Wednesday, March 31

Red Cross seeks volunteers in Western Montana
For the past four years, Red Cross volunteer Scott Fairfield has helped families in Lincoln and Sanders counties...

Traveling equine clinic serves rural horse owners
The gray gelding is gentle and good with young riders...

Wildlife officials say to not harass animals while shed hunting
Liz Bradley, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 2 biologist adds more information on the science side along with cautions for those who are ready to go scrounging for these treasured discoveries.
Watercraft inspection stations open for 2021 season
Watercraft inspection stations open for 2021 season across Montana
Mineral County law roundup
Intoxicated Subject, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Jacqueline E. Hankinson Robb
Jacqueline E. Hankinson Robb rode up the mountain for the last time on Feb. 21, 2021.
Invasive mussels found in aquarium moss balls sold in Montana
Customers asked to dispose of moss balls properly.

Plains School addition progressing well
In the 11 years that Thom Chisholm has been the Superintendent of the Plains Public Schools, he says the last 16-18 months have been harrowing.

Western Montana man headed back to prison
At the time, James Todd Whitmarsh, 51, was reported missing from a campsite on the morning of Monday, May 25.

Artist's final horse sculpture dedicated in Plains
Originally, Plains artist Kenton Pies planned to create five horse sculptures...
Sanders County Justice Court
Nicole Jewel Hammond, criminal trespass to property, resisting arrest...

Wheeler siblings perform well in Keep Montana Green art contest
Keep Montana Green was formed in 1945 as a 501c3 non-profit that is dedicated to the prevention of human-caused wildfires.
Food for Thought: Skills For Making Your Relationship Work
Any counselor will tell you that one of the most common problems observed when couples come for help is poor communication skills.
Legals for March, 31 2021
Montana Viewpoint: A rainy night in Georgia
The point of the 253 bills that have been introduced by Republicans in 43 states is to make it more difficult...
Rep. Loge addresses Montana state budget
This week, the House has been discussing our main budget bill (House Bill 2) to fund state government for the next two years.
Joyce Babcock Lehman
Joyce Babcock Lehman was born July 28, 1927, in Davis County, Iowa, and died March 22, 2021.

Steven Mark Pedersen
Steven Mark Pedersen, 61, of Plains, Montana, was born Nov. 30, 1959 in Berwyn, Illinois.
Advocating for passenger rail service in southern Montana
Beginning in the age of steam up to present day the tiny community of Paradise, Montana, has been an important junction of Montana railroads.

Mineral County Sheriff's Office Profile: Deputy Pat Nobles
Mineral County Deputy Pat Nobles may not be quite to that level, but he lights up when he shares stories...
Wednesday, March 24
St. Regis flea market a go in 2021
But tentatively the Flea Market is slated to happen during its regular time over Memorial Day weekend, May 29–31.
Food for Thought: What is mediation and why do it?
The traditional use of lawsuits for resolving problems is giving way to alternative methods.

Northwest Montana convict back in prison
Keeping up with the criminal record of 40-year-old James Rand Hernvall is no easy feat...
Area residents earn Masters degrees from Western Governors Univ.
Evelyn Laws of Plains, Montana, has earned a Master of Science, Curriculum and Instruction degree...

Superior native brings nature to life in art work
For Tempe Regan, self-proclaimed nature artist it was while exploring one stone...
Legals for March, 24 2021
Ernest E. Roesler
Ernest E. Roesler passed away at home...
Superior School students winners in art contest
The Southwestern Land Office of the Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation and Keep Montana Green have announced the southwestern Montana regional winners...

New veterinarian finds home in Sanders County
Growing up on a farm or a ranch seems to set the bar pretty high for developing a strong work ethic...

Women in Timber volunteers serve communities with pride
The wives of these men saw a need in the community for children’s clothing and gently used furniture...

Spring prescribed burns planned on Lolo National Forest
This spring, firefighters across the Lolo National Forest are planning to conduct prescribed burning to reduce...
Town Pump offering library grants to ‘Keep Kids Reading’
The Town Pump Charitable Foundation is offering $1,000 grants to public libraries...
Mineral County law roundup
Fire, Gold View Lane, Deborgia...
Montana Viewpoint: Rule 22 meets Catch 22
Johnson’s motion required the Senate Clerks to read the 628-page bill aloud to the Senators, who rapidly vacated the premises for the next 10 hours...

Lolo NF announces rate hikes; new cabin rentals
The Lolo National Forest is moving forward with implementing fee changes for developed recreation sites...

Gov. Gianforte: COVID-19 Vaccine Open to All Montanans on April 1
Gianforte encouraged Montanans to get a vaccine.
Access to East Side of Glacier National Park Reopens
Access to the park east of the Continental Divide has been closed since March 2020...
State provides update on COVID-19 variants in Montana
State health agency continues to work with CDC on surveillance for variant strains...
Help available for NW Energy Montana customers
NorthWestern Energy Montana customers worried about their ability to pay winter energy bills should reach out.
Wednesday, March 17
Sanders County Justice Court
Ervin Lanier Jr. Middleton, operating without liability insurance in effect-first offense...
Native students may apply for healthcare scholarships
The fund will provide $15,000 in scholarships to associate, or enrolled members of Montana federally recognized tribes who...
Letter writer supports county as 2nd Amendment sanctuary
While I understand that 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resolutions are merely a statement of...
Reader wants pot tax to go to conservation measures
Last November, when Montanans voters passed Initiative-190, which legalized recreational marijuana...
Mineral County law roundup
A caller reported large chunk of ice in the middle of the road, transferred call to MHP.
Montana Viewpoint: Fraud or fiction?
The soul of democracy is the ability of individuals to have a say in their own future, embodied in the right to vote.
Feeding wildlife has negative consequences for animals and humans
Despite winter easing its grip on Montana, it’s easy to take pity on wildlife...

Wolf hunting, trapping proposals making progress
Hunters and trappers who kill wolves in Montana could be reimbursed...
Woman dies in crash in Plains
A 20-year-old woman from Santa Ana, California, died after being ejected from her vehicle...

No bison for young hunter, but still enjoys unforgettable season
Such was the case with 12-year-old Garrett O’Day of Superior.

Northwest Montana woman accused of stealing from elderly parents
Kathy Ann Lewis, 63, of Kalispell, was booked into...
Carrie Louise Miliate
Carrie Louise Miliate, 58, passed away on 10th day of March, 2021.
Food for Thought: Emotional challenges for teens
Today we will explore the hardest things about being a teen and ways to...

Noxon School students step up to support Sanders Co. veterans
The article was about the Joint Operations Mariposa group in Plains, which is well known for helping veterans, and their new project...
Mineral County schools struggle to find substitutes
During a regular school year, it’s already a struggle for Mineral County school districts to find enough substitute teachers...

Frosty's Drive Inn has new owner, new name
Best known for its burgers, fries, and milkshakes, Frosty’s Drive-in has been a town favorite...

Superior student wins art contest
The winning drawing by Gia Beaudoin will grace the front of thank you cards sent by Energy Share to donors all around the state next year.

Congressman Rosendale speaks in Superior
A report from U.S. Congressman Matt Rosendale on the first 50 days in office was welcomed last Saturday...

Alberton School students benefit from 'Spruce-Up'
Who doesn’t feel spiffy when you’ve just had a terrific haircut?
Alberton man dies in traffic crash
A 49-year-old Alberton man died in a vehicle crash early Sunday...
14-C All-Conference and All-State basketball teams
The 14-C all-conference and all-state basketball teams have been announced...

Blue Hawks cap season to remember with fourth at state
The Thompson Falls Blue Hawks basketball team capped a season to remember with a fourth-place finish...
Legals for March, 17 2021
Wednesday, March 10
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: How To Handle Yourself In A Potential Assault Situation
Recently a friend of mine e-mailed some advice on how to handle a potential assault...
Former female students sue two Sanders County schools
One lawsuit filed by five former students alleges two men employed by Reflections Academy sexually assaulted teen residents...

Convicted killer Wood sentenced to 100 years with no parole
Even at the end, convicted murderer Danielle Wood proclaimed...

Lady Hawks wrap up season in Eureka
The Thompson Lady Hawks wrapped up their 2021 season with a 1-2 record at last week’s District 7-B...

Area legislators talk about pending bills
Three state legislators spoke with about 20 constituents...

James "Harvey" Vincent
In this time of looking back and celebrating the life of Harvey Vincent...

Mineral County Sheriff's Office Profile: Deputy Ryan Funke
From a Calloway 7-iron to a Kimber 1911 .45 pistol, he is extremely happy where he is after his world literally fell out from beneath him...

Superior Schools Food Pantry needs some help
The Superior Schools Food Pantry is seeking help to replenish its supply...

Tanya K. (McDermott) Cummins
Tanya passed away peacefully with all her family at her side Dec. 12, 2020.
Sanders County Justice Court
Anna Noland, fail to give notice of accident by quickest means/apparent damage over $1,000-first offense, fail/have child under 6 years old and less than 60 pounds properly restrained...
Legals for March, 10 2021
Inmate dies in Mineral County Jail
A male inmate who was being housed at the Mineral County Detention Center died Sunday...
20th Spring Mack Days kicks off March 19
The lake trout angling event, which ends Sunday, May 16, is sponsored by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes...

State champion Thilmony leads Sanders, Mineral county medalists
Wrestlers from Sanders and Mineral counties enjoyed successful weekends at the Montana High School Association Class B-C state...

Blue Hawks rally to reach state tournament
They had to do it the hard way, but in the end the Thompson Falls boys basketball team earned a trip...
Wednesday, March 3

Mineral County Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Like a well-oiled machine, the volunteers make the task of unloading, repackaging and boxing food...
Supreme Court rules permit for Rock Creek Mine is valid
The site of the proposed copper and silver mine is located beneath the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness...

Sanders County receives land donation for new housing
The Sanders County Community Housing Organization, Inc. recently received a generous donation of land...
Legals for March, 3 2021
Legals for March, 3 2021

Area wrestlers qualify for Montana Class B/C championships
Fifteen wrestlers from Sanders and Mineral counties punched their tickets...

Thompson Falls teams head to Eureka for divisionals
It’s time for the Western B basketball tournaments as both Thompson Falls squads...

County health providers continue weekly vaccine clinics
The Mineral County Health Department, Mineral Community Hospital along with a host of community partners and volunteers have been holding weekly COVID-19 vaccination...

Seasons end for District 14-C hoops teams
Caleb Ball scored 16 and John Pruitt added 10 for St. Regis...
Food for Thought: Addiction: How to Recognize It and What to Do about It
Alcohol or drug dependence means that a person has lost all control...

Thompson Falls man accused of choking woman
A Thompson Falls man accused of strangling his wife in a local lodging house pleaded...

H. Charlotte (Chuckie) Krudde
H. Charlotte (Chuckie) Krudde, 94, passed away Feb. 10.
Mineral County law roundup
Report of a Dog that had been shot in the area of Cochran Lane in St Regis, Deputy made contact with the dog owner...

Sanders Co. Commissioners hear passenger rail service update
Since Amtrak’s discontinuation of the North Coast Hiawatha, Sanders County has been without a passenger rail line, a service that had prospered in the county from the 1890s until 1979.

Many mourn death of CSKT wildlife official
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal member Stacy Courville died recently.

Shed hunters begin hunt for discarded antlers
But it’s in the serene harshness of winter that the annual shedding of antlers...

West End community establishes neighborhood watch
The West End Neighborhood Watch held its third organizational...