Tuesday, June 30

Obituary; Betty Jo Holland
Betty Jo Holland, 92, of Dillon, Montana, died of natural causes, June 25, 2015 at the LEGACY Assisted Living facility, in Dillon surrounded by her family.
Heat wave hits Sanders County: County will go to Stage 1 fire restrictions Friday, July 3
SANDERS COUNTY – Last week culminated with a potent heat wave across the entirety of Sanders County.

Piranhas prep for Plains Swim Meet
The Plains Piranhas kept busy at the EL Johnson Memorial Pool Park last week. The swim team will host its annual swim meet over the Fourth of July weekend in Plains.
Friday, June 26
Gianforte can't hide from narrow agenda
Clips Round Up: Gianforte Can’t Hide from His Narrow Agenda
Neighborly advice
Jim Elliott
Affordable traditional energy must be continued
By Steve Daines
Remembering a politician from years ago
In 1941 Donny, a kid my age, came to my mother’s 8 week summer camp on our dairy farm in southern Wisconsin. Donny was a leader, full of ideas and fit right in. We rode horses, fed pigs and chickens, rode the hay wagons, played in the woods, fished, swam, sang and ate piles of food.

DNRC flight crew member Jessica Fuqua rides as an extra pair of eyes during a training flight over the Clark Fork River Valley.

DNRC spends Saturday completing helicopter training
SANDERS COUNTY - Saturday morning, members of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) conducted helicopter awareness training throughout the morning.

Dr. Gregory Hanson of Clark Fork Valley Hospital receives the "Improving Rural Health in the Americas" Recognition Award from Dr. Michael Heisler of Andean Health and Development.

CFVH recognized for rural healthcare
PLAINS – A group of cyclists, biking across a wide swath of the country this summer, stopped by Plains last week.
Plains mayor working on town's infrastructure
PLAINS - As of right now, Mayor Greg Eitelberg has on his agenda two types of matters that he is attending to, present projects and hope-for projects for 2016. On June 6th, Mayor Eitelberg will be proposing his budget to the town council to be passed.

Trotters face off against competition in St. Regis
Trotters guard Kimberly Earhart looks for an open teammate during the team's tourney in St. Regis.
Thursday, June 25
Food bank in Superior still in need of assistance
SUPERIOR – With fall and winter holidays long behind the residents of Mineral County, the people who run the food bank in Superior understand that it is easy for people to forget there is still a need for supplies to help the less fortunate.
Task force work continues
MINERAL COUNTY – Mineral County Commissioners were busy last week at their annual meeting passing several measures including one that will maintain an organization devoted to keeping Mineral County residents safe from those who make bad choices behind the wheel.

Rodeo princess crowned
Jonna Rae Warnken, left, receives instructions from the judges during tryouts for the 2015 Mineral County rodeo princess.
Sheriff's Office investigating fatal accidental shooting
HOT SPRINGS – The Sanders County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating a fatal accidental shooting outside of Hot Springs.
Wednesday, June 24

Poker Run
Last weekend's Cabinet Ridge Riders Poker Run in Trout Creek featured 65 riders.

Cabinet Ridge Riders host poker run
TROUT CREEK – Anyone passing through Trout Creek in the sunny afternoon hours of last Saturday may have caught a glimpse of horses making their way around the edges of town.

Flathead Valley Clay Target Club
Alfred Jermyn (junior winner) and his father James Jermyn (Class A Winner) show off their awards in Kalispell.

Plains trap shooters win awards in Kalispell
SANDERS COUNTY - The weekend of the 13th and 14th a father and son competed in a trap shooting contest in Kalispell at the Flathead Valley Clay Target Club.

Tom Kunzer Memorial Trap Shoot
Alfred Jermyn takes aim during the Tom Kunzer Memorial Trap Shoot last weekend at the Plains Trap Club.

Memorial shoot held at Plains Trap Club
PLAINS - Over the weekend, the sounds of gun shots could be heard bouncing off the hills just outside of Plains. The Plains Trap Club was hosting a two day, all day trap shoot, which included not only a day full of shooting, but also camping, camaraderie and food. The event was said to be one of the biggest events for the Trap Club.
Decision notice released for state park
THOMPSON FALLS – Montana State Parks announced last week that a decision notice has been issued regarding improvements to facilities and fish habitat at the Family Fishing Pond in Thompson Falls State Park.

A view from above
Joe Renda, a DNRC member, looks out over the Clark Fork River Valley during a helicopter training class.
Tuesday, June 23
Fire Danger raised to high in Mineral County
MINERAL COUNTY – The fire danger level in Mineral County was again raised last week this time reaching high as temperatures in the area soared to nearly 100 degrees and little precipitation fell in forested areas.

Trail run ends in St. Regis
Participants cross the finish line at the trail run that began in Mullan, ID and ended in St. Regis.
Friday, June 19
Honesty and disclosure wanted
Nancy Keenan
Legislative agenda aimed at real problems
By Attorney General Tim Fox
Montana should own land
By Montana State Senator Jennifer Fielder
Energy costs unfair to Montana residents
Higher Energy Costs Will Put an Unfair Burden on Montana Families.

Tomy Parker
Tomy Parker (left) awards the Best in Show trophy to Paul Krueger (right). Parker, a Marine from Ronan, was the guest of honor at the Hot Springs Car Show this year. During the show Parker was surprised with his 1988 Dodge pickup, which the car show's organizers had completely refurbished with the help of donations from throughout the community.

Community pitches in to refurbish veteran's truck
HOT SPRINGS – The third annual Homesteaders Days car show was capped with a surprise presentation last weekend in Hot Springs.
Maximizing the space available
PLAINS - In the town of Plains, one resident has proved that a small backyard garden can produce a viable, high yielding crop with a vast variety of fruits and vegetables.

Journey of Hope cycles through Sanders County
THOMPSON FALLS – A group of cyclists made their way through Sanders County for a good cause last week.

66th annual Homesteaders Days
Cowboy Dustin Morigeau of Dixon takes a break before the start of the weekend's rodeo in Hot Springs.

Homesteaders Days draws crowds
HOT SPRINGS - Starting Friday at noon Hot Springs 66th Annual Homesteaders Days Celebrations kicked off and lasted till 2:00pm Sunday, ending with a rodeo.
New business hopes to expand
SUPERIOR – Lawns and gardens around the area could be getting a facelift soon if one local business owner has his way and it might not stop at the Mineral County borders.

Homesteaders Days Rodeo
Lexy McAllister of Ronan prepares to lasso a calf during the junior breakaway event.
Thursday, June 18
Yard sale raises money for historic place
DE BORGIA – While many communities in Mineral County held town wide yard sales last week, one community in the west end of the county was using their version of the event to raise money to make sure a historical landmark does not fall by the wayside.

Homesteaders Days Parade
A Clark Fork Shriner waves to the crowd on Main Street during the annual parade.
Wednesday, June 17
Obituary; Frank M. Niles
Frank M. Niles, 31, of Three Forks, MT passed away Friday, June 12, 2015 after a lifelong battle with a heart condition. Frank was born on June 26, 1983 to Frank and Deanna Niles of Three Forks and spent the majority of his life there.

Alumni Game
Competitors scramble for the basketball during the Fourth Annual Hot Springs High School Graduation Matters Alumni Game.

Alumni and students battle on the basketball court
HOT SPRINGS - Friday night in the old gymnasium the 4th annual Alumni Basketball Games were held in Hot Springs. At 6:30 it was the women’s alumni game and at 7:30 it was the men’s game.

Homesteaders Rodeo
A bronco removes a cowboy from his saddle during the 66th Annual Homesteaders Days Rodeo.

Mud and dust fly at rodeo
HOT SPRINGS - Over the course of two days, as part of the Hot Springs Homesteaders Days, there was a rodeo just east of the Hot Springs School that saw participants flying through the air, crashing into the dusty ring and dodging stampeding animals.
Fair Board holds budget talks
PLAINS – The Sanders County Fair Board assembled for an emergency meeting at the county fairgrounds in Plains last week.

Homesteaders Days
Claire Wrobleskie stands at attention before walking in the Kiddy Parade last Saturday in Hot Springs.
Tuesday, June 16

Obituary; George Frederick Popham
George Frederick Popham — 1918 - 2015

Obituary; Sharon E. Fenn
Sharon E Fenn passed away at her home in Superior, MT. on Thursday June 11, 2015.
Obituary; George Nelson Lamb
George Nelson Lamb passed away March 24, 2015. George was born to George and Augusta Lamb at Falcon, Idaho on June 11, 1923. He grew up on the Quartz flats near Superior MT. George was proud to have served his country during WWII. He earned a purple heart while serving in the Pacific Theater. He met the love of his life, Leona Wentz, during a welcome home dance held in his honor at the Quartz schoolhouse. They were married December 25, 1946. Leona survives him. He was preceded in death by his parents, his sister June (Bud) Petersen and 5 half siblings. A public military burial will take place in the Quartz Cemetery on June 24, 2015 at 1:30 pm.
Suspects sought in St. Regis poaching incident
ST. REGIS – Authorities are still looking for suspects in a poaching case that occurred last week near St. Regis.

Homesteaders Rodeo
A cowboy goes for a ride during the bull riding event at this year's rodeo in Hot Springs.
Friday, June 12
High value networks provide Montana business owners with a choice
By Richard Miltenberger
Facts to know about social security
Jim Elliott
Elder abuse more prevalent
Election process has become beholden
Who and what are We The People of America anymore? As our political system of constant candidacy drones on and on, I am beginning to think that our system of government is dangerously close to “the tail wagging the dog”.

Plains Day Parade
Ron Glasgow (right) waves to the crowd during the Plains Day Parade last Saturday.

Plains Day rolls through town
PLAINS – The town of Plains was hopping last weekend as the annual Plains Day celebration was held throughout the town on Saturday.

Home brewer tries his hand at just about anything
Bryan Brooks stands next to his five gallon glass carboy of French Saison beer he is brewing.

Continuing an ancient craft
PLAINS - According to a webpage by “The Ohio State University: Information Extension Research,” fermentation is a process by which cells break down sugars to create energy, when oxygen is not present, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2), energy, lactic acid and in some cases alcohol.
Chamber meets before Homesteader's Days
HOT SPRINGS – The Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce assembled for their final meeting before Homesteader’s Days last Thursday at Fergies on Main Street.
Volunteer retires from veteran transportation service
SUPERIOR – The service that drives veterans to and from medical appointments and is a vital county resource may be looking for a new volunteer soon as one of their volunteers recently retired from his role as driver for the Disabled American Services.

Loose bearing starts fire
Fire crews from the Plains-Paradise Rural Fire Department responded to and extinguished the fire east of Paradise.
Thursday, June 11

Safe driving practices
Matthew Buchanan, center, receives an award for his dedication to safe driving practices.

Ceremony honors youth who made a good decision
SUPERIOR – All shapes, sizes, colors, models and types of vehicles were on hand last weekend in Superior as the town hosted the annual School House Rock Car Show.

Class of 2015
Josh Benda, one of three valedictorians from Superior High School, speaks to the audience during graduation.

Mineral County valedictorians and salutatorians reflect on past and future
MINERAL COUNTY – As graduation ceremonies in Mineral County wrapped up last week, several students took to their respective podiums to deliver messages of inspiration, celebration of education and hope for the future.
Superior Forest Ranger moving to Alaska
MINERAL COUNTY – Mineral County is losing a Forest Service employee who has spent the last four years championing the cause of reforming land management practices that would have a wide array of benefits for the region. And it turns out, Mineral County’s loss is Ketchikan, Alaska’s gain.

Superior Bobcats take title at tourney
The Superior Bobcat championship team poses for a photo after their victory in a regional tournament.
Wednesday, June 10
Obituary; Francis H. Palmer
Francis H. Palmer
Obituary; Sherry Lynn (Barnes) Peters
Sherry Lynn (Barnes) Peters

Obituary; Judy Draszt
Judy Draszt, a loving wife, sister, mother of four, grandmother of 14, and great-grandmother of 8 was granted her angel wings after a long time illness on Monday, June 1st, 2015 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital with family by her side. She was born October 29th, 1942 in New Rockford, North Dakota to Einer and Helen Anderson. She is survived by her husband Darrel Draszt to whom she was married for 56 years. They moved to Thompson Falls, Montana after living in California for some years to fulfill Darrel’s dreams of moving back to the place he grew up. She enjoyed sewing and quilting with her friends, reading, playing bingo and spending time with her loved ones. She touched the hearts of everyone that had the privilege of knowing her and had a beautiful smile that would light up the room. She always gave selflessly and loved unconditionally. Judy will be forever remembered and missed.

Water Balloon fight
Teachers and students filled the high school football field for the annual end of the year event last week.

Students celebrate the start of vacation
HOT SPRINGS – Hot Springs high school held its penultimate day of the school year last week and students were in for a treat.
Raffle helps send football team to 8-man camp
PLAINS – As Plains Day was just getting started last weekend raffle tickets were drawn at the Mangy Moose on Railroad Avenue.

Plains Day Super Sort
Teams of three took part in the Super Sort competition at the Sanders County Fairgrounds last Saturday.

Super sort held at county fairgrounds
PLAINS – The Sanders County Fairgrounds were buzzing with activity throughout the sunny Saturday afternoon of Plains Day last week.
Local businesses hold roundtable meeting
PLAINS – Members of the Plains business community attended a roundtable discussion emphasizing Telecommuting and the prospects of bringing high-paying jobs to Montana last week.

Plains Day rolls through town
The VFW Color Guard from Post #3596 led the way during the Plains Day Parade down Railroad Avenue last Saturday.
Fire outlook report predicts above normal season
MINERAL COUNTY – According to information provided by officials at the Superior Ranger Station, the National Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook from Predictive Services at the National Interagency Fire Center indicate above normal conditions in June, July, August and September for fire potential.
Tuesday, June 9

Old School House Rock Car Show
An entry and car show attendees are reflected in the door of another entry during the annual car show in Superior last week.
Friday, June 5
Plains Elementary School hosts concert
The Plains School gymnasium was filled to capacity recently as the Elementary School hosted its “Having Fun with Music Elementary Spring Concert.”
Cancer network works with local business to raise funds
Forest designation seen as compatible with forest management
To the Editor:
Two journalists recognized for their commitment
Jim Elliott
Fear that federal government has too much water control
By Riley Johnson
A large city's policing style useful in small towns
Have you heard about this? With all the heated discussions, protests, marches and mayhem around police targeting black folks in America, has any of our media reported in detail about the following? I will bet it hasn’t and that most reading this letter know little or nothing of this marvelous task force with the mission to come up with ideas for better policing.

Track Day
Karter Johnson competes in the long jump during the Plains Elementary School Track Day last week.

Students compete in school wide track day
PLAINS - Wednesday, starting promptly at 9:00am out by the Plains School track, grades one through five gathered for the annual Elementary Track Day. Parents and even high school students were invited to come watch and cheer.
Defensive driving training
PLAINS – A number of state employees took time out of their workday last week to receive some defensive driving training at the Sanders County Fairgrounds.
Guest speaker teaches community valuable lessons
THOMPSON FALLS – The Sanders County Coalition for Families partnered with the Sanders County Sheriff’s Office for a community training seminar last week in Thompson Falls.

Sanders County students graduate
Samantha Johnson receives her diploma during the Thompson Falls High School graduation last Sunday.
Thursday, June 4
Health fair held at Superior Elementary School
SUPERIOR - The Superior Elementary School gym was the site of an event intended to show Mineral County residents what resources are available in the community to maintain their health.

Class of 2015 graduates
From left to right: Jack Lehl, Olivia Taylen and Tyler Ishler participate in the Alberton High School graduation ceremony.
Wednesday, June 3
Obituary; Margaret E. Lacock
Margaret E. Lacock, 91, passed away May 27, 2015 of natural causes at the Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains, Montana.
Obituary; Tarrance Garde McClary
Tarrance Garde McClary, age 77, died peacefully in his sleep on May 19th, 2015, at home in Peoria,AZ.
County e-waste pick up
THOMPSON FALLS – Trucks were loaded with recyclable e-waste last week as the county took part in an effort to repurpose the used items.

State Champs
Seniors Kayla Holmes (left) and Hailey Phillips (right) were honored for their academic and athletic achievements during last week's Plains High School graduation. Both Holmes and Phillips were instrumental in the Trotters success over the past few track and field seasons.

Coach reflects on third consecutive Class B title
PLAINS – Three years in a row Plains High School has sent a large contingent of student athletes to the Class B State Meet during the final weeks of spring.

National Turkey Federation
Aaron Collins takes aim with a compound bow during the National Turkey Federation's Jake Shoot last Saturday at the Plains Trap Club.

NTF holds Jake Shoot at Plains Trap Club
PLAINS - Just an hour prior to the thunderstorms that swept through the Clark Fork Valley on Saturday, teenagers between the ages of 12-16 gathered at the Plains Trap Club for an afternoon of shooting and instruction.
A supportive dinner
PLAINS - Friends, family, past coworkers and acquaintances of Frank Ceely gathered in the Plains VFW hall Saturday evening to show their support for Ceely and his wife Michelle who are in need of some support after an emergency operation.

Plains VFW Post honors Veterans
Jim Beaver carries a wreath during the annual Memorial Day ceremony at the bridge over the Clark Fork River in Plains. Beaver placed the wreath in the river to honor veterans who had lost their lives at sea.

Obituary; Markkaya Jean (Bugsy) McGann Gullett
Markkaya Jean (Bugsy) McGann Gullett of Superior became our “angel in heaven” on May 22, 2015 as a result of a car accident. She was born May 14, 1992. A Memorial Service will be held Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at the Plains Bible Chapel, 243 Combest Creek Rd, Plains, MT , with Potluck meal afterward (turn left past the fairgrounds).

Obituary; Gary Dean Dockter
Gary Dean Dockter, born on June 18, 1956 in Bismarck, ND to George and Ida Dockter passed away on May 23, 2015 at his home in St. Regis.Gary attended school in Bismarck, Mandan, Billings and Frenchtown. In 1972, Gary moved with his mother and siblings to St. Regis.
Stakeholders tour wildlife management area around Fish Creek
MINERAL COUNTY - Stakeholders representing a wide array of Mineral County groups and communities took a tour last week of the Fish Creek Wildlife Management Area hosted by representatives of the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks department.

Memorial Day in St. Regis
Veterans salute the flag during a ceremony last week in St. Regis to recognize those lost in service for their country on Memorial Day.