Friday, January 31
Hunter Education Class scheduled for Trout Creek
TROUT CREEK - Hunter Education Classes have been scheduled for a number of communities in northwest Montana. All hunter education classes are free of charge. By state law, anyone born after January 1, 1985, must have completed the Hunter Education Course to buy a hunting license in Montana. To attend class and become certified, students must be at least 11 years old.
Thursday, January 30

Baby Wurtz
Big sister Haylie Ann holds her new brother Clayton Graham Wurtz.

Clayton Graham Wurtz
Tom, Brandi, and Haylie Wurtz joyfully announce the birth of their son, Clayton Graham Wurtz, on January 21, 2014, in Spokane WA. He weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces, 20 inches long. His maternal grandparents are Jim and Melanie Moore of Coeur d’Alene. His parental grandparents are Sue Miekle of Plains and Tom Wurtz Sr. of Janesville WI. Great Grandpa is Fred Mielke of Plains.
Plains Trap Club scores
Wednesday Nite Mixed League bowling scores for 1/29
Sanders County Justice Court
Sanders County Justice Court week of 1/21 to 1/27/14
Barbara Eatherton
Barbara Eatherton, passed away on January 21, 2014 she was 87 years old. She was a resident at the Clark Fork Valley Long term Care facility. The staff and leadership did a tremendous job helping and caring for Barbara in her last days.
Sheriff's Office seeks information on Noxon shooting
NOXON - On January 17, 2014 between the hours of 5 p.m. and 1 p.m. on January 18, unknown person(s) entered Speciality Beams parking lot in Noxon and broke a cable gate at the entrance possibly damaging their vehicle which is believed to be a 1997 - 1999 Subaru Legacy. These unknown person(s) then began to shoot up the Speciality Beams office which resulted in 21 bullet holes in the structure which also damaged property inside the building.
An update from Rep. Ingraham
The State Administration & Veterans Affairs Committee (SAVA) will be meeting on Thursday, February 6
Wednesday, January 29

Basketball beginners
A young basketball player goes up for a layup.

Roe vs. Wade anniversary
Terrie Woods stands outside in downtown Plains protesting abortion on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade as she has done for many years.

Anniversary of Roe v. Wade stirs up debate
THOMPSON FALLS – The morning of Wednesday, Jan. 22 was dreary but the sunlight peeked through the clouds and illuminated the people marching down Main Street. The protesters advocated their personal beliefs, either pro-life or pro-choice, in light of the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

BPA students
Heather Kelly and Michele Smith are part of the four man crew who will be headed to the state competition for the Business Professionals of America.

Superior students head to state competition
SUPERIOR – After winning first place with a video project, four Superior High School students are headed to the Business Professionals of America state competition later this year.
Crowd voices opinion on new hunting proposals
SUPERIOR – The public was welcomed to present their concerns on new hunting regulations to representatives of Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks at a special meeting Thursday morning.

Terry Zylawy paints Montana Baughman's face during the PEAK festival in Alberton. The festival was the first of its kind for the area.

Weather does not hinder Winterfest
ALBERTON – The children of Alberton went wild in a display of organized chaos Saturday, as they enjoyed the first ever winter festival at the Alberton Community Center.

Library's new look
The newly decorated kid's corner of the Plains Public Library is ready for visitors. The library reopened on January 21.

You can judge a book by its cover

Ski trip
Jake Calloway rides down the hill on a snowboard at Lookout Pass during a school field trip on Tuesday, January 21.

Look out Lookout: Superior kids hit the slopes
SUPERIOR – As winter begins to wind down, fifth and sixth graders from Superior Elementary School got an extra day of fun in the snow as their classes took a field trip to the Lookout Pass Ski Resort, Tuesday, January 21.

Chinese New Year
Volunteers guide the handmade dragon down Main Street in one of the first years Hot Springs hosted the Chinese New Year Festival.

Happy Chinese New Year of the Horse
The dirty little secret on Sage Grouse
An update from Rep. Schwaderer
An update from Rep. Ingraham
In the wake of the Target Store’s data breach over the holidays and with the launch of the Affordable Health Care Act’s (aka Obamacare) website, and the questions regarding security of patients information arising, I thought this might be an opportune time to look at some information which might help you protect yourself from identity theft.
The future of our land and water
An update from Senator Fielder

Trotters basketball
Carley VonHeeder looks for the open Trotter to pass the ball in the game against Bigfork Thursday night.

The right horse to bet on
The Trotters were victorious both games this weekend

Savage Horsemen wrestling
Savage Horsemen Dusten Henning has his opponent in a hold in the mixer against Bigfork, Eureka, Ronan and Noxon.

Savage Horsemen make wrestling history
PLAINS – The Savage Horsemen accomplished a first in the history of wrestling last week. The team took down the Thompson Falls wrestling team in a dual and won 44 to 12, only losing one match.

Thompson Falls Bluehawk Tanner Laws fights through Florence's defense to get into the paint in their game Saturday night.

Bluehawks experience both victory and defeat
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks soared past Libby this Friday bringing home a 59-54 victory.
Flu does not slow down Superior wrestlers
SUPERIOR – Two members of the Superior wrestling team participated at the Mission Mountain Classic on Saturday, January 25.

Lady Tigers take down Lady Lynx and Lady Vikings
ST. REGIS – The Lady Tigers won two close victories last week against the Charlo Lady Vikings and the Lincoln Lady Lynx.

St. Regis Lady Tigers
Pilar Cantrell-Field weaves around the Charlo defense as Gabby Moeller keeps the way open for her to reach the St. Regis net.

Tigers basketball
Eighth grade Brandon Managhan shoves past a Charlo player as he dribbles the ball at Thursday's home game.

Tigers plan to bounce back after two defeats
ST. REGIS – The St. Regis Tigers took two losses last week as they went up against Charlo and Lincoln.

Noxon wrestling
Kory Neal puts his opponent in a hold during the Plains Mixer on Friday, January 24. Neal went on to finish 4-0 later in the week at the Mission tournament.

Wrestlers surpass previous success rates
NOXON – Some say rest is beneficial to success. If that’s the case, the Red Devils are taking the right course of action. Noxon will ease back into competition with only one mixer to attend this week.

Lady Hawks basketball
Erica Sorlie looks for a Lady Hawk as she makes her way down the court in Libby.

Lady Hawks take on Lady Loggers and Falcons
THOMPSON FALLS – The Lady Hawks clawed their way back to the top in a Friday night game against the Libby Loggers.

Hot Springs Savage Heat
Tanner Hoff goes in for a layup during the game against Arlee on Saturday.

Savage Heat play with heart over weekend
HOT SPRINGS – Emotions ran high after a weekend of games for the Savage Heat. The boys played against Two Eagle River on Friday and Arlee on Saturday.

Noxon basketball
Noxon's Asiah Jensen dribbles past her Troy opponent Kellie Lundin in the fourth quarter of their away game.

Noxon ladies get stronger
NOXON – The Lady Red Devils faced off against two teams that were on an equal playing field to them last week.
Horsemen strive for success after weekend
PLAINS – The Horsemen met Bigfork and Troy on the courts away from home this past week. The Plains boys struggled to compete with the undefeated Vikings but matched up well against the Trojans.
Lady Savage Heat show solid effort on court
HOT SPRINGS – The Lady Savage Heat played against Two Eagle River and Arlee this past week, experiencing both victory and defeat.

Red Devil basketball
Cory Tessier dribbles past Troy's Gage Tallmadge in the fourth quarter. Noxon lost the game 35-47.

Red Devils burn out Two Eagle River for win
NOXON – The young Red Devils continue to prove themselves throughout the season and last week was no exception.
SCCHO presents grant opportunities
THOMPSON FALLS – The public hearing of community needs took place Wednesday night on Jan. 22 in the Sanders County Courthouse. The meeting aimed to share different grants available to the public and how to obtain them.
Revett shareholders approve changes
SANDERS COUNTY - Revett Minerals Inc. (NYSE MKT: RVM / TSX: RVM) (“Revett” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that shareholders have approved a proposed change of its jurisdiction of incorporation from Canada to the United States. As part of the domestication, which is expected to become effective on or about February 18, 2014, the Company will also change its name from Revett Minerals, Inc. to Revett Mining Company, Inc.

Shane Gabriel Leon Dye
PLAINS – Shane Gabriel Leon Dye was born at 7:16 p.m. on January 17 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. He weighed 8 pounds and 14 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Parents are Rachel Ibarra and Gunner Dye of Plains. Maternal grandparents are Karla and Primitivo Ibarra. Maternal grandparents are Jerry Stampley and Knoia Dye of Grand Bay, Alabama.

Lady Bobcat basketball
Lady Bobcat Michele Smith attempts to dribble past Arlee Scarlet Becca Whiteshell in their Friday night game.

Lady Bobcats claw their way to victory

Bobcats vs. Panthers basketball
Josh Benda takes a shot for the basket of his home gym as Troy Munsch and his fellow Albertson Panthers move to block the offense.

Bobcats and Panthers face off a second time
SUPERIOR/ALBERTON – On Tuesday, the Superior Bobcats and Alberton Panthers reunited on the court for a rematch a month after they last played each other in December.

Mineral County commissioners meeting
Mineral County Commissioners Laurie Johnston, Roman Zylawy and Duane Simons discuss the differences in maps of the Lookout Pass Ski Resort expansion at their weekly meeting.

Lookout Pass expansion map raises questions about Montana-Idaho state line
SUPERIOR – The correct shape of the Montana state line was called into question recently as maps of the area show two different versions. The county commissioners have taken up the task of looking into the issue.
Alberton bakery says goodbye to location
ALBERTON – After almost three years of operation, the Dee-lish Bakery in Alberton has begun the process of shutting down the combined bakery and boutique.
Superior man honored for achievements at WA college
SUPERIOR--Matthew Hayes of Superior (MT) was named to the fall 2013 honor roll list at Spokane Falls Community College. To receive honor roll status, students must earn a 3.0 grade point average or higher.
Mineral County Court Report - Januaray 17-24
Mineral County Justice Court week of 1/17 to 1/24
Sanders County Court Records - Jan. 14-21
Sanders County Justice Court week of 1/14 to 1/21.
Tuesday, January 28
Student dental care program comes to two area schools
SUPERIOR – Superior Elementary School in partnership with local dental professionals will be providing enrolled children tooth decay preventing services at no cost to families. The event will take place from Thursday, January 30, 8:30am – 1:00pm at Superior Elementary School.
Thompson Falls wrestlers work hard in preparation of divisionals
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawk wrestlers set up a dual with the Savage Horsemen to see who could come out on top. After Plains took the championship at the Ted Kato, Thompson Falls was ready for another crack at them.
Subway break-in update
THOMPSON FALLS – Two of the three people involved in the burglary of the Subway in Plains pled guilty in court earlier this month. Both Devin Ray Hendry-Callis and Dyllon Lee Totty-Hendry changed their not guilty pleas to guilty.
Sanders County Community Calendar
Open Gym at Plains
Mineral County Community Calendar
Road to Recovery
Lady Panthers continue to show improvement
ALBERTON – The Alberton Lady Panthers faced defeat in last week’s games against the Phillipsburg Lady Prospectors and their county rivals from Superior.
Public Works plans clean-up
PLAINS – In an effort to clean up the town, Plains is thinking about extending a helping hand to those in need.
Bull River clinic to open
NOXON – The Bull River Clinic will soon be open to the public after over a year of preparation. According to a press release, Bonner General Hospital announced the clinic’s open house celebration would take place on Thursday, February 6 from noon to 2 p.m.
Senior News
MRHC plans health coverage for community
SUPERIOR – In order to bring better medical coverage to people in the community, Mineral Regional Health Center will hold a health coverage fair in Superior on Saturday, February 1.
Applicants sought for Mineral County RAC
SUPERIOR –Mineral County and Forest Service officials are soliciting applications from individuals to fill several positions on the Mineral County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC). The committee is responsible for making recommendations on projects that provide benefit to Forest Service land within Mineral County. RAC positions are unpaid but members can be reimbursed for travel. Funding and administration for Mineral County RAC projects are provided under the authority of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act.
FWP provides updates and hunting proposals
THOMPSON FALLS – Grizzly bears, bobcats and walleye were on the agenda among other items as Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks members met with the Sanders County Commissioners on January 14 to provide a quarterly update.

Gary "Skeeter" Ebbing
Gary “Skeeter” Ebbing was born on December 11, 1955 in Peoria, IL to Wayne and Mary Ebbing. He died at his home in Hot Springs, MT on January 10, 2014. At age 13 he left home on an adventure to California. At 15 he joined the Marines with an honorable discharge. He re-enlisted at 17 and served in the Vietnam War. He hitchhiked all over the country, working odd jobs along the way to survive. Skeeter spent a lot of time working at carnivals. He had a lot of funny stories to tell. He saw a lot of things along the course of his adventures. Eventually he made his way to Montana where he found the O’Bennick family. Skeeter would stay with them during the summer then disappear in the fall to wherever his next adventure would take him. He finally did settle down and call Hot Springs home. He loved the outdoors, fishing, camping in his teepee, kayaking, shooting guns, drinking beer and hanging out with his friends were his favorite pastimes.
Stand down moves to Trout Creek
TROUT CREEK – After Plains hosted the largest Stand down in the country last year, the event is now being forced to move to Trout Creek to a smaller venue.
Wednesday, January 22

John Meckler
Plains resident John Meckler plays one of his handmade dulcimers. Meckler has taken up the hobby of building instruments for family and friends.

Music to the ears
PLAINS – With a steady hand and a mind full of inspiration, Plains resident John Meckler busies himself with the job of bringing music to his family.

Sanders County DUI Task Force Coordinator Krista Standeford leads the January meeting along with Nichol Scribner, Charles Hammett and Valerie Borgmann.

Task Force cracks down on illegal consumption
THOMPSON FALLS – The Sanders County DUI Task Force, a non-profit organization devoted to addressing alcohol issues, had much to discuss at their monthly meeting Thursday morning. The members had several ideas on how to make the county safer.
Myers death confirmed
SUPERIOR – Last week, the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the death of James Myers, a Superior resident allegedly involved in a child sex abuse sting in Missoula.
Superior restaurant shuts down
SUPERIOR – The community lost two big contributors as well as a good family restaurant recently as Jackie’s Home Cooking closed its doors before owners Mike and Jackie Perotti left the area.
Candidate registration opens for 2014 elections
MINERAL COUNTY – The Elections Office officially opened earlier this month to allow candidates to register for the June election.

New St. Regis Senior Center opens to the public
ST. REGIS – Though the doors were open for a couple weeks after construction finished, the new St. Regis Senior Citizen Center celebrated its grand opening and dedication Thursday, January 16.

Grand Opening
The new St. Regis Senior Center was dedicated to Maxine Flemming, a member of the center since 1983. Her name and picture appears on a plaque to be displayed in the new center.

Alec Managhan
Alec Managhan is the author or The Life of Martin, a mystery novel he wrote and published for Kindle.

Alberton High School junior publishes novel
ALBERTON – Alec Managhan, a junior at Alberton High School, recently joined the ranks of published authors as he made his first novel available to the public on Kindle.
PEAK brings winter weekend fun
ALBERTON – All the fun winter has to offer will be available to the community Saturday, as the Promoting Excellence in Alberton Kids Foundation holds its first winter festival.

Geography Bee winner
Geography Bee Champion CheyAnna Perry

Students participate in National Geography Bee
PLAINS – The Mackinaw Bridge connects the upper and lower peninsulas of which state, West Virginia or Michigan? This question started off the Sanders County Homeschool Co-op’s geography bee.

Student Art on the Walls
First grader RuBea Privett poses next to her snowman illustration in the middle of the Art on the Walls Student Show.

Student art brightens hospital in winter show
PLAINS – The stark white hospital hallways were covered in cheerful illustrations of snowmen, plants, animals and self-portraits in rainbow hues. Hospital patients, staff and visitors lined up, eager to view the art. The smiles on the caricatures reflected the smiles of viewers young and old, healthy and not.
Camp Bighorn teaches survival
PARADISE – Jack Frost nipped at the fingers and toes of the students as they navigated the rough terrain. They always kept safety in mind and looked for potential dangers such as avalanches. The students slept in the snow and bonded over the shared experience.

Bluehawk wrestling
Thompson Falls Bluehawk Jake Gascon prepares to grapple with a Trojan wrestler from Drummond.

Bluehawks prepare for busy upcoming week
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawk wrestlers went head-to-head with some tough competition at the Choteau Tournament over the weekend, learning some lessons along the way.

Trotters trample Whitefish
PLAINS - The Trotters came out ready to charge in the battle against Whitefish Friday night.

Trotters basketball
Plains Trotter Hailey Phillips fights off Whitefish, defenders and looks for an opening to shoot.
Red Devils show great team effort
NOXON – The Red Devils gave it their all in two games this week against Superior and Eureka. Although both games resulted in a loss, the boys did not skimp out on team effort.

Savage Heat basketball
Savage Heat Team Captain Tanner Hoff drives the ball to the hole in a close game against Charlo.

Savage Heat sizzle in game against Charlo
HOT SPRINGS – The Savage Heat came out strong against Charlo Saturday night and the intensity continued throughout all four quarters. The full house responded to the scuffles and scrapes of the physical game with roars of excitement.

Superior wrestlers see victory in two tournaments
SUPERIOR – The Superior wrestling team came away with good results as they had three days of wrestling last week.

Anthony Parkin grapples with a Granite player during the quad matches hosted by Superior Tuesday evening.

Lady Bobcat vs. Lady Tigers
Superior's Jordan Mueller prepares to pass the ball past Arianna Jones of St. Regis during the Mineral County rivalry game.

Cat fight erupts between Bobcats and Tigers
SUPERIOR/ST. REGIS – The St. Regis Lady Tigers took a close victory against the Superior Lady Bobcats in their home game Tuesday.

Panthers fight hard in two weekend games
Keir Sanzano looks for an opening to pass the ball to teammate Andrew Lommen through Darby players in Saturday's game.

Bluehawks basketball
Dylan Vaught goes in for a lay up during the game against the Libby Loggers. Overall, Vaught brought in 18 points.

Bluehawks defeat Loggers in intense match up
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks took a decisive victory over the Libby Loggers in their Friday night game with a final score of 64-51.
Plains wrestlers do well at Choteau Tournament
PLAINS – The Plains/Hot Springs wrestling team went to Choteau and came back placing three kids in a tough competition.
Lady Hawks fly to win
THOMPSON FALLS – The Lady Hawks barely edged out the competition in their game against Libby in a close match up that landed the ladies in overtime. The competition heated up and Thompson Falls was able to take the win from right under their opponents nose. The final score landed at 42-41.
Noxon gives mat a rest
NOXON – After a week off, the Red Devils are ready for some time on the mats and are eager for some more competition.

Lady Savage Heat
Lady Savage Heat player Meara Schmiedbauer leaps toward the basket in the game against Charlo.

Lady Savage Heat plan to rise from ashes
HOT SPRINGS – The Lady Savage Heat competed against Charlo at home Saturday night.
Horsemen struggle to get jump on competition
PLAINS – The Horsemen played a close game away against Whitefish Saturday night. Six points was the difference between victory and defeat.
Lady Red Devils fall to Superior and Eureka
NOXON – The Lady Red Devils met with some tough competition this week as they fought hard against powerhouses Superior and Eureka.

Superior & St. Regis basketball
Superior junior Wyatt Zylawy attempts to block junior Gibson Lowry, of St. Regis, during the rivalry game Tuesday in St. Regis.

Superior and St. Regis competition erupts
SUPERIOR/ST. REGIS – The St. Regis Tigers took a hard defeat in a game for county pride against the Superior Bobcats Tuesday, January 14.

Alberton girls basketball
Senior Ryan Vicek and a player from Darby collide as they vie for the ball.

Alberton girls gain experience over weekend
ALBERTON – When the Lady Panthers played against Valley Christian and Darby last week, they were defeated in both games but gathered valuable experience for the future.
Bobcats voted top in the district
SUPERIOR – Eight members of the Superior Bobcats football team have been named All Conference players with three of them to participate in the All Star game this year.

Chamber of Commerce
Mary Jo Berry presents an update to Monte Turner, the new co-president of the Mineral County Chamber of Commerce, during the chamber's monthly meeting.

Chamber of Commerce elects joint presidents
SUPERIOR – The monthly meeting of the Mineral County Chamber of Commerce brought updates on events and projects in 2014 as well as the election of the new chamber presidents.
Commissioners discuss grants
SUPERIOR – In their weekly meeting Friday, the county commissioners reviewed the draft for a letter to support a possible application for the Prevention Partnership Grant and Alcohol Compliance Grant.
Mineral County students make MSU Honor Roll
MINERAL COUNTY – Montana State University has announced its undergraduate honor rolls for fall semester 2013.
Sanders County Senior News
Thompson Falls
Tuesday, January 21
An update from Rep. Schwaderer
Lookout Pass authorities make arrest after chase
DOT looks for comments on culvert rehabilitation
Death Notice - Helen Louise Rhoads
Helen Louise Rhoads, 90, of Soap Lake passed away Saturday, January 11, 2014. A funeral service will be held at 1 PM on Friday, January 17, 2014 at Nicoles Funeral Chapel in Ephrata, WA with graveside to follow at Valley View Memorial Park in Soap Lake, WA.

Superior Senior Center cook prepares to leave

Cook departure
Leslie Heppe, cook at the Superior Senior Center, pulls a tray of clean plates from the dishwasher after the center's weekly dinner.

Douglas Smith signs a copy of his book,

Local author's book hits stands across nation
PLAINS – A Plains resident recently entered the world of book tycoons as his self-published book hit the racks of both
Bison Range to undergo winter road work
Proposal made to fix business water rates within Plains
Made in Montana initiative begins
Wednesday Nite Mixed League Bowling scores
Sanders County court report
Mineral County court report
Mineral County Community Calendar
Sanders County Community Calendar
Friday, January 17
St. Regis Travel Center robbed at gun point
ST. REGIS – At approx. 2:43 a.m. on Friday January 17, 2014, a lone male entered the Saint Regis Travel Center and robbed the convenience store of an undisclosed amount of cash. The male suspect entered the store and demanded money and exhibited a weapon, which is believed to be a black semi-automatic pistol of an unknown make and caliber. The male suspect is described as being about 6 feet in height with a thin build, wearing a black coat over a blue hoodie that was pulled over the head, and a black bandanna that covered the face. The suspect also wore black colored sweat pants with white shoes that have black markings.

Semi accident
A semi-trailer truck lost control on Highway 135 and blocked oncoming traffic. High speeds caused the truck to flip on its side and enter into a large side skid.

Semi flips on Highway 135 blocking traffic
PARADISE – A semi-trailer truck lost control and flipped on Highway 135 on Thursday, January 16 blocking part of the road.
Wednesday, January 15

Heather's Country Kitchen
Heather and Courtney Worrall stands next to some of their new decor Restaurant: Impossible provided them.

Heather opens up about her hour of fame
PLAINS – The news came shortly after Heather Worrall was finished with surgery. As she had her procedure done, her husband Bob said her phone was ringing off the hook. Once Worrall checked her calls, she was in shock. It was the Food Network answering her plea.

Barn fire
A barn on Clayton Street ignited into flames on Wednesday, January 8. The barn was fully engulfed and was deemed a total loss by officials.

Barn falls victim to fire
PLAINS – Flames engulfed a barn early Wednesday morning on January 8, burning the structure to the ground.

Tester comes to Tricon
Senator Jon Tester talks with Tricon General Manager Angelo Ververis and owner Ken Varley during his tour of the mill on Friday. The senator recently helped Tricon Timber get out of a contract, which could have bankrupt the economy.
FWP announces hunting regulation changes for 2014
SUPERIOR – In a public meeting with representatives from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, members of the community heard proposals for new Region 2 regulations in the 2014 hunting seasons.
MCH eliminates nine jobs to balance budget
SUPERIOR – In a meeting held on Thursday, January 9, the county commissioners heard an update on the status of the hospital’s budgetary changes.
The year of elections
THOMPSON FALLS – On Thursday, January 9 the election season officially kicked off as candidates entered the Elections Office to file their declarations of candidacy.
SCCHO receives $10,000 grant
SANDERS COUNTY – The Sanders County Community Housing Organization received the Community Development Block Planning Grant of $10,000 to go towards creating affordable independent senior housing. The upcoming public meeting is where the many of the details will be decided so the project can move forward.
Rock slide debris cleared on River Road East
PARADISE – A rock slide that occurred on River Road East has been completely removed from the roadway, allowing vehicles to once again utilize the full road.
Myers found dead in home
SUPERIOR – The Mineral County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed the death of James Myers, a Superior resident involved in a child sex abuse sting in Missoula.

Kyle Johnson
Kyle and Whitney Johnson share a conversation with Plains Volunteer Fire Department Chief Joe Sheppard at the fire department Christmas party.

Assistant fire chief to start new adventure
PLAINS – Forester and Assistant Fire Chief Kyle Johnson will soon be leaving the small town he has called home for the past 10 years. A job offer as a forester with the Bureau of Land Management is taking him to Coos Bay, Oregon.

Fatal accident
Barbara Allen Farrington was involved in a head-on collision on U.S. Highway 95 on Thursday. A 61-year-old Post Falls resident died at the scene. Farrington was injured and taken to the Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d'Alene.

Thompson Falls woman involved in fatal accident
SAGLE — A Thompson Falls lady was involved in a head-on collision, which resulted in the fatality of a Post Falls man on U.S. Highway 95 on Thursday, January 9.

Jeep recovery
A crew from Schober's Towing pull a wrecked Jeep from where it landed in the Clark Fork River after sliding off the icy road.

Vehicle retrieved from 600 foot drop into the river
ST. REGIS – Thursday, January 9, crews from Schober’s Towing were dispatched to recover a vehicle from the shallows of the Clark Fork River, which had gone off the top of the hill on Mill Creek Road.
Pine Beetle populations not hindered by cold snap
MINERAL COUNTY – Over the last several weeks, members of the community have wondered about the status of Mountain Pine Beetle populations in response to colder than average temperatures in early December.
Red Cross seeks blood from Alberton residents
ALBERTON – Alberton community members will get the opportunity to give blood and save a life on Friday at the Lakeland Feed and Supply Store’s Red Cross blood drive.

Superior wrestling
Superior wrestler Anthony Parkin slams Morgan Schultz of Arlee to the mat during one of his matches at Saturday's Ted Kato Tournament.

Superior wrestlers conquer Ted Kato Tournament
SUPERIOR – The Superior wrestling team performed well in two tournaments this week with all three wrestlers ranking high throughout the weekend.
Illness brings Tigers down in weekend games
ST. REGIS – The St. Regis Tigers took two defeats when they played in Darby, Friday January 10, and Arlee, Saturday January 11.

Lady Panthers basketball
Junior Taylor Erdman chases down a long pass at Friday's Lady Panthers basketball game against the Victor Lady Pirates.

Lady Panthers to improve after Victor defeat
ALBERTON – With a storm bearing down on the area, the Alberton girls faced a big defeat in their Friday home game against Victor.
Letters to the Editor - January 15
Go slow on tribal water compact
The Flathead County commissioners sure stepped in it with their recent vote to endorse a water-rights compact for the Confederated Salish-Kootenai Tribes, but oh wait, they didn’t actually endorse it — or did they?

Thompson Falls Head Coach deems tournament a success
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawk wrestling team had four placers at their home tournament. The Ted Kato Invitational brought in 13 teams in all.

Bluehawk wrestling
Colton Bray puts his opponent in a hold during the Ted Kato tournament. Milner placed fourth in the 152-pound weight class.

Rival basketball game
Lady Hawk Angela Padden tries to stop Trotter Hailey Phillips during the game on Thursday night.

Lady Hawks and Trotters duke it out on court
THOMPSON FALLS – The Lady Hawks and the Trotters came head-to-head in battle over the weekend, both teams fighting for a win.

Noxon wrestling
Noxon wrestler Luke Crowe takes on his opponent during the Saturday tournament in Thompson Falls. Crowe came in second place in his class.

Noxon has good individual performances at Ted Kato Tournament
NOXON – Three of the four Red Devil wrestlers placed at the Ted Kato tournament on Saturday.

Plains/Hot Springs wrestling
The Plains/Hot Springs wrestling team took first place at the Ted Kato Invitational with a point total of 146 points. They finished over 20 points ahead of Big Sky JV. Overall the team had seven placers during the tournament.

Plains/Hot Springs Wrestling team takes first at tournament
PLAINS – After an exciting day at the Ted Kato Invitational in Thompson Falls, the Plains, Hot Springs wrestling team came home with their first medal in 13 years.

Hot Springs vs. Noxon basketball
Noxon's Grant Fitchett attempts to get the ball past Jimmy HOlland during the rival game.

Hot Springs beat Noxon in sizzling overtime
HOT SPRINGS – The Savage Heat played a nail-biter of a game against the Noxon Red Devils. Both teams were neck and neck until the very end Friday night.

Bluehawks vs. Horsemen basketball
Horsemen Colton Vohheeder dribbles past Bluehawk Dalton Hooten during the rivalry game in Thompson Falls on Thursday, January 9.

Bluehawks soar over Horsemen for victory
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks and the Horsemen clashed during the weekend in a close game. Both teams were eager to take a victory away from one of their rivals and although both teams fought hard, the Bluehawks came out with the victory.

Hot Springs vs. Noxon
Lady Savage Heat Alex Green prepares to go up for a shot while Noxon's Jenna Langdon attempts to block her.

Lady Savage Heat beat out Lady Red Devils
HOT SPRINGS – The Lady Savage Heat were victorious against rival Noxon Lady Red Devils.

Town Council
Mayor Greg Eitelberg presents the four council members with their reelection certificates. Audrey Kolbeck, Dan Rowan, Carl Reeb and Chris Allen were all reelected.

Eitelberg runs first council meeting of the year
PLAINS – Mayor Gregory Eitelberg presided over his first town hall meeting as mayor on Monday, January 6.

First baby of the new year
Kjirsten and Rob Mercer welcomed their newborn baby Franklin Miles Mercer in the world as the first baby of 2014 in Sanders County. His older sister Kaylie was at the hospital to greet her new brother. Franklin was named after his father (who goes by Rob) and his granddad. He also shares the same birthday as his mother. He was born on February 6, 2014 at 8:29 a.m. Miles weighed seven pounds and six ounces and was 19.5 inches long. His maternal grandparents are Kent and Sherie Neal from Noxon and Robin and Tina Green from Libby. His paternal grandparents are Scott and Tami Mercer of Noxon.

Bobcats basketball
Tucker Smith prepares to shoot for the basket at the Superior Bobcat's game in Charlo.

Bobcats pounce on Charlo and Two Eagle
SUPERIOR – The Superior Bobcats took two victories last week when they went up against the Charlo Vikings and Two Eagle River.
Lady Tigers take a victory and defeat
ST. REGIS – The Lady Tigers went 1:1 in their games against Two Eagle and Arlee last week.
Panthers will leap back after defeat
ALBERTON – The Alberton Panthers were dealt a loss Friday, January 10, in their game against the Victor Pirates.

Lady Cats basketball
Danielle Ewoniuk runs the ball around one of the players for the Charlo Lady Vikings during a Superior home game Thursday.

Lady Cats take down Eagles after Viking defeat
SUPERIOR – In two home games last weekend, the Lady Bobcats faced a close defeat by Charlo, before coming back for a powerful victory against Two Eagle.
Free yoga offered to vets
HOT SPRINGS - Earth & Sky Studio in association with Nyah Grange 133 in Hot Springs is offering a free series of yoga classes for veterans every Saturday from Jan. 25th through March 1st, at which time the class can decide to continue weekly or bi-weekly; or possibly in an alternative location. All veterans, all ages are invited to participate in this free six week series. The classes will run 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Earth & Sky Studio, 240 Chisholm Trail Rd. in Hot Springs.
Hot Springs chamber plans for promotion
HOT SPRINGS – The first Chamber of Commerce meeting of the year took place Thursday afternoon at the Symes Hotel. The items on the agenda were the success of the Christmas season and the current budget, but the focus of the meeting was the prospect of advertising with Anderson Radio Broadcasting.

Hot Springs town council
Randy Woods takes the oath of office once again and Leslee Smith is nominated town council president.

Hot Springs Town Council discuss changes
HOT SPRINGS – The first Town Council Meeting of the year took place Tuesday evening Jan. 7. The meeting began with Mayor Randy Woods taking the oath of office once again, and Leslee Smith was re-appointed Town Council President. The main topic of discussion was Public Works and town maintenance.
4-H Shotgunners on the move
PLAINS - Southside Sparks Shooting Sports Shotgunners will start their second season on the 18th of January with an orientation meeting at Plains Trap Club at 1:00 p.m.
Plains library gets make-over
PLAINS – The Plains Public Library is currently closed for over-due renovations.
Sanders County - Wed. night mixed league bowling scores
Sanders County Senior News
Sanders County Court Records - Dec. 17 - Jan. 6
Sanders County Justice Court week of 12/17 to 1/6
Sanders County Community Calendar - Jan. 15
Open Gym at Plains

Forest update
District Ranger Tawnya Brummett explains the status of the Cedar Thom project to Commissioner Laurie Johnston during the County Commissioner's weekly meeting.

Forest Service gives project update for 2014
SUPERIOR – As part of the first 2014 meeting of the County Commissioners, Tawnya Brummett, district ranger for the Superior ranger station, gave an update on the Forest Service’s plans in 2014.
County officer appointment discussed in meeting
SUPERIOR – As part of their meeting Friday, January 10, the County Commissioners discussed appointment of members to boards, committees and other positions within county organizations.

Mineral Co. Commissionres
Commissioners Ronan Zylawy and Duane Simons listen to proposal from DIS Technologies for network upgrades to the sheriff's office.

Commissioners approve county operation plan
SUPERIOR – In their first meeting of the year, the County Commissioners approved rules for how the county would conduct business in 2014.
Mineral County Community Calendar - Jan. 15
Road to Recovery
Mineral County Court Report - Jan. 3-10
Excerpt from the Mineral County Justice Court week of 1/3 to 1/10
Friday, January 10

Rollover on Highway 28
Plains Police Chief Shawn Emmett, along with Pat Erving and Marlin Cooper from Plains -Paradise Rural Fire Department work on extracting an occupant out of the vehicle.

Rollover results in two injuries
PLAINS – A one-vehicle rollover on Highway 28 resulted in two injuries on Friday morning.
Wednesday, January 8

New Year's Eve lanterns
Plains visitors Greg Schenavar and girlfriend Aly Piccolo release a sky lantern together to honor loved ones who have suffered from cancer.

Releasing hope on New Years
PLAINS – The New Year’s Eve night sky was illuminated with every color of the rainbow. Sky lanterns were released at the fairgrounds to honor loved ones that have suffered from cancer. The lanterns seemed to be beacons of hope warding off the ever-present darkness.
James Myers appears in court for child sex abuse sting
SUPERIOR – On December 18, James Myers, former Superior youth probation officer, was arrested for alleged sexual abuse of children.
SCCFF brings in the New Year helping families
THOMPSON FALLS – With a New Year well underway, Sanders County Coalition for Families continues their mission to bring help to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and stalking.

Volunteers help to relocate the 2,000 pound Brontosaurus from Piccadilly Park.

Dinosaurs set free from Piccadilly Park
PLAINS – Piccadilly Park was once the recreation destination of a small town. People would come to enjoy the miniature golf course, the go-carts and the dinosaurs. Owner Les Wood remembers countless summer picnics under the wooden awning. Now the race track is cracked and crumbling. The putt-putt holes are consumed with weeds…and the dinosaurs are gone.

An elk looks up from digging in the snow. A mild winter this year has allowed the elk and deer herds to have wider travel ranges while foraging for food.

A mild winter may be good for elk and deer herds
MINERAL COUNTY – A mild winter this season could lead to a hunter’s paradise later this year, as elk and deer herds prosper in mild conditions with low snowfall.

Chili cookoff
Travis Heble and Marnie Cullen dish up samples of chili to judge at the River Edge Steakhouse's second annual chili cook-off on New Year's Day. Nine chilies were entered to draw people from Superior to Missoula.

Spicing up the new year
ALBERTON – The River Edge Steakhouse was filled with an assortment of aromas New Year’s Day as chilies simmered away at the resort’s second annual chili cook-off.
Get rid of the winter blues with potluck community dinners
SUPERIOR – For more than a decade, in an effort to return some light to the gloom of winter, a Superior resident has held potluck dinners to bring the community together.
Judge James investigation still under way
SUPERIOR – The Montana Department of Justice investigation into Mineral County Justice of the Peace Wanda James’ connection to missing court funds is still underway.
New hospital budget eliminates six positions
MINERAL COUNTY - Like Community Medical Center and St. Patrick’s Hospital recently, Mineral Community Hospital in Superior is laying off some employees.
St. Regis bank makes changes to services
ST. REGIS – The Family of Banks would like to formally announce an important change which will affect Mullan Trail Bank in St. Regis and Superior. As of February 1, 2014, Mullan Trail Banks in St. Regis will close its lobby and begin operating through the drive- up window, accepting deposits and cashing checks.

Barn fire
A barn was burnt to the ground early Wednesday morning.

Rock slide
The initial rock slide occurred Friday morning but debris continued to fall Saturday morning making River Road East unusable.

Barn falls victim to flames
PLAINS – Flames engulfed a barn early on Wednesday morning, burning the structure to the ground.

Severe rock slide blocks River Road East
PARADISE – A severe rock slide occurred late Friday night on River Road East in Paradise. Thousands of pounds of rock blocked traffic and completely covered the road. The affected section of River Road East remains closed.

Polar Plunge 2014
Denton Long heads for shore after his second go at the 15th annual New Year's Day Polar Plunge.

2014 jump starts with Fun Run and Polar Plunge
THOMPSON FALLS – The annual Fun Run and Polar Plunge took place Wednesday with 127 participants.
Lookout Snow Bus speeds up travel time with schedule changes
MINERAL COUNTY - The Lookout Snow Bus brings 2 stops in Coeur d’Alene and Hayden on Saturday mornings. We’ve refined our schedule to limit the wait at each stop and get you to the mountain faster. The schedule has been revised in such a way that no rider will be left behind. Cost is $12 per person, per ‘round trip:

St. Regis Senior Center
Vicki Olson, Dan Cordell and Sheryl Stapleton share a laugh as they enjoy the first meal at new St. Regis Senior Center. The new building opened at the start of the year.

St. Regis Senior Center opens for first lunch
ST. REGIS – St. Regis seniors got to begin the New Year with the first meal served in the new St. Regis Senior Citizen’s Center on Thursday, January 2.
Presence of invasive noxious weed confirmed
SANDERS COUNTY – Scientists at Montana State University have confirmed the presence of the invasive grass medusahead on the Flathead Indian Reservation in southeastern Sanders County, a first for Montana.

New dog kennel
The new town dog kennel is equipped to hold two dogs. The plan is to have electricity and running water hooked up in the spring.

New town dog kennel nears completion
PLAINS – The new Plains dog kennel is officially up and running thanks to the donations and labor provided by many community members. The new kennel will help save the town money and ensure the safety of both human and canine alike.

Surprise farewell party
Mayor Greg Eitelberg and Michael Brinson share a laugh at Brinson's surprise farewell party.

Surprise farewell party for Brinson a success
PLAINS - Former Mayor Michael Brinson was honored for his years of service to the town Monday, Dec. 30 at the VFW with a surprise party. The entire town was invited to come thank Brinson and to eat cake provided by the Butcher’s Nook. The atmosphere was jovial as the shocked Brinson walked in escorted by police.
An update from Rep. Ingraham
For young and old alike, we have ushered in a New Year, 2014, one that will be filled with opportunities, changes and untold challenges as we prepare for upcoming elections and global situations that impact us here in America. For me it’s a bitter-sweet moment in my life as I complete my last year of service as your State Representative for House District 13.
A citizen legislator's first year
One year ago I packed up my truck and left this beautiful, rugged part of Montana to spend sixteen weeks in the crowded city of Helena. Not to seek a better life for myself, nor a higher income, nor fame or glory. I went to serve my fellow man as a citizen legislator, not a politician.

Panthers basketball
Senior Andrew Lommen leans around a Lincoln player to pass the ball to senior David Stafford during Saturday's game.

Panthers see improvement over the weekend
ALBERTON – Despite two defeats, the Alberton Panthers saw improvement last week when they went up against the Seeley-Swan Blackhawks and the Lincoln Lynx.
Lady Tigers stomp the competition at Noxon
ST. REGIS – The St. Regis Lady Tigers claimed a strong victory against the Noxon Lady Red Devils in their away game on Friday, December 3.

Bobcats basketball
Senior Jarrod Tippens jumps to take a shot at the Bobcat's home game against Hot Springs Friday, January 3.

Superior dominates the court in weekend games
SUPERIOR – The Superior Bobcats took two strong victories against the Hot Springs Savage Heat and the Thompson Falls Blue Hawks last Friday and Saturday.
Superior wrestlers nearly undefeated at Ronan
SUPERIOR – Despite half the team down, the Superior wrestling team was almost undefeated in their matches at the Ronan Duals last weekend.

Alberton Lady Panthers
Sophomore Mia Tocci boxes out a Lincoln player while waiting to rebound the ball during Saturday's home game.

Alberton improves between weekend games
ST. REGIS – In their Friday game, the St. Regis Tigers saw an approximately 40-point loss against the Noxon Red Devils.

Lady Hawks play basketball
Lady Hawk Angela Padden shoots past Lady Cat defenders in the paint.

Lady Hawks soar through weekend games
THOMPSON FALLS – The Lady Hawks showed a strong performance last week as they added two more victories to their total.
Wrestlers continue to shine on the mat
PLAINS – The Plains/Hot Springs wrestlers have continued to see success as they continue further in the season.
Hot Springs Savage Heat scorch Seeley-Swan
HOT SPRINGS – The Savage Heat defeated Seeley-Swan in a scrappy nail-biter Saturday night. It was a close game with both teams tied at 43-43 going into the 4th quarter. Hot Springs managed to pull away with a final score of 54-48.

Hot Springs basketball
Chelsea Ramstad goes up for the rebound during the game against Seeley-Swan.

Lady Savage Heat look forward after tough week
HOT SPRINGS – The Lady Savage Heat suffered a loss on their home turf against Seeley-Swan Saturday night. Seeley took off in the second half making the final score 16-56.

Bluehawk basketball
Greg Wadsworth goes up for a lay-up in the game against the Trojans.

Thompson Falls looks ahead into the season
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks gave their all in two games this week against Troy and Superior.
Noxon works on coming together as a team
NOXON – The Lady Red Devils took to the court twice last week, gaining experience with each game they played.
Plains Trotters step up to the competition
PLAINS – The Trotters defeated Eureka 50-22 with a solid all-round effort Saturday night. The girls really stepped up and fought to insure the win.
Bluehawks prepare themselves for home crowd
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawk wrestling team traveled to Ronan on Friday and Saturday competing in a series of matches.
Noxon wrestlers prepare for busy week ahead
NOXON – The Red Devil wrestling team gained experience both Friday and Saturday in Ronan. The team was down to five kids so they were unable to enter the Dual Meet but the important part was the time on the mat.
Horsemen continue to learn and grow on court
PLAINS – The Horsemen played against Eureka at home Saturday night. The boys gave it their all but lost with a final score of 62-76.
Tigers earn solid statistics despite loss
ST. REGIS – In their Friday game, the St. Regis Tigers saw an approximately 40-point loss against the Noxon Red Devils.

Lady Cats basketball
Superior Lady Bobcat Michele Smith dribbles past the Lady Hawks defense in an attempt to find an opening to score.

Lady Bobcats claw their way to victory
SUPERIOR – The Lady Bobcats saw a victory and defeat in games against the Hot Springs Lady Savages and Thompson Falls Lady Hawks, last Friday and Saturday.
Mineral County Court Report Dec. 27 to Jan. 3
Mineral County Court Report week of 12/27 to 1/3
Sanders County Senior News - Jan. 8
Thompson Falls

William Isaac Kosel
Gifts From Above Midwifery Care announces the arrival of William Isaac Kosel on Dec. 23, 2013 to Bill and Merici Kosel of Plains, MT. He was born at 9:55 p.m. and weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces. He joins his big sister Angela. Paternal grandparents are Andrew & Margaret Kosel of Red Lodge, MT and maternal grandparents are Robert Epperson of Auburn, CA and Yvonne Epperson of Thompsons Falls, MT. Maternal great-grandparent is Paul Potts of Apple Springs, TX.

Paisley Dean French
PLAINS – Paisley Dean French was born on December 19, 2013 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds 15.5 ounces and was 20 inches long. Her parents are Gretchen and Beau French. Maternal grandparents are Ken and Dede Steinebach of Plains. Paternal parents are Jamie and Lisa French of Paradise. Great-grandparents are Irma Steinebach, Dorthy Benson, Rick Harter, Dan and Betty Kelly.
Sanders County Community Calendar - Jan. 8
Open Gym at Plains
Active voters urged to check for voter registration cards
SANDERS COUNTY – Sanders County Election Clerk Bobbi Christenson wants to ensure all Sanders County voters are receiving their voter registration cards.
Art on the Walls scheduled
PLAINS - The Sanders County Arts Council announces the first quarter exhibit of “Art on the Walls” for 2014 at the Clark Fork Valley Hospital. This is a Student Show of original artwork, open to students from K-12 in Sanders County area public, private, or home schools. Students exhibiting this year are from Hot Springs, Noxon, Plains, and Thompson Falls. The opening reception is Tuesday, January 14th, from 5:00 until 6:30 PM, featuring musical performances by Trout Creek student musicians and the piano students of both Sydne Connolly and Heidi Mack. Linda Knight’s Consumer Sciences Class of Plains High School will provide refreshments and the Clark Fork Valley Hospital will provide beverages. Artwork will be on display from January 14th through March 24th.
Mineral County Community Calendar - Jan. 8
Road to Recovery