Wednesday, April 29
Support for Tranel for Public Service Commission
I am supporting Monica Tranel for the Public Service Commission in District 4. As a “Nana” and a
Clark Fork Valley Hospital provides advice on staying safe in the coming weeks
To our community, thank you!
Mineral County officials extend open burning season, urge caution
Mineral County officials have decided to extend open burning without a permit to accommodate the COVID-19 social distancing of six feet separation recommendations that are in place.
Food for Thought: Which angry face do you wear?
Many of us have been taught that anger is bad and that it should not be expressed. It is true that violent and aggressive expressions of anger are dangerous and destructive.
St. Regis School has two levy requests on May 5 ballot
Tuesday, May 5, the St. Regis School District 1 will have two important levies for voters to consider, including the building reserve fund and the general fund.
Noxon Schools Third Quarter Honor Roll
Here is the third quarter honor roll for Noxon School.
Alberton School District 2 trustee candidates
Tuesday, May 5, Alberton School District 2 of Mineral County will have a mail-in election for two school board trustee positions. Two candidates and the incumbent were all asked the same questions.

UM researchers work on COVID-19 vaccine
MISSOULA – Researchers in the Center for Translational Medicine at the University of Montana have been awarded $2.5 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health to identify and advance a COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

Precision rifle series puts shooters to the test
A slight breeze cut through the crisp morning air at the Butte Gun Club as the shooters toted their rifles to the firing line. One by one, the competitors took their positions. At one stage, a man stepped into an old claw-foot bathtub and rested the front of his rifle on the metal rim. To his right, another shooter contemplated how to best support his rifle on a giant rubber tire while the shooter on the stage to his left took to his stomach on a rickety-looking raised wooden platform.

Mineral County Airport gets grant money for new hangar
Steve Temple, Mineral County Airport Manager, announced that the airport is the recipient of $20,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration.

Macman Fishing Report: Perch cycle produces big fish
Fishermen, what’s happening in East Bay (East side of Polson Bay on Flathead Lake)?

Clark Fork Valley Hospital CEO urges continued diligence
Despite the fact Sanders County hasn’t had one positive COVID-19 case, health care professionals are urging continued diligence.

St. Regis’ Schmidt digs in as new garden club leader
Springtime is the season for working the ground, tilling the soil, and garden preparations.

Mineral County SAR members lauded for rescuing elderly man
Two Mineral County Search & Rescue Team members, Lori and Ron Dove, were recently honored by the Sheriff’s Office for helping bring an elderly man home after he walked away from his residence.

Old-time street cruise helps Superior combat COVID isolation
Gas is cheap, food is primarily drive-through style, and the only place to catch up with neighbors is at the post office.
Legals for April, 29 2020
Wednesday, April 22

Frields candidate for three-year term on Thompson Falls School Board
NAME: Ryan J. Frields
Denley Loge: An engaged leader
As Montanans adapt to modified daily routines, the COVID-19 pandemic is justifiably front and center. However, the immediate crisis will end, and we need to start thinking about how we rebuild our economy in the aftermath.

Firefighters get Henry Creek fire under control; no cause announced
Western Montana firefighters are doing mop up work on a 40-acre wildfire that occurred Tuesday afternoon in the Henry Creek drainage, about 5 miles east of Plains, on the Lolo National Forest.

Veteran artist finishes second Plains horse sculpture
Long-time artist Kenton Pies’ love for creating art and sewing the seeds in others hasn’t diminished with the passage of time.

Plains VFW Post 3596 gets a new, improved look
When patrons of the Plains Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3596 venture inside, hopefully soon, they’ll be in for a pleasant surprise.

Community effort leads to new jump pits at Superior H.S.
Long before school and the spring track season were put on hold, gears were in motion to refurbish the jump pits at Superior High School.
Police log: Fires, thefts, cow enjoys its freedom and semi drivers battle it out
April 8

Bridger Aerospace provides face shields for first responders
Toilet paper was the first item the United States ran low on during the COVID-19 pandemic.

County veterans' service to their community never ends
When the call from a disabled Marine came to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Lloyd Ridings Post 6238 in Superior in need of a favor, three men snapped into action.

Scotchman Peaks Wilderness program coordinator retires
Sandy Compton finds sacred ground in stone cathedrals carved by glaciers, in landscapes of cirques and tarns and scree. Hymns in this wild country rely on prolonged notes of silence punctuated by birdsong, by the gurgle of clear-running streams and, in season, by the bugling of bull elk.
Justice Court
Sanders County

Locals hospital parade lifts spirits of loved ones
It was short but very sweet, and full of honking, waving, and smiling loved ones.

Dance workout proves popular
Oula is a high energy dance workout class that is choreographed to current chart-topping music hits.

Robert Frank Hermiston
Our dad, Robert Frank Hermiston passed away Friday, March 27, 2020 at St. Patrick’s Hospital in Missoula, Montana.

Jeffery Allen Tautges
Jeffery Allen Tautges, 68, of St. Regis, Montana, died suddenly on March 16, 2020, in Mineral Springs. Montana.
Food for Thought: Homework Battles
With school closures many parents and children are struggling with the frustration of homework. Indeed, this time often becomes a war zone where there is begging, pleading, bargaining and demanding between parent and child.
Tuesday, April 21

Othello Community Garden has open plots
OTHELLO — The Othello Community Garden has garden plots available for any community members who wish to garden but do not have garden space available to them.
Wednesday, April 15
Mabel G. Ebner
Mabel G. Ebner of Superior, Montana, passed away from complications of cancer in her home on March 20, 2020, with family and friends by her side.

Locals provide hand sanitizer for first responders
What do you get when you cross a butterfly and a bottle of hooch? Hand sanitizer, of course, and lots of it!
Mineral County residents share quake recollections
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Reporter Monte Turner spoke with a number of county residents about their feelings on last week’s earthquake in Idaho that shook the ground here in Montana.)

Mountain Goats hiking club is on the move
For the fifth summer in a row, a dedicated group of nature lovers and hikers have organized an incredible bevy of excursions into the mountains right outside our back door.

Plains students are winners in poster contest
Three Plains High School students were recently named winners of the “Keep Montana Green” art contest.

Lance Alexander Yohannan
Lance Alexander Yohannan passed away March 4, 2020 in Spokane, Washington.
Superior mayor declares state of emergency
Superior Mayor Roni Phillips declared a state of emergency in the town Thursday, April 9, due to the COVID-19 virus.

Superior graduate sees first-hand the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on elderly
Depression and isolation can often go hand-in-hand. That is an unfortunate correlation Sammi Rae Francis is seeing more and more in her nursing home residents each day the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
Police log: Cows, crashes and welfare checks
April 1
Justice Court
Montana Highway Patrol

UM grad joins team at Clark Fork Valley Hospital
Some health-program students at Missoula College of the University of Montana are joining the battle against the coronavirus pandemic even before they graduate.
Trout Creek School Honor Roll
Here is the third quarter honor roll for Trout Creek School.
Thompson Falls Elementary School Honor Roll
Here is the Thompson Falls Elementary School third quarter honor roll.

Easter Bunny visits Plains

Candidate for 1-year term on Plains School Board
NAME: Karrie Shinnick-Lulack

Candidates for 3-year term on Plains School Board
NAME: Rose Wagoner
Victim advocates recognize Crime Victims Rights Week
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have more time on their hands than they may ever have had as working adults.
Housing assessment moves forward
An in-depth study of housing issues in Sanders and Mineral Counties is moving forward this week under the guidance of George “Buddy” Borden of GB Consulting.
Town Pump provides $1 million to its food-bank partners
Responding to the severe strain on the state’s food banks during the coronavirus pandemic, the Town Pump Charitable Foundation is providing $1 million in immediate grants to its food bank partners, including Community Food Bank of Mineral County and Community Food Pantry.
Food for Thought: Secrets of Inner Strength
Ever notice how some people manage to stay on track despite suffering a serious illness, financial setbacks or other problems that would derail other people?
Missing man found dead in Clark Fork River
The Mineral County Sheriff’s Office has located the body of a man who went missing in March.
Tuesday, April 7
Clark Fork Valley Hospital ramps up telehealth option
Telehealth is nothing new to the healthcare industry and Clark Fork Valley Hospital, but it will now be a tool that is utilized more frequently during the COVID-19 pandemic to connect patients and providers.
Thursday, April 2
Ore to Oar donors will get refunds after project fails
A historical monument project in the county is pulling the plug after it didn’t secure enough funding.
All quiet after initial noise complaint
March 17
Lolo man sentenced for gun crime
A Lolo man who admitted illegally having a gun and ammunition was sentenced last Friday to three years in prison and three years of supervised release, U.S. Attorney Kurt Alme said.

Joseph Wallace Shaw
Joseph Wallace Shaw, 78, of St. Regis passed away at 3:13 p.m. Saturday, March 21, 2020 at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula.
Free firewood cutting begins April 1
Personal firewood cutting will be free to the general public from April 1 through June 1, 2020, on the Lolo National Forest and no permit will be required during this time.
Mineral County Courthouse closed
Beginning Monday, March 30, the Mineral County Courthouse locked its doors to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Food for Thought: Corona & anxiety
As the number of coronavirus cases increase so does the nation’s anxiety increase.

Nevaeh Carolyn Kathryn Keller
Jasmine and Seth Keller, of Thompson Falls, announce the birth of daughter Nevaeh Carolyn Kathryn Keller at 8:58 a.m. Jan. 15, 2020 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital.

Grocers thrive, but many businesses have COVID-19 struggles
As businesses all over the world cope with the effects of the deadly COVID-19 virus, they do too in Sanders County.
United Way has relief fund for victims
The Northwest Montana United Way is helping victims through a COVID-19 relief fund, but it needs help from the community, too.
Clark Fork Hospital CEO gives COVID-19 update
Montana says spring hunting seasons will proceed as normal
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials said Friday, March 27 that spring hunting seasons for black bear and wild turkey have not been cancelled.

Church leaders adjust to needs of congregations
As Pastor Morris Hill stood on the small stage alongside New Day Fellowship’s worship team, his wife Barbara tapped the record button on her iPhone and before the morning welcome was finished comments started popping up.

Locals lend helping hand during pandemic
Crafty people all across the nation are stitching together their best efforts to help supply health-care workers facing shortages with homemade medical masks.
Clark Fork River Bridge work to begin soon
The Montana Department of Transportation will begin construction in early April to fix and replace the Clark Fork River Bridge on Montana 200.
Wednesday, April 1
Legals April 1, 2020
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is seeking public comment on a proposal to purchase 40-acres on the Thompson River to be managed as an undeveloped, walk-in Fishing Access Site (FAS) approximately five miles east of the city of Thompson Falls. This proposal would preserve intact habitat for critical fish and wildlife species, while allowing public access. A copy of the draft environmental assessment is available at the FWP office, 490 N. Meridian Rd., Kalispell; Montana State Library, 1515 E 6th Ave., Helena; FWP State Headquarters, 1420 E 6th Ave., Helena; and the FWP website at FWP asks that comments on this draft environmental assessment be submitted to either of the following addresses by 5:00 pm on April 13, 2020: Ryan Kreiner, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 5427 Highway 200 Thompson Falls, MT 59873; or via email ( Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on April 1, 2020. MNAXLP