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October 26, 2022 midnight

Letters to the editor Oct. 26

Letters to the editor

October 26, 2022 midnight

Legals for October, 26 2022

October 19, 2022 midnight

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

U.S. sued for pollution from retardant drops on wildfires
October 19, 2022 midnight

U.S. sued for pollution from retardant drops on wildfires

An environmental group filed a lawsuit Tuesday against U.S. Forest Service officials that alleges they polluted waterways during their campaigns against wildfires by inadvertently dropping large volumes of chemical flame retardant into streams.

October 19, 2022 midnight

Montana’s proposed digital privacy amendment, explained

As Montana voters head to the polls this fall, they’ll have the chance to amend the state Constitution to add language explicitly requiring law enforcement to obtain a search warrant before accessing a person’s private electronic data.

October 19, 2022 midnight

COLUMN: It's playoff season

Let’s clean up some loose ends and get ready for playoffs, shall we?

October 19, 2022 midnight

St. Regis pushes Charlo in tight match

In hindsight, the volleyball match between Charlo and St. Regis Thursday night might have been a harbinger of matches to come.

October 19, 2022 midnight

Legals for October, 19 2022

Joseph Marcus Magone
October 19, 2022 midnight

Joseph Marcus Magone

Joseph Marcus Magone

Drummers bring Japanese rhythm to Paradise
October 12, 2022 midnight

Drummers bring Japanese rhythm to Paradise

The Paradise Center recently sponsored an evening of entertainment with a group from Winnipeg Canada.

Local candidates make election pitch at forum
October 12, 2022 midnight

Local candidates make election pitch at forum

Sanders County candidates for the offices of Justice of the Peace, County Commissioner District 1 and 2, and Clerk and Recorder/Treasurer/Superintendent of Schools came together at the Rex Theater on Thursday evening for a question-and-answer forum.

Stakeholders discuss future management at Fish Creek
October 12, 2022 midnight

Stakeholders discuss future management at Fish Creek

About three dozen people participated in a 3-hour field trip of Fish Creek to collaborate on ideas, brainstorm, strategize and leave with a better understanding of what Fish Creek means to organizations, recreationists and landowners when it comes to its future.

Vandals strike Superior soccer complex
October 12, 2022 midnight

Vandals strike Superior soccer complex

As the fall soccer season winds down for the Superior Stompers, the last thing organizers wanted to have to deal with was a recent bout of vandalism and careless defacement. On September 16, the leagues president, Alisha Boyce discovered the damage done at the park where their games are hosted.

October 12, 2022 midnight

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

Noxon bridge assessed for repairs
October 12, 2022 midnight

Noxon bridge assessed for repairs

Bridges are divided into three parts. The deck, which is the part driven on. A super-structure, which holds the deck up, and then a sub-structure which takes the load from the super-structure and transfers it into the ground which is the foundation.

October 12, 2022 midnight

The truth about Tranel’s legal work

We are prosecutors, defense attorneys, police officers, and others who work in law enforcement.

October 12, 2022 midnight

Politically motivated investigations are nonsense

I was honored to serve as Secretary of the Interior. Indian trust lands, public lands, wildlife management, water, and federal energy, all fall within Interior.

Superior stays perfect in win at Charlo
October 12, 2022 midnight

Superior stays perfect in win at Charlo

The prop boys have done their jobs and the stage has been set.

October 12, 2022 midnight

Charlo Lady Vikings notch another win

The Charlo Lady Vikings are cruising again this year in Western 14C volleyball circles.

October 12, 2022 midnight

Noxon splits volleyball matches

As local volleyball matches go, these were a couple marathons for the Noxon Lady Red Devils this past week.