Thursday, July 27

Sunrise Fire now nations number one priority which grew to 3,700 acres overnight
The Sunrise Fire burning 11 miles east of Superior blew up overnight and grew another 1,000 acres. It now stands at 3,700 acres as of Thursday at 11 a.m. and is now the nation’s number one priority fire. For local fire crews this means more resources to battle the growing blaze.
Wednesday, July 26

Evacuations ordered for Sunrise Fire residents
There was a public meeting tonight, July 26, at 7 pm at the Lozeau Lodge. Fire officials were there to give updates on the Sunrise and Burdette Fires burning east of Superior. Here is what we know so far:

Sunrise Fire close to homes, residents prepare for evacuations
A report released by the Ninemiles Ranger District at 11 a.m. today states that the Sunrise Fire burning 11 miles southeast of Superior has grown to 2,730 acres. Some 60 homes are threatened with the fire within a mile of some structures. Residents in the Sunrise and Quartz Flats areas have been on Stage 2 Evacuation orders since Monday and are prepared for Stage 3 Evacuation which is to leave the area immediately.
Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay
I have to say, the weather has certainly started cooling down a little bit. That is great news since the county saw the high temperatures only a week ago.

Local K-9 unit receives $500 Walmart grant
Sanders County’s K-9 Officer, Max, just received a $500 Walmart grant, all thanks to his handler, Sanders County Sheriff’s Deputy Lynn Lanzoni.
Sanders County 4-H begins preparation for County Fair
The Sanders County 4-H club has kicked into high gear with the Fair just around the corner.

Thompson Falls native Morgan Molzahn experiencing North Queensland lifestyle
Thompson Falls native Lance Corporal Morgan Molzahn is getting a taste if life “down under.”

Weekend CASA fundraiser a hit in Plains
Plains residents came out Saturday night to enjoy each other’s company at the CASA Fundraiser at Plains Pool Park.

Local artists wow with Paradise gallery show
What happens when a historical school closes down after nearly a century of nurturing students aspirations and dreams? Well, in the case of the Paradise School, it is now being turned into an Art Gallery, Information Centre and stop for travelling tourists and locals to enjoy.

Stage two fire restrictions come into effect Thursday
Sanders County Emergency Services are now moving to stage two fire restrictions for the area. The Sanders County Commissioners has now issued the following.

State of emergency Sunrise, Burdette Fires rage as governor declares fire emergency
Gov. Steve Bullock declared a fire emergency for the state of Montana on July 23. The order cites several active wildfires in the state, “Montana is facing extreme fire conditions,” he states. “Our top priority is ensuring the safety of Montanans, their property, and our communities.”

Farmers markets yield big community reward
he farmers markets in Alberton and Superior are small, but they carry a big message about promoting healthy communities.

Owners of former paper mill sued for $1.2 million in taxes
After three years of non-payment for property taxes, Missoula County is suing the owners of the former Smurfit-Stone mill in Frenchtown, located just east of Alberton.
No headline
Im pulling together this report, approx 300 words with photo
Alberton may lose recycling bin that serves public
The days may be numbered for Alberton’s recycling bin.
Mineral County Court proceedings July 14 – July 21
July 20, John Ray Adams, driving without license
July court hearings before Judge Halligan and Judge Deschamps
July 10, Judge Leslie Halligan

Redd Bull tour gives opportunity for group input
Tricon Timber hosted a meeting about Redd Bull on July 18 in St. Regis. The event was to give an update of issues impacting federal forest management and to take a field tour of the project area.
Legals July 26, 2017
Montana 20th Judicial District Court Sanders County In the Matter of the Name Change of Emma Renee Turner: Colette M. Morgan, Petitioner Cause No.: DV 17- 66 Dept. No.: 1 Notice of Hearing on Name Change of Minor Child This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court to change a child's name from Emma Renee Turner to Emma Renee Morgan. The hearing will be on 9/12/2017 at 10:00 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Sanders County. Date July 19, 2017 Candace Fisher Clerk of District Court By:/s/ T. Franck Deputy Clerk of Court Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on July 26 and August 2, August 9, August 16. MNAXLP on
Wednesday, July 19
Mineral County Justice Court, June 30 – July 14
n Bond Forfeited
Sanders County Sheriffs Report
The following incidents are from the Sanders County Sheriffs official report

Junior Rodeo takes over Plains Arena
The South West Junior Rodeo Association of Montana took to the Sanders County Fairgrounds arena in force last weekend for their junior rodeo.

Railroad Day brings community together
The 32nd annual Railroad Day was held on July 14 and 15. Saturday kicked off with a breakfast at the Senior Center starting at 9 a.m. At 11 a.m., classic cars, horses, and floats paraded down Railroad Avenue as people lined the route and kids clambered for candy thrown from the line of vehicles. Long-time Alberton resident Joe Peterson was the Grand Marshal and Mineral County rodeo royalty, Madison Hill and Jonna Warnken, lead the way while carrying the American and Montana Flags on horseback.
Flora Erotica opens at Hot Springs Gallery
The latest show for the On the Wall Gallery debuted July 7 with the opening of Flora Erotica.

Thompson Falls hosts 27th annual Chicken Jamboree
The annual Chicken Jamboree at Thompson Falls was once again a hit with the local community.
Boaters must stop at aquatic invasive species stations
With summer recreation in full swing, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wardens remind watercraft users that they must stop every time they pass an aquatic invasive species (AIS) inspection station, even if they have previously been inspected. If, for example, a person goes through an inspection station at 7 a.m. and receives a copy of the watercraft inspection form, and then drives past the same inspection station at 2 p.m. on their way home, they need to stop again.

Best-selling Missoula authors visit local library
The Mineral County Library welcomed two special guests on July 8, authors Kat and Larry Jay “L.J.” Martin.
Utility line work ongoing near recreation trails
The Forest Service is coordinating with NorthWestern Energy and Bonneville Power on several utility projects this summer that will occur adjacent to Forest Service recreation trails on the Superior and Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger Districts of the Lolo National Forest.

Classic cars invade Trout Creek for annual show
What better way to celebrate new ownership of the Lakeside Motel and Resort in Trout Creek than a one of a kind car show?
St. Regis highway receives beautification project
St. Regis residents and travelers through the area can’t miss the bright orange traffic cones and construction lining Montana 135 just north of the four-way stop through town. The project is part of the St. Regis Resort District Enhancement and Beautification Project, which began on June 5.
Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay
Another glorious week in Montana, and still hard to believe that I now call this place home.

Plains resident taking trap shooting world by storm
Local 15-year-old Trap Shooter Alfred (AJ) Jermyn is taking the trap shooting world all on his own.

Key Mineral County personnel retire after long careers
Three key positions in Mineral County became vacant as the result of retirements over the past two months. However, they have been filled by familiar faces already seen around the courthouse.
County-wide trail system could become reality
In Willy Peck’s ideal world, a continuous trail would run the 77-mile length of Mineral County. It would be a trail that could be used by both all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiler riders as well as hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts.

Local wild card team wins 3-on-3 age division title
The Wild Horse Sporting Complex held its second annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament this past weekend in Plains.

Train cars derail near Cyr
During a July 6 Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting, Montana Rail Link spokesman Tony Bacino reported that four rail cars had derailed in the Cyr area a week earlier. The cargo consisted of steel, table salt, cotton seed and other non-hazardous material. The cars were the last four of the train and the cause is under investigation.

Two small wildfires reported in Mineral County
The Superior Ranger District reported that there was no fire activity in the area west of Superior. However, two small blazes broke out in the Nine Mile Ranger District over the weekend. A 12-acre blaze called the Burdett Fire was reported nine miles southeast of Tarkio. It is in a remote area caused by lightning.

Lazier Creek Fire now 70 percent contained
Emergency crews are beginning to get the blaze that has been burning for little over a week at Lazier Creek under control.
Legals July 19, 2017
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Proposed Health Insurance Rates for 2018 The Commissioner of Securities and Insurance (CSI), Montana State Auditor, Matt Rosendale, will host two public meetings regarding recently filed rates by Montana health insurers. These meetings provide the public the opportunity to participate in government by expressing any comments that the public may have regarding the proposed 2018 rate increases for health insurance. The Commissioner has invited Montana individual and small group health insurers to be present at the Public Meeting. Montanans are encouraged to attend and/or provide comments on the proposed rates. The meetings will be held in two locations: July 24, 2017, at 5:30 p.m., Montana State University, Billings, (Room LA 205) July 26, 2017, at 1: 00 p.m., State Capitol, Helena (Room 137) The proposed Montana Health Insurance rates can be found on the CSI website, Additionally, if the person receiving this notice cannot attend either public meeting, the person can email their comments to through August 1, 2017. The Public Meeting in Helena on July 26, 2017, will also be live-streamed over the internet via for those unable to attend in person. The Commissioner of Securities and Insurance will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this public meeting. For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations, please contact Marissa Stockton at 406-444-2006 or by July 19th. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on July 19, 2017. MNAXLP
Thursday, July 13
Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay
Another week and another sunny day in Montana and I can’t tell you all enough how gorgeous this little slice of heaven is.
No headline
Katherine Boyle, 82, formerly of Plains died July 5 in a Helena hospital. No services are scheduled per her request.

Forrest Kaufman, 84
Beloved husband and father, Forrest Harley Kaufman of Spokane and formerly of Plains passed away June 17, 2017 of heart failure.
Sanders County Sheriff's Report
The following incidents are from the Sanders County Sheriffs official report

Bunny Club puts on show in Plains
The Bunny Club recently hopped into Plains for the annual cotton tail camp out show.

Ride the heat waves with some cool tips
Sanders County is feeling the heat as extreme hot conditions take hold of the area earlier than expected.

Thompson Falls rings bell on the Fourth
The 2017 Independence Day celebrations of Thompson Falls saw a slightly different route this year for the small town, including a walk through history, with the Declaration Of Independence being read.

Plains kicks off celebrations on Independence Day
The Plains VFW kicked of the Fourth of July celebrations with a picnic in the park.

All-American 4th of July celebrated in Paradise
Paradise turned out the “block party” of the county July 4. With families coming in from around the small town, attendees were greeted by music, kids playing games and the hamburgers hot off the grill.
Wednesday, July 12
Lazier Creek Fire UPDATE
There are no new major updates for the Lazier Creek 3 blaze.
Tuesday, July 11

Superior gets water tender to prepare for fire season
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation’s Equipment Development Center in Missoula brought a water tender to the Superior Volunteer Fire Department on July 11, announced Fire Chief Rob Torrey.

Shed fire threatens residential area
Frenchtown Rural Fire District, the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and Missoula County Sheriff’s Department raced up Toulette Lane and Fox Hill Road on the afternoon of July 4 to a structure fire in Frenchtown.

Occupants escape after truck stalls on tracks
Kyle Balm, 23, knew he was in trouble when he heard a train whistle blow on July 3. His 1981 red Ford truck had stalled on the tracks near the Natural Pier Bridge outside of Alberton.

St. Regis explodes with Fourth fun
This year’s Fourth of July parade did not disappoint as red, white, and blue decorated floats, people and even horses made their way down Old Highway 10 in St. Regis.

U.S. Rep. Gianforte stops at Tricon Timber
Last week marked Greg Gianforte’s third visit to Tricon Timber in St. Regis, but it was his first visit as a member of the United States House of Representatives for Montana. His visit took place on Monday, July 3, just one week after he had been sworn in.

Crock-Pot program helps kids learn to cook at home
Dawn Bauer is helping fight hunger in Mineral County.

Heat wave causing wildfires
As of July 10, the Lolo National Forest described fire danger as moderate. But as last week’s heat wave quickly dried out grasses, fire danger is on everyone’s mind. The upcoming week’s weather forecast has several thunderstorms announced and lightning strikes could cause wildfires as they roll through the mountains of Mineral County.
Text-to-911 program now available for emergencies
Bright red and white fliers are being posted around Mineral County as the Sheriff’s Department has implemented a new Text-to-911 program. The posters read “Call if you can, Text if you can’t”.
Earthquake rattles Mineral County area
Mineral County residents joined a chorus of other Facebook users after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hit about seven miles southeast of Lincoln on Thursday, July 7, at 12:30 a.m. The quake could be felt 500 miles away and social media exploded as people posted their experiences and surprise within minutes of it happening.
Monday, July 10

Lazier Creek Fire now burning 1,000 acres
Sanders County Sheriff’s Office deputies are evacuating cabins and homes threatened by the Lazier Creek 3 fire, which is burning near the Bend Guard station northeast of Thompson Falls.
Wednesday, July 5
Marsy's Law or Marsy's flaw? Courts will have to decide
Sometimes the best laid plans don’t work out such is the case with Mineral County’s bid for a full-time victims advocate position. Shirley Iwata was recently hired as a part-time domestic and sexual violence advocate with grant funds made available through the Office on Violence Against Women. Iwata has held a number of position with the county, including previous work with the attorney’s office, treasurer’s and health department.

Amateur Radio Club hones skills for emergencies during Field Day
The Haugan’s Heroes amateur radio club arrived Friday morning on June 23 at Savenac Historic Nursery with the aim of setting up two stations for the annual American Radio Relay League Field Day. The league is a national association for amateur radio and Field Day is held every year during the fourth weekend in June.
Life Flight Network no longer offering memberships
Life Flight Network, which is a not-for-profit air medical service, can no longer selling memberships in Montana. This is the result of legislative House Bill 73, which was recently signed into law by Governor Steve Bullock. In an unrelated move, Life Flight is now in-network with Montana’s two large insurance companies, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana and Pacific Source. The two companies reaches about 90 percent of the commercial insurance in Montana.

Smokey the Bear joins Summer Reading Program
Smokey the Bear was a special guest for the Mineral County Library Summer Reading Program at Eva Horning Park at noon on Tuesday, June 27. The group of area kids also learned about solar energy from the afternoon speaker, Leslie Heppe. The theme of this year’s program is “Build a Better World” and several guests have been featured discussing a variety of topics including Roger Wasley who is a system operator for Superior’s water system and gave a presentation in June. Superior Fire Chief, Rob Torrey also gave a talk last month about fire safety. John Woodland will give a presentation on July 11 on gardening with the Summer Reading Program finale be held at 3 p.m. on July 18 with a pool party at 4 p.m.

Patrons enjoy first Mud and Country Music Festival event held in St. Regis
The Mineral County Mud and Country Music Festival at the Tin Can Alley Amphitheater in St. Regis, Montana has officially come and gone, leaving patrons looking forward to the next event which will be an AMA-sanctioned Montana XC dirt bike race in late August.
Mineral County Justice Court June 24-30, 2017
June 28, Nishant Bhalia, underage driving
Legals July 5, 2017
NOTICE SARA HOPE ANDERSON The State of Tennessee, Department of Children's Services, has filed a petition against you seeking to terminate forever your parental rights to your daughter A.D.F.A. born 6/13/2006. It appears that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon you because your whereabouts are unknown. You are hereby ORDERED to appear in the Juvenile Court of Sullivan County, Tennessee at Kingsport, Tennessee on the 11th day of September, 2017, at 1:00 P.M. to personally answer the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights. Failing to appear for the hearing on this date and time, without good cause, pursuant to Rule 39(c)(3) of the Tenn. R. Juv. P. will result in the loss of your right to contest the petition to terminate your parental rights to the child listed above. You may view and obtain a copy of the Petition and any other subsequently filed legal documents at the Juvenile Court Clerk's Office, Kingsport, Tennessee. Entered Pursuant to Rule 58 T.RC.P. Mark H Toohey JUVENILE COURT JUDGE APPROVED FOR ENTRY: Aaron I. Guinn, BPR 024456 Attorney for the Tennessee Department of Children's Services Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on June 28 and July 5, July 12 and July 19, 2017. MNAXLP