Friday, August 29

Birth; Jeremiah John Goodwin
PLAINS – Jeremiah John Goodwin was born on July 23, 2014 at 2:37 a.m. at Clark Fork Valley Hospital. He weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. Parents are Jessica and Wesley Goodwin. Maternal grandparents are Shawn and Cathy Emmett of Plains. Paternal grandparents are John and Sandy Goodwin of Plains. Great-grandparents are Leona Ekstrom of Plains and Ruth of Hamilton.
Court records
From the Sanders County Justice Court week of 8/12 - 8/18.
Senior news
Thompson Falls
Community calendar
Open Gym at Plains

Mickey Herndon
Veteran Mickey Herndon was honored during the patriotic picnic at PPL Park last Sunday.

Picnic honors veterans
THOMPSON FALLS – Members of the Thompson Falls community came together to honor local veterans last weekend in a moving ceremony dedicated to those who serve or have served in our nation’s armed forces.
Rain lowers fire danger
SANDERS COUNTY — A moist weather pattern over the area has lessened the severe threat posed by wildfires. Therefore, wildland fire agencies rescinded Stage I fire restrictions, effective Saturday morning, Aug. 23 at 12:01 a.m.
Tower to bring cell service to Hot Springs
HOT SPRINGS – Construction crews have recently been working to get a cell phone tower up and running outside of town, an effort which will bring mobile phone service to Hot Springs.
Lookout restoration makes progress
THOMPSON FALLS – Work to refurbish and improve the Big Hole Lookout on the Plains-Thompson Falls Ranger District is progressing well. The lookout may be added to the Lolo National Forest’s Recreation Rental program once the work is complete. The work has been a team effort involving Passport In Time ( volunteers, Forest Service heritage specialists, the Northern Region Pack String ( and the Wild Horse Plains Backcountry Horsemen who have provided stock support each week.
Taskforce urges safe driving
SANDERS COUNTY - School is out and vacations have begun! Desk chairs sit empty while co-workers enjoy their time away from the job. Kids are blazing around the house ready for non-stop entertainment. Phones are ringing off the hook and swim towels are drying on the deck. Meanwhile, at work the copier has been jammed for two days and the office plants are wilting. And you, one of the few still pulling a 9 to 5, you are left scrambling to tend to the needs of your clients, your children, as well as those of your vacationing colleagues. Productivity is suffering. Thank goodness they’ll be back on the job soon and you can take your turn, with your family, on your vacation. But what if they don’t return?
Cop impersonator strikes in Sanders County
PLAINS – A police officer impersonator recently made himself known after he stopped a jogger and handcuffed her.
Prescribed burns planned
THOMPSON FALLS – If fuel moisture and weather conditions allow, the Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger District will initiate several prescribed burns over the next few months on U.S. Forest Service lands in Sanders County. Depending on when the burning prescription conditions are met, these burns could occur over the next several weeks.
Cut-A-Thon raises over $600
PLAINS – With the new school year right around the corner, those who were in need of a professional haircut made their way to the Plains school for not only a new look, but to also help a good cause.

Sage Jackson helps place wood chips around the surface of the new playground at Hot Springs Elementary School.

Hot Springs ready for school
HOT SPRINGS – The first day of school is right around the corner for the youth of Hot Springs as the month of August and the summer season draws to a close.
Noxon prepares for year
NOXON – In about a week Noxon Avenue will once again be full of students making their way to the first day of school as the young pupils summer vacation draws to a close.
Thompson Falls schools move ahead with mission
THOMPSON FALLS – Often times with a new school year, change follows closely behind. For the Thompson Falls School District a number of changes have been implemented in order to improve the educational environment offered.

Blood drive
Sarah Moran from Plains gives blood at a drive put on by the American Red Cross.

Community members give blood during drive
PLAINS – Local residents pitched in for a good cause last week, donating blood to the American Red Cross at a blood drive in Plains.

New recycling bins
The Plains Woman's Club received new recycling bins.

PWC to collect recyclables at county fair
PLAINS – The Plains Woman’s Club will continue their efforts to help beautify the community and area around them by distributing recycling containers around the Sanders County Fairgrounds.
Hot Springs votes on final budget
HOT SPRINGS – The Hot Springs Town Council assembled at the town hall on the evening of Tuesday Aug. 19, to hold a public hearing for the 2015 final budget.
Town prepares for county fair
PLAINS – With the Sanders County Fair right around the corner the fair board came together for one final meeting before the big event.

New Addition
The new addition at Plains Public Schools is now complete and was ready to welcome students on their first day of school on Monday, Aug. 25.

School addition opens
PLAINS – A line of people led down the hallway of the Plains school as attendants waited to witness history. A dream that begin in the early 50s finally came to fruition – the grand opening of the new school addition.

CNSC receives check
Wade Rehbein from Rehbein Ford presents a check for $2,900 to Joyce Dougan, treasurer of the Cancer Network of Sanders County. The check is the proceeds from the Drive 4 UR Community event held June 7. Wade Rehbein from Rehbein Ford presents a check for $2,900 to Joyce Dougan, treasurer of the Cancer Network of Sanders County. The check is the proceeds from the Drive 4 UR Community event held June 7.
Thursday, August 28
Obituary; Joseph Clark
Joseph Clark, 36 of Superior, MT was born Sept. 11, 1977 and spent his life here in Superio, MT. He loved hunting, fishing and hiking with his family and friends. He was an all around great outdoors man. On Aug. 24, 2014 he lost his battle to brain cancer. He will live on through his loving wife, Lindsay Clark, his two children, Talon David Clark, Callie Lynn Merie Clark, father Paul Clark, sister Christy Steinebach, nephews Trevor Clark, Seth Steineback, niece Ashley Steinebach and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. He is proceeded in death with deceased mother Darla Clark.
Obituary; Robert (Bob) Kinney
Robert (Bob) Kinney, 70, of Superior passed away August 23, 2014 at St. Patrick Hospital with his family by his side. Bob was born to Russell and Wilma Kinney on March 9, 1944 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Bob graduated from Missoula County High School in 1962. As a high school basketball player, he was a shooting guard for Lou Rocheleau’s Sentinel Spartans as they ran up a 54-game winning streak enroute to becoming the 1962 Class AA State Champions. Four years later, Bob earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Education - Mathematics/Health Sciences from the University of Montana in 1966. In that same year, he married Beatrice Lefler Schatz and they moved to Superior where he taught Mathematics, Social Sciences and Health Enhancement and coached wrestling and football until his retirement in 2000.
Community calendar
Road to Recovery
A holiday brought to you by working people
If national holidays have anything in common it’s that those of us who celebrate them by taking the day off don’t give much thought to the origin or meaning of the holiday. That’s true of secular holidays (never mind Religious holidays) from the Fourth of July to Memorial Day and right on through to this week’s day off, Labor Day.
An update from Senator Fielder
The annual Patriotic Concert in Thompson Falls is such a special opportunity to gather with folks of all ages and all political persuasions to do one very positive thing together: honor our United States military service men and women.
Chamber chatter
Was this not the BEST Huckleberry Season you’ve ever seen?! First, an unbelievable beargrass season. Then ‘hucks’ to follow in copious amounts. But what does this have to do with business and economic development? Because it’s just another reason why we chose to live here. To raise families and volunteer in our communities. To trade goods and services with one another and help our neighbors in need. Have coffee with buddies in the morning and picnics in the summer. Hunt morels and look for antler sheds in the spring. Fish the Clark Fork and mountain lakes. Ride ATVs and snowmobiles. Rail Road Day, Trail Rail Run, Old School House Rock Car Show, flea markets and farmers markets. It’s part of the fabric of this community and we are blessed to be invited to participate. Right here. Today and years from now. So we need to cherish and protect it while we work to improve the economy. Kevin Chamberlain is the Extension Agent for Mineral County and he is working closely with the USFS in the newly formed Resource Coalition on getting our timber industry restored. Maybe not to the ‘glory years,’ but then again, maybe so! Open Doors, Inc. is eyeballing the theater in Superior and the bar/café next door to it to reopen them both and then other properties for expansion. More on these developments in the next 90 days. My point is, there is movement to help us get back on our feet. Development that will create jobs and initiate revitalization while protecting the resources that we treasure. What is needed is your support. Not financially, but by being optimistic. Not Polly Anna, but believing that it can be done, this time. Too many disappointments have soured many people who are cynical and angry. I get that. It can become easy to say, ‘It’ll never happen because it would’ve by now’ but I ask you to not go there! Many hard workers are behind the scenes with grants, relationship building, connections and investors. I can’t wait for the headlines in the Mineral Independent to scream, it’s happening! Now grab a bucket and go get those choke cherries as the bushes are dripping in ripe fruit!
Cell phone towers to provide full coverage
MINERAL COUNTY – Mineral County residents could be getting better cell phone reception in the future as one service provider has been making inroads on setting up more cell phone towers along the Interstate 90 corridor.

The road just off South Fork Little Joe Road washed out earlier in the year. The work will be done by the Forest Service after sufficient funding is acquired and planning is finalized.

Forest Service to repair damaged road
MINERAL COUNTY – A damaged culvert north of St. Regis on Forest Service land is posing a hazard to the public and a F.S. representative expressed their desire to repair the structure before county commissioners on Friday, Aug. 22 at the commissioner’s annual meeting.

Kindergarten teacher Kari Labbe prepares her classroom the week before students will arrive.

Local schools prepare for students
MINERAL COUNTY – School officials across the county have been busy preparing their facilities for the sudden influx of hundreds of students who will start classes this week.
Public to weigh in on bridge work
MINERAL COUNTY – A proposal by the Montana Department of Transportation to repair the decks of twelve bridges in Mineral County is tentatively scheduled for 2016 and the public is being invited to comment on the work.
Budgets discussed
MINERAL COUNTY – The arduous task of making sure Mineral County will have enough money to function normally in the next fiscal year continued Friday, Aug. 22, as county commissioners examined more of the budget at their annual meeting.

Blood Drive
Mineral County Sheriff-elect Tom Bauer accepting his second challenge of the week by donating blood during a recent American Red Cross blood drive.

Blood drive generates vital resource for state
SUPERIOR – Mineral County residents went under the needle on Thursday, Aug. 21, as the Superior Community Outreach hosted an American Red Cross blood drive at the ambulance facility near Mineral Community Hospital.
New doctor means new services in Mineral County
MINERAL COUNTY – A new surgeon at the Mineral Community Hospital is bringing his expertise to the area and with it, an enhanced medical care experience for Mineral County residents.

Scenic Mineral County
The Little Joe Creek runs through a particularly scenic portion of Mineral County south of St. Regis.
Wednesday, August 27
Calling all artists
ART CALL: Sanders County Arts Council is accepting applications for the fall show of “Art on the Walls” of Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. Art for this juried show must be the original work of a Sanders County Artist. It can be any medium so long as it can be hung on the wall. Applications are due Sept. 8, 2014. For applications or more information call 826-8585.
Parenting class to be offered in Thompson Falls
THOMPSON FALLS - The Sunburst Community Service Foundation is a nonprofit organization providing a range of services and classes in eight communities in western Montana. The organization recently received a renewal grant from the Montana Children’s Trust Fund that will allow the organization to continue to offer courses for parents.

Golfers go for green
PLAINS – Teams of four chased their shots around the golf course and competed against one another for a benefit tournament in Plains.

Jack Dolson
Jack Dolson runs wind sprints with the rest of the Hot Springs football team.

Savage Heat gear up for season
HOT SPRINGS – The sounds of whistles filled the air as cleats churned up turf during the final two-a-days session for the Hot Springs Savage Heat football team.

Ethan Stafford
Quarterback Ethan Stafford looks for an open receiver in the flat during practice.

Horsemen prove to be resilient
PLAINS – Coaches yelled encouragement and pads thudded together as the Plains Horsemen went through a number of drills last week in preparation for the upcoming football season.

Logan Beckman
Logan Beckman was named first team all-state last year and has stepped up to the plate again this year.

Leaders step up for Lady Hawks
THOMPSON FALLS – The court was once again busy with shuffling feet as the Lady Hawks took over the high school gymnasium for two-a-day practices last week.

Plains Cross Country
Russell Kujala leads the Plains Cross Country team during one of last week's practices.

Cross country hits the ground running
PLAINS – As the sun slowly set in the western portion of the sky, members of the Plains Cross Country team laced up their running shoes and prepared for their evening workout.

Thompson Falls Football
Jared Koskela, first year head coach of the Bluehawks, delivers plays to the football's defense.

New coach leads Bluehawks
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks of Thompson Falls are under new leadership for the upcoming football season, a man who himself was coached by last year’s coach, Curt Kegel.

Jason Badger
Jason Badger is the new agricultural and natural resources MSU extension agent.

New extension agent starts work
THOMPSON FALLS – A new face has stepped into the position of the Agricultural and Natural Resources MSU Extension Agent, following in the footprints of his mentor, John Halpop.

Grand Opening
Longest serving school board member Dee Dee Steinebach cuts the ribbon under the watchful eyes of Superintendent Thom Chisholm, school board trustee John Holland and the public who came out to witness the event.
Tuesday, August 26
Fire danger lowered after heavy rain
MINERAL COUNTY – After days of heavy rains in Mineral County, the fire danger in the area was reduced to high on Saturday, Aug. 23, by the Forest Service and the Stage 1 fire restrictions were lifted allowing people to once again have campfires.

Mineral County joins nation-wide craze
Mineral County Commissioner Laurie Johnston get drenched with frigid water during the ALS ice bucket challenge on Tuesday, Aug. 19.

Ice Bucket Challenge
Mineral County Sheriff Ernie Ornelas hands a towel to Commissioner Laurie Johnston.

Mineral County does the ice bucket challenge
SUPERIOR – Mineral County officials came away from a recent activity cold and wet but it was all for a good cause as fifteen employees, one from every department, participated in a phenomenon sweeping the nation.

St. Regis Tigers
St. Regis Tiger football starting quarterback Dakota Wickham, left, receives a pass during a recent practice in preparation for the team's first game of the season.

St. Regis teams get ready for 2014-2015 season
ST. REGIS – The St. Regis High School football and volleyball teams have been busy during the pre-season, readying themselves for the first challenges of the upcoming seasons.

Lady Panthers
The Lady Panthers of Alberton practice fundamentals during a recent practice in the gym.

Alberton teams gear up for 2014-15 season
ALBERTON – The Alberton High School football and volleyball teams are ready to make waves in Mineral County this year and the teams will need every tool at their disposal as both begin the season with a hurdle to face.
Friday, August 22

Obituary; Gary Brock
Gary Brock died August 7, 2014 of lung cancer. He was 62 years old. He served his country in the army and was a veteran of the Vietnam war. He was an incredible, honest, strong man who lived for his family. He is best remembered for being a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend. He is also remembered as a true American who loved nature. He is survived by his wife Beverly, son Clinton, daughter Stephanie, daughter-in-law Meaghan, son-in-law Jason, and grandchildren Caley, Kylee, Kearstin, Jordyn, Carson, and Kameryn.
Court records
Sanders County Justice Court week of 7/22 – 8/11.
Senior news
Community calendar
Open Gym at Plains

Kayak Trip
Sissel Robertson demonstrates some kayaking techniques before the start of the Becoming and Outdoors Woman kayak trip.

Kayakers paddle Clark Fork River
THOMPSON FALLS – Kayaks lined the banks of the Clark Fork River and an assembled group of women practiced their kayaking techniques on a mild and damp morning over the weekend.

Justin Eaton handles a cardboard box during the e-recycling event in Thompson Falls last Friday and Saturday.

E-recycling comes to Sanders County
THOMPSON FALLS – Piles of old computers, unused keyboards and televisions covered the ground as the Sanders County community participated in a e-recycling event, getting rid of old, unneeded electronics.
Dye pleads not guilty in death of baby
THOMPSON FALLS – Gunner McKenley Dye appeared in Sanders County District Court on Tuesday morning to enter a not guilty plea to Judge James A. Manley.

Popcorn Theater
Popcorn Theater Video was sufficiently burned after what is believed to be an incendiary device was placed in the store's drop box.

Fire under investigation
HOT SPRINGS – A quiet summer night in Hot Springs was interrupted by the sounds of sirens and the response of fire engines as first responders extinguished a fire at a local business in town.

Dixon Melon Day
Dixon Melon Day would have been in its 23rd year but a lack of volunteers forced its cancellation.

Dixon Melon Day canceled
DIXON – This year the sweet smells of melons will no longer line the streets of Dixon for the annual Dixon Melon Day celebration.

Kayak adventure
Kayaks filled the Clark Fork River as participants in the BOW kayak trip took to the water.
Thursday, August 21

Obituary; Willie Jones
On August 3rd 2014 at 4:20 am The Lord called Willie Jones for one last fishing trip. Willie was born in Greensville SC in 1940 and has lived in many places through the years but settled down with his true love Susan Hobbs in Superior Mt in 1998 and fell in love with the community.
Community calendar
Road to Recovery
Court records
Sheriff report week of 8/1 to 8/8
A solution in search of a problem
I see that some Montana Legislators are going to be pushing the “Sheriffs First” legislation again this coming January. It must be close to the umptieth time this anti-federal government idea has been brought to the legislature, but it still hasn’t passed, and with good reason; it’s a bad idea and has little to no support from Montana Sheriffs.
Letters to the Editor; Cemeteries look excellent
Dear editor of the Valley Press,
Letters to the Editor; Irrigators stuck with the bill
An update from Rep. Ingraham
It’s been a little over a year since I shared with you some resources which may be of value to you in helping to alleviate some of your medicinal concerns and struggles. And since it might be the last time I am able to pass along the information due to my term coming to a close, I did not want to miss this opportunity to share some information with you again.

Fall Flea Market
Decorative plates adorn the park in St. Regis as part of the fall flea market put on by the local community council.

Positive turnout for flea market
ST. REGIS – Organizers of the last flea market of the year in St. Regis said vendors were pleasantly surprised with the number of Mineral County residents who came to peruse their wares last weekend.

H.E.R.O Club
Co-owner of Black Dog Tactical, Michael Anne Ewing, demonstrates to the members of H.E.R.O how easily some bullets travel through the steel shell of a motor vehicle.

Youth group learns to shoot
ST. REGIS – August is Teach-A-Teen-To-Shoot month and one local youth group took the opportunity to participate in a program that compliments their own goal of instilling confidence, raising self-esteem and creating a sense of accomplishment.
Last wild mustang in Mineral County?
MINERAL COUNTY – For years, Mineral County residents driving along the road that winds below Bald Hill just a few miles west of Superior could occasionally look up at the aptly named, virtually treeless mountain and see a lone horse.
Storms lead to power outage
MINERAL COUNTY - A power outage last Wednesday, Aug. 13, left many Mineral County residents without electricity for approximately three hours and had businesses closing their doors temporarily.

Bobcats look to repeat success
The 2014-2015 Bobcats are looking to repeat the championship season of the 2012 team pictured here.
Ceremony honors life-savers
SUPERIOR – Mineral County resident Karen Schwatrzkopf is alive today thanks to the efforts of first responders and those who were on the scene of her cardiac arrest and performed CPR on her.
Wednesday, August 20

Aidan Rich, 7, gets a hair cut from Andra Sweet.

Cut-a-thon hits Plains for second year
PLAINS - Andra Sweet gives Aidan Rich, 7, a hair cut during the second annual Cut-a-thon. The event is sponsored by Rockstars and Ordelheide Dental. Hair cuts were given for free, although donations were accepted.
Antimony mine reaches record levels of production
THOMPSON FALLS – One local company is responding with vigor as the national economy continues to show signs of moving past the debilitating great recession, which started in 2008.
Smoke fills area around complex fire
SANDERS COUNTY – Both the Seepay Fire and the Thompson River Complex fires remain above 1,000 acres.
Complex and Seepay fires both over 1,000 acres
SANDERS COUNTY – Both the Seepay Fire and the Thompson River Complex fires remain above 1,000 acres.
Thompson Falls chamber meeting introduces Main Street Program
THOMPSON FALLS – The Thompson Falls Chamber of Commerce meeting was packed full of attendants all interested in the town’s involvement in the Montana Main Street Program.
Stage I Fire Restrictions rescinded in West-Central Montana

Kassidy Kinzie (left) helps her sister Sami Kinzie (right) hold the first place trophy for the 18U Avalanche team.

All-star team featuring Kinzie takes first
PLAINS – Sami Kinzie of the Plains Trotters high school softball team has had a very busy summer competing against the best competition Montana has to offer.

Avista Charity Golf Scramble
Golfers took to River's Bend Golf Course for Avista's annual charity golf scramble last Saturday.

TRACS benefits from scramble
THOMPSON FALLS – Golfers from across the area headed to Thompson Falls over the weekend to compete and support a local organization.

Grilling and Golfing
Christopher Sankovic preps the grill for an afternoon cookout following the VFW tournament at Wild Horse Plains Golf Course.

Wild Horse Plains Golf Course hosts VFW
PLAINS – A group of golf enthusiasts proved undeterred by the overcast skies on Saturday and participated in the Creekside Inn VFW Golf Tournament over the weekend.
Wrestlers save fair's parade
PLAINS – After word was announced that the Sanders County Fair’s parade had been canceled, the Plains/Hot Springs Savage Horsemen wrestling team stepped up to save the day.

The story of Romeo and Juliet
Romeo, played by Casey Hoekstra, gets in an altercation with Tybalt, played by Michael Gonring.
Tuesday, August 19
Commissioners approve school budget
MINERAL COUNTY – Mineral County Commissioners made sure area schools would have enough money to operate for the coming school year and appointed the newest member of the West End Fire Board at their annual meeting Friday, Aug. 15.

Community Theater
Malcolm O'Rourke, playing the 'Old Man', performs with the youth playing the frogs during their performance of Briar Rose in Alberton.

Community theater a success
ALBERTON – The curtain went up last weekend on the first community theater production of its kind in Mineral County as residents of Alberton, with some help from experienced thespians, put on the original play, Briar Rose.
Lady Bobcats to employ new tactics
SUPERIOR – The Superior Lady Bobcats volleyball team will bring another aspect to their game for the 2014-2015 season if head coach Beth Janney has anything to say about it.

Wyatt Zylawy
Starting quarterback Wyatt Zylawy breaks out of the pocket during a 2013 game.

Bobcats looking to repeat success of 2012
SUPERIOR – The Superior Bobcats football team have only had a few practices so far this year but Head Coach Alan Labbe has already begun to get an idea of what sort of team will be on the field for the upcoming season.

There were no reports of injuries or property damage after two mudslides struck near Superior on Thursday.

Heavy rains lead to mudslides
SUPERIOR - There were no reported injuries or damage to private property after two separate mudslides struck near Superior Thursday night sending tons of mud, rocks, trees and other debris plummeting down hillsides.

Youths learn lessons in self-defense
Michael Buchanan, left, practices self-defense techniques aided by Michael Anne Ewing.
Friday, August 15

Obituary; Nancy Christensen
Nancy Christensen, 83, of Plains, MT entered eternal life on August 6th, 2014. Nancy, daughter of Clarence and Gertrude (Downey) Trudgen and wife of Alvah (Bud) Christensen passed away on 8/6/14 after battling liver cancer.
Community calendar
Open Gym at Plains
CFVH to hold seminars
PLAINS – In an effort to bring more local health care services to the area, Clark Fork Valley Hospital and Family Medicine Center will be hosting three diabetes seminars.

Gunner McKenley Dye
Gunner McKenley Dye made his initial appearance in Sanders County Court on Tuesday, Aug. 5.

Dye makes initial appearance in court
THOMPSON FALLS – Gunner McKenley Dye, 21, made his initial appearance in Sanders County Court on Tuesday, Aug. 5 at 10 a.m. in front of District Judge Deborah K. Christopher.

Chamber meeting
Leslee Smith and Rachel Hulce open the monthly chamber of commerce meeting in Hot Springs.

Hot Springs chamber talks tourism
HOT SPRINGS – Finding ways to attract visitors and travelers to Hot Springs dominated the discussion at the August chamber meeting last Thursday.

Smokey Bear
Smokey Bear waves to the crowd during the Huckleberry Festival's Parade in Trout Creek on Saturday. Smokey celebrated his 70th birthday at the ranger office in Plains on Friday.

Smokey Bear celebrates 70th birthday
PLAINS – The bear himself was on hand to meet members of the public and join with Forest Service staff in celebrating his 70th birthday.
Fires under investigation
PLAINS – Three human caused fires were extinguished at the popular local swimming spot referred to as “the mouth.”
Areas see grasshopper increase
SANDERS COUNTY – Although grasshopper populations have seen a significant decrease in much of Montana, some areas in Sanders County have experienced a boom in numbers this year.
DUI tagline contest begins
SANDERS COUNTY – The Sanders County DUI Task Force has started a catchy new campaign to discourage people from drinking and driving. The bumper sticker and banner contest challenges the community to get creative in order to find a new tagline for the phrase ‘don’t drink and drive.’

Huckleberry Festival
Grace Carter races to fill her bucket with water during the annual pentathlon games at the Huckleberry Festival in Trout Creek on Saturday.

Let the games begin
TROUT CREEK – The park at Trout Creek was overflowing with visitors as the town celebrated the wild huckleberry over the weekend.

Thompson River Complex Fire
Several signs can be seen warning motorists around the Thompson River Complex Fire area.
Thursday, August 14

Obituary; Robert Alex (Case) Harris
Robert Alex (Case) Harris of Superior, 31, went to be with his Father in Heaven Tuesday, August 5, 2014 while jogging. He was born June 21, 1983 in Logan, Utah to Byron Alan Harris and Diana (Harris) Case. He was affectionately known as Alex.
Community calendar
Road to Recovery
Christians, Jews are easy targets, but for how long?
The absurd attacks on Israel for exercising its right of self-defense in the past few weeks have only been surpassed in foolhardy dangerousness by the world’s virtual silence about the genocide being practiced against Christians and other minority religions in the Islamic State formerly known as northwestern Iraq.

Recovery Garden
Phillip Barrett, left, therapist with the Mental Health Center in Superior hangs the Recovery Garden sign while Richard Halseth, gardener and founder of the garden, looks on.

Recovery Garden recovers after decline
SUPERIOR – For one Superior man and woman, a garden helped them recover from years of substance abuse.
Fall flea market to be in St. Regis this weekend
ST REGIS – Mineral County residents will have the opportunity to pursue approximately 30 vendors selling their wares at the fall flea market at the community park in St. Regis starting Friday, Aug. 16, sponsored by the community council.
Insurance concerns grow with fire danger
ST. REGIS - Homeowners in one St. Regis housing development are worried after one of their neighbors was denied renewal of their insurance policy because the provider told them they were in a high wildfire risk area.

Community theater
Briar Rose choreographer and author of the script Anne Brummer, left, works with Kristina Solinger who plays the lead role.

Community theater comes to Alberton
ALBERTON – Residents of Alberton will be witness to the thespian talents of their neighbors this weekend thanks to a local organization devoted to providing activities and events for area youth.

Superior High School Principal Allan Labbe looks at a 3-D mock-up of the plans for an add-on to the high school to replace the aging middle school building.

School and parent group ask for help
SUPERIOR – A group of parents in Superior and local school officials want the public to support a measure that will prevent students from having to spend any more time than necessary in a middle school that is facing structural integrity issues, prone to plumbing problems and affected by mold.

Supermoon lights up Mineral County
A phenomenon known as a supermoon reflects off the Clark Fork River near Superior on Sunday.
Wednesday, August 13

Kraig Mead
Kraig Mead demonstrates cartwheels and hand stands to the arts camp in Hot Springs last Thursday.

Kids learn tricks and trades from experts
HOT SPRINGS – Kids cart wheeled across the lawn and did their best to build structurally sound human pyramids in Hot Springs last week.
Federal land comment period nears end
SANDERS COUNTY – An ongoing yearlong study will soon be coming to a close as state senators will determine what steps are to be taken in regards to federal forest management.
Demolition Derby to feature Calcutta auction
PLAINS – The Demolition Derby will feature some new changes this year, which hope to increase viewer enjoyment.
Summer reading party held at library
PLAINS – A group of local students who logged nearly 800 hours of combined reading time over the summer celebrated their achievement at the Plains library last Wednesday morning.
College cyclists pass through Paradise
PARADISE – An enterprising group of young college students stopped in Paradise last week as they continued their bicycle trek across the nation.
Ready, set go: annual Huck Run takes off
TROUT CREEK - Runners took to the starting line as the 36th annual Huckleberry Run 5K took place on Saturday, Aug. 9 in Trout Creek.

Ryan Skone
Ryan Skone saws through a log during the annual Pentathlon at the Huckleberry Festival in Trout Creek on Saturday.

Sawing to the finish
TROUT CREEK – Wood chips flew through the air as saws cut through lumber and shots rang out as competitors tested their accuracy at the shooting range at the Pentathlon in Trout Creek during the annual Huckleberry Festival last weekend.
Avista's golf tournament to support TRACS
THOMPSON FALLS - Avista will hold a four-person scramble at the River’s Bend Golf Course in Thompson Falls, Saturday, Aug. 16 at 9:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to be involved even if you are not a golfer.

Thompson River Complex Fire
The Thompson River Complex Fire continues to produce smoke.

Complex to burn through fire season
THOMPSON FALLS – A new fire has been found within the Thompson River Complex, the Marmot fire. The fire, a holdover fire from the Aug. 1 lightning storm, was found on Sunday Aug. 10 and is located approximately 2.5 miles north of the Spruce Creek fire.

Albeni Falls Pipe and Drum
The Albeni Falls Pipe and Drum group makes their way down the main stretch of Trout Creek during the Huckleberry Festival parade on Saturday.
Tuesday, August 12

SVFD Chief John Woodland displays the old gear which will be replaced with much safe self-contained-breathing-apparatuses.

New equipment for SVFD
The Superior Volunteer Fire Department will be breathing easier on the job after a grant the department received will supply the necessary funds to purchase new self-contained-breathing-apparatuses (SCBA).
Alberton schools undergo repairs
ALBERTON – School officials in Alberton have been busy over the summer making improvements to both the elementary and high school and while the enhancements may go unnoticed by busy students, Superintendent Clay Acker said he hopes the staff will appreciate them.
St. Regis teacher to put new method to work
ST. REGIS – A teacher in St. Regis is bringing home his own education received this summer on the opposite side of the country in hopes that his new knowledge will enhance the educational experience for his students in St. Regis.

John Schober
John Schober stands in front of one of his service vehicles. Schober's Towing and Repair was ranked on the Towman 500.

Local businessman recognized
ST. REGIS – One local business was recently recognized by a national trade magazine as one of the most experienced of its kind in the country.
Restrictions in effect
MINERAL COUNTY —Stage I fire restrictions will go into effect at 12:01 AM on Thursday, August 7th across west central Montana. Jurisdictions include:

Alberton Panthers
In a photo dated 2012, the last season Alberton had their own team, the Panthers line up before a game. For the 2013-2014 season, the players from Alberton were part of a cooperative with players from St. Regis. Several seniors will be returning this year to help the young team learn the ropes of high school football.

Seniors ready to help Alberton win
ALBERTON – The Alberton Panthers will need their upperclassmen more than ever for the upcoming football season as the team will be mostly made up of younger players not used to playing high school football.

Hitting the pavement
George Regan is not waiting for the snow to fall to practice cross country skiing. Regan took to the asphalt to prepare for the upcoming season.
Friday, August 8
Court report
Sanders County Justice Court week of 6/10 to 6/16.
Community calendar
Open Gym at Plains
Sheriff's report
An excerpt from the Sanders County Sheriff’s report week of 7/27 - 8/2.
Suttorp of Thompson Falls earns degree
THOMPSON FALLS - A local resident has recently received their degree from Western Governors University. The university held its 27th semi-annual commencement ceremony in Salt Lake City on July 12 and celebrated the graduation of more than 5,500 graduates, including the graduation of Lee Suttorp of Thompson Falls.
Obituary; Robert James "Bob" Hanson
Robert James “Bob” Hanson, 75, of Plains passed away Saturday, August 2, 2014 at St. Pat’s hospital in Missoula. Funeral Services will be at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ronan, MT on Wednesday, August 6th at 11 a.m. Sunset Hills Funeral Homes in Plain has been entrusted with arrangements.

Birth; Ellie Taylor Carter
PLAINS – Ellie Taylor Carter was born on July 24, 2014 at 2:36 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds and 2 ounces and was 21 inches long. Parents are Heidi and Dustin Carter of Thompson Falls. Maternal grandparent is Bill Evans of Thompson Falls. Paternal grandparents are Tom and Dawn Carter of Baker City, OR. Great-grandparents are LeRoy and Shirley Kuehl of Vancouver, WA and Floyd and Lenore Taylor of Brocton, NY.
Locals finish basic training

New Old Time Chautauqua
Local volunteers from Hot Springs and members of the New Old Time Chautauqua carry a Chinese Dragon through town during the event's parade on last Tuesday.

Chautauqua brings fun to Hot Springs
HOT SPRINGS – Homemade drums clanged, music played and jugglers performed on top of a moving ambulance as the New Old Time Chautauqua rolled through Hot Springs last week.
Community input meetings scheduled for Sanders County
SANDERS COUNTY - Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana announced they will hold eight community input meetings in Northwest Montana to gather community input and information for their strategic planning process, which is currently underway.

Artists in Paradise
Kyle Sivertsen paints the Paradise Elementary School during the Artists in Paradise exhibit last week.

Artists in Paradise brings in large numbers
PARADISE – Over a four-day exhibit, approximately 300 people came to the Paradise School to help support local artists in the area.
Huckleberry Festival to provide family fun activities August 8-10
THOMPSON FALLS- With the Huckleberry Festival in Trout Creek right around the corner, the Thompson Falls monthly chamber meeting featured multiple presentations to prepare local businesses for the event.
Fun run scheduled during annual Huckleberry Festival
TROUT CREEK - The 36th Annual Huckleberry Run 5K will take place this Saturday in Trout Creek. According to Race Director Tony Banovich, the race will start at 8:30 a.m. sharp; and, the race and awards will be completed in time for runners and their families to still catch the Huckleberry Festival pancake feed, parade and crafts fair. Race day registration will take place from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. Registration, the race finish and awards presentation all take place at the Trout Creek Motel.

Bruce Frye Memorial Shoot
Cookie Kunzer prepares to fire a round off during the annual Amateur Trapshooting Association event.

Frye shoot shows success
PLAINS – Bright orange clay pigeons soared across the sky and were met by thunderous volleys of shotgun fire over the weekend at the Plains Trap Club.
MV Mariners end run at state
LEWISTOWN — The Glacier Twins and Mission Valley Mariners combined for 27 hits and 11 errors in a thrilling nine-inning loser-out baseball game at the Montana/Alberta American Legion State A Tournament on Friday afternoon with Glacier claiming an 11-9 victory to stay in the hunt for a state championship.

Golf Tournament
Denise Montgomery putts on the first hole of the course last Saturday.

Putting for funds - golf benefit hosted for PHS golf
PLAINS – Parents, teachers, coaches and friends hit the golf links last Saturday, in the annual Plains High School golf team fundraiser.

Plains Piranhas
Plains Piranha Alexis Helterline competed at the Division C state swim meet and brought in third place for her age division in the breaststroke.

Piranhas take second at state
CONRAD – Plains swimmers joined competitors as teams from towns of all sizes and from one end of the state to the other packed into Conrad last weekend to take part in the state swim meet.

Thompson River Complex Fire
Thompson River resident Joe Black watches the fire from Highway 56. Both of the fires on Koo-Koo-Sint Ridge are visible to passing motorists on Highways 56 and 200.
Thursday, August 7
Community calendar
Road to Recovery
Montana must defend role for coal
The Environmental Protection Agency may seem distant, as it held hearings on proposed carbon emission rules in Denver last week, but Montanans should make no mistake — the EPA’s pursuits would have direct and harmful impacts on Montana’s significant energy and economic potential.
Letter to the Editor; Stunning disrespect for the rule of law
On June 26, the compact commission laid out a proposed framework for reopening negotiations on the Flathead Water Compact. Their document indicated that the first negotiation session would be held during the first week in July. As of the today, July 31, 2014, there have been no notices of negotiation meetings posted on the compact commission website.

Tigers Mural
Several St. Regis residents and some alumni of the high school came to a meeting on Wednesday, July 30 to determine the fate of a mural that has been on the wall of the gym for over 30 years.

Mural to stay where it is
ST. REGIS – A part of the history of the St. Regis High School will stay in place after overwhelming support was received from the community to preserve a piece of art that has stood for 35 years.

New Day Fellowship
Michael Oandith with the New Day Fellowship from Springdale, Arkansas cleans windows at St. Regis High School on Tuesday, July 29.

Mission group helps St. Regis
ST. REGIS – A church group from Arkansas was in Mineral County last week to do a variety of community service projects including clean-up efforts and work for the St. Regis schools.
Fire danger raised to very high
MINERAL COUNTY – The fire danger status in Mineral County was raised to very high last week and officials are considering enacting Stage 1 Fire Restrictions as early as this week.
Mineral County turns 100 years old
SUPERIOR – Mineral County turned the ripe old age of 100 this week and ironically, approximately 100 people turned out on the county courthouse lawn on Sunday, August 3 to celebrate the milestone.

Bull riding at the rodeo
Kenny Stockard takes flight after his bull, "Doctor's Orders," bucked him off. He was uninjured.
Investigation looks into three human caused fires at "the mouth"
PLAINS – Three human caused fires were extinguished at the popular local swimming spot referred to as “the mouth.”
Wednesday, August 6

9-1-1 Advisory Board
Mayor Randy Woods of Hot Springs discusses county communication strategies at last week's meeting in Thompson Falls.

Board discusses VoIP system
THOMPSON FALLS – The Sanders County 9-1-1 Advisory Board put an emphasis on emergency communications within Sanders County during their latest meeting in Thompson Falls.

Adam Lamotte plays the violin during the final night of the Montana Baroque Music Festival.

Baroque musicians draw large crowd
PARADISE – The musical notes of violins, violas, cellos and recorders echoed through the canyons and saddles of the Lolo National Forest during the Montana Baroque Music Festival.
Grievance decision announced
PLAINS – The School Board of Trustees in Plains met to deliver their decision on a grievance hearing they heard earlier in the month.
Charge filed in baby's death
THOMPSON FALLS – A charge has been filed against a father for the deliberate homicide of his three-month old child, after it was determined the child was a victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

New Old Time Chautauqua comes to Hot Springs
The Flying Karamazov Brothers perform during the Chautauqua's vaudeville show.
Tuesday, August 5

County Fair
Emma Hill, left, and Logan Donally keep watch over the animals as the pigs in the background cool off under water mist.

Fair comes to Superior
SUPERIOR – All the sights, sounds and smells of an old fashioned county fair were in Superior last weekend as residents from across the region gathered for the 2014 Mineral County Fair.

Summer arts camp
Students at the summer arts camp in St. Regis celebrate the success of their project.

St. Regis art camp utilizes recyclables
ST. REGIS – Part of the summer arts camp for kids in St. Regis is instilling more than just an appreciation of the visual arts in their students.

Stockard takes first bull ride
Kenny Stockard, center, of Superior took his first bull ride at the 2014 Mineral County Fair.

Superior local takes the ride of a lifetime
SUPERIOR – Before Saturday, August 2, if someone had asked Kenny Stockard if he had ever ridden a bull in a rodeo in front of hundreds of screaming fans and under the lights of the arena, the answer would have been no.

Superior hosts Mineral County Fair
Emma Hill of St. Regis brushes her pig during the 4-H judging at the Mineral County Fair.
Crews gain foothold on Thompson River Complex
Alberton to hold first community theater production
ALBERTON - The PEAK Foundation (Promoting Excellence in Alberton-area Kids) is sponsoring Alberton’s first community theater production, Briar Rose. The performances will be held Friday, August 16 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, August 17 at 10 a.m. Both shows will be performed in the Alberton School Cafeteria. This comedy and musical is a spoof on the old Sleeping Beauty tale where a prince falls in love with a woman who falls into a 100-year sleep. PEAK is looking for kids and adults of all ages to participate.
Sunday, August 3
Thompson River Complex grows to over 1,600 acres
Saturday, August 2
Two fires burn in Munson Creek area
SANDERS COUNTY - Lightning last night ignited two small fires in the Munson Creek area.
Friday, August 1
Court report
Sanders County Justice Court week of 7/15 – 7/21.
Sheriff's report
Excerpt from the Sanders County Sheriff’s report week of 7/20 to 7/26.
Community calendar
Open Gym at Plains

Roselyn LaRae Shotwell
PLAINS – Roselyn LaRae Shotwell was born on July 10, 2014 at 10:56 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces and was 21 ½ inches long. Parents are Jessica and Nathan De Shotwell in Plains. Maternal grandparents are Ben and Chris Mount in Plains. Paternal grandparent is Lynne Shotwell of Plains. Great-grandparents are Dorothy Sheppard of Paradise and Rosemary Page of Couer d’Alene, Idaho.

Battling the flames
Firefighters work to suppress the blaze of the Lozeau Bridge Fire, a fire which has already claimed two structures.

Births; Quinn Sunshine Nichols
PLAINS – Quinn Sunshine Nichols was born on July 14, 2014 at 7:02 a.m. at Clark Fork Valley Hospital She weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. Parents are Brittany Sunshine Majerus and Christopher Kent Nichols of Thompson Falls. Maternal grandparents are Gerard Anthony Majerus and Yvette Ellen Majerus of Lewiston. Paternal grandparent is Thomas Kent Nichol of Rock Point, NC. Great-grandparents are Margaret Nichols and Dorthy Dukes of Harrisburg, PA.

Lozeau Bridge Fire required devoted resources
UPDATE: Woodland said the fire was started by a welding operation on the Lozeau Bridge. Earlier reports stated a firefighter was possibly injured. It was later determined one of the firefighters from SVFD was suffering from heat exhaustion and was treated and released.

Karen Thorson
Karen Thorson displays one of her art clusters, a landscape painting paired with a complimentary fused glass piece.

Karen Thorson in attendance at Paradise art show
PLAINS – When Karen Thorson steps into her studio, her face lights up. It’s a place all her own where she can create to her heart’s content. The small, tidy area is filled with paintings, glass and clay sculptures – three different venues of art Thorson produces.

Val Curtiss
Val Curtiss stands in front of some of her paintings in her home studio.

Val Curtiss displays work in Paradise
PLAINS – When you walk into Val Curtiss’ home, you realize it’s much more than a place to live. It’s a place to create - a vibrantly, colorful display of a passion Curtiss refers to as an addiction.

Dennis Reanier
Dennis Reanier will be coming to Plains on August 3.

Dennis Reanier to speak in Plains
PLAINS - On August 3 at 6 p.m., Dennis Reanier will be speaking in Plains at Church on the Move.

TRACS grant
Howard Bakke works on trimming a window with paint.

Volunteers help renovate shelter
THOMPSON FALLS – Volunteers came together to give Thompson River Animal Care Shelter a facelift on Saturday, utilizing a $5,000 renovation grant.

Mike Bader Bearjam
Mike Bader Bearjam was one of five bands who performed over the weekend at the Fifth Annual Blues Festival.

Blues fest rocks and rolls
HOT SPRINGS – The smooth sounds of the lower reaches of the Mississippi echoed around Hot Springs over the weekend as several talented blues outfits rolled through town.
Smokey Bear to turn 70
PLAINS – Only you can help Smokey Bear celebrate his 70th birthday.

Grizzly Bear
A grizzly bear was seen at the National Bison Range earlier in July.

Rare grizzly sighting occurs at bison range
MOIESE - A couple of weekends ago the National Bison Range had an unexpected visitor by one of their popular day use areas.

New playground
Jennifer Christensen helps spread out wood chips at the new elementary school playground in Hot Springs.

Twins secure grant for playground
HOT SPRINGS – Young students and several teachers kept themselves busy with rakes and shovels, spreading wood chips at the new elementary school playground in Hot Springs.
Board prepares for upcoming county fair
PLAINS – Fair board members were busy checking things off their list and making sure everything is ready for the quickly approaching Sanders County Fair.

Facilities at TRACS renovated
Charon Jensen helps paint the garage during the renovations at TRACS.