Wednesday, June 26
Tricon Timber: a committed member of the community

Flying high - by Colin Murphey
Simone Dykes soars high above the crowd during her trapeze routine in Thompson Falls on Saturday.

Shooting in St. Regis
State investigators spent two days at the St. Regis home where a fatal officer-involved shooting occured on June 19.

Identity of suspect killed in domestic disturbance call released by DCI
Concerns raised over MCSO responses to emergency calls
In reaction to a series of public comments and letters regarding the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office, the Mineral County Commissioners held a meeting Friday to discuss complaints that the office is not properly responding to emergency calls.

Under the big top
Judy and Punchy the clowns sign a poster for Shiann Hall of Thompson Falls during intermission of the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus on Saturday. The company put on two shows before moving on to Libby on Sunday. The cast and crew produce two shows a day, seven days a week for 8 months straight.

Under the big top in Thompson Falls
THOMPSON FALLS- Clowns, trapeze artists, performers on tall unicycles and big cats under the big top entertained a standing room only crowd on Saturday in Thompson Falls. Dazzling the crowd with acts varying from humorous to dangerous, the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus made the stop for the only two shows in Sanders County this year.

Tom Kunzer Memorial Trap Shoot
Jack Downward of Bigfork competes in the Tom Kunzer Memorial Trap Shoot over the weekend in Plains.

Shooters gather in Plains to compete
The Trap Club in Plains played host to the annual Tom Kunzer Memorial Shoot on Saturday and Sunday. Three events were held during the competition named after Tom Kunzer who passed away in 2009 in a car accident outside of Plains.
School Board holds presentation on Common Core Implementation
PLAINS – Five concerned citizens attended the Plains School Board of Trustee meeting on Monday, June 17 to listen to the Common Core Standards presentation.
Legard Family to hold celebration of life
PLAINS - Family and friends of a Plains family that suffered a tragic loss last weekend will be holding a public memorial service this Saturday at the Plains High School gym.
Plains to host Independence Day celebration
PLAINS - The fair will be presenting a public fireworks display on July 4th beginning at 11:00 p.m. Private individuals are allowed to use the fairgrounds Riverside Park as an area to shoot off their private stock of fireworks. Those who use the area for their own firework display are asked to collect debris that is left after their fireworks are done. Hot dogs and root beer floats will be sold at the fairgrounds from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and the Plains Lions Club will also be selling fireworks for individuals in the Agriculture Building.
Hot Springs woman pleads not guilty to kidnapping
HOT SPRINGS – Jamie Finley, a Hot Springs resident, pled not guilty to a felony charge of kidnapping.
Superior town council receives EPA Superfund update
Representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency met with the Superior Town Council on June 10 to discuss EPA Superfund activities.
"The great water debate" continues to develop
THOMPSON FALLS – The Sanders County National Resource Council hosted the Concerned Citizens of Western Montana on Monday night, who presented a meeting on “the great water debate” or the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Water Rights Compact.
Mineral County Relay for Life begins Friday night
Mineral County’s 2013 Relay For Life event takes place Friday evening to Saturday morning, June 28-29, at the Superior High School Track.
Mineral County Chamber of Commerce Briefs

Trail Rail Run
Participants in the 50-mile race began early Saturday morning in Mullan, Idaho and ended their run in St. Regis later in the day.

Trail Rail Run invades St. Regis
Runners from throughout the northwest participated in the first annual Trail Rail Run Saturday.

An update from Rep. Schwaderer
As a State Representative, my purview tends to fall only on issues that can be resolved at the state level. That said it’s still quite often that I receive phone calls or emails dealing with concerns outside of the state - typically federal issues. The last few weeks have seen a significant frustration in our community regarding the unconstitutional surveillance of law-abiding citizens by the federal government.

An update from Rep. Ingraham
June 14th, Flag Day, a day specifically designated for celebrating the American Flag, has passed and July 4th, a day celebrating our Independence, is just around the corner, so it may be time to reflect on our American Flag and the time honored tradition and way of doing things that has deep meaning for America the Beautiful.
Letters to the editor - June 26
Wildfire season begins in Western Montana
The time for controlled burning has passed; the time to control unwanted fires has begun.
Art on the Walls to open Thursday
Sanders County Arts Council announces the opening of the Summer Show of “Art on the Walls” at Clark Fork Valley Hospital on Thursday, June 27, 2013. The public is invited to join the artists at the Opening Reception from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in the hospital lobby. Music will be provided by piano students of Heidi Mack and Sydne Connolly plus John Meckler and friends and his handcrafted instruments. Original artworks by these new and returning Sanders County Artists are featured.: Valerie Curtiss, Andrew Gonzalez, Rachel Gonzalez, Rodney Helterline, Judy Horton, Mary McClenahan, John Meckler, Sadee Miller, Kenton Pies and Lily Warrington. The show runs from June 27 through September 24. For more information, call Mary 826-0112 or Joy 826-8585.
Get set for David Thopmson Days July 6
The 6th annual David Thompson Days Community Rendezvous is sure to delight locals and visitors of all ages Saturday July 6 in downtown Thompson Falls.

Lonepine History
John Bras reads from a newspaper article written about the 1942 Sanders County Fair held in Lonepine.

Historical preservation underway in Lonepine
LONEPINE- Many residents of Sanders County may not know much about the county fair of 1942. Lonepine resident John Bras wants to change this and is aiming to do so by attempting to gather people together who were at the 1942 fair and tell their stories.
Chamber plans to amp up tourism around the county
THOMPSON FALLS – The Chamber of Commerce hosted three different speakers on Friday, covering a variety of different topics that affect the local community.

Plainly Speaking Toastmasters
Mary Lout Hermes delivers her tall tale about a team of cats performing at a dog sled competition.

Toastmasters share tall tales, impromptu performances
PLAINS – Plainly Speaking Toastmasters took over the library on Tuesday, providing tall tales and impromptu skits on topics, leaving the audience to wonder what was true and what was fiction.

Piranhas swim meet
Jacelyn Dubois swims the butterfly at the home meet in Plains earlier in the season. Dubois placed 5th in the 200-meter IM.

Piranhas devour the competition in Columbia Falls
COLUMBIA FALLS- The Plains Piranhas went in search of prey over the weekend during the swim meet in Columbia Falls. 22 swimmers from the team competed over the weekend in their first meet on the road.

MEGA Sports Camp
Noah Collett catches a pass from his football coach during practice on Tuesday. Collett was participating in the MEGA Sports Camp that is happening all week in Plains. The camp teaches young athletes life lessons through the play of sports.

MEGA Sports Camp teaches kids about life
PLAINS- MEGA Sports Camp descended on Plains on Monday providing area youngsters the opportunity to hone their skills in a variety of sports. The church led camp uses sports to teach kids in first through sixth grade about character development.
Sanders County Court Report - June 11 - 17
Sanders County Justice Court week of 6/11 to 6/17/13
Margaret Morgan
Margaret Morgan, age 86 and longtime resident of Hot Springs, Montana passed peacefully away on June 12, 2013 with family by her side.

Kathy Anne Machin Legard
Kathy Anne Machin Legard passed away Friday, June 14 due to a very unfortunate accident. She died with her arms holding her grandson Jake and her great-granddaughter Peytan Yoder. She had a great love for all her grandchildren and all young people.

Jake Andrew Legard
On Sunday evening, February 20, 2000 our scrappy made his early debut into this world in Missoula, Montana. His grandma Kathy, grandpa Pat along with Dad Mark and sister Jessica were there to greet him. In keeping with his love of all things sports related this also happened to be Daytona 500 Sunday.
Sanders County Senior News - June 26
Thompson Falls
Sanders County Community Calendar - June 26
Open Gym at Plains

Lady Cat basketball excels at Gonzaga camp
Superior Lady Bobcat Head Coach Jeff Schultz rarely schedules summer league games against divisional opponents - choosing instead to focus on larger schools in order to show his squad the best competition from the state and beyond.

Bobcats have a picture perfect week
The Superior Bobcats played three summer league games this week and continued their impressive run by winning all three of the games.

Lady Cats summer basketball 5
Unphased by the hard foul from a Kellogg player, Mueller sank a long two-pointer on the next play.

Lady Cats summer basketball 4
Marissa Koke was dominant on the inside on both sides of the court for the Bobcats in Gonzaga.

Lady Cats summer basketball 3
Danielle Ewoniuk hits a perimeter shot against Kellogg at home on Thursday.

Lady Cats summer basketball 2
Jordan Mueller took a hard foul, and a knee to the face, in Superior's home game against Kellogg Thursday. In a display of heart, Mueller was quickly back in action.

Lady Cats summer basketball 1
Lady Cat Jordan Mueller was a key in the game against Kellogg.

Bobcat summer basketball 5
Josh Benda was on fire from the perimeter throughout the week for the Superior Bobcats.

Bobcat summer basketball 2
Clint Voll had a huge game against Noxon Friday, dominating the inside of the court.

Bobcat summer basketball 1
Jarrod Tippens was a force to be reckoned with on offense.

Gildersleeve Mine
The Gildersleeve mine still looks identical to when it was first built.

After the Gold Rush
In 1931, fifty years after a gold rush brought over 10,000 fortune seekers to the Cedar Creek area of Superior, Gus and Fern Gildersleeve began building their mine on land near the original claims. What began as Depression-era subsistence mining has blossomed into one family's legacy of mining for four generations in Superior.
Mineral County Court Report - June 12-21
Mineral County Court Records from June 12 to June 21

Joyce Woodbridge Stancliffe
Superior - Joyce Woodbridge Stancliffe, 87, of Superior, Montana, passed away peacefully at home of natural causes on Tuesday, June 18, 2013.
Thursday, June 20

Forensics Work
Investigators with the Montana Highway Patrol were at the residence in St. Regis where an officer-involved shooting resulted in a death Wednesday.

Total Station
Phil Smart of the Montana Highway Patrol uses instruments to put together a "Total Station" forensic map of the scene of a fatal, officer-involved shooting that took place in St. Regis on Wednesday night.
Wednesday, June 19

One Dead in officer related shooting in St. Regis

Hunger meeting
Lorianne Burhop addresses the community members gathered at the hunger meeting.

Battling hunger in Montana one conversation at a time
PLAINS – The Montana Food Bank Network hosted a meeting at the Assembly of God church on Wednesday to increase awareness and help get a better understanding of the issue of hunger in Sanders County and across Montana.
Potential budget cuts could affect roadways
According to Sanders County clerk and recorder Jennine Robbins the federal budget sequestration is likely to bring some serious repercussions for county residents. The Secure Rural Schools (SRS) funding was not attached to the latest Farm Bill resulting in a potential loss of $1.3 million dollars to the county road maintenance fund.
Three-phase power becoming closer to reality for airport area
Mineral Independent wins big at state awards banquet
The Mineral Independent recently brought home nine awards from the Montana Newspaper Association banquet; six of those a first place honor.

Lunch in the Lot
Seven local Relay for Life teams participated in this year's Lunch in the Lot on Friday in Superior.

Lunch in the Lot raises funds for relay
Residents of Mineral County spent their lunch breaks Friday not only grabbing a bite to eat with coworkers and friends, but raising money for Mineral County Relay for Life as well.

Flag Day
American Legion Post #13 Member Earl Eisenbacher retires flags during Flag Day in De Borgia.

Honoring the flag as part of National Flag Day
The first official Flag Day was observed in Philadelphia in 1893 on June 4. Other states slowly followed the tradition until on May 30, 1916 then President Woodrow Wilson established June 14 as National Flag Day by proclamation.

Thompson Falls Flower show
Sherry Benton waters her plants during the Thompson Falls Flower Show on Saturday. Benton won two best-in-show awards.

Colors put on display during TF Flower Show
THOMPSON FALLS- The Sanders County Historical Society held their annual flower show on Saturday, showcasing talented green thumbs from around Thompson Falls. Vendors displayed their colorful wares for the public including Senator Jennifer Fielder who paid a visit to the show.
Letter to the Editor - June 19, 2013

An update from Senator Fielder
Tragedy and Public Service: When tragedy struck the Legard family of Plains this past weekend, many hearts were broken, including my own. In the face of losing his dear wife and two grandchildren, Pat managed to speak only of goodness. He told me, “Despite all that has happened, I am blessed.”
Keith's column: A thanks to the community
To say I wasn’t nervous prior to the Montana Newspaper Association Award Banquet would be just as big of a lie as saying I wasn’t happy when I won.
School board wraps up the school year, looks into future
PLAINS – The Board of Trustees met on Monday and tended to business as usual in a two hour meeting at the Plains High School, wrapping up the school year in preparation of a new one.

Tarwick sings
Lynda Tarwick of Plains fills the library with the sound of music as she sang to her heart's content for an hour on Tuesday.

Music fills the library displaying talent
PLAINS – Lynda Tarwick filled the Plains Public Library with music on Tuesday, sharing her love of music with a small get together.
Elks celebrate Flag Day
THOMPSON FALLS- The Elks Lodge in Thompson Falls held their annual Flag Day celebrations on Saturday in commemoration of the adoption of the United States flag on June 14, 1777.
Valley Press brings home eight MNA awards
The Clark Fork Valley Press recently brought home eight awards from the Montana Newspaper Association banquet hosted in Missoula.

Memorial Shoot
A participant takes place in the 2012 annual Tom Kunzer Memorial Shoot. The 600-bird event will be held on June 22 and 23.

Annual memorial shoot expected to draw crowds
PLAINS – The annual Tom Kunzer Memorial Shoot will be held at the Plains Trap Club on June 22 and 23.

TRACS dog walk
Stealth Kilmer walks a dog around the track at last year's Dog Walk and Fun Fest. This year the event will be on June 23.

TRACS to host second annual dog walk this weekend
HOT SPRINGS - Nearly a dozen concerned members of the community surrounding Hot Springs met with Sanders County Commissioner Glen Magera on Wednesday to discuss their concerns regarding a few stretches of county road. Magera listened to several accounts from citizens about the hazards posed by conditions on the roads.
Roads in Hot Springs cause problems
HOT SPRINGS - Nearly a dozen concerned members of the community surrounding Hot Springs met with Sanders County Commissioner Glen Magera on Wednesday to discuss their concerns regarding a few stretches of county road. Magera listened to several accounts from citizens about the hazards posed by conditions on the roads.

Multiple agencies respond to trailer fire in Superior
At approximately 5:15 on June 11, dispatch at the Mineral County Courthouse received a call for a structure fire east of Superior.

Trailer fire 3
SVFD Chief John Woodland pages instructions to incoming units on June 11.

Trailer fire 2
A member of the Superior Volunteer Fire Department uses a hose on the engulfed trailer.

Trailer fire 1
Three agencies responded to the call for the fire on Tuesday.

Trailer fire in Superior - by Keith Cousins
A member of the St. Regis Volunteer Fire Department runs to remove propane canisters from the vicinity of a trailer fire.
Progress report on town office project given at council meeting
At the June 10 meeting of the Superior Town Council, a report was given to councilors on the current status of the new town office project by Town Clerk Brenda Schneider.
Mineral County Commissioners Briefs

Lady Bobcats summer league
Marissa Koke goes up for a shot on Thursday night against Kellogg while Geneva Plakke looks on. The Lady Bobcats will play approximately 32 games during summer league.

Lady Bobcats look to gain experience
The Superior Lady Bobcat team of 2012 went undefeated during the regular season due largely to a high-speed defensive assault combined with fast-break shooting.

Piranhas swim meet
Kara Altmiller swims the freestyle stroke at the Plains swim meet over the weekend.

Piranhas take a bite out of the competition
PLAINS- Young swimmers took to the water over the weekend as Plains played host to the annual swim meet at the EL Johnson Memorial Pool. Hundreds of swimmers, coaches and parents descended on the facility to cheer on their teams in the first meet of the season.

Father's Day golf tourney
From left to right: Assistant Golf Coach Barry Fowler and Carl Benson look on as Cole Benson drives the ball off the tee during a fundraiser for the PHS golf team on Father's Day Sunday.

Father's Day golf tourney raises money for team
PLAINS- The Plains golf course played host to a Fathers Day golf tournament on Sunday. The tournament was a fundraiser for the Plains High School golf team coached by Rich Magera and Barry Fowler.

Bass Tournament catch
A participant who took place in the ABA Tournament on June 8th and June 9th displays his prize catch of the day.

Trout Creek sets hopes on Western Bass Divisional
TROUT CREEK – The Lakeside Motel and Resort in Trout Creek hosted their annual ABA Tournament on June 8th and 9th, a tournament focused on fishing bass.
Woman's Club projects near completion
PLAINS – The Plains Woman’s Club has been hard at work utilizing a grant to spruce up two places in town.
Back Country Horsemen to host annual Poker Ride
PLAINS - The Wild Horse Plains chapter of the Back Country Horsemen of Montana will host the annual poker fun ride on Saturday, June 29. This will be the third year for this particular event.
Sanders County Community Calendar
Open Gym at Plains
Sanders County Court Report - June 4 - June 10
Sanders County Justice Court week of 6/4 to 6/10
Wesley Stearns
Wesley died of natural causes on June 6, 2013, at the age of 98. He was born to Clara and Walter Stearns in Stacyville, Iowa on October 7, 1914. He was the first of five children and moved to Montana with his family at the age of four.

plains residents attempt to reunite baby deer with desperate mother
Duane Highcrane relocates a baby deer that had become stuck under planes of glass near a shed in Plains. The mother deer had been frantically trying to locate the fawn for three days before Highcrane and other residents found it and moved it to shade near the mother.
Fwp seeks members for citizens advisory group
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) is seeking applicants to fill volunteer positions on the Region 2 Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).
FWP reminds county residents when it comes to young wildlife "if you care, leave them there"
Every spring FWP biologists, wardens and others observe how good intentions go wrong when young wildlife are picked-up and moved from their surroundings by well-meaning people.

Relay for Life Lunch
Teams have been raising money throughout the year at events like Lunch in the Lot for Relay for Life.

Mineral County Relay for Life begins June 28
Mineral County’s 2013 Relay For Life event takes place Friday evening to Saturday morning, June 28-29, at the Superior High School Track. The Opening Ceremony for the over-night event begins Friday at 6:30 p.m. New this year, a Flame of Hope will be lit during the Opening Ceremony and light the night throughout the event.
Mineral County Court Report - June 3 - June 14
Mineral County Court Records from June 3 to June 14
Mineral County Community Calendar
Farmers Market
Monday, June 17

Search and rescue
Sanders County Search and Rescue attempts to locate a vehicle, which went off into the Clark Fork River late afternoon on Friday.

Car crash into river results in three fatalities
PLAINS - Tragedy struck Sanders County on Friday when 63 year-old Kathy Legard, 13 year-old Jake Legard and 4 year-old Peytan Yoder were killed when the vehicle they were traveling in ran off the road and into the Clark Fork River.

Stacks of Plaques!
Mineral County reporter/photographer Keith Cousins brought home six first place awards at the Montana Newspaper Association award banquet this weekend. Congratulate him if you see him around!
Wednesday, June 12

Pastor Thomas Hall
Thomas Hall demonstrates the features of his specialized recumbent bicycle. Hall will be riding across the country in the coming months.

Former pastor set to ride accross the country for good cause
PLAINS- Pastor Thomas Hall of the Plains Methodist Church will be retiring soon from his position as parishioner to his small community flock.
Thompson Falls resident killed in rollover accident
KALISPELL – Amber Morgan McAtee, a Thompson Falls resident, was killed in a vehicle rollover west of Kalispell on Wednesday afternoon.

Garden Party
Kylie Quick and Elaina Hamilton help out with weeding during the annual garden party at the Recovery Garden Saturday in Superior.

Preparing the garden for recovery
On Saturday county residents gathered at the Recovery Garden in Superior to participate in the annual garden planting party.
The hunt for the right expansion opportunity
Mineral County currently has an unemployment rate of over 10 percent. New businesses coming into its towns are rare and the workforce is largely forced to seek opportunities outside of the county for employment.
Nine graves confirmed at De Borgia cemetery

64th annual Homesteader Days takes over Hot Springs
HOT SPRINGS - The 64th annual Homesteader Days celebration kicked off on Friday in Hot Springs with vendors setting up their booths and live music on Main Street. The festival is designed to celebrate the history and heritage of the original Native American and white settlers that chose to make a home in the area.

Homesteader Days 8
Orville Bjorge was the Grand Marshall of the parade on Sunday. Bjorge is the son of an original Hot Springs' homesteader.

Homesteader Days 7
Jazmyn Campbell, 4, squeezes the nose of one of the clowns during the parade on Sunday.

Homesteader Days 6
The Glen family stayed busy throughout the day providing the crowds of people with fresh kettle corn.

Homesteader Days 4
Cody Carr dances with his daughter Jaycee during the Street Dance, which lasted from 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m.

Homesteader Days 3
Dakota Gun Hammer performs a traditional Native American Dance during Homesteader Days.

Rodeo riders put on a show in Hot Springs
HOT SPRINGS - Several hundred people flocked to the rodeo arena just outside of Hot Springs on Saturday and Sunday for the annual rodeo competition during the 64th annual Homesteader Days celebration. Competitors of all ages took to their horses and bulls to test their skills in multiple events.

Homesteader rodeo 10
Levi and Paul Guenzler participated in the double mugging competition at the Hot Springs annual Homesteader's Rodeo on Saturday.

Homesteader rodeo action - by Colin Murphey
Shane Morigeau of Dixon takes a tumble during the saddle bronc event.

Homesteader rodeo 7
Bull fighters Cody Morris and Tyler McDade assist a rider that was tangled up with the bull.

Homesteader rodeo 6
Arnie McDonald from Arlee attempts to stay on a bull during the bull riding competition at Saturday's rodeo.

Homesteader Days Car Show
Riley Larson and Todd Logan peruse the field of cars entered in the Homesteader Days car show.

Vintage car show returns to Homesteader Days
HOT SPRINGS- The turnout was impressive for the car show during the 64th annual Homesteader Days celebration in Hot Springs on Saturday. Around 30 owners displayed their vehicles for judging in an event that has been absent from the festival for several years.
FWP seeks applicants for Citizen Advisory Committee
REGION ONE - FWP is seeking volunteer applicants to fill four slots on the Region One Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC). The 14-member CAC is in its 18th year and was established to provide input and guidance to FWP from the public. This is a general advisory committee that works with FWP on all issues and programs.
Letter to the Editor - June 12

An update from Rep. Ingraham
When the legislature adjourns it does not just go home and wait for the next election, legislators continue to serve their constituents on a personal level, attend meetings and for many of them, serve on interim committees.

Superior hosts annual town clean-up
"It's been a quiet day but a good day," Superior Mayor Mike Wood said of the town's annual clean-up day this year. "Maybe that means we are getting the town cleaned up."

Senator Fielder
In May, Senator Fielder addressed the community during a panel discussion in St. Regis.

Senator Fielder reaches number two spot in state GOP
Bozeman, MT – With a massive groundswell of support, Northwest Montana’s freshman Senator, Jennifer Fielder (R) Thompson Falls, was elevated to the number two spot in the Montana Republican Party during the state convention June 7-8 in Bozeman.

Flood plane
One of Mineral County's many mountain streams. These streams run off into the major rivers and lakes that are often close to homes.

Cuts to FEMA's flood plane mapping program could impact the accuracy of flood insurance maps for county
As the United States grows warmer and extreme weather more common, the federal government’s flood insurance maps are becoming increasingly important.
Superior Ranger District Firefighters respond to blaze at Dunn's Draw
SANDERS COUNTY – A forest fire lit up 10 acres in Dunn’s Draw in Sanders County on Sunday after a tire fell off a trailer and ignited a dry slope.
Burn Permit season has closed
The Superior Ranger District will no longer be issuing burn permits of any kind. All smoke reports will be considered wildfires and will be responded to accordingly.
Sanders County Senior News
Travelers to expect delays on Hwy 200
Bonner County Sheriff’s Office announced that ITD construction began on June 3 on Highway 200 east of Clark Fork.

Utility pole replacement
Hot Springs resident Bill Tuss examines a utility pole on his property that has been marked for replacement by the Mission Valley Power company.

Mission Valley Power replaces poles in Hot Springs
Mission Valley Power is currently engaged in a project to replace utility poles in Hot Springs as part of ongoing and standard maintenance procedures. Inspectors with the power company recently surveyed poles in the area and deemed the replacement necessary according to normal operating procedure.

Helicopter training
Firefighters received hands on radio practice, allowing them to communicate with the pilot on the location of a water drop.

DNRC holds helicopter training for volunteers
PLAINS – The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation held a helicopter training session for Sanders County’s volunteer firefighters on Saturday, allowing the volunteers hands on experience with the helicopters.

Piranha swimmer
Jubal Ryan, a first-year swimmer, works out with the Plains Piranhas on Monday in preparation for the first meet of the season this weekend.

Piranhas gain experience before swim meet
PLAINS - Rachel and Jake Cremer are hard at work getting the Piranhas Swim Team ready for the first meet of the season.

Zootown basketball clinic
Payton Fields participates in the Zootown basketball clinic held at Plains High School last week. The clinic aimed to help young players improve their sills on the court.

Basketball clinic aims to prepare area youths
PLAINS - The high school in Plains played host to a basketball clinic last week put on by former college level players from the Zootown Academy based in Missoula. Basketball players of all ages from Hot Springs, Thompson Falls and Plains gathered to learn what it takes to perform at the next level.

Hot Springs Alumni game
The annual Hot Springs High School alumni game took place on the eve of the 64th Homesteader Days.

Alumni game heats up before Homesteader Days
HOT SPRINGS - The high school played host to the annual Hot Springs alumni basketball game on Friday pitting the current team versus players from past teams. The event served as a fundraiser and as a fun lead up to the 64th annual Homesteader Days celebration in Hot Springs.

St. Regis Lady Tigers summer practice
Madison Hill is one of several new faces on the Lady Tiger basketball squad this year and Head Coach Damian Droessler said he was impressed with her efforts running the offense in Darby Saturday.

Fresh faces add depth to Lady Tigers
The St. Regis Lady Tiger basketball team began summer practices last week with larger numbers than the squad has seen in recent history.

Alberton merge with St. Regis
Alberton and St. Regis High School football programs will merge next season and form the Clark Fork Timberwolves.

MHSA accepts Alberton/St. Regis football co-op
They are going to be the only Timberwolves in Montana next year.

Bobcats summer league
Tucker Smith was instrumental in setting up his fellow Bobcats with clutch passes this weekend.

Bobcats open summer league with a perfect record
Summer league started with a bang for the Superior Bobcat basketball squad.

Braving the rapids
The Lake County Leader editorial staff heads straight into Buffalo Rapid, the largest rapid in Montana.

Flathead Fury
Fresh out of college, and ready to conquer the journalism world, I immediately agreed when Leader editor Bryce Gray offered me the last seat in the boat. I wasn’t scared, mostly.
Mineral County Court Report - May 31 - June 7
Mineral County Court Records from May 31 to June 7
Mineral County Community Calendar - June 12, 2013
Mineral County Relay for Life

Cabinet Ridge Riders
Anxious riders prepare to take off for their journey in front of the Lakeside Motel & Resort. This year the Poker Run saw more participants than last year with 268 in total.

Annual ATV Poker Run surpasses lat year's numbers
TROUT CREEK – The Cabinet Ridge Riders held their 9th annual ATV Poker Run Saturday and saw more numbers than last year.

Pat's Knob
A view of the equipment on Pat's Knob used by emergency responders to communicate.

Emergency communication system in Sanders County to be reassesed
Hot Springs Mayor Randy Woods along with Sanders County Sheriff Tom Rummel and Sanders County Sheriff Department radio technician Cody Best met with the county commissioners on Wednesday. Woods voiced his concerns over the lack of redundancy in emergency communications around Hot Springs.
2013 Fourth quarter honor roll - Sanders County
Plains Honor Roll

Richard "Dick" George Reichert
Richard “Dick” George Reichert passed away unexpectedly at age 69 on May 29th at 1:30 p.m. at St. Peter’s Hospital in Helena, Montana.
Sanders County Community Calendar - June 12, 2013
Open Gym at Plains
Sanders County Court Report - May 24-June 3
Sanders County Justice Court week of 5/24 to 6/3
Monday, June 10

Homesteader Days Action - by Colin Murphey
A competitor lands on his target during the steer wrestling event at the Homesteader Days Rodeo in Hot Springs.
Wednesday, June 5

Plains Day deemed a great success
PLAINS – The streets of Plains were flooded with people for the 51st annual Plains Day event, an event that offers family-friendly fun to all those in attendance.

Plains Day 6
First, second and third place winners posed with their trophies and ribbons at the 9th annual motorcycle and car show. This year the car show had 27 participants in all.

Plains Day 5
Boston McDonald performed at the El Johnson Memorial Pool Park with his band Secret Eggs.

A Race for the Win - by Colin Murphey
Children in the five and under category race down the stretch at the Fred Young Park in Plains during the annual potato sack race. There were three waves in all.

Plains Day 3
Devin Heward and his daughter Hannah share a laughing moment before the start of the sack races.

Plains Day 2
Participants in the Husband Calling Contest used their volume and wits in a creative way attempting to get the attention of their husbands.

Walking on Water - by Colin Murphey
Kids tested their bravery and their skills as they attempted to run across water in inflatable balls.

Josh Wright MMA fight
Wright defeated his opponent, Joe McMillen, by submission in under two minutes.

Pro-life rally St. Regis
The inaugural Pro-Life Walk and Remembrance Rally in St. Regis began with a potluck and speech at the park and ended at the St. Regis River where a wreath was tossed and balloons were released.

Pro-life supporters rally in St. Regis
In March Mineral County resident Joan Carol attended a Pro-Life Rally in Kalispell featuring a series of guest speakers as well as a “Walk of Remembrance” where balloons were held and then released by attendees.
Death at Wild Horse Hot Springs deemed suspicious
The Lake County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the suspicious death of an Elmo man, who died at Wild Horse Hot Springs late Saturday night on May 25.

Wreck on Hwy 200
A tractor-trailer hauling lumber rolled over at the Perma Curves Monday. The driver had to be extracted from the vehicle but was conscious and alert.

Multiple accidents occurred on Hwy 200 within a few hours
Three accidents occurred within a few hours Monday afternoon all on Highway 200. The first was a few miles west of Dixon, the second was an overturned semi-trailer in the Perma Curves and the third happened near Paradise. All three accidents resulted in temporary closures of Highway 200.

Superior celebrates class of 2013
The gym at Superior High School was filled to capacity Sunday, as friends and family of the class of 2013 gathered to see the graduating seniors off into the next chapter of their lives.

Superior class of 2013 - 6
Adam Kay embraces his mother during the rose ceremony at Sunday's graduation.

Superior class of 2013 - 5
Superior High School teacher Mike Wood addresses the graduating class of 2013 on Sunday.

Superior class of 2013 - 4
Valedictorian Nicole Stroot presents Mike Wood with a special gift from the graduating class.

Superior class of 2013 - 3
Austin Terrill gives a thumbs up after receiving his diploma.

Superior class of 2013 - 2
The Superior High School graduation class of 2013 triumphantly throws their caps into the air after officially being recognized as high school graduates on Sunday in Superior.

Superior Class of 2013 - 1
Rhandy Cox, Kinzie Cooper and Kate Bullock dance their way out of the ceremony.
Letter to the Editor - June 5, 2013
Dear editor,

Be aware of vultures - an update from Senator Fielder
As we wrangled through the budget this spring, the beautiful state capitol began to feel like a big, ripe carcass with a dark cloud of vultures circling about.
Town of Plains undergoes lawsuit
PLAINS – The town council met Monday night to discuss a variety of issues on the docket. After approving previous minutes and listening to the different reports, Mayor Brinson brought to the council’s attention that the town is being sued.

Japanese doll show
Alan Pate of St. Ignatius gives a presentation on ningyos or Japanese dolls. Pate is one of the world's leading experts on these dolls.

Japanese dolls showcased in Plains
PLAINS - The Methodist Church in Plains played host to one of the leading experts in a unique art form on Friday. Alan Pate of St. Ignatius has been studying and working with ningyo or Japanese dolls for the better part of two decades.

Pro-life walk
Hannah Derocher, Robert Jennings, and Bora Le trek across Sanders County during their march.

Pro-life supporters walk across the nation
PLAINS - A group with a cause made their way across Sanders County on Friday. Crossroads, a pro-life group, will continue to make their way across the country walking over 12,000 miles from Seattle to Washington D.C.

Thompson Falls Farmers Market
Di Braun of Rocky Mountain Day Nursery and Landscaping tends to his table covered with a variety of different plants at the first farmers market of the year.

Thompson Falls hosts their first farmers market of the year
THOMPSON FALLS - The town of Thompson Falls celebrated the first farmers market of the summer with live music, a fun run, face painting for the kids, and a variety of booths from local businesses. Tables full of locally produced arts and crafts, fruits and vegetables, baked goods, jams and jellies among others lined the open area near the rose garden on Saturday.

ATV rally
Attendees at last year's ATV Poker Run line up their ATVs in preparation of the rally. This year between 200 and 250 participants are expected for the approximately 76 mile long journey.

Ninth annual ATV Poker Run to be held in Trout Creek
TROUT CREEK – The Cabinet Ridge Riders will be having their 9th annual ATV Poker Run this Saturday. The rally will start at the Lakeside Motel and will offer participants plenty of opportunity to discover Montana’s wilderness and wildlife.
FWP plans to release grizzlies into the Cabinets
THOMPSON FALLS – Members of the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks met with county commissioners on Wednesday to discuss the transportation of grizzly bears into the Cabinets in Lincoln County, just north of the Sanders County border.

Buffalo Bill Bear
A female bear was trapped in the Buffalo Bill area and transported northeast of the reservation near Blacktail.

Problem bear removed from Buffalo Bill area
PLAINS – A suspected problem bear was removed from the Buffalo Bill area on Friday after it destroyed numerous bird feeders on a property and broke into a garage to get into the trash.
County commissioners listen to plans of sheep augmentation
THOMPSON FALLS – At the County Commissioners office, officials of the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks met with the board to discuss the augmentation of big horn sheep in Sanders County.
Power outages to occur in Thompson Falls & Plains
As part of an initiative to improve electric service reliability in the Thompson Falls area, NorthWestern Energy will be doing work that will result in several temporary outages in the Plains and Paradise areas on June 5 and 6, 2013.
Registration for the 34th annual Huckleberry Festival is underway
TROUT CREEK - This year’s Huckleberry Festival in Trout Creek is rapidly approaching, and the weekend will include both old favorites and new events to keep festival attendees entertained.
Area businesses invited to free customer service seminar
Area businesses are invited to attend the free Montana Superhost state-wide seminar, “Rockin’ to the Rhythm of Service.” Sponsored by the Montana Office of Tourism’s Montana Superhost Program and Flathead Valley Community College, this customer service training program is custom-designed for Montana hospitality providers. Threaded with tourism-based videos and resources, the program gives participants new perspectives, tools, and resources they can use to elevate their customer service and interpersonal skills to create effective interaction with each unique customer they serve.
FWP offers fishing for Father's Day Weekend
Here’s the perfect gift for Dad and Grandpa: free fishing for all over Father’s Day weekend, June 15-16.

Superior state track championship
Superior Lady Bobcats Geneva Plakke, Nicole Stroot and Kinzie Cooper took home the school's first state track title.

Soaring to a state championship
It’s been over a week since their history making state track and field championship and for Superior Bobcats Nicole Stroot, Kinzie Cooper and Geneva Plakke the victory still hasn’t sunk in.

Billy Smith - All-Star game
Billy Smith threw for two touchdowns during Saturday's Bob Cleverley All-Star 8-man game.

Kay and company make a splash at All-Star game
Adam Kay doesn’t want another quarterback. But then again why would he after a championship season were the receiver was found time and time again by Billy Smith.
MDT seeks public comment on proposed signage improvements
MDT proposes an Interstate wrong-way signing upgrade project that is slated for four counties within the MDT Missoula District.
Residents urged to take wildfire precautions during awareness week
Montana, May 31, 2013 –Join in as communities around the state “Be Aware. Prepare. Do!” for Wildfire Awareness Week. FireSafe Montana, Keep Montana Green, the Governor’s Office of Community Service, and the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation have teamed up to raise awareness about wildland fire safety, preparedness, and prevention. Wildfire Awareness Week is set for June 3rd – 9th.
Mineral County Court Report - May 24-29
Mineral County Court Records from May 24 to May 29

Trotters Banquet
The Plains/Hot Springs softball team hosted their annual banquet, which helps raise funds for next year's softball team. The girls served up a spaghetti meal to those in attendance in an effort to raise money.

Trotters dish up delicious treats to keep team going
The Plains softball team held a spaghetti dinner fundraising event at the VFW on Friday as a way to generate funds to help the team continue representing Plains High School on the field. Parents, coaches and players all pitched in to support the team for another year.
Column: End of spring sports season leaves a void
There are few things I enjoy more than sports. I love watching all the major professional sports, college sports, tennis, soccer, Olympic events winter and summer, I have even forgiven Tiger and if he is playing well you might even find me watching golf. It is safe to say that I am a fanatic sports fan.
Morel mushrooms prove to be an elusive prey
Okay Montana, you can stop looking at me like I am from Mars. You can stop arming yourself when I come to your door. You do not have to hold your children close and whisper when you see me walking down the street anymore. It is okay because I am one of you now.

Ripples Ice Cream
Tom Peterson makes ice cream in the background. Ripples Ice Cream Parlor opened on June 1.

New ice cream, embroidery shop opens in Plains
Residents of Plains and tourists lucky enough to make a stop in Plains will be able to enjoy a new breed of ice cream this summer. Jacqui and Tom Peterson opened Ripples Ice Cream Parlor across from Town Pump on Saturday coinciding with the annual Plains Day celebration.
Sanders County Senior News - June 5
Thompson Falls
Mineral County Community Calendar - June 5
American Legion

Go Green Run
Caleb Hamner runs toward the finish line back over the bridge that leads to the Island Park in Thompson Falls.

Participants race to the finish in the Go Green Run
The fourth annual Go Green Run was held in conjunction with the first farmers market of the year in Thompson Falls on Saturday. Approximately 50 runners participated in the event which started on the banks of the Clark Fork River and wound its way across the bridge over to Island Park and back.