Friday, November 29
Sanders County community calendar
Albert Eugene Goodwin
Michael Eugene Lane
Sanders County senior news
Sanders County court report
Holiday hours at the National Bison Range
Avista grants awarded to benefit local youth
Roadkill salvage permits now available online
Deer harvest still ahead of last year in northwest
2013 Western C 6-man All-Conference
All-Conference Volleyball
Noxon wrestlers have more experience this season
Bluehawks wrestlers prepare for season

Practicing technique
Kenny Marjerrison watches as Stephen Clinkenbeard picks up Assistant Coach Kenneth Beech during practice. Currently the wrestlers are working on conditioning and technique.
Local school raises money to help end hunger

Plains, Hot Springs wrestlers expected to be strong force on mat

Family Medicine network welcomes one of their own

New provider
Physician Assistant Nick Lawyer recently started working with the Family Medicine network. Lawyer is a local of Plains.

New provider joins Hot Springs Family Medicine Clinic
Plains Day to receive new event for next year
Community members present projects at fair commission meeting

Sending holiday joy
Volunteers help put together the boxes that will be filled for the soldiers. The packages will be shipped later this week.

VFW prepares Christmas packages for soldiers

Christmas lights contest
Pat Farmer and Sandi Lane put together the entry boxes for the new Christmas lights competition. The competition will be put on by volunteers of the Plains Woman's Club.

Operation Christmas Joy to take over Plains and Paradise

Music to the ears
Matt Pavelich plays an instrument during the craft show. Matt and his son, Nick, showcased their musical talent at the event.

First annual juried craft show draws a crowd

Santa comes to town
Wesley Powers, 8, sits on Santa's lap after running through his wish list for the year.

Fairgrounds Christmas Lighting marks 20th year

Bright in holiday cheer
Kay Nygaard gets ready to iron one of the dozens of stockings the Plains Woman's Club made on Friday. The organization teamed up with Sanders County Coalition for FAmilies in an effort to bring Christmas joy to those in need.

Woman's Club gives back

Stand down
A veteran at last year's stand down tries on some gloves. There is a possibility to bring a new kind of stand down to Plains - one that would benefit poverty level people.

Stand down may expand to help civilians as well
Card fraud continues to impact county
Mineral County community calendar
Mineral County court report

Jim and Alice Straight, with parrot Alphie, recently opened Alphie's - a combination used car dealership and second-hand store. The Straights came to Superior to retire but decided to run a business again after a year.

Couple leaves retirement for used car dealership
St. Regis Timberwolves player plans ahead

Senior night
Senior Arianna Jones and her mother stand before the crowd at the St. Regis Lady Tiger's senior night game.

Volleyball senior reflects on her final season

The take down
Sophomore Bridger Lapierre attempts to throw down state champion senior Anthony Parkin during wrestling practice.

Bobcats wrestling team practice begins
SUPERIOR – As a start to the winter sports season, the Superior Bobcats wrestling team has begun to practice and build a team.
MCH warns of health risk

Bountiful cheese
Jessie Nichols supervises as Liberty Gregory stirs the pot during a cheese-making class at the Lakeland Feed and Supply store in Alberton.

Alberton feed store hosts cheese making class
SVFD holds training sessions
Interim CEOs meet with communities
MINERAL COUNTY – In a series of meetings held across the county, residents were given the opportunity to voice any concerns about Mineral Community Hospital and Mineral Regional Health Center to the interim chief executive officers.
Former state representative to leave area
ALBERTON – After over 20 years of service to the community, including eight years in state government, former state representative Sylvia Reinicke will be moving out of the area.

Commissioner meeting
Dennis Hildebrand looks on as Timer Management Advisor Wanda Smith points out an area affected by the West Mullan Fire.

Commissioners hear update on West Mullan Fire area
Wednesday, November 27
St. Regis to hold holiday bazaar
ST. REGIS - Come on down to the St. Regis Community Center on Saturday December 7th to get a jump on your holiday shopping. There will be tables full of offerings from local artists and craftspeople. Browse through handmade goods, functional art, jewelry, toys, even antiques, and collectibles. There will be chili, coffee and cinnamon rolls to warm up with on a winter’s day and energize you while you shop. Doors will open at 9 am and the event will run until 4 pm. The Community Center is located at 230 Lobo Loop.

Holiday bazaar
Anita Parkin looks over a selection of knitting during the Holiday Bazaar organized by Superior's United Methodist Church. While the bazaar was a fundraiser for the Methodist church, the entire community donated items.

Methodist church holds bazaar for the holidays
Cases of credit card fraud rise in Superior area
Superior Lions Club commence annual toy drive
It’s time again to kick off the Christmas Season. There are several events taking place in the communities of Mineral County that are crucial in reaching our goal of a happy holiday season for all.
Chamber of commerce discuss Obamacare changes

Help for veterans
Andrea Knight and Sean Malcolm, representatives of the Montana Veteran's Affairs Division, discuss the benefits offered by the organization.

New programs to assist area veterans unveiled
MCH says dieting program has proven effective
MINERAL COUNTY – Medical experts believe obesity has become an epidemic problem, but a new nation-wide program through Mineral Community Hospital has proven effective as a means of reversing it.
Wednesday, November 20

College Application Week gears students toward future
THOMPSON FALLS – The Thompson Falls High School participated in College Application Week last Wednesday, with 93 percent of the students filling out at least one college application.

Applying for college
A group of seniors works on completing college applications on Wednesday, November 13th. During College Application Week, 18 colleges either waived or deferred their fees so that students could apply without worrying about money.

Johan Nilsen holds up a picture from his birth family's visit. Nilsen was put up for adoption at birth, but earlier this year he was reunited with his birth family after 77 years.

Superior man reunites with family
SUPERIOR – After almost 80 years, a Superior resident was finally reunited with his birth family.
Mineral County gears up for food drive
MINERAL COUNTY – With the holiday season almost upon us, Mineral Community Hospital and Mineral Regional Health Center have begun a food drive to ensure residents have access to celebratory dinners.

New business breaks ground
Mark and Katrina Campbell break ground at the site of their new business, which will open in the spring of 2014. Big Eddy's Deck Bar will be the first building on the east side of Thompson Falls.

Couple breaks ground on long-held dream
THOMPSON FALLS – Two members of the community joined together with loved ones and supporters as they broke ground on a dream that has been in the making for two years.
Grant may provide senior living in Noxon
NOXON – The Sanders County Community Housing Organization is in the initial stages of getting a planning grant that would allow them to purchase and renovate a motel in Noxon into an affordable senior living center.
Community Outreach bus to be terminated
MINERAL COUNTY – As of Thursday, November 21, Mineral Community Hospital will no longer offer the Community Outreach bus as a way for residents to go to Superior.

Concert at DeBorgia
Shelley and Derek Larson, accompanied by Anita Bailey, perform a song for the crowd at the Old DeBorgia Schoolhouse. The Larsons sang a series of songs from Broadway and Hollywood in DeBorgia's first artistic performance in decades.

Broadway comes to DeBorgia during concert
DEBORGIA – Friday evening, the Old DeBorgia Schoolhouse was filled with the operatic songs from Hollywood and Broadway.

Commissioners meeting
Tim Read discusses water rights issues with the County Commissioners during their meeting Friday morning.

Commissioners hear about area water rights
SUPERIOR – The County Commissioners discussed water rights issues and heard a county resources update during their weekly meeting Friday.
Christmas program looking for participants
The Annual Community Christmas Program will be Monday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Superior.

Veteran continues to raise awareness for fellow vets
THOMPSON FALLS - Over 3,500 miles was not enough to tire out one United States Marine Corps sergeant from spreading his message across the nation.

Walking for the Fallen
Sergeant Chuck Lewis makes his way through Glacier National Park during his journey.
HSAS holds first craft show
HOT SPRINGS – In an effort to bring more art to the town of Hot Springs, the local artists society is putting on their first juried craft show.
Hunting season on par with previous years
SANDERS COUNTY – With only a week and a half left of hunting season, those who have yet to do so are headed into the mountains in search of their prized bull. Although the season started out slow, numbers are now comparable to last year and the year before it.
Letter to the Editor - Nov. 20
To the Editor,

Hot Srpings volleyball
Josey Carr sets the ball for one of her teammates. Carr had one kill, ten assists and one dig during the game.

Hot Springs girls compete in All Star game
ST. IGNATIUS — The second-annual Mission Valley All-Star Volleyball Classic stemmed from a similarly formatted basketball game that has been going on for years.

Hailie Bahm
Senior Hailie Bahm moves to bump the ball during a Lady panthers volleyball game. Bahm will play basketball during the winter season, and tennis this spring.

Alberton player plans to stay close to home
ALBERTON – With the final game of the volleyball season behind her, senior Hailie Bahm has begun to look toward basketball season and graduation.

Superior sisters
Sophomore Danielle and junior Nadeia Ewounik are sisters and teammates on the Superior Lady Bobcats volleyball team. They followed in the steps of their older sister Hillary Ewounik and have had a good season playing with their teammates.

Superior sisters come together on volleyball court
SUPERIOR – During each game, sibling rivalry is exchanged for team rivalry when the Ewounik sisters take the court with the Superior Lady Bobcats.

Bountiful Baskets
Viki Stansbury and Alexia Kelsey sort fruit into baskets Saturday morning. The two were acting as volunteers for Bountiful Baskets.

Co-op brings fresh produce to area residents
SUPERIOR – The Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op gives Mineral County residents fresher produce than would be found at the supermarket.
Upcoming 50th anniversary of Kennedy assassination
Superior residents remember Kennedy assassination

Lookout Pass open
Snow is piled high at the Lookout Pass ski area. Some runs will open on Thursday, November 21 while others will open as soon as conditions allow.

Lookout Pass ready to open for season
MINERAL COUNTY - Lookout Pass Ski and Recreation Area will open for the season on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 9:00 a.m. A major winter storm dropped a total of 21” on the ski area over the weekend and more snow is in the forecast Tuesday night.
Craft fair provides local post-Thanksgiving shopping
ALBERTON – Black Friday will be coming to Mineral County the Saturday after Thanksgiving during a craft fair in Alberton.
Health department provides public health update
THOMPSON FALLS – The Sanders County Health Department met with the county commissioners on Friday to provide them with a monthly public health update.
Remaining burglary defendants enter not guilty plea
THOMPSON FALLS - Both Kailee Salter and Devin Ray Callis-Hendry entered not guilty pleas before District Judge James Manley on Tuesday, November 12.

The Plainsman ran this picture in memory of JFK on Thursday, November 28, 1963.

Anniversary of JFK's assassination approaches: where were you?
Almost 50 years ago from this date, the nation was thrown into shock after President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated.

Commissioner Glen Magera watches as Tony Cox sorts the ballots during the recount.

Numbers confirmed in Hot Springs ballot recount
THOMPSON FALLS – A recount was held on Friday in the county commissioners chambers for the two candidates facing off for Hot Springs Councilperson, Ward 2, Seat 2.
Sanders County Court Records - Nov. 5-12
Sanders County Justice Court week of 11/5 to 11/12
Sanders County 2013-14 first quarter honor roll

Robert Earl Stephens
Robert Earl Stephens, of Paradise, Montana, died at his home of natural causes on November 15, 2013. He was 74. Robert was born June 1, 1939, to Wendell and Helen Boyer Stephens in Missoula, Montana. He was raised east of Paradise on the family farm, and graduated from Plains High School in 1957. He worked on the family farm with his father and brother until the farm was sold.
Sanders County Senior News
Thompson Falls
Peg Copp
Peg Copp, 90, longtime resident of Plains passed away November 14th at the Clark Fork Valley Hospital Nursing Home.
Sanders County Community Calendar - Nov. 20
Open Gym at Plains
Deer and elk harvest takes off for Region One
Deer harvest in northwest Montana is now ahead of last year at the same point in the season, according to check station results around Region One.
Lozeau/Quartz area prepares for riding arena
SUPERIOR – A new outdoor equestrian arena, larger than others in the area, is almost complete and is expected to begin hosting events in the near future.
Buckle Up encourages a safe Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is one of the great American holidays that involves a lot of travel. Family and friends traveling across the state or just across town, take to the roads to visit and celebrate together, making it one of the busiest travel times of the year. And with all the excitement, travelers can become more focused on celebrations than getting to their destinations as safely as possible. All too often those distractions have deadly consequences. That is why it is important to do the single most effective thing to save your life in the event of a traffic crash: wear a seat belt.
Buckle Up presents seat belt facts and myths
I buckle up most of the time, but not if I am just going to the corner store a few blocks from my house
Mineral County Court Report - Nov. 8-15
Mineral County Justice Court week of 11/8 to 11/15
Mineral County Community Calendar - Nov. 20
Road to Recovery
Wednesday, November 13

Local author
Nolan Webber holds his newly published book, Pride of Alar. The book is the first in a series that Webber plans to have printed.

Local author publishes first of series
SUPERIOR – Earlier this year, the town of Superior was able to add another claim to fame, adding a new published novelist to the list.
New testing standard to affect Mineral County
MINERAL COUNTY – Mineral County schools will soon begin using a new testing standard after the state received a waiver from the U.S. Department of Education.
Timber bill may bring increase of jobs to county
SANDERS COUNTY – The United States House of Representatives voted on September 20th to approve H.R. 1526, a bill that could mean big news for Sanders County.
Sanders County hit hard with SNAP cuts
SANDERS COUNTY – A decrease in benefits of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program may hit Sanders County harder than anywhere else in Montana.
EPA Superfun nears completion
SUPERIOR – The Environmental Protection Agency presented a final update to the County Commissioners on the Superfund cleanup of mine waste in Superior.

Concert for vets
Rachel Huenink, Haley Josephson, Samantha Marquaradt-Brown, and Dakota Worrall perform the song "Buckets" as part of the percussion ensemble for the Middle School.

Local vets help in school
Veteran Joe Eisenbrandt looks over a poster created by seventh and eighth graders thanking veterans for their service.

Local veterans help wrap up history unit
PLAINS – Just in time for Veterans Day, two junior high classes at Plains Public Schools dedicated their time to learn more about local veterans in the area.
Sheriff's plan has impact in Sanders County
THOMPSON FALLS – Having a plan of action in place is important for any job a person takes. If you want to start a business, a campaign, or even run a countywide department you need a plan in place.
Suspect in Subway burglary pleads not guilty
THOMPSON FALLS – Dyllon Lee Totty-Hendry entered a not guilty plea at the Sanders County Courthouse on Tuesday, Nov. 5 for the break-in and burglary of the Subway in Plains.

Firefighter thank you lunch
Dwaine Gee and Brandy Gomez, west end volunteer firefighters, get comfortable during a lunch held to thank Mineral County firefighters for their service.

Mineral County firefighters attend thank you luncheon
SUPERIOR – Saturday afternoon, the Mineral County Volunteer Firefighters enjoyed a big thank you lunch in appreciation of work done during the West Mullan Fire.
Superior to hold blood drive
SUPERIOR – Come help save a life and donate some blood. The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive Thursday, November 21 in Superior.

Duty, Honor and Coutry - An update from Rep. Ingraham
This past Monday, November 11th, we were able to celebrate Veterans Day, a day set aside for remembering those lost and harmed while serving our country, for remembering those who have served and returned and for remembering those currently serving our country in the Armed Forces.
This Thanksgiving buckle up
Thanksgiving is one of the great American holidays that involves a lot of travel. Family and friends from across the country or just across town take to the roads to visit together and celebrate, making it one of the busiest travel times of the year.
Guest Opinion: CSKT commission protects all water users
This is being submitted as an Op Ed piece in rebuttal to the recent Op Ed piece that was written by Senator Verdell Jackson and was printed in several area newspapers.

Lighting at fairgrounds
Fair Board Manager Mike Hashisaki wraps Christmas lights for the annual ceremony at the Fairgrounds.

Volunteers work to keep Christmas tradition alive
PLAINS – Volunteers flocked to the Sanders County Fairgrounds on Thursday in an effort to put up the remainder of the lights for the return of the annual Christmas Lighting ceremony.
Dixon family suffers loss in recent house fire
DIXON - A fire may have taken their home and everything they owned, but the Elverud family hasn’t let the tragedy break their spirits.

VFW rifle winner
Steve Welty holds his Cricket .22 he won as part of the VFW raffle to celebrate their anniversary on Saturday in Plains.

VFW celebrates anniversary with successful party
PLAINS – The VFW Post #3596 held their annual anniversary party on Saturday, bringing in quite a crowd for the event.
Local schools to get double testing waiver
SANDERS COUNTY – Montana received a green light on a testing waiver from the U.S. Department of Education, eliminating double testing in the area. Montana was the first state to receive the testing waiver.
Hot Springs Chamber hopes to increase outreach
HOT SPRINGS – The Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce held their monthly meeting Thursday. Topics of discussion included an outreach update, the museum, and events coming up in Hot Springs.

Plains after school program
Freshman Franklin Reed puts a fire to rest at the Plains-Paradise Rural Fire Department as part of the after school program.

Plains after school program gets up and running
PLAINS- The Plains after school program held one of their first activities at Plains-Paradise Rural Fire.
Hot Springs adds grant for college readiness
HOT SPRINGS – The Hot Springs School District has been awarded another grant for the school year.

Lady Hawks end season
Senior Shasta Wilson bumps the ball during their last game of the season against Bigfork. The ladies ended their season in Florence after three games.

Lady Hawks run comes to an end in Florence
THOMPSON FALLS – The Lady Hawks fought long and hard at Florence for a chance to move on to the state championship tournament this weekend, however, the ladies were unable to advance despite a win.
Timberwolves senior looks toward graduation
ALBERTON/ST. REGIS – A native of Western Montana, Andrew Lomman recently ended his final high school football season with the Clark Fork Timberwolves.
Superior travels across the state for playoffs
SUPERIOR – The Superior Bobcats ended their playoff season after a defeat by the Wibaux Longhorns Saturday.
Lady Tigers season comes to an end at regionals
ST. REGIS – The St. Regis Lady Tiger’s volleyball season came to an end last weekend during the regional tournament.

Hot Springs ends football season
Quarterback Tanner Hoff avoids pressure from the Bearcat defender to get a pass away. DGS Head Coach called Hoff the best quarterback he has ever played against.

Hot Springs ends season with quarterfinal run
HOT SPRINGS – The Savage Heat season came to an end during the quarterfinals of the six man playoffs Saturday with a loss to Denton/Geyser/Stanton 58-52.
Lady Bobcats senior prepares for college
SUPERIOR – The sole senior on the team, Michele Smith has finished her high school volleyball career and will soon finish her time at Superior High School.
Lady Panthers senior gets ready to graduate
ALBERTON – Lady Panther Ryan Vicek recently finished her last volleyball season before graduation.

Commissioners meeting
Janet Hanson, superintendent of St. Regis schools, discusses issues with the Route of the Olympian during the weekly county commissioner meeting.

Commissioners hear about developments in Mineral County
SUPERIOR – During the County Commissioner’s weekly meeting Thursday, a newly formed group addressed the commissioners along with updates from the Mineral County Airport board. The group is working on turning the old Milwaukee road into a recreation area.
Earhart proud of Trotters tournament play
PLAINS – The Trotters ended their season at the Western B Divisional Tournament in Florence over the weekend.

Plains football honors
Plains Horsemen All-Conference winners for 2013; Back Row: Ben Gorham, Nick Barnes, James Rulison, Coltyn Bache. Front Row: Cody Kenzie, Logan Goodwin, Trent Brouillette.

Horsemen collect team and conference honors
PLAINS – The Horsemen football team had their end of the year celebration Thursday night as the coaches honored the players and parents for their support during the 2013 season.
Outdoors: Birds-eye view
Jessica Stugelmayer
Interim CEOs to hold question and answer session
SUPERIOR – Later this month Mineral County residents will have the opportunity to meet the interim chief executive officers of Mineral Community Hospital and Mineral Regional Health Center to ask them questions during a series of town hall-style meetings.
Three local students to perform with nationwide band
SUPERIOR – Three students from Superior High School have been honored with a once in a lifetime opportunity to join a band composed of musicians from all across the nation.
Mineral County Community Calendar - Nov. 13
Road to Recovery
Mineral County Court Records - Nov. 1-8
Mineral County Justice Court week of 11/1 to 11/8
Shirley Hendershot
Shirley Hendershot, 86, former Malta resident, passed away Oct. 26 of natural causes. Per her request, no services will be held.

Hot Springs gala
Hot Springs resident Debbie Walchuck checks out items for the silent auction for the Artists Society fundraiser.

Hot Springs Artists Society holds annual gala
HOT SPRINGS- The Hot Springs Artists Society held their annual Silent Auction, Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate Gala. The event is used to fund the Artists Society’s activities during the year and to keep the arts alive in the area.
Sanders County Senior News
Thompson Falls

Hometown hero
Roger B. Mallery graduated from basic military training in San Antonio, Texas.

Plains local graduates from training
Air Force Airman 1st Class Roger B. Mallery graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.
Sanders County Court Records - Oct. 22 - Nov. 4
Sanders County Justice Court weeks of 10/22 to 11/4.

Dominic Tyrell Joseph Uribe
PLAINS – Dominic Tyrell Joseph Uribe was born July 30 at 10:18 p.m. at the Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. He weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounces and was 21.5 inches long.
Ken Harvey Jr.
Former Plains resident Ken Harvey JR, 71 passed away unexpectedly Oct. 4th 2013 at his home in Walla Walla,WA. He was born in Blackduck, MN. to Kenneth and Dona (Palmer) Harvey. Ken spent the first nine years of his life on their Dairy farm, moving to another farm in Whitefish, MT. for six years. The family moved to Plains in 1956. Ken graduated from Plains High School in 61. During high school, he worked for Don and Betty Coe at the newspaper, The Plainsman (Valley Press) as a linotype operator, Don was a great influence on Ken and he made the newspaper his lifetime career. He joined the Navy in 1964, spending six years furthering his education in Journalism and Photography, stationed in Italy and Greece, After the military, in 1970 Ken returned to Plains for a short time, working again at the Plainsman. Leaving Plains, he worked for newspapers in Great Falls, Rapid City, SD, Scotts Bluff, Neb., Spokane and Walla Walla. WA. where he remained, working for Inland Printing for 25 years, up until his death. Ken became an avid bowler, starting at age 14, while setting pins for the VFW Club in Plains. At age 16 he had the opportunity to bowl professionally, but chose not to. Over the years he bowled three perfect 300 games and many 298 and 299, winning many awards and dozens and dozens of trophies. Years later in a house fire he lost 13 bowling balls. Ken also enjoyed fishing and camping. He was married twice, both ended in divorce. Ken is survived by one daughter Gina Vinson, Olympia,WA., longtime friend and companion Jan Sans, Walla Walla, WA., sisters Katherine Beck, Saint Ignatius, MT., Dena Harvey, Hot Springs, MT., brothers, Dick (Elaine) Point Pleasant NJ., Dave, Plains, several nieces and nephews and many cousins. Ken was proceeded in death by his parents. Services were held in Walla Walla and a memorial will be in Plains this summer.
Sanders County Community Calendar - Nov. 13
Open Gym at Plains
Wednesday, November 6
Superfund Cleanup nearing completion for Town of Superior
SUPERIOR - According to Duc Nguyen, EPA’s On-Scene Coordinator, “we are approaching the completion date, only two weeks away.” EPA has been in Superior since early September removing contaminated soil from Mineral County Airport, as well as 38 residential properties, and transporting it to Wood Gulch Repository. A final briefing is scheduled with the Mineral County Commissioners on Thursday, November 7 at 9:30 am. The public is encouraged to attend.
SCSO takes measures to save money
THOMPSON FALLS – The Sanders County Sheriff’s Department held their monthly meeting with the County Commissioners Wednesday.

A group of seventh to twelfth graders took the stage to perform on their instruments during the annual benefit concert.

Superior High School holds annual benefit concert
SUPERIOR – Last Tuesday, before an audience of over 100 people, the Superior High School Music Department held its annual benefit concert and dinner to raise money for the program.
Tricon hosts health fair
ST. REGIS – Tricon employees and their families were presented with an opportunity for a free lunch as well as receive information on staying healthy during the Tricon Health Fair Friday at the St. Regis Community Center.
Interim CEOs hired for MCH and MRHC
SUPERIOR – Last week, the Mineral Community Hospital appointed interim chief executive officers to run MCH and the Mineral Regional Health Center.

Students learn life lessons through newspapers
HOT SPRINGS – Newspapers in Education is a program designed to help teach students about the world around them. Most use national news coverage of events to educate students. Hot Springs fifth grade teacher Bart Granlund however, uses the Valley Press to give his students a better understanding of what is going on around them.

VFW soldiers
Nora Verpoorten fills out addresses on the boxes last year. This year the VFW hopes to send more packages than ever.

VFW gears up to help soldiers for holidays
PLAINS – The Plains VFW has begun their annual drive for care packages to send to troops away from their families and abroad.

Halloween in St. Regis - By Adam Robertson
Kaydence Stevens, with her mom, Michelle Schumacher, pick out a piece of candy during the Halloween Carnival at St. Regis Public School.

Halloween in St. Regis
Austin Hotchkiss tries to toss a Frisbee® into the basket during a game at St. Regis Public School's Halloween Carnival. The night included other games, a haunted house and a trunk or treat event later in the evening.

Ghost and ghouls come to St. Regis on Halloween
ST. REGIS – The day had finally arrived as Halloween settled upon Mineral County and St. Regis Public Schools held their Halloween festivities in the halls of the school building.
Superior Masons host breakfast for Veterans
SUPERIOR – On November 11, the Superior Masonic Lodge will be welcoming Mineral County residents to join them for a free breakfast to honor veterans living in the community and elsewhere.
Commissioners hear Cedar Thom and West Mulan salvage update from Forest Service
SUPERIOR – During their weekly meeting Thursday the County Commissioners received an update from the Mineral County Forest Service after weeks of silence due to the federal government shutdown.

Christmas lights
Fairgrounds groundskeeper Kim McNeil sets up the nativity scene. McNeil and volunteers have spent hours preparing the fairgrounds for the lighting.

Christmas lights return to fairgrounds
PLAINS – After a long fight to get the Christmas Lights back at the Sanders County Fairgrounds, those gunning for the lights have finally seen a victory.
Annual Adopt-A-Family program helps those in need
THOMPSON FALLS – The season for giving is near and in an effort to give back to those in need, the Sanders County Coalition for Families is extending a helping hand to families less fortunate.
To candidates seeking office
For those seeking the open National Senate and Congressional Seat in 2014, campaigning has already been underway for a while. For the first time in years, it is quite likely that we will see both a new Congressman and Senator join the ranks of only three that represent Montanans in DC.
Letters to the Editor - Nov. 6
Only 36 percent of KNF eligible for harvest?
Sadly, the new Kootenai National Forest Plan deems 64% of Montana’s most productive forest off limits to timber harvest. Compared to the 1987 plan, this represents a 20% jump in acreage that cannot be harvested. Nearly 1 million acres of viable timber land on the KNF will be officially out of production due to “other” management objectives.

Thompson Falls volleyball
Shey Hannum goes up to spike the ball. During the game, Hannum brought in 11 of the 28 kills.

Lady Hawks take second place at District in Plains
PLAINS – The Lady Hawks entered into the District tournament as the number one seed and battled two teams in an attempt to keep their lead before the Divisional tournament this weekend.

Superior football
Junior Vincente Guerrero twists out of the grip of one of the Broadview/Lavine Rangers during the Bobcats' playoff game Saturday.

Superior Bobcats move on to next playoff game
SUPERIOR – In their first playoff game, the Superior Bobcats made a decisive 66-24 win against the Broadview/Lavina Pirates, eliminating them from the competition.

Hot Springs football
Junior Nate Gray breaks a tackle after catching the ball during Hot Springs' playoff win on Saturday.

Hot Springs continues to roll in the playoffs
HOT SPRINGS –The Savage Heat continued to beat up on the competition, winning Saturday’s opening round play off match 62-22 over Roy/Winifred at home.

St. Regis volleyball
Junior Gabby Moeller knocks the ball across the net to Hot Springs during a game at the Regional Tournament. The St. Regis Lady Tigers will move on to the District Tournament this week as they continue their season finals.

St. Regis takes second place in regional tournament
ST. REGIS – The St. Regis Lady Tigers met with success during the regional tournament last week, advancing to the next stage of the competition.

Noxon volleyball
Nicole Zavoianu blocks the ball during the game against Superior while her teammate Katie Chandler watches.

Noxon Lady Red Devils end season at Districts
HOT SPRINGS – The Lady Red Devils took to the court at Hot Springs during the district tournament and came up short twice against both Hot Springs and Superior.

Hot Springs volleyball
Senior Rosa Dolson goes up for the spike during a Lady Savage Heat District 10C match-up.

Hot Springs volleyball plays well at Districts
HOT SPRINGS – The Lady Savage Heat competed in District competition this weekend and were able to capture third place.

Trotters volleyball
Junior Hailey Phillips goes up for the kill in Saturday's District tournament. Phillips has helped her team at the net all season with her offensive fire power.

Trotters keep their season alive with win
PLAINS –The Plains Trotters won the play in game Saturday to secure a spot in Florence for divisionals.

Timberwolves football
Senior Keir Sanzano advances with the ball, pursued by several Grass Range/Winnett Rangers during Saturday's playoff game. The Clark Fork Timberwolves lost the game and were eliminated from the final competition.

Timberwolves season comes to an early end
ALBERTON/ST. REGIS – The Clark Fork Timberwolves saw defeat in their game against the Grass Range/Winnett Rangers Saturday, eliminating them from the playoff competition.

Last Lady Bobcat volleyball game
Superior's Michele Smith returns the ball in Saturday's game against Hot Springs. The Lady Bobcats put up a strong match against the Lady Savage Heat.

Lady Bobcats hope to build for next season
SUPERIOR – The Superior Lady Bobcats beat Arlee and Noxon to take fourth place in the district tournament last weekend, unfortunately ending their season early.
Alberton Lady Panthers not moving on to divisionals
ALBERTON – The Alberton Lady Panthers faced defeat Friday and Saturday, during their games against Lincoln and Valley Christian, eliminating them from the district tournament.

Record bighorn
Glen Prestegaard and his son Kaleb pose with the record bighorn ram that Glen shot near Plains.

Top ranking bighorn tagged near Plains
Whitefish hunter Glen Prestegaard recently shot a bighorn ram ranked by Safari Club International record book as No. 3 in the world for muzzleloader hunting.

Wolves in Montana
A wolf wanders through a field. If a wolf or pack begins causing problems for a populated area, investigations will begin to find and potentially euthanize the problem wolves.

When wolves and Montanan habitats collide
Wolf experts give facts about the animals and what happens when they share human lands
Mayoral Election Results - Randy Woods for Hot Springs & Gregory Jay Eitelberg for Plains

Sharing the Halloween spirit
First grader Braelynn Mangold shares a laugh with a happy resident at the Mineral Community Hospital assisted living center during Superior Elementary School's visit on Halloween.

Children give Halloween visit to Superior seniors
SUPERIOR – The Halloween spirit was brought to Superior’s elders Thursday as kindergarten, first and second grade students from Superior Elementary School visited them during a special trick-or-treat trip to the Mineral Community Hospital.

Local graduates from training
Air Force Airman Patrick R. Quinlivan graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.
Ivan C. Carlson
Colorado Springs, Colorado - Former Superior resident Ivan Carlson, 48, passed away Saturday, October 19 of complications due to cancer.
Mineral County Buckle Up reminds people to travel safely during holidays
SUPERIOR – With Thanksgiving right around the corner, people will soon flock to the roads to visit and celebrate with family and friends.
Mineral County Community Calendar - Nov. 6
Free Medicare 101 Classes Coming Soon

Painting pumpkins
Aiden Skellenger, 3, and Trac Henkel, 2, work on painting pumpkins at Hot Springs' Family Fun Night.

Halloween takes over Hot Springs downtown
HOT SPRINGS – Hot Springs celebrated Halloween this past week with a wide array of festivities.
Sanders County Senior News
Sanders County Community Calendar - Nov. 6
Open Gym at Plains
Two winners announced for Plains Red Ribbon Poetry Contest
Tuesday, November 5

Calvert sentencing
Defense Attorney Steven N. Eschenbacher and Nathan Lee William Calvert appear in the Sanders County Courthouse on the morning of Tuesday, November 5th. Calvert received his sentencing on four felony counts, one including deliberate homicide.

Calvert sentenced to life in prison
THOMPSON FALLS – A few weeks short of a year after the tragic murder took place in Dixon, Nathan Lee William Calvert was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison.
Friday, November 1

Contest winners
Here are the winners from the costume contest held at Fred Young Park in Plains last night. 1st place went to the little bald eagle - Tia Bellinger, 3; 2nd place went to Luigi - Kort Craft, 6; and 3rd place went to the zombie fairy - Hallie Corbin, 7.