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October 21, 2020 midnight

Transparency of Paradise sewer project questioned after document uncovered

A doggedly determined group of anti-sewer protesters in Paradise have been hoping to overcome their own battle against the odds.

St. Regis School gets a facelift
October 14, 2020 midnight

St. Regis School gets a facelift

In what has become a year of uncertainty due to the Covid-19 situation, St. Regis schools have found a way to create positive changes.

Sanders County Cancer Network receives donation
October 14, 2020 midnight

Sanders County Cancer Network receives donation

For the third consecutive year, the Plains Chapter of Jobs for Montana’s Graduates presented the Sanders County Cancer Network with a $500 donation.

October 14, 2020 midnight

State seeks comments on I-90 work proposal near DeBorgia

The Montana Department of Transportation is seeking public comment on a proposal to improve safety on Interstate 90, east of DeBorgia.

St. Regis students write letters to first responders
October 7, 2020 midnight

St. Regis students write letters to first responders

Ireland’s class made and sent thank you cards to the department as well as emergency medical technicians and wildland fire fighters - whomever the students wanted to thank.

September 30, 2020 midnight

Kvelve's Comments: There oughta be a law

There ought to be a law.

Amid COVID-19, St. Regis School BPA moves forward
September 30, 2020 midnight

Amid COVID-19, St. Regis School BPA moves forward

As local school districts diligently navigate new restrictions and health code regulations due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, sports and extracurricular activities look starkly different this year. This new reality is also true for the St. Regis Business Professionals of America chapter.

September 30, 2020 midnight

Free online classes available for caregivers

There are several upcoming online classes which can provide powerful tools for caregivers, including those who take care of their parents and grandparents raising grandchildren.

September 30, 2020 midnight

Planning Ahead for Disaster Recovery

Every five years the Federal Emergency Management Agency requires counties to update their pre-disaster mitigation plans to qualify for both pre-disaster and post-disaster mitigation assistance.

Trout Unlimited backs Clark Fork restoration project
September 23, 2020 midnight

Trout Unlimited backs Clark Fork restoration project

The illustrious Clark Fork, Montana’s largest river that stretches the length of Mineral County.

September 16, 2020 midnight

Reimagining Rural events set for Thompson Falls

Reimagining Rural sprung from an idea and desire to help create a vibrant future for Montana’s rural communities.

Superior Schoolhouse hosts outdoor concert
September 16, 2020 midnight

Superior Schoolhouse hosts outdoor concert

With the sun setting behind the maple trees that line the old Superior Schoolhouse lawn locals gathered in family unit socially distanced squares to take in a delightful end of summer outdoor concert.

Plains man ready to take flight in latest creation
September 16, 2020 midnight

Plains man ready to take flight in latest creation

There are creative, ambitious people in this world. Then there’s Ned Beighey.

Second Amendment alive and well in Plains
September 9, 2020 12:20 a.m.

Second Amendment alive and well in Plains

The Second Amendment to the Constitution is alive and well in Plains, Montana. That was evident by the packed Veterans of Foreign Wars hall Saturday as more than 35 exhibitors and a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd of customers and gun fanciers flocked to the Annual Plains Gun Show.

September 9, 2020 midnight

Some experts say Paradise sewer project price too high

With the embers of anti-sewer protest still glowing, a new development in the issue may further fan the flames of discontent in the small town of Paradise.

Tease photo
September 9, 2020 midnight

What are Mineral County's wolves up to?

Bringing up the subject of wolves remains touchy. A flashpoint for many who have nothing good to say about them for reasons of their own. How the deer population has dropped. The elk are gone, at least in the areas many hunters always could find them.

September 9, 2020 midnight

Resource Coalition talks federal land work, timber harvest

“The lumber market has never been this good so it’s great to be in full operation with almost 100 employees.”

Sharon (Jensen) Booth
September 2, 2020 12:55 p.m.

Sharon (Jensen) Booth

Sharon (Jensen) Booth passed away on July 27, 2020.

August 25, 2020 5:46 p.m.

Shakespeare in the Parks is another COVID-19 casualty

It’s been a quieter and less entertaining summer around Mineral County this year. With a wide range of events being cancelled or postponed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, it’s hard not to feel a bit melancholy.

August 25, 2020 5:45 p.m.

COVID plans put to test as firefighters crowd camps

HELENA — Jon Paul was leery entering his first wildfire camp of the year late last month to fight three lightning-caused fires scorching parts of a Northern California forest that hadn’t burned in 40 years.