Tuesday, March 04, 2025

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New stars to replace four outstanding track and field grads
March 22, 2023 midnight

New stars to replace four outstanding track and field grads

It’s a theme fairly common among small town track and field programs and other sports at the high school level.

Plains fields promising softball roster
March 22, 2023 midnight

Plains fields promising softball roster

A solid group of returnees from last year’s team that made it to Divisionals, along with some promising newcomers give the Plains Trotters reason to be optimistic heading into their season-opener this Saturday in Polson.

First grass fire of season burns 5 acres near Plains
March 19, 2023 noon

First grass fire of season burns 5 acres near Plains

Plains-Paradise Rural Fire District responded Saturday to the first grass fire of the season.

Carole E. Smith Tompkins Howard, 81
March 15, 2023 midnight

Carole E. Smith Tompkins Howard, 81

Carole E. Smith Tompkins Howard

Wildland firefighters train for upcoming season
March 15, 2023 midnight

Wildland firefighters train for upcoming season

Wildland firefighters train for upcoming season

Noxon students put science projects to the test
March 15, 2023 midnight

Noxon students put science projects to the test

On a cold snowy day, Noxon’s Elementary's kindergarten through sixth-grade classes celebrated their first annual science, technology, engineering, art and math fair, better known as “STEAM.”

Plains considers lease of railroad property
March 15, 2023 midnight

Plains considers lease of railroad property

The March’s Plains Council meeting was standing-room only to address the many agenda items.

Local hoopers earn All-State selections
March 15, 2023 midnight

Local hoopers earn All-State selections

Four players from the 14C basketball conference, two all-state selections from the boys and two from the girls, highlight this year’s 2022-23 recently released post-season honors.

March 15, 2023 midnight

COLUMN: March's madness begins

One of the strangest events, yet most beautiful to the eyes of sports fans, gets under way this week.

VFW Auxiliary serves up home cooking to local veterans
March 15, 2023 midnight

VFW Auxiliary serves up home cooking to local veterans

It’s the sweet aroma that strikes you first, followed by the sight of busy cooks turning potential chaos into a delightful breakfast.

Lady Hawks' Baxter gets All-State nod
March 15, 2023 midnight

Lady Hawks' Baxter gets All-State nod

As expected, the unbeaten Class B state champion girls from Bigfork dominated the recently released Western 7B all-conference and All-State basketball list, placing the Gunlock sisters, Braeden and Paeten on the first team conference roster and as selections to the Class B All-State team.

Sidney Kuhl wins Energy Share art contest
March 15, 2023 midnight

Sidney Kuhl wins Energy Share art contest

A fourth-grade student from Superior Elementary School won second place in Energy Share of Montana’s statewide art contest.

St. Patrick's beer garden benefits Rec Club
March 15, 2023 midnight

St. Patrick's beer garden benefits Rec Club

"If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, then you’re lucky enough," is an old saying that is heard especially on March 17 of each year.

March 15, 2023 midnight

Workshops offers guidance on starting a food business

Let’s say that people rave about your salsa and tell you that you should sell it and you’d make a million bucks.

1,356 steps: Lapinski brothers take on firefighter challenge
March 15, 2023 midnight

1,356 steps: Lapinski brothers take on firefighter challenge

On the morning of Sunday, March 12, two young men from the small town of Superior competed in Seattle at the 32nd annual LLS Firefighter Stairclimb in support of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

4-Hers vie for spot at state competition
March 15, 2023 midnight

4-Hers vie for spot at state competition

Calm, cool, collected and informative.

March 15, 2023 midnight

Non-partisan forum discusses Montana Constitution

This Sunday, March 19, from 2 – 4 p.m. at the Paradise Center in Paradise, there will be a “Constitutional Forum to Support and Defend Montana’s Constitution.”

I love reading program ends with a mess
March 8, 2023 midnight

I love reading program ends with a mess

Elementary school students in Plains ended the “I Love Reading” program for 2023 with a mess to clean up.

March 8, 2023 midnight

St. Regis FFA Week

National FFA Week took place the week of Feb. 20-24.

March 8, 2023 midnight

Region 1: Big game licenses on sale

March 1 was a big day when it came to hunting and fishing in Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 1.