Wednesday, May 25
County officials discuss involvement in Paradise sewer project
To everyone it was a packed house this past Tuesday as the combatants on both sides of the Paradise sewer project convened at the Paradise Community Center.
Legals for May, 25 2022
Montana primary voters must be registered by noon on June 6
Montana primary voters must be registered by noon on June 6

Gas prices and inflation could impact summer visitation numbers
Gas prices and inflation could impact summer visitation numbers

Bill looks to exempt outfitters and guides from minimum wage rule
A new bipartisan bill proposed late last month by U.S. Sens. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) hopes to support the outdoor economy by exempting outfitters and guides from what outdoor industry officials say are burdensome overtime requirements.
State park visitation on the decline
Temperate weather with a few cold spells during the first quarter of 2022 contributed to a slight decrease in the number of overall visitors to state parks in Montana, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reported last week.
Health care reforms benefitting Montanans
The 2021 Montana Legislature passed major health care reforms to empower patients, reduce red tape for doctors, and provide access to more affordable care.

Local students place in Keep Montana Green art contest
Local students place in Keep Montana Green art contest

Marsha Eileen Rounsley Johnson Aldrich
Marsha Eileen Rounsley Johnson Aldrich

Spotlight on the Arts: Millie Holloway
Artistic talent is often revealed in the normal activities of schoolwork.

T-Falls' Baxter takes 5th at state golf
They made it to the State championships and no matter in what sport, that is something not many folks can claim.
Lady Bobcats make noise at state tennis tourney
They were a small contingent intent on making a mark on Montana Girls Class B-C tennis.

Riverdogs rebound with 2 road wins
The Dogs are back in the hunt.
Trotters and Hawks tangle at Western B tourney
If speed kills, good pitching throttles.
Local boys earn trip to State B-C track meet
All eyes were on the shot put pit Saturday at Frenchtown High as the two top shot putters in the state squared off in the finals of the Montana Western Divisional B-C track tournament.
Tracksters punch ticket to state meet
It was a good day for local tracksters to ply their craft as sun peeked through the clouds and winds died down.
Plains softball field sees improvements prior to tourney
After months of work, the finished product was deemed well worth the effort.

GOP contenders debate in Whitefish, sans Zinke
Four Republican candidates for Montana’s new western U.S. House seat debated in Whitefish on Friday, generally finding agreement on a number of points related to the state’s agricultural challenges and preserving the rural Montana lifestyle.
Mineral County Fun Run marks 15 years
The 15th Annual Mineral County Fun Run took place on May 19, in St. Regis this year.
St. Regis Park Board seeks members
A thriving community cannot function without a strong foundation of both leaders and volunteers.

Parkins earns Volunteer EMS Provider of the Year Award
She had no idea whatsoever that Karyn ‘KT’ Thornton had nominated her for the award and always humble, Anita Parkin felt there were others more deserving.
Hunter ed instructors honored
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks honored the service of its west-central Montana (Region 2) hunter and bowhunter education volunteer instructors recently in Missoula. Deb Regan of Superior, and Mark Petroni of the Missoula area were honored for 35 years of service as an instructor for Hunter Education
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Letters to the editor May 25
Letters to the editor May 25
Thursday, May 19
Body recovered from Clark Fork River
Fishermen on the Clark Fork River in Mineral County discovered a body along the riverbank on May 17, officials said Wednesday.
Wednesday, May 18
New fire station in the works for Tarkio
The Mineral County Commissioners on March 26 approved a plan to add 66 parcels to the Superior Rural Fire District, which formalized the process that has been going on for over a year to build small fire department in the Tarkio area.
Lady Bobcats claim 14C meet
The Superior Lady Bobcats were indeed superior thanks to depth and outstanding individual performances this past weekend as they ran away with the Western 14C District track and field title at Missoula’s County Public Schools stadium.

Gianforte gets a look at Superior Meats new technology
When Jerry Stroot started Superior Meats in 1996, he estimates that he butchered 50-60 cattle in a mobile unit that year. Today he does that many every week at his processing plant.

Local expert shares tidbits on how to 'spoil your horse'
If you’re new to the horse community, tricks of the trade should be pretty darn valuable.

St. Regis students excel at leadership conference
Six students from the St. Regis Schools Business Professionals of America club just returned from a very successful and exciting six-day trip to Dallas for the 2022 National Leadership Conference.

Gianforte talks ag at Sanders County Feed
Governor Greg Gianforte continued his 56-county tour though several towns in western Montana this past week.

Fair commission talks ticketing, insurance
The Sanders County Fair Commission held its regular meeting Wednesday, May 11, at the fairgrounds with a full agenda for the upcoming fair. All board members were present.

Plains students perform year-end concert
The Plains middle and high school bands and choir performed in front of a full house Thursday evening in the new Plains gymnasium.
Congressional candidates discuss indigenous issue
More needs to be done at the federal level to ensure Native Americans in Montana have equitable access to things like healthcare and voting, candidates for Montana’s western congressional district said on Thursday.
James (Jimmy) Brown
James (Jimmy) Brown
Sanders County Justice Court
Sanders County Justice Court

Plains High School art show
Plains High School art show.
Election mail bag
Election mail bag
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

Junior Rodeo Princess applications sought
The Superior Lions Club needs you. That is if you’re a young woman between the ages of 13 and 20.
Local tracksters have success at 7B meet
District tournament host Bigfork was not a very accommodating place for visiting track and field fans and athletes in town for the Western 7B District championships this past Saturday.
Noxon's VanVleet headed to Montana Tech
Some folks are just meant to do some things. It may well be a segment of DNA or some kind of Divine intervention, but for some people, certain things are natural and easy.
Plains' Angle to wrestle at Indian Hills
You can see the emotion in coach Shane Angle’s face when the subject at hand is one of his best wrestlers.
Lady Bobcat netters headed to state
Good things are in the works for the Superior High School tennis team.
T-Falls' Baxter scores low at divisional tourney
The golf season at Thompson Falls High is nearly completion, but not before a lone, standout golfer has a shot at bringing home some hardware from this weekend’s State golf championships.
Connolly, McLees headed to state golf tourney
Neither of the two golf playing high schools in Mineral County (the only two in the area), St. Regis and Superior were able to advance a team to the upcoming State championships this week in far off Sidney.
Softball teams prep for postseason play
The softball postseason has arrived, with two local teams waiting to learn their fate as far as opponents go, for the upcoming Divisional tournament in Plains this weekend.
Riverdogs hit rough patch after blazing start
As every bird hunter knows, there may be brief stretches each year where the river is too high and the dogs would not do well in the current.
Community Calendar
Community Calendar

To refine water forecasts, Western cities map snow by plane
At a tiny airport surrounded by mountains, a three-person crew takes off for the inaugural flight above the headwaters of the Colorado River to measure the region's snow by air.
Legals for May, 18 2022
Wednesday, May 11
Cedar Creek history project makes headway
The Cedar Creek interpretive sign project
Thompson Falls out-slugs Loyola
You can’t measure the heart with even the finest of instruments. You can measure its dimensions, but not what it means to have it.

Mineral County Community Foundation awards scholarships
At their April meeting, the board of the Mineral County Community Foundation made decisions on their 2022 scholarship awards.
School and special district election results
Unofficial results for the Sanders County school and special district election held May 3.
Election mail bag
Election mail bag
Hunter and bowhunter education instructors honored
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks honored the service of its west-central Montana (Region 2) hunter and bowhunter education volunteer instructors this month in Missoula.

Floyd E. “Ed” Heppe, Jr. 72
Floyd E. “Ed” Heppe, Jr. 72
Viola Isabell Jackson, 82
Viola Isabell Jackson, 82

Stephan Joseph “Steve” Allard, 64
Stephan Joseph “Steve” Allard, 64

Bison Range opens for another busy season
Friday, May 6, was the start of another busy season for the National Bison Range in Moise, and also the second season under the jurisdiction of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai tribes.
Plains Council OKs easement with Clark Fork Valley Hospital
The monthly Plains town council meeting had a full agenda Monday evening with all council members present and well attended by the public.
Hot Springs High School closed following alleged threat
In what police say is an eliminated threat to Hot Springs High School that began this past Monday evening, a suspect has been taken into custody and no further danger exists from the episode.
McFadgen, Chapman elected to Paradise sewer board
As the dust from Tuesday’s Sanders County Special District Elections settles, supporters of the Paradise anti-sewer group can most likely take heart.
Plains Days celebration returns in June
After being altered or canceled the past two years due to concerns with the Covid scare, an old friend is returning to Plains.
Superior, Hot Springs show out at Missoula meet
As if a rehearsal for the upcoming post-season, a pair of District 14C stars who will be teammates this Fall at Carroll College, squared off in a long-awaited, multi-event, head-to-head track and field showdown.

Blue Hawks' Hyatt, Bucher in the mix at Archie Roe
This was a test and then some for the Thompson Falls Blue Hawks track and field teams.
11 teams compete in Plains Golf Invite
The skies parted and withheld their ample supply of raindrops just long enough for the dudes and dudettes to golf.
Superior tennis sweeps Philipsburg in home dual
It’s a shame they don’t play tennis at many small Montana schools these days.

Dane Lyman McNabb, 72
Dane Lyman McNabb

Riverdogs win pair at Libby's wood bat tourey
It’s early in the season, but not too early to start thinking “hey, these guys are pretty good.”

Gianforte presses to extinguish all wildfires in 2022
Gov. Greg Gianforte asked land managers for their commitment to aggressive initial attack to extinguish all wildfires at a 2022 wildfire briefing in Helena on Monday.
Legals for May, 11 2022
Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs
Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs
Wednesday, May 4
Legals for May, 4 2022
Familiar names vying for Spring Mack Days lead
Montana’s spring weather has finally made it. Anglers were relieved to have some calmer sunny days for fishing on Flathead Lake during the sixth weekend of 2022 Spring Mack Days. All three days of the weekend fishing were warmer and the water was more settled.

Private island on Flathead Lake listed for $72 million
At 348 acres in size with three miles of shoreline, Cromwell Island in Flathead Lake is up for sale at $72 million.

MSU linebacker Troy Andersen drafted 58th
BOZEMAN — Montana State linebacker Troy Andersen became the second-highest Bobcat ever drafted on Friday when the Atlanta Falcons picked him 58th overall, 26th in the second round.
Lady Hawks clip rival Eureka 5-2
all off the horse they say, and the best remedy is to get back on and ride again.
Noxon shot-putter VanVleet wins Top 10
A pair of Sanders County athletes are rising to the top of the charts in Western Montana track circles, according to the recent Top 8 and Top 10 meets in Missoula last week.
Superior track gets team win in Wallace
Seniors Sorren Reese and Cassie Green, along with junior sprinter Isabella Pereira led a Superior tidal wave that swept the Lady Bobcats to the team title at the recent Wallace, Idaho Small School meet in Wallace.
Plains rallies to top rival T-Falls, again
You could almost feel it coming. The softball vibes were ripe for another comeback win in this hard-fought series between Plains and Thompson Falls.
T-Falls golfer Baxter claims win at St. Regis
Thompson Falls golfer Ellie Baxter and St. Regis golfer Jack Connelly continued their outstanding 2022 golf seasons with victories this past week at the St. Regis Invitational tournament at Trestle Creek Golf Course just outside of St. Regis.
Lady Savage Heat place 5th at Whitefish meet
So you dominate a track meet one weekend, what do you do for an encore?
Riverdogs split double-header at Bitterroot
Don’t look now, but the Clark Fork Riverdogs Legion baseball team has become a team to reckon with as the 2022 season picks up steam.
Community Calendar
Community Calendar
Lady Bobcats net win over Troy
After being jostled around by Mother Nature, it was no doubt good for the Superior High tennis team to be able to hit the outdoor courts without wearing Helly Hansens rain gear.
Tribes preparing three-day Bison Range celebration
The appearance of new calves on the Bison Range at Moiese this spring comes with a heightened sense of joy for many as the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes begin their first full season of managing the historical site since the passage of the Montana Water Rights Protection Act in 2020.
Big Sky Rail Authority opposition
Big Sky Rail Authority opposition
Canada lynx protections deal sealed by US, environmentalists
U.S. wildlife officials have agreed to craft a new habitat plan for the snow-loving Canada lynx that could include more land in Colorado and other western states where the rare animals would be protected, according to a legal agreement made public Tuesday.
State to distribute $500k to tribal nations for drug treatment support
The state announced Thursday that it will distribute $500,000 to Montana’s eight Tribal Nations to help the tribes cope with ongoing drug treatment support.

Runners meet in Dixon for Bison Stampede
The Dixon school district, with the combined efforts of community volunteers and various sponsors, came through with another fun filled running event for Sanders County.

Superior QRU team up and running
Since December of 2021 the Superior Volunteer Fire Department has been getting acquainted with its brand-new Quick Response Unit.
Superior High musicians head to state competition
The pandemic knocked state competition out the last two years when it came to musicians in high school competing at that level. But this coming weekend, six students are competing in Helena from Superior High School and excitement is not their only emotion.
DUI Task Force scholarships awarded
After 20 minutes of reading the scholarship applications, Jeff Crews, Alberton School Superintendent, looked up at the committee and said, “This is going to be impossible. All of these are exceptional and deserving of the award.”

Feast & Fun event benefits sportsmen group
When you entered the Sanders County Fairgrounds parking lot Saturday, April 23, you were welcomed by the laughter, happy shrieks and giggles from youngsters coming from the outdoor fishing pond as they were catching, cleaning and cooking trout at the Kids Fishin’ Pond.
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls
Lake County joins effort to restore passenger rail service
Lake County has signed on to an effort to restore passenger rail service through the southern half of Montana.