Thursday, March 06, 2025

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Big turnout for St. Regis Valentine’s Day dinner
February 22, 2023 midnight

Big turnout for St. Regis Valentine’s Day dinner

Shrimp cocktails started the evening out followed by tossed salads. The main entre was prime rib, noodles alfredo, mashed potatoes and peas and carrots with a dessert being chocolate lava cake with blueberry sauce and vanilla ice cream.

FWP starts new license year March 1
February 22, 2023 midnight

FWP starts new license year March 1

Everything in the little orange pocket folder you have been carrying around since early last year is going to expire Feb. 28, if it hasn’t already.

John “Johnny” Cochran
February 22, 2023 midnight

John “Johnny” Cochran

John “Johnny” Cochran

February 22, 2023 midnight

Health department promotes "Through with Chew Week"

Montana’s smokeless tobacco use prevalence is 14% for adult males, which is more than twice as high as the national average.

February 22, 2023 midnight

COLUMN: Polson a great host for hoops

OK Mining City, aka Butte, you’ve got some big shoes to fill.

St. Regis boys, Superior girls earn top seeds
February 22, 2023 midnight

St. Regis boys, Superior girls earn top seeds

Two tickets were punched to the next round of the Western Montana Class C post-season quest, but as of the end of District tournament play Saturday evening, their travel plans were still in limbo.

Plains teams bounced from 7B District tourney
February 22, 2023 midnight

Plains teams bounced from 7B District tourney

The season is over for the Plains Horsemen and Trotters.

Thompson Falls teams move on to divisionals
February 22, 2023 midnight

Thompson Falls teams move on to divisionals

In a tournament won by the overwhelming favorites, Thompson Falls still managed to send both its girls and boys team to the Divisional tournament this weekend in Anaconda.

February 22, 2023 midnight

Consolation rounds test top teams

Often, consolation rounds can have “con” sequences.

Tom Harmon inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame
February 22, 2023 midnight

Tom Harmon inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame

Tom Harmon at about age 4 was given a brown sawdust stuffed horse on wheels from his grandfather and at age 14 he broke his first colt.

February 22, 2023 midnight

Fundraiser set up for injured Highway Patrol trooper

The Montana Highway Patrol trooper who was grievously injured during an incident involving a four-time convicted felon in northern Lincoln County last week has been identified and a fundraiser has been launched to support him and his family.

February 22, 2023 midnight

Montana hospital systems discuss deal to join forces

Logan Health and Billings Clinic, two of Montana’s largest hospital systems, have opened discussions about uniting as a single health-care organization.

Fire chiefs clean up icky situation at Tarkio
February 15, 2023 midnight

Fire chiefs clean up icky situation at Tarkio

One hopes that this was an accident, but nonetheless the responsible party should have made an attempt to clean it up.

St. Regis Senior Center a hub of activity
February 15, 2023 midnight

St. Regis Senior Center a hub of activity

Keeping the doors open and being an important asset to the community, were Dave Hannah’s intentions of the St. Regis Senior Citizens Center when he took over as president of the board of directors last summer.

Plains Council postpones Ward 3 appointment
February 15, 2023 midnight

Plains Council postpones Ward 3 appointment

Several important issues were raised at last week’s Plains Council meeting, which drew a standing-room-only response from area residents as acting Mayor Chris Allen was sworn in.

UM study: Montanans share common love toward grizzly bears
February 15, 2023 midnight

UM study: Montanans share common love toward grizzly bears

For an animal whose population barely tops 2,000, Montana’s grizzly bears hold an outsized presence in the psyche and politics of the Treasure State.

February 15, 2023 midnight

Compact settlement delivers $157 million to CSKT

In a press release last week the Department of the Interior announced the release of nearly $580 million to continue fulfilling settlements of Indian water rights claims.

Andrew Thomas Bunch
February 15, 2023 midnight

Andrew Thomas Bunch

Andrew Thomas Bunch

Larry J. Spiekermeier
February 15, 2023 midnight

Larry J. Spiekermeier

Larry J. Spiekermeier

February 15, 2023 midnight

COLUMN: A small slice of humanity

You could see and feel the good vibe in the Plains High School gym Friday night.