Monday, March 03, 2025

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Clarence M. Fried, 89
September 16, 2020 midnight

Clarence M. Fried, 89

Clarence M. Fried

March 19, 2020 10:03 a.m.

Republican Committee to host PSC candidate Champ Edmunds

The Mineral County Republican Central Committee is hosting a series of meet and greets for candidates running for local, state and federal offices.

Hot skillet sparks house fire
November 22, 2017 11:04 a.m.

Hot skillet sparks house fire

A skillet left on a stove was the cause of a house fire on Sunday.

Savenac Pond to get facelift through state grant program
April 7, 2021 midnight

Savenac Pond to get facelift through state grant program

Savenac Pond has hosted a kids fishing day...

Wild Horse Plains Car and Bike Show sparkles
September 12, 2018 1:26 p.m.

Wild Horse Plains Car and Bike Show sparkles

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon at the Clark Fork Valley Hospital car park as long term care residents along with plenty of locals turned out to the third annual Wild Horse Plains Car and Bike Show.

December 11, 2013 1:16 p.m.

An update from Rep. Schwaderer

Boy, did my jumper cables get a workout this past week.

Plains girls claim sixth at state XC meet
October 25, 2023 midnight

Plains girls claim sixth at state XC meet

If you are a coach at either of Sanders County’s two cross country schools, you may spend some of the next few months shopping for sunglasses.

July 16, 2008 midnight

Restore Multiple Use by Coordination

Have you ever tried to determine what "multiple use" of our National Forests really means? Here is my stab at making a comprehensive list of uses: timber harvest (green trees and salvage), commercial mining (minerals), architectural rock mining, recreational mining, firewood gathering, berrypicking, mushroom picking, harvest of beargrass, fishing, hunting, guiding/outfitting, ranching (grazing), water for irrigation, farming, haying, water use, hydroelectric power, fire lookouts, electronic sites, snowmobiling, riding trails on vehicles such as ATVs and motorcycles, sightseeing from cars and trucks, hiking/backpacking, camping, boating, birdwatching, photography, rockclimbing, historic artifacts and archeological preservaton, wildlife viewing, other recreational activities.

From your State Senate: with Sen. Jennifer Fielder
March 13, 2013 1:38 p.m.

From your State Senate: with Sen. Jennifer Fielder

Stakes to high to rush decision on water

June 19, 2013 12:24 p.m.

Potential budget cuts could affect roadways

According to Sanders County clerk and recorder Jennine Robbins the federal budget sequestration is likely to bring some serious repercussions for county residents. The Secure Rural Schools (SRS) funding was not attached to the latest Farm Bill resulting in a potential loss of $1.3 million dollars to the county road maintenance fund.

Vandals strike Superior soccer complex
October 12, 2022 midnight

Vandals strike Superior soccer complex

As the fall soccer season winds down for the Superior Stompers, the last thing organizers wanted to have to deal with was a recent bout of vandalism and careless defacement. On September 16, the leagues president, Alisha Boyce discovered the damage done at the park where their games are hosted.

St. Regis woman makes tack with flair
July 14, 2021 midnight

St. Regis woman makes tack with flair

Tack is equipment or accessories outfitted on horses and other equines in the course of their use as domesticated animals.

County encourages residents to enroll in Smart 911
September 13, 2023 midnight

County encourages residents to enroll in Smart 911

Last year using Covid money, then Mineral County Sheriff Mike Toth purchased Smart 911 (aka Reverse 911) and residents were urged to enroll.

June 20, 2014 3:38 p.m.

Sheriff's report

An excerpt from the Sanders County Sheriff’s report week of 6/8 to 6/14.

Longtime seamstress Betty Martel sells business
January 5, 2022 midnight

Longtime seamstress Betty Martel sells business

Her husband ran their North Dakota farm near Bottineau every day of the week. They had a young son with special needs who required 24/7 assistance as well as a few other family members who depended on help.

July 20, 2022 midnight

Flathead cherry harvest a few weeks away

Storms, floods, and cooler weather are expected to delay the first harvest of Flathead Lake cherries this year. Despite the delay and a few orchards that suffered damage due to hail, Flathead Lake Cherry Growers are still expecting an abundant harvest this summer.

Two St. Regis FFA members receive State Degree
April 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Two St. Regis FFA members receive State Degree

The Future Farmers of America State Convention took place April 4-7 in Billings where students from chapters all over Montana gathered to compete, learn and have fun. Nine St. Regis students participated with teams in Farm Agribusiness Management, Livestock Judging and Ag Mechanics. Chapter advisor, Chera Antos said the highlight of the trip was two of their State Degree recipients, Anna Sanford and Jacob Jasper, were recognized at an award banquet with family members present to share their achievements.

June 25, 2010 2:32 p.m.

Thompson Falls market set to open this weekend

The third season of the Thompson Falls Market launches this Saturday, June 26th from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on the west lot of the Falls Motel.

Hindu Hillbilly Honey is a family affair
June 17, 2020 6:59 p.m.

Hindu Hillbilly Honey is a family affair

They have six legs and five eyes. They live between 122 and 152 days.

Local vendors, shoppers meet at Superior farmers market
June 14, 2023 midnight

Local vendors, shoppers meet at Superior farmers market

Overcast skies with a tinge of humidity after a downpour the prior evening greeted vendors and looky-loos for the first farmers market Saturday on the lawn of the old Superior School.