Thursday, March 28

One-vehicle accident on Highway 28
Plains-Paradise Rural Fire Department firefighter Pat Erving pries the doors open of a van that crashed into the embankment on Highway 28.
Wednesday, March 27
Controversy over walleye continues
Fishermen, biologists, and concerned citizens gathered on Tuesday at the Thompson Falls Rural Fire Department headquarters to meet with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials to discuss an environmental assessment released by the FWP regarding the walleye population in Noxon Reservoir. The public meeting was called by the FWP to inform the public about the proposal which would aim to reduce the numbers of walleye in the reservoir.

Plains lunch
Plains elementary third grader Travas Belknap gets his chicken pot pie during lunch on Wednesday afternoon.

Plains school lunch program brings profit
PLAINS – The dash for school lunch is a long process at the Plains High School, while workers in the kitchen serve up delicious meals that are nutritiously beneficial to the students.

GEAR UP Consultant Brendan McEldery gives ninth graders Chelsie Wilson and Shelby Melin an iPad demonstration.

Tigers GEAR UP

Denyse Traeder from the Mineral Community Hospital discusses Medicaid expansion on Friday.

Commissioners express support for Medicaid expansion
Denyse Traeder from the Mineral Community Hospital, as well as other representatives from MCH, were at the regular meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners on Friday to discuss the expansion of Montana Medicaid.
Olympian decision and future of route discussed
Representatives from the Superior Forest Service were at the Friday meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners to discuss the decision made for the Route of the Olympian trail.
Boomer Boys rock Mineral County
The Rock N’ Roll music of the 50’s and 60’s comes to Mineral County courtesy of the Mineral County Medical Foundation at its spring fund-raiser on Saturday, April 20 at the Community Center in St. Regis.
FWP hires new game warden captain
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has hired Joe Jaquith as Game Warden Captain for west-central Montana’s Region 2.

Kyler Francis
Superior Elementary fifth grader Kyler Francis is all smiles after being awarded second place in the Elks Lodge essay contest.

Superior student wins essay contest
Clark Fork Valley Elks Lodge #2757 is pleased to announce the following winners of the Americanism Essay Contest for 2012-13. The theme this year was “What does the National Anthem mean to me?

TRACS mimes
Out of Mimes members Deb Achatz and Erica Jaegers perform for the attendees at the TRACS fundraiser.

TRACS fundraiser brings in record profits
TROUT CREEK – Sequins, feathers and performing acts filled the Lakeside Banquet room in Trout Creek on both Friday and Saturday night as the Thompson River Animal Care Shelter hosted their annual fundraiser.

Plains youth perform "Red Riding Hood"
Around 150 residents of Plains came out to support the performance of “Red Riding Hood” put on by children ranging from six to 17 years of age. Organized by the Missoula Children’s Theatre and locally sponsored by the Plains Woman’s Club, the play featured about 60 kids from Plains schools, directed by MCT members Allie Kauling and Steven Thomas and accompanied by Sydne Connolly. Assistant director Mykenzi Blood helped coordinate behind the scenes activity.

Red Riding Hood
From left to right: Kelsey Standeford as Red Riding Hood, the Three Little Pigs played by Izabella McQuiston, Tianna McGonagle, Alexis Helterline and Ranger Rooney portrayed by Jubal Ryan.
Letters to the Editor - March 27, 2013

An update from Representative Pat Ingraham
On Tuesday, March 19, beginning at 8:00 a.m., we began work on House Bill 2, the General Appropriations Act which funds the basic operations of the state for the next two years, beginning July 1, 2013 and ending on June 30, 2015. The House took action on each section of the bill; there are five sections. While we had scheduled two days originally, we opened and closed HB 2 in its entirety in about an hour and a half.

An update from Senator Jennifer Fielder
I am working on many legislative actions to ensure local voices are meaningfully factored into government decisions. Please do your part by staying apprised of the issues that affect you and submit comments for the record to responsible agency officials. Feel free to cc me with any official comments you make to state agencies so I can follow up on the most critical topics. My email is

Colin's Sports Column: gearing up for spring sports
Being the new guy is hard. Being the new guy in a small town is really hard. Being the new guy in a new town at a new job is just plain terrifying. Especially if it’s a job I have no experience doing. This is the prospect I faced when driving to Plains, MT to accept my new position at the Clark Fork Valley Press. Now: to be fair, I can shoot pictures and I can write. However, I have absolutely no experience in covering hyper-local sports. I have visions of agile, nimble rubber people laying the ball in and then promptly stomping on my head as I crouch under the basket trying to get that award winning shot for the sports page.

Hot Springs track and field
Savage Heat athlete Tanner Hoff elevates above the bar during the high jump practice for Hot Springs Track and Field team last week. The track team is gearing up for a good season.

Hot Springs Track and Field team prepare for season opender
Head Coach Vicki Nytes had her hands full as the Hot Springs High School track and field team met for practice on Friday. With four returning state qualifiers, Coach Nytes, in her second year as head coach, was busy with “the largest team we’ve had in recent memory.”

Soldier returns home
Trevor Sheridan welcomes his wife Dillon home from the 484th Military Police Unit which arrived in Bozeman on March 16.
Chamber gets schooled on technology
PLAINS – The Plains Chamber met at the school for their monthly meeting, discussing technology within the school, primarily focusing on SmartBoard technology.

Plains Website
The old Plains Public Schools website is getting a fresh new look and design.

Plains School to get new website
PLAINS – The Plains School Board of Trustees met on Monday, March 19 to discuss their new up-and-coming website.

Chili feed
The head cook of Paradise School, Lisa French, dishes up some food during the chili feed on Friday.

Paradise holds chili feed to fund lunch program
The school in Paradise is closing after this year but they still need to feed the kids that do attend classes. A chili feed was held on Saturday at the gym to help raise funds for the school lunch program. About 10 people attended the event that featured a light salad with homemade ranch dressing, homemade chili and cornbread and for dessert, chocolate cake or sugar cookies all prepared by Lisa French, cook and bus driver for the school.

Flamenco dancing
Linda Bailey and Jennifer Corbin perform a Flamenco dance routine at the Symes Hotel in Hot Springs.

Dance Troupe brings Flamenco to Hot Springs
The Symes Hotel in Hot Springs was filled with the sounds of traditional Spanish dancing on Saturday as Flamenco Montana from Missoula displayed their talents for about 30 spectators.

Turkey shoot
Matt Cockrell fires at a clay pigeon during the annual Turkey Shoot hosted by the Plains Trap Club. The event took place on 10 a.m. Friday morning.

Annual Turkey Shoot kicks off with a bang
PLAINS – The annual Turkey Shoot kicked-off with a blast as guns fired into the air at clay pigeons.
Sanders County Senior News
Thompson Falls
Marion Reinhart
Marion Reinhart, 85, of Thompson Falls, passed away on Saturday, March 23.

Murdoc Lee James Ovitt

Murdoc Lee James Ovitt
Murdoc Lee James Ovitt was born on Jan. 17, 2013 at 6:17 p.m. at Community Hospital Birthing Center in Missoula. He weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20 inches long. His parents are Ethan Ovitt and Bethany Lozier of Missoula.
Sanders County Community Calendar
Open Gym at Plains

Football merger
Representatives from St. Regis and Alberton schools will approach the MHSA in the hopes of merging the two football programs.

Alberton and St. Regis to merge football teams
At a meeting in St. Regis on March 19, representatives from both the St. Regis and Alberton School Districts were on hand along with members of the public to discuss merging the two high school football teams beginning next season.

Brothers wrestling
Brothers Jake and Nathan Lapinski both won their divisions in the 140-pound weight class at the state tournament in Kalispell over the weekend.

Brothers take championship
Over the weekend Jake and Nathan Lapinski made a splash at the state Little Guy Wrestling tournament in Kalispell.
Mineral County Community Calendar
St. Regis Easter Egg Hunt
Mineral County Court Report
Mineral County Court Records from March 15 to March 22
Wednesday, March 20

Dr. Bauer
Dr. Donald F. "Doc" Bauer

Dr. Donald F. "Doc" Bauer
Donald F “Doc” Bauer, 80, of Huson, passed away Monday, March 18, 2013 at his home in the arms of his loving wife and other family members after a long battle with lung cancer.

Greg Hanson, CEO of Clark Fork Valley Hospital, talks with Montana Governor Steve Bullock. Bullock visited CFVH on Thursday to share his support of House Bill 590.

Governor visits Plains

Perma curves crash
Plains-Paradise Rural Fire Department's Pat Erving assesses the one-vehicle accident on Highway 200 at the Perma curves with the help of a rescue member.

Car crashes at Perma curves
Suppression of walleye a hot-button issue

Superior High School junior Michele Smith won the state BPA competition for the second year in a row.

Superior junior makes a splash at state BPA contest
Superior council discusses future of EPA site
Commissioners award gravel contract to Gull
Forest Service authorizes multiple use rail-trail route
New scam targets Montana employers asking for account informatino
Superior Ranger District prescibed Spring burning

Local man honored with birthday celebration

Stan Risland
Resident of Plains, Stan Risland, gets ready to blow out his candles for his 95th birthday celebration.
Dance group to demonstrate Flamenco in Hot Springs

Plains Comm Garden Well
Butch Tiemeyer of Cyclone Drilling hits water as he puts in the well for the Plains Community Garden.

Plains Community Garden receives new well
Sanders County kids to "kick butt"
DPHHS urges seniors to screen for colorectal cancer

4-H demonstrations
Josh Wulfekuhle demonstrates the equipment needed for waterskiing. Wulfekuhle is a member of the Thompson Falls Mountaineers.

Final 4-H demonstrations showcased in Plains
Update from Rep. Nicholas Schwaderer
Letters to the Editor - March 20, 2013

Update from Rep. Pat Ingraham

TFalls Track and Field
A line of potential javelin throwers get ready to launch their javelins through the air during practice. Throwing coach Jake Susic instructed the kids on proper form.

Bluehawks Track and Field takes off running

TFalls Golf
Preston Early tees off during the golf practice at the Thompson Falls Golf Course.

Bluehawks Golf team swings into season

Thompson Falls celebrates Prom

TFalls Prom
Kelsey Fitchett and Ryan Knudsen were announced Prom King and Queen Saturday night.

Plains Prom
Prom Queen Mahala Harris and Prom King Dallas Burgess share a dance Saturday night.

Plains celebrates Prom
TRACS to host fundraiser Las Vegas style
Thompson Falls Chamber discusses Graduation Matters

Pavlik accepts plea agreement of 10 years

Carl Haywood holds up a copy of his second book, "Howse House," which focuses on Joseph Howse and the fur trade.

Local Thompson Falls author publishes second book
Soldier with the National Guard returns home

Red Riding Hood
Kids audition for the Missoula Children's Theatre performance of Red Riding Hood on Monday.

MCT will perform 'Red Riding Hood'
Sanders County Senior News
Sanders County Community Calendar

Column: Spring Sports
Throughout the spring sports season, Mineral County athletes will test themselves against fellow student athletes in the primarily individual sports of track and field, golf and tennis.

Column: The Power of the Individual
Mineral County Community Calendar
Mineral County Court Report
Wednesday, March 13
Alberton junkyard thief sentenced to pay $7,800 in restitution
Joint investigation of the MCSO and MHP results in the apprehension and conviction of Alberton man for a series of thefts in the town.
Resident pitches idea of county advocate to commissioners
Mineral County resident George Regan was at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners on Friday to discuss his ideas for creating a countywide advocate.
Men of Worth to play in Superior this week
From Scotland’s outer islands and Ireland’s west, some of America’s most authentic musical heritage is coming to Superior.
Boomer Boys rock for Mineral County medical foundation fundraiser
The Rock N’ Roll music of the 50’s and 60’s comes to Mineral County courtesy of the Mineral County Medical Foundation at its spring fund-raiser on Saturday, April 20 at the Community Center in St. Regis. The disk jockey starts spinning the platters (45 records) at 5:30 P.M., as a warm up to the rockinest band in Montana -The Boomer Boys!
Superior Ranger District prescribed burning Spring 2013
The Superior Ranger District has numerous prescribed burns planned for the spring of 2013. The burn units range in size from single harvest units to large wildlife burns. Some, but not all, of the scheduled burns will be implemented this year. The exact timing and execution of individual burns is dependent on factors such as weather, fuel moisture, staffing, airshed restrictions, and budget.
Plains Grange makes public stance on water compact
PLAINS – The Plains Grange #101 held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 5 and discussed their stance on the Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission.

Doreen Stokes
Doreen Stokes holds a Maasi school child on her lap while she is surrounded by other members of the school and the local village.

Plains resident helps bring relief to Africa
PLAINS – Local Plains resident, Doreen Stokes is on a mission to better the communities of Africa by helping to provide water and trees to a village in Loswira, Tanzania

Spelling Bee
From left to right: third place Delaney Weltz of Noxon, second place Jaden Coston of Dixon and first place Derick Curry of Plains display their throphies.

Sanders County Spelling Bee crowns local champion
The 26th annual Sanders County Spelling Bee was held at the courthouse in Thompson Falls on Friday. Participants from Noxon, Dixon, Trout Creek, Thompson Falls, Plains, and Hot Springs competed for the privilege of representing the county at the state competition held at Montana State University in Billings in March.

TFHS Drama Department pulls off "Once Upon a Mattress"
The Thompson Falls High School Drama Department’s production of “Once Upon a Mattress” went up for a three day run at the Rex Theatre downtown on Thursday. The musical comedy is an adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea. Directed by Jennifer Haas, Rebecca Haag and Pam Peters, the ambitious effort was rewarded with a packed house during the performance on Friday.

Drama production
The Thompson Falls High School Drama Department performed "Once Upon a Mattress" at the Rex Theater.
Letters to the Editor - March 13, 2013
Dear Senators:

From your State Senate: with Sen. Jennifer Fielder
Stakes to high to rush decision on water

Thompson Falls softball
Senior Kelsey Fitchett gets ready to launch the ball across the field to one of her teammates.

Thompson Falls spring sports season ready to take off
THOMPSON FALLS – After a year without any softball for Thompson Falls, this year the team is more than ready to get the games started.

Plains Trotters softball
Aspen Rude was set and ready to field a ground ball during the first practice of the season for the Plains Trotters.

Plains/Hot Springs Spring sports season ready to take off
PLAINS/HOT SPRINGS - With spring high school sports just around the corner, athletes and coaches are gearing up for another successful season. Golf, track and field, and softball practice ibegan on Monday and coaches from Plains High School and Hot Springs High School were busy preparing for the arrival of their new teams.
Red Devil Track and Field hits the ground running
NOXON – The Red Devil Track and Field team began practice on Monday in preparation of the upcoming season.

Baptiste Seynaeve, an exchange student from Belgium, played basketball with the Bluehawks this season.

Thompson Falls exchange student shares love for basketball
THOMPSON FALLS – Baptiste Seynaeve, a foreign exchange student from Belgium, played to his full ability alongside the Bluehawks creating some unforgettable memories along the way.

4-H demonstration
Emily and Anna Snell demonstrated how to be a good leader with an interactive performance. Both of the girls will be demonstrating at the finals.

Sanders County 4H picks finalists for demonstrations
THOMPSON FALLS – The 4H demonstrations kicked off in full swing on Saturday morning at the Thompson Falls High School with a full day of presentations.

Bill Beck, a member of the Plains Senior Center, works on cutting posts down to size for the frame of the playhouse.

Plains Senior Center crafts dream playhouse
PLAINS – The Plains Senior Center is hard at work building a 2-story dream playhouse, which includes swings, a slide, a basketball hoop and a climbing wall.

Raylene Katana fills out some paperwork while her loyal companion Charlie sits on the desk.

Unique Emporium to close doors for good in April
PLAINS- Raylene Katana loves antiques and she loves Montana. It would seem strange at first then to learn that she is leaving them both behind for the sunny shores of southern California. Raylene is closing her second hand collectible shop, the Unique Emporium in Plains, and is moving to San Diego to be closer to family.

WSA check
WSA President Cory Ovitt accepts the check from Jim Blush of Blackfoot Communications on March 5.

Wildhorse Sports Association receives grant
PLAINS – Wildhorse Sports Association received a $5,000 grant from Blackfoot telecommunications last Tuesday, putting the organization closer to their goal of constructing a very ornate and much-needed sports complex at the old Plains airport.

Town Council
Mayor Brinson is deep in thought during the Plains Town council meeting on Monday, March 4 at Plains City Hall.

Plains Town council passes water bond upgrade
PLAINS – The March meeting for the Plains Town Council commenced March 4, where council members voted on and passed the water bond upgrade and also addressed town property and storage use.

Superior senior Hillary Stevens is returning this season along with her doubles partner, fellow senior Myranda Kuhl.

Alberton/Superior tennis team prepares for season
Spring sports are in full swing and although several of the Superior/Alberton High School Tennis team were away competing in the state BPA competition, Head Coach Rick Berreth began preparing his team for the upcoming season.
Buckle up to ensure a safe and enjoyable prom
It’s PROM season again and strapless is out!
Superior seniors create healthy district wide event
Over the course of their years at Superior High School, seniors Hillary Stevens, Rhandy Cox, Nicole Stroot and Kinzie Cooper have competed against other District C schools in a variety of sports.

Attendees built a litter made out of a sleeping bag and poles to be used to carry an injured person.

Emergency personnel receive survival training
Members of various emergency agencies in Mineral County gathered at the Superior Ambulance Barn Friday to receive training in wilderness survival and extended care.
Finishing the fight
One hundred years ago, the American Cancer Society began the fight of a lifetime — the fight against cancer. The American Cancer Society was originally founded in 1913 as the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC) by 15 prominent physicians and business leaders in New York City. At that time, a cancer diagnosis amounted to near certain death. Physicians sometimes did not tell their patients they had cancer, and patients often did not tell their friends and families if they had been diagnosed. Rarely mentioned in public, it faced much the same stigmas and taboos as mental health. To try to change this, members of the American Cancer Society started on a mission to educate people.

Jesse James Ryan
Jesse James Ryan was born August 2, 1984 and passed away due to an auto accident in South Carolina November 14, 2012.
Vera Lawrence
Vera Lawrence, 91, passed away on Dec. 23, 2012. A memorial service will be held in her honor on March 16, 2013 at the Superior Cemetery.
Mineral County Court Report
Mineral County Court Records from February 28 to March 8
Mineral County Community Calendar
Hand bell Ringers
Sanders County Senior News
Thompson Falls

Karen K. Pierce
Karen K. Pierce passed away peacefully at home after a six month battle with ovarian cancer on March 5, 2013. She was born February 12, 1950 in Kalispell, Montana to Alvin and Irene Cobeen. She was a devoted employee at JC Penney’s for 37 years before retiring last April. She enjoyed painting, family travel, going to see musicals and trying new things. But her greatest joy in life was being a grandmother to her three beautiful grandchildren! She leaves behind her son, Brett Pierce, daughter-in-law Emily Pierce, and granddaughter Neve’; and her daughter Aimy Jordan and grandsons Carl and Eric. She is also survived by her sister Shonda and family in Lonepine, Montana; and brother Reece in Plains, Montana. There will be a celebration of her life at Hennessey-Smith, 2203 N. Division, Spokane, WA at 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 9th, 2013.

Christian Jason Glace
Christian Jason Glace was born on January 30th at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. He weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces. Parents are Jasmine Brooks and Jacob Glace. Grandparents are Mike and Julie Needham of Plains, Mt , Jason and Carmen Stugelmayer of Yakima, WA. Great- Aunts and Uncles Gordon and Natalie Briote of Leavenworth, WA, Jack and Debbie Dolan of Tacoma, WA., Ava Brock of Tacoma, WA. Great grandparents are Jim and Judy Benfiet of Naches, WA.

Edwin (Ed) Lasswell Diehl, Jr.
PLAINS – Edwin (Ed) Lasswell Diehl, Jr., a longtime resident of Plains, passed away at his winter home in Yuma, Arizona on February 27, 2013 from natural causes at the age of 70.
Sanders County Community Calendar
Red Riding Hood Auditions
Bridge on Little Bitterroot Road to close for repairs
HOT SPRINGS - Christensen Bridge on Little Bitterroot Rd. about 3.5 miles from Hot Springs off of highway 28 will be closed for repairs from Mar. 18 to Apr. 8. The closure will affect school bus routes, the Christensen family who own a ranch that spans the bridge and the community of Hot Springs who will experience a short period of internet and phone service disruption.
Tuesday, March 12

10 years: Lance Pavlik sentenced before packed courtroom
THOMPSON FALLS – Lance Pavlik was sentenced to 10 years in jail on Tuesday, March 12.
Saturday, March 9

Grass fire on Upper Lynch
Firefighters battle a grass fire off Upper Lynch Rd. on Sat. March 9.
Wednesday, March 6
Thompson Falls school board talks elections
CORRECTION - It was incorrectly stated that two board members were vacating their positions. According to Thompson Falls District Superintendent, Jerry Pauli, Elementary School Principal Maureen Simonson and Special Education Director Jennifer Cline are currently interviewing for other positions, however, the district is offering them a new contract for next year. Valley Press apologizes for the mistake or any confusion caused by the error.
Sheehan of Plains convicted of theft
A Helena jury convicted a Plains man Thursday of one count of theft by common scheme, a felony, of worker’s compensation benefits provided by the Montana State Fund.
Revett Minerals explores mine possibilities
THOMPSON FALLS – Revett Minerals met with the Sanders County Board of Commissioners on Thursday to discuss progress at both Troy and Rock Creek mines.

Silly celebrations
PLAINS - School children were excited for books, and even more for the rewards for reading on Friday as Plains celebrated the end of I Love to Read Month.

Spring Fling
Community members and businesses donated gift baskets for auction at the Spring Fling.

Spring Fling brings community together
Residents of Mineral County flowed into the Superior Elementary School Gym on Saturday to browse books and visit with friends during the third annual Spring Fling on Saturday.

Paula Mintz
Paula Mintz stands next to her flowers and gifts at the Superior Post Office, where she worked as a clerk for 15 years.

Post Office clerk retires after 15 years of work in Superior
On Thursday Feb. 28, residents of Superior not only went to the Post Office to grab their mail and conduct business – they gathered to wish their best to Post Office Clerk Paula Mintz.

Semi-truck accident contained
Both the West End Volunteer Fire Department and St. Regis Volunteer Fire Department responded to the scene of a semi-truck accident on Interstate 90 on the evening of Monday, Feb. 26. West End Volunteers were able to safely extract the driver of the semi-truck from his vehicle before a tow truck crew went to work removing it. The accident happened near mile marker 15.
Venturing off the beaten path at Lookout Pass
On the brink of another successful day of skiing at Look Out Mountain, my mind was already wandering to the ski lodge and that first cold sip of beer splashing my lips. Little did I know the much-anticipated sip of beer would turn into an incredible mark of achievement.
Men of Worth head to Superior for March gala
From Scotland’s outer islands and Ireland’s west, some of America’s most authentic musical heritage is coming to Superior.

Lance Pavlik
Pavlik at his Jan. 8 appearance at Sanders County District Court.

Pavlik's sentencing to occur next week
THOMPSON FALLS - Lance Pavlik, former Thompson Falls golf coach and Thompson Falls School Board vice-chair is scheduled to appear in Sanders County District Court on Tuesday, March 12 for his sentencing.
Public comment open for Walleye in Noxon Reservoir
NOXON - Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (MFWP), Region One, is seeking public comment for the Investigation of Suppression of Walleye in Noxon Rapids Reservoir public draft environmental assessment, a proposal to conduct a 6-year effort to investigate suppressing illegally introduced walleye in Noxon Reservoir using a variety of sampling gear and techniques. Beginning in spring of 2013 and continuing until 2018, MFWP proposes to intensively electrofish and/or gillnet the upper portion of Noxon Reservoir from Flatiron FAS to the Thompson Falls Dam until the end of May or June, or until walleye are no longer concentrated in the spawning area. Additionally, these or other techniques may be used to exploit other seasonal concentrations of walleye throughout the reservoir over the 6-year project time line.
Northwest Montana hunter, bowhunter, instructors honored
Multiple Hunter and Bowhunter Education Instructors from Sanders County received service awards from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks during the annual Region 1 Instructor Workshop, which was held on March 2 at Flathead Valley Community College in Kalispell. A total of 34 instructors received service awards ranging from 5 to 35 years of service. All service award recipients received a plaque and additional awards included an engraved knife for 10 years of service and a FWP belt buckle for 20 years of service. A number of other awards were also presented.
Elk, deer permit applications due mid-March
March 15 is the deadline to apply for Montana’s 2013 deer and elk hunting permits. An easy-to-use eight-page application packet is now available from all hunting license providers, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks offices and online at
DNRC urges caution as open burning season begins
SANDERS COUNTY - With the statewide open burning season set to begin March 1, the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) wants to make sure that unwanted debris is the only thing going up in flames.

Melanie's farewell column: Relations matter most
Ninety-seven issues. That’s my number here at Valley Press – Mineral Independent. It may even be 98, but that very first issue in April of 2011 when I started here was just a few photos of an Easter egg hunt in Superior. Little did I know what lay ahead of me; little did I know how much things would change, and how the slightest, tiniest decisions can create ripple effects that touch so many others.

Keeping in touch with Rep. Pat Ingraham
While the Legislature has been in full swing and is headed to complete its transmittal date this Thursday, February 28th, there is another rather important, though less exciting event going on as well, that of filing income taxes, less of a political event than the Legislature, however just as important. So I thought now would be a good time to share some information that might help you as you begin to file your income taxes.

Justyna's Sports Column: my new-found love for sports
Covering sports has been a blessing in disguise. With the weekly duties of filing the paper and covering events, it has become a beloved weekly getaway from the chaos.

Wyatt Nagy
Wyatt Nagy takes a nice shot from inside the paint for a score.

Felicia Earhart
Felicia Earhart lines up a shot.

Dave Cross
Dave Cross gets swarmed but keeps driving into Charlo defense on Feb. 7.

Alyssa Foster
Alyssa Foster dribbles it in against St. Regis.
Local athletes selected for upcoming All-Star game
SANDERS COUNTY - Seven athletes from Sanders County teams have been selected to play in the upcoming Mission Mountain All-Star basketball game.

brotherhood 5
Clint Voll was described by Adam Kay as "one kid you don't want to piss off" on the court.

brotherhood 4
Billy Smith is the leader of the group and as such makes sure his squad is focused on the task at hand.

brotherhood 3
Adam Kay is the spark of the team. "He always brings 100 percent," Clint Voll said.

brotherhood 2
Zach Benda is a defensive specialist and excels in his role. "He's very, very talented," Voll said.

Brotherhood 1
Zach Benda, Billy Smith, Adam Kay and Clint Voll
A brotherhood of intensity
The final game of the Western C Divisional Tournament in Hamilton was more than just the end of the season for the Superior Bobcat basketball team.
Column: Behind the backboard
It happened during a Superior Bobcat boy’s basketball game. I was in my normal spot, which is always as close to behind the backboard as the referee’s allowed.
Tax relief offered for county seniors
There are three programs which can save Mineral County seniors a significant amount of money on their taxes.
Mineral County Community Calendar
American Legion Post #13 St. Regis
Mineral County Court Report
Mineral County Court Records from February 22 to March 1

Boxes were unloaded, then cut open, then the supplies were carried and organized in the 4-H barns at the Sanders County Fairgrounds.

Preparartions begin for Tri-State Veterans Stand Down
PLAINS - On Feb. 25 several shipments of military surplus goods arrived at the fairgrounds in Plains in preparation of theTri-State Veterans Standown.

Army Cadet Cody F. Fryxell

Plains graduate receives high honors
Plains High School graduate, Army Cadet Cody F. Fryxell received the George C. Marshall Award during an awards ceremony at the Marshall Center, Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Va. The award is named in the honor and legacy of General of the Army George C. Marshall, who served in World War II as the Army Chief of Staff and in the post-war era served as secretary of state and secretary of defense.

Singing Sons of Beaches
The Singing Sons of Beaches perform at the annual CFVH Foundation gala fundraiser at the Sanders County Fairgrounds on Saturday.

Foundation gala a success for CFVH
Turnout was higher than expected on Saturday for the Clark Fork Valley Hospital Foundation’s annual gala fundraising event held at the Sanders County Fairgrounds in Plains. About 75 people attended the tropical-themed event featuring a lavish meal prepared by the hospitals’ own resident chef, Pearce Milton, and entertainment provided by the comedy/music trio, “The Singing Sons of Beaches” from Polson.

Plains NHW inducts new members
PLAINS - The Plains High School National Honor Socitey inducted several new members last Tuesday, and the values instilled in the organization were displayed for all to see.

NHS induction
Plains High School principal Larry McDonald tells a joke during his speech to the new inductees of the National Honor Society.
Tax relief available for Sanders County seniors
SANDERS COUNTY - There are three programs which can save Sanders County seniors a significant amount of money on their taxes. One of these is the Montana Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit. If you are 62 or older, a Montana resident, and have a household income of $45,000 or less, you can receive up to a $1000 refundable tax credit, even if you do not have to file an income tax return. This program is for both homeowners and renters. This benefit is an income tax refund. Seniors may be able to claim refunds for up to five previous years if you have not filed for it before. To file for this program, file Form 2EC with your Montana income tax Form 2 or Form 2M. File Form 2EC alone if you are not required to file a Montana tax return. You may be eligible for property tax assistance in addition to the Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit.
Missoula Children's Theatre to hold auditions
PLAINS - Auditions will be held for Missoula Children’s Theatre production of Red Riding Hood Monday, March 18 at the Plains School Cafeteria from 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Those auditioning should arrive at 3:45 p.m. and plan to stay for the full two hours. Some of the cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the auditions.
Sanders County Community Calendar
Plains-Paradise Players

Tristan James Emmett
Tristan James Emmett was born on January 15 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. He weighted 4 pounds and 5 ounces. Parents are Jennay and Dustin Emmett of Plains. Paternal grandparents are Shawn and Cathy Emmet. Great-grandparent is Leona Ekstrom.

Tristan James Emmett

Cody Allan Allestad Jr.

Trinity Ann Conley

Trinity Ann Conley
Trinity Ann Conley was born February 10 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. She weighed 7 pounds and 12 ounces. Parents are Jessica Keeney and Jeff Conley of Plains. Paternal grandparent is Melenee Conley of Paradise and maternal grandparent is Carolyn Ovitt of Plains.

Cody Allan Allestad Jr.
Cody Allan Allestad Jr. was born February 14 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. He weighed 7 pounds and 14 ounces. Parents are Kara Karin Allestad and Cody Allen Allestad. Paternal grandparents are Shanon Hedahl and Andy Allestad of Plains. Great grandparent is Lars Allestad. Maternal grandparents are Mary Kay Bundy and Tracy Schoonover.

Christian Jason Glace

Christian Jason Glace
Christian Jason Glace was born on January 30 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. He weighed 7 pounds and 2 ounces. Parents are Jasmine Brooks and Jacob Glace. Gradparents are Mike and Julie Needham, Gordon and Natalie Briote, Jason and Larmen Stugelmayer, and Jack and Dolan Debbie. Great grandparents are Jim and Judy Benfiet.
Sanders County Senior News
Graycee Ann Cobb
Graycee Ann Cobb was born on January 26 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. She weighed 6 pounds and 5 ounces. Parents are Jennifer Thomas and Matt Cobb of Plains. Paternal grandparents are Ronnie Cobb and Steve and Melody Dockins. Maternal grandparents are Joel and Bonnie Lowery.
Sanders County Sheriff's Report
Sanders County Sheriff Report for 2/24/2013 to 03/02/2013

Spring pronounced burning program announced
PLAINS/THOMPSON FALLS – Officials on the Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger District have announced that they will initiate the 2013 spring burning program when the prescribed burning conditions are met in the coming weeks, and would like to inform the public as to where these burns will occur.

love to read 7
First grader Gena Deschamps silly-strings superintendent Thom Chisholm.

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Kindergartners and first-graders are wowed by Mr. Benson's science experiment on Friday for I Love To Read Month.

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Plains third graders Skylar Bergstrom and Mykenzi Blood silly-string Principal Jim Holland on Friday at the celebration assembly for I Love To Read Month for Plains School. Top readers from each grade had the chance to silly-string both Holland and Superintendent Thom Chisholm.

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Plains School Superintendent Thom Chisholm silly-strings colleague Jim Holland, Plains Elementary principal, on Friday for the I Love To Read celebration. Top readers from each grade had the chance to silly-string the duo.

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Ms. Errecart's kindergarten class shows off their "Cat in the Hat" crafts in celebration of Dr. Seuss's birthday and I Love to Read Month.

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Top readers chosen to win bikes from Gamble's by local Plains Masonic Lodge stand with the chapter, Margaret McNeil of Gamble's, and Thom Chisholm.

Love to read 1
Mr. Benson shows students a science experiment on Friday for the I Love to Read Month celebration.