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St. Regis pushes Charlo in tight match
In hindsight, the volleyball match between Charlo and St. Regis Thursday night might have been a harbinger of matches to come.
Legals for October, 19 2022
Joseph Marcus Magone
Joseph Marcus Magone
Plains Council OKs $530k bid to remove wastewater sludge
The Plains Council on Oct. 3 discussed bids to remove and dispose of wastewater sludge from the old treatment plant.
Local candidates make election pitch at forum
Sanders County candidates for the offices of Justice of the Peace, County Commissioner District 1 and 2, and Clerk and Recorder/Treasurer/Superintendent of Schools came together at the Rex Theater on Thursday evening for a question-and-answer forum.
Vandals strike Superior soccer complex
As the fall soccer season winds down for the Superior Stompers, the last thing organizers wanted to have to deal with was a recent bout of vandalism and careless defacement. On September 16, the leagues president, Alisha Boyce discovered the damage done at the park where their games are hosted.
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
New hospital signs indicate Covid levels
Residents may notice some new signage at Clark Fork Valley Hospital and its Family Medicine Network offices. The entrance signs feature Sanders County Covid-19 (C19) transmission rates based on new recommendations from the CDC and CMS.
Noxon bridge assessed for repairs
Bridges are divided into three parts. The deck, which is the part driven on. A super-structure, which holds the deck up, and then a sub-structure which takes the load from the super-structure and transfers it into the ground which is the foundation.
Noxon splits volleyball matches
As local volleyball matches go, these were a couple marathons for the Noxon Lady Red Devils this past week.
Legals for October, 12 2022
Legals for October, 5 2022
COLUMN: What is the deal with mascots?
You’d probably have to actually be in my mind, entangled in the web of electrons to even begin to wonder why I would ponder such a thing, but I’ve been wrestling with this question for years.
Hot Springs gets volleyball win a Noxon
It was a mixed bag for the Hot Springs volleyball team this past weekend as they split a pair of home games in Western 14C conference play.
Superior steamrolls Victor, 50-6
When a team hits that elusive thing called “stride” it can literally cause nightmares for opposing coaches.
Q&A with Mineral County sheriff candidate Ryan Funke
Q&A with Mineral County sheriff candidate Ryan Funke
Volunteers help rebuild St. Regis resident's roof
Three months have passed since a storm brought down a large tree on the Lowry’s home in St. Regis. On the afternoon of July 2, strong winds toppled a staggering Ponderosa Pine on the backside of the family’s house, seriously damaging the roof and porch.
Mineral County Sheriff's Office report
Mineral County Sheriff's Office report
Community calendar
Community calendar
Supports Terrill for Central District Commissioner
Supports Terrill for Central District Commissioner