Nicole Orrison; Reporter Travis Jaquez; Sentinel Jacob Jasper.“It was to promote FFA and have a night of fun in a positive environment,” she said.The members then hosted a “Lock-In” at St. Regis High School on March 25, where they invited other students to join in the fun. FFA advisor, Hollie Nielsen, said that 29 students participated in the event where they played games, and stayed in the gym overnight. Madison Hill, Anna Sanford and Travis Jaquez’s team placed second in Agricultural Communications, and Emma Hill, Nicole Orrison, and Kaitlin Jackson’s team placed ninth. Also, Madison Hill placed third High Individual in Agricultural Communication. On the fourth, members traveled to Cascade Montana for the JAAM State Contest. At JAAM, teams competed in categories including job interview; agriculture issues; agriculture marketing, along with career development events. The St. Regis Future Farmers of America (FFA) youth organization had a busy March. The organization attended the JAAM State Contest, hosted a Lock-In, and attended the State Conference in Bozeman.