Friday, May 31
Plains Food Bank to host informational meeting on hunger
PLAINS - Sanders County has the highest rate of food insecurity in the state, with more than 21 percent of residents struggling with hunger. The Montana Food Bank Network (MFBN) will host a Community Conversation: Hunger in Montana and Sanders County on June 12th in Plains. MFBN invites community organizations and community members interested in learning about hunger in their area to attend.

Sequoia Maelynn Murray-Pool
PLAINS - Sequoia Maelynn Murray-Pool was born May 24, 2013 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. She weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces. Mother is Kristin Murray of Thompson Falls. Maternal grandparents are Sean and Melissa Murray of Newport, OR and Tara and Jesse Deacon of Thompson Falls. Great-grandparent is Charlie Schulz of Thompson Falls.
Garden Column: Best buddies
June first is upon us! The date that every gardener in Plains eagerly anticipates and almost equally dreads! Now everything can be planted – and should be planted as soon as possible to get the most growing season for everything. Hurry, hurry, hurry and get all those cute little baby plants and tiny life center seeds into the earth!
FWP advises to leave young animals alone
As spring turns to summer, Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks (FWP) receives a large number of calls regarding deer fawns and other young wildlife. FWP urges the public not to pick-up deer fawns, even if they appear sick or in need of help. Often, the adult deer is close by, or will be returning to its fawn soon. Left alone, a fawn might have a chance in the wild; but once it is picked up and picks up human scent, it is more likely to be abandoned.
Sanders County Justice Court
Sanders County Justice Court week of 5/21 to 5/24
Wednesday, May 29

Honoring vets on Memorial Day
Craig Gillhall stops to pay tribute to a fellow soldier after marking the grave with a miniature American flag.

Veterans pay tribute to those who fell before them
PLAINS – Nine volunteers from the VFW Post # 3596 canvassed the grounds of the cemetery in search of America’s heroes in order to pay tribute for their services.

The Champs!
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS: The Plains Trotters came back from the State Tournament in Bozeman with a first place finish under their belts.

Thompson Falls graduation 2013
Jodi Morgan presents the scholarships to the students during the ceremony.

Thompson Falls seniors graduate
THOMPSON FALLS – Proud seniors walked into the gym at the Thompson Falls High School in front of a packed audience to showcase the end of an important chapter in their lives and the start of a new one.

Plains Graduation 2013
Valedictorian Alex Hagerman delivers his speech to the audience and the class of 2013 on Sunday.

Plains graduates move on to the next step
PLAINS - All the glory associated with high school graduation was on display Sunday in the Plains High School gym. Packed with hundreds of parents, friends and family members, the stage was set for a ceremony to celebrate a benchmark in the lives of 28 young people.

Noxon graduation 2013
Valedictorian Brandon Piazzola addresses the audience and his fellow classmates during his speech.

Noxon seniors graduate
NOXON – In an intimate setting at the Noxon High School, the Red Devils took their first step into the future and out of high school life - graduating from many years of schooling and moving into a future with many unknowns.

Hot Springs Graduation 2013
Salutatorian Michael Gray and fellow classmate Lyndsey Mae Felts walk into the graduation ceremony in Hot Springs.

Hot Springs graduates receive diplomas
HOT SPRINGS - Adorned with ribbons, balloons and occupied by proud parents, teachers, friends and family, the gym at Hot Springs High School played host to the graduation ceremony for the class of 2013 on Sunday.

Tiger pride on display at 2013 commencement
Friends and family of the St. Regis High School graduating class of 2013 gathered in the gymnasium to celebrate the achievements of the seniors and wish them well in their next stage of life on Friday evening.

St. Regis Grad 2013 - 5
St. Regis Valedictorian Spur Hill addresses fellow graduates and attendees.

St. Regis Grad 2013 - 4
Salutatorian Jeron Jennings gives his speech.

St. Regis Grad 2013 - 3
Guest speaker and former St. Regis teacher Jess Tuchscherer addresses the graduating class.

St. Regis Grad 2013 - 2
The graduates celebrate after receiving their diplomas during Friday's ceremony.

St. Regis Grad 2013 - 1
The graduates of St. Regis High School: Shad Rich, Patrick Espanola, Kelsey Dellinger, Madison Kent, Jeron Jennings and Spur Hill.

Mineral County DUI/Drug Treatment court
Members of the Mineral County DUI/Drug Treatment Court team give graduates their diplomas.

Mineral County celebrates treatment court month with luncheon and three graduates
Residents of Mineral County filled the commissioners room at the Mineral County Courthouse May 22 to celebrate National Drug Court Month as well as honor three graduates from the counties DUI/Drug Court program.
Mineral County Buckle Up Coatlition announces saved by the belt awards
SUPERIOR, Mont., (May 29, 2013) – The Mineral County Buckle Up Montana Coalition is pleased to award two area women with Saved by the Belt Awards for their life-saving use of seat belts in collisions earlier this year. The women will be presented with the awards at the Mineral County Car Show on Saturday, June 1st at 1:00pm at The Old School House Rock Car Show in Superior.
Starting and maintaining a neighborhood watch program
Starting a Neighborhood Watch
Hiawatha Trail is open for business
This “Hall of Fame” 15 mile “rail-to-trail” mountain bike or hike trail utilizes the abandoned Milwaukee Railroad grade between the old town site of Taft (MT) and the North Fork of the St. Joe River near Avery (ID). The St. Paul Pass Tunnel is 1.7 miles in length and is one of the highlights of a trail that has been described as “one of the most scenic stretches of railroad in the country.”

SVFD fights flames from downed power line
The Superior Volunteer Fire Department responded to a fire started by a downed power line on Diamond Match Road Friday afternoon. With assistance from the Mineral County Sheriff's Office and Montana Highway Patrol, the scene was secured and the SVFD got to work digging line and soaking the area surrounding the fire to prevent it from spreading while Northwest Energy cut off power.

SVFD fight flames
Fighting the flames
Mineral County Commissioners Briefs
County denies sign funding request, pledges labor for project
Mineral County Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Bob Mahon was present at Friday’s meeting of the county commissioners to receive an answer to his request for county funding to be used for signs.
Residents urged to use caution when burning
America's honor and the call of duty
What compels American soldiers to put their lives on the line day after day, war after war, generation after generation?

An update from Rep. Pat Ingraham
Memorial Day has passed. It is a time for remembering our unsung heroes, those men and women who’ve defended, guarded and continue to protect our traditions of liberty and freedom, while reaching out to other nations during times of turmoil. But Memorial Day is not just held to a special day of remembrance, but transcends time. Those service people are remembered on a daily basis with thankful hearts by those whose lives they’ve impacted.

Plains 8th grade graduation
Thom Chisholm shares a light moment with a student as he accepts his graduation certificate during the eighth grade commencement ceremony on Wednesday.

Plains eighth grade students transition to high school
PLAINS - With a little pomp and circumstance, the eighth grade class at Plains Elementary School celebrated their graduation on Wednesday at the high school gym. Around 200 family, friends, and teachers and were in attendance to witness the end of one phase in life and the beginning of the high school phase.

Plains Day turtle race
Participants in the Turtle Race get ready to put their turtles to the test on a previous Plains Day.

Annual Plains Day event to take place on Saturday
PLAINS – After six months of planning, the 51st Plains Day is ready to take place on June 1st.

Homesteaders rodeo
Cowboy Bruce Knight competes at last year's Homesteader Rodeo. The event spans two days.

Homesteaders to take over Hot Springs soon
The 64th annual celebration known as Homesteader Days will be held in Hot Springs on June 7, 8, and 9. The event will feature live music, street games, a rodeo, car show, food and vendors, arts and crafts and parades. The celebration is intended to honor the original homesteaders in the Hot Springs area.

Dancing the day away
The kids involved in the Gothic Reel practice hard for their upcoming performance. They will perform at the El Johnson Memorial Pool Park on Plains Day.

Dance performance will bring some Irish culture on Plains Day
PLAINS – According to Neuman Ryan, the art of dance has been lost in America and he is hard at work trying to bring it back.

Monkeying around
Bridger Bauer hangs out on the monkey bars on the playground at the Plains Elementary School on Friday. It was the last day of classes before summer vacation during the annual barbeque.

Plains Elementary School grills out last day
PLAINS- As the traditional aromas of barbeque wafted through the air, students from Plains elementary school lined up for hot dogs, hamburgers and other assorted fare during the annual end-of-the-year event behind the school.

Teen outreach
Josh Vander Meer spreads his message of hope to the crowd.

Teen outreach efforts flood the pool park in Plains
PLAINS – Kids and community members gathered at the El Johnson Memorial Pool Park on Friday for a community outreach program put on by District 777.
Thompson Falls boys track and field take third
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks Track and Field team competed in Bozeman at the state competition on May 24 and 25, coming out with some success.

Bringing home the hardware
The boys' Bluehawks golf team brought home third place from the state tournament.

Bluehawks golf team takes third at state
THOMPSON FALLS – The boy’s Bluehawks golf lived up to their expectations at the state tournament in Bigfork, bringing home the third place prize.
Three Red Devils represent Noxon at State competition
NOXON – Three Red Devils took to the state competition in Laurel, representing Noxon at the tournament.

Savage Heat relay team
The Hot Springs Savage Heat relay team competed at the state tournament in Laurel over the weekend.

Savage Heat track and field competes in Laurel
HOT SPRINGS - The Hot Springs Savage Heat boys track and field team scorched the field over the weekend in Laurel during the Class C State Track and Field Meet.
Free fishing for all on Father's Day Weekend - June 15 & 16
Here’s the perfect gift for Dad and Grandpa: free fishing for all over Father’s Day weekend, June 15-16.
FWP reminds everyone to "Inspect. Clean. Dry."
This spring and summer remember to inspect, clean and dry your boats, trailers and fishing gear to stop aquatic hitchhikers from taking hold in Montana.
FWP seeks comment on wolf hunting and trapping proposals
The Montana’s Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commission is seeking public comment on changes for the 2013-14 wolf hunting and trapping seasons.

Camp Bighorn clean up
Ruth Jorgensen helps clean and prune the different flower beds at Camp Bighorn.

Camp Bighorn receives a face lift for the upcoming busy season
PLAINS – Over 100 volunteers went straight to work at Camp Bighorn, pruning the garden, painting the new shop and cutting trails for the upcoming summer camp season.

Making History
Superior High School Lady Bobcats Nicole Stroot, Kinzie Cooper and Geneva Plake celebrate their Class C State Championship in Laurel.

Lady Bobcats grab title
A trio of Superior Lady Bobcats went into the state track and field tournament in Laurel over the weekend and ran circles around the competition – capturing the first state title in Superior High School history.

Sports Column: The makings of a champion
They were champions before spring athletics even began, before they showed the rest of the state what Mineral County is all about.

Rendezcousing with the past
A rugged group of individuals with a thirst for adventure and fortune made their way west after the Lewis and Clark Expedition – after some time in the wilderness they would rendezvous in places like St. Louis to trade fur and goods as well as engage in friendly competition. Stories of daring and close escapes from Indians were swapped around a campfire by people like John Colter, who ran hundreds of miles in nothing but his Birthday suit to get safely back to civilization.

Ready. Aim. Fire. - By Keith Cousins
Dressed in authentic clothing from the Revolutionary War era, Dave "Badger Stomper" Sowers of Colton, OR fires his .62 Caliber smooth-bore rifle at a target at the Wildhorse Rendezvous in Mineral County.

Wildhorse Rendezvous 4
A group of Sapphire Mountain Men gather around the campfire, awaiting the cannon shoot.

Wildhorse Rendezvous 3
A few mountain men take a break at the Rendezvous.

Wildhorse Rendezvous 2
Ready. Aim. Fire! - The cannon goes off.

Wildhorse Rendezvous 1
A rugged group watches the cannon shoot.

Superior sixth graders hit the river for outdoor school
On Thursday Angie Hopwood's sixth grade class headed from their camp at Savenac Nursery to Big Creek to learn how to fish. The day on the creek was part of the class's annual Outdoor Education week at Savenac and was taught by Randy Kryzko. Montana FWP donated supplies for the sixth graders to use for the day.
Mineral County Community Calendar - May 29, 2013
Attention Parents
Mineral County Court Report - May 13-24
Mineral County Court Records from May 13 to May 24
Tuesday, May 28

Plains girls return home as state champions
The girls of the Plains High School track and field team were oblivious to the reception waiting for them Saturday night after the Class B State Meet in Bozeman. They were sleeping on the bus when it pulled into town late in the evening.
Friday, May 24
Letter to the Editor - May 24, 2013
One man stood apart. At the school board meeting, one man did the right thing - John Holland. He looked us in the eye and listened. He stood alone when he voted the right way for Mr. Friesz. You could see the compassion in his face. The superintendent wouldn’t even look up. No respect from him, a coward in my eyes and my grandson. The school board gave us two minutes to talk. They wouldn’t let us be on the agenda. Suzie and I got the run around on that. We voted these people in and we will vote them out. A lot sooner, I hope. We need more board members like John Holland, someone that will listen to the taxpayers. We live in a democracy, since when do the school members decide against the majority? A good man who is part of our community and our churches and our hearts just got ran out of a job. We won’t let this fight go. someone has to stand up for Mr. Friesz and do the right thing. The school board would not answer our question, why? We will make the school board accountable for their actions. It is our right to have good teachers in our school. they hired a new shop teacher last week. Would not even put us on the agenda. Shame on you. Do they know anything about this new teacher? Why was everything so rushed? The fight has just begun.
Sanders County Court Report - May 14-20
Sanders County Justice Court week of 5/14 to 5/20/13
Sanders County Community Calendar - May 29
Open Gym at Plains

Local Minor League Baseball update
Clark Fork Valley Minor League Baseball postseason tournament seeds are set. The Plains Twins headed to Thompson Falls last Tuesday for the final regular season game of the year. At stake was a number one seed heading into next weekend’s tournament. Pitcher Jake Zigler held the Hawks at bay with a 13 strikeout, one hit performance for a 2-0 victory. The six team postseason tournament is hosted in St. Regis on Friday and Saturday.
Wednesday, May 22

Paradise School
Chloe Youde and Brenden Vanderwall sit in an almost empty classroom at the Paradise School Wednesday as their teacher Shana Smith walks them through the lesson plans. The school plans to close its doors on May 24 after over a century of providing education to its students.

Searching for Paradise

American Legion
Adjutant Vice Commander Dave Koepllin stands behind the bar at the American Legion after its reopening on Thursday.

American Legion reopens its doors for business
After closing its doors for only a few days, the bar at the American Legion in Paradise reopened on Thursday. The bar had been closed after members voted to do so based on information supplied to them by the previous commanding officer.

Calvert appears for omnibus hearing
THOMPSON FALLS – After numerous attempts to hold Nathan Lee Calvert’s omnibus hearing, Calvert was finally present in the Sanders County Courthouse Tuesday morning.

Students & Nathan Freisz
Nathan Freisz (second from left) poses with students at the end of the year awards ceremony held at Plains High School.

A last ditch effort to save Nathan Freisz
PLAINS – In a last ditch effort to get their teacher Nathan Freisz back, the community flooded the Plains School Board of Trustees meeting Monday night hoping their pleas would be heard.

St. Regis Sit-in
St. Regis senior Jeron Jennings talks to one of many media outlets that covered Monday's sit-in.

Students stage walk out at St. Regis
In a continued show of support for teachers at St. Regis Schools who were given notice of non-renewal and placed on administrative leave on May 10, 23 students walked out of the halls of the school shortly after breakfast Monday morning and sat on the football field throughout the school day.

Panthers step boldly into the future
Even by Alberton standards the 2013 graduating class of six seniors was small – but what they lacked in numbers they made up for in academic excellence and school spirit.

Alberton senior projects
The Alberton graduating class of 2013 stands in front of Todd Myrstol's restored Ford F-100 during senior project presentations.

Panther senior projects leave lasting mark
A week prior to graduation, the senior class of Alberton High School had the opportunity to showcase their senior projects to members of the community.

Alberton Graduation 8
Salutatorian Shawndra Rohrbach gives her thanks to the community and school as part of her speech.

Alberton Graduation 6
The graduating class of 2013 share a laugh during the commencement ceremony on Sunday.

Alberton Graduation 5
Dr. Andrew Blackman, an Alberton graduate from 2000, addresses the newest Panther graduates.

Alberton Graduation 4
Alberton seniors embrace Superintendent Jim Baldwin during the commencement ceremony.

Alberton Graduation 2
Alberton Valedictorian Emma Wooldridge addresses her class and attendees at the commencement.

Alberton Graduation 1
The Alberton class of 2013, Natasha Ball, Megan Drury, Todd Myrstol, Shawndra Rohrbach, Josh Webb and Emma Wooldridge, celebrate after receiving their diplomas during Sunday's ceremony.

Plains concert
Mason Gannarelli, Jeremiah Allen, and A.J. Jermyn perform "Go For Excellence." The three are members of the fifth grade band.

Plains serenades the crowd for the last time this year
PLAINS – The kids of Plains hit the stage on Thursday night for their Hawaiian-inspired spring concert.

POPS concert
Plains High School Choir took to the stage during the Spring Pops Concert and performed songs from the popular show Glee.

Plains Spring Pops concert entertains the crowd
The Music Department at Plains High School held their annual spring pops concert on Tuesday in the gym. The choir, middle and high school band as well as guitar and percussion ensembles all performed before a large crowd.

Plains fourth graders test their luck on the water
PLAINS – The fourth grade classes at Plains Elementary School gathered up their fishing gear and headed out to the slough east of Plains to test their luck in the waters.
Second graders learn about flora and fauna
PLAINS- The second grade class from Plains went on their annual spring field trip to teacher Ruth Hamilton’s land just south of town on Monday. The trip is designed to reinforce subjects studied in the classroom primarily regarding science and nature.
Why grow a garden?
To some, gardening is a glimpse of heaven. To others, it is necessary evil of doing battle with weeds and just a lot of hard work.

Defending freedom and reviving the economy
Defend freedom and revive the economy. As a freshman legislator these were the main goals I brought into the pressure cooker known as Montana’s 63rd Legislative session. A few weeks in, I placed a large note in front of my seat in the Senate Chamber that said, “Remember why you’re here.” It was a good reminder to stick to the basics.
Mineral County track and field: State qualifiers

Wooldridge achieves childhood dream
You can ask her friends, family and teammates about it. They teased her relentlessly after every victory in the Class B-C state tennis tournament for how nervous she was prior to each match.
Students display artwork
PLAINS-Plains High School celebrated the artistic talents of students early last week, displaying works of art in a variety of mediums in the hall outside the gym. Paintings, sculptures, ink and pencil drawings adorned the walls during the three-day exhibit.

Art on the Walls
Attendees of the fifth annual Art on the Walls event stroll through Wall Street Place in Hot Springs, voting for their favorite entries.

Hot Springs Art on the Walls fills Wall Street Place
HOT SPRINGS – The Hot Springs Artists Society filled the Wall Street Place on Friday for their fifth annual Art on the Walls show.

Hack n' Blast - by Colin Murphey
Barry Gilpin, right, heads to the back of the line after blasting a clay pigeon out of the sky during the annual "Hack n' Blast" tournament in Plains on Saturday. Gilpin's team took first place.

Participants hack and blast their way through Plains
Shots rang out at the trap club and the golf course on Saturday as Plains played host to the annual “Hack n’ Blast” event. Participants from as far away as Missoula, Kalispell and Libby competed in trap shooting and nine holes of golf during the unique event.
Plains School District receives grant for campus expansion
PLAINS – After over 40 years of planning, the Plains School District will finally receive a grant, which will allow them to add an addition onto the school, combining the now two campuses into one general location.

Representative Carl Glimm, Rep. Nick Schwaderer and Senator Jennifer Fielder held a panel discussion on the 63rd Montana legislature in St. Regis on Thursday.

Local state legislators give overview of 63rd session
Residents of Sanders and Mineral County gathered at the St. Regis Community Center on Thursday for a panel discussion on the 63rd session of the Montana legislature.

Award Ceremony
The band with no name performs before the student body prior to the annual Plains High School award ceremony on Monday.

Student award ceremony held outside at PHS
PLAINS- Plains High School faculty honored student achievers on Monday during a ceremony held outside behind the school.

Thompson Track and Field
Mark Hamm competes in the long jump for Thompson Falls.

Sanders County track teams gear up for state
Wet conditions did not keep the Plains and Thompson Falls track and field teams from posting some solid results on May 17 at the Western B divisional meet in Missoula.
Sanders County Golf Update
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks golf team competed at Divisionals on Tuesday on a course they had yet to play. The Bridger Creek Golf course in Bozeman was home of the competition.

Lady Hawks & Trotters softball
Thompson Falls and Plains play each other in one of the last games of the season. Plains won the game in the fifth inning by a score of 12 to 2. Neither team qualified for the state matches.

Trotters and Lady Hawks wrap up softball season
PLAINS – The Lady Hawks and the Trotters faced off in the battle for a spot at divisionals during a play-in game on Tuesday. In the Class B-C play-in game, the Trotters took the win 12 to 2.
Non-profit Expo brings a multitude of county organizations together under the same roof
Sometimes an idea needs to germinate over a period of time before taking root and becoming a reality – in this case an idea became the first annual Non-profit Expo for Mineral County.
Mineral County students selected for MedStart program
St. Regis High School junior, Fina Lizardi, and Alberton High School sophomore, Kalin Smith, have been selected to attend the Western Montana Area Health Education Center (AHEC) summer program, MedStart: An Exploration of Healthcare Careers.
Plans moving forward for the 2013 Mineral County Fair
It is not too soon to begin planning for the Mineral County Fair in August.

MCH donation
Members of the Mineral County Medical Foundation presented employees of Mineral Community Hospital with a check for $12,000 on Monday. The donation will be used to buy a microscope for the ear, nose and throat department of MCH.

RELAY FOR LIFE: Celebrating our survivors
Submitted by Jennifer Elias
Mineral County Court Report - May 10-17
Mineral County Court Records from May 10 to May 17
Mineral County Community Calendar - May 22, 2013
American Legion Post #13 St. Regis
Runners take to the trail from St. Regis to Paradise
PARADISE/ST. REGIS - Over 300 runners took to a track trail in St. Regis, running almost 11 miles to Paradise through rolling hills on a weaving trail.

Red-winged blackbird
A red-winged blackbird perches on cattails.

Bird book
Jim Rogers looks up woodpeckers in a bird guide book while out birdwatching Monday.

Jim Rogers bird watching
Jim Rogers scopes in on a Dusky Flycatcher on Monday.

Bird Watching
Janene Lichtenberg, a wildlife biologist with CSKT Natural Resources, demonstrates a marsh bird survey at Kicking Horse Reservoir on Monday. Marsh birds nest in cattails and bullrush and can be difficult to see.

Yellow-headed blackbird
A yellow-headed blackbird at Kicking Horse Reservoir.

Searching for loons
Janene Lichtenberg is a wildlife biologist with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' Natural Resources department. Here, she searches for loons at Kickinghorse Reservoir on Monday.

Blue Heron
A blue heron takes off at Kickinghorse Reservoir on Monday.
On the Fly - Area birders share tips on how to get started birdwatching
POLSON — The mist had barely lifted from Flathead Lake on Monday morning and already Jim Rogers was peering through a scope at a red-tailed hawk on the far shore from the parking area at Ducharme Access on the east shore.
Sanders County Community Calendar
Open Gym at Plains
Sanders County Senior News
Thompson Falls

Raylynne Hope Gohl/Udenberg
PLAINS – Raylynne Hope Gohl/Udenberg was born May 16, 2013 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. She weighed 9 pounds and 1 ounces. The mother is Chance Marie Udenberg of Thompson Falls. Maternal grandparents are Sherry and Dan Gossett of Columbus, MT and Jeff Udenberg of Paradise, MT. Great-grandparents are Gary and Zella Baltz of Paradise, Keith and Diana of Laurel, and Bill and Margret of Billings.

Vernon "Bud" Tintinger
Memorial service for Vernon “Bud” Tintinger will be held at the Plains Cemetery on June 1st at 2 p.m. Family and close friends invited. After the service everyone is invited to the Anderson residence for lunch.
Friday, May 17
MDT proposes roadway safety improvements from Thompson Falls to Perma
PLAINS - The Montana Department of Transportation would like to notify the public and seek comments on a proposal regarding the following roadway safety improvements on State Primary Route 6/MT 200 from Thompson Falls to Perma in Sanders County:
Sanders County Court Report May 7-13
Sanders County Justice Court week of 5/7 to 5/13
ART CALL: Sanders County Arts Council is accepting applications for the Summer Show of “Art on the Walls” of Clark Fork Valley Hospital which runs June 27 through September 24, 2013. Art for this juried show must be the original work of a Sanders County artist, display ready to be hung on a wall. Applications are due June 10, 2013. For applications or more information call 544-6654 or 826-8585.

Bentley William Boehler
PLAINS – Bentley William Boehler was born on April 30 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. He weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces. Parents are Krista Garcia and Justin Boehler of Plains. Paternal grandparents are Cynthia Boehler and Todd Boehler of Plains. Maternal grandparents are April Cowie of Plains and Dustin Garcia of Las Vegas, NV. Great-grandparents are Betty Boehler, Marian Whenholz, Norma Lindenmuth, and Jess and Judy Garcia.
Wednesday, May 15

American Legion
David Koepplin served tacos at the American Legion in hopes to bring more customers in.

St. Regis school board shake up
St. Regis junio Fina Lizardi reads a petition that asks for the removal of Superintendent Janet Hanson.

St. Regis seeks answers in response to faculty shake up
In the hallways and classrooms of St. Regis School on Friday the traditional structure and function of the establishment turned to chaos as shortly before the end of the school day two teachers were handed paperwork informing them of their non-renewal status and two others were placed on administrative leave. Classrooms were left unattended. Teachers were seen crying in the hallways. Students left the school, some in tears themselves, in confusion to inform their parents of what transpired.

American Legion Bar closes its doors
Pat's Knob radio tower undergoes repairs
A radio tower on Pat’s Knob that suffered minor damage during a snowstorm will be repaired soon according to representatives from the Sanders County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff’s Department Safety Communications Manager Cody Best stressed that communications capabilities are still at 100 percent capacity.

Forest Service burn
Bau Dobberstein and Rocky Wagoner refill the 55-gallon drum which hung beneath the helicopter. The heli-torch was used to light the prescribed burn.

Prescribed burn lights up Cougar Peak and Graves Creek
The Forest Service engaged in a prescribed burn on Tuesday near Thompson Falls. The burn was part of an on-going land management effort to minimize the amount of fuels available in the event of a wildfire event.

Fire quickly quenched by SVFD - by Keith Cousins
Members of the Superior Volunteer Fire Department were paged to the scene of a fire on Diamond Match Road Friday afternoon. According to eye-witnesses, the fire started after a slash fire ignited the dripping sap on a larger tree. The sap created a large amount of smoke and a call was made to the SVFD. Upon arrival the fire itself had been quenched by residents and the department used their hoses to douse the area and ensure it wouldn't catch again.
USFS and county sign airport use agreement
Superior Ranger District Fire Management Officer Bob Derleth was on hand at the Friday meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners to present the 2013 Airport Lease Agreement.

Sixth graders continue Savenac tradition
On May 7, sixth grade students at Superior Elementary were at Savenac Nursery for the second year of the Christmas Tree Nursery Program.

Preschoolers at farm
Parents, volunteers and preschoolers gathered at Dave Williams' ranch on Wednesday for a field trip where they played with baby pigs, released a newly hatched butterfly and planted bean seeds. The field trip gave the kids a chance to learn about life cycles.

Preschoolers take to the farm to learn life lessons
PLAINS – The preschoolers in the Head Start program hit the farm on Wednesday to learn about life cycles.

Exchange students
Nancy Winebrenner poses with two of her exchange students, Louise and Pavol.

ICES offers opportunities to host an exhange student
SANDERS COUNTY – International Cultural Exchange Services offers families a chance to bring in a foreign exchange student for ten months, housing the student while they study abroad and it gives the opportunity to open up one’s heart to a new culture.

An update from Rep. Ingraham
While the 63rd Legislative session came to a close on April 24th, just 3 short weeks ago, there is still some unfinished work yet to be completed. The unfinished work involves over-riding the Governor’s veto of bills passed by the Senate and House, a disappointing end to say the least since those bills had strong bipartisan support.
Letter to the Editor - May 15

Plains students perform "Penny Candy" for crowd
PLAINS – A cast of Plains students hit the stage both Friday and Saturday night bringing to life the story of “Penny Candy.”

Penny Candy 4
Claire Miller played by Keira Gill comes up with a penny to give Richard Miller played by Daniel Damschen during the play, "Penny Candy."

Mother's Day event held at local nursery
The Lynch Creek Nursery played host to the annual Mothers Day event where kids could plant flowers, learn about gardening and present their hard work to deserving mothers.
Valley Press to hold a garage sale to benefit ids and their education
PLAINS – The Valley Press will be holding a garage sale on June 29th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in front of the office at 105 W. Lynch Street. We are accepting donations and all proceeds will benefit Newspapers in Education.

Levi Klaus
Levi C. Klaus graduated from basic military training.

Thompson Falls resident graduates from basic military training
Air Force Airman Levi C. Klaus graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.

Mother's Day 2
Syris holds a flower during the Lynch Creek Nursery's Mother's Day event on both Friday and Saturday where kids were able to plant flowers for their mothers.

Mother's Day 1
Kayla of Plains holds her flower pot as she heads to present it during the Mother's Day event at Lynch Creek Nursery on Sunday.
Grange focuses on community outreach
PLAINS – The Plains Grange met on Tuesday and discussed where to donate money as part of their community outreach they are known for.

Wind damage 3
The large tree that fell on the two vehicles once housed a tree-house. The owner suspected the white car to be totaled.

Wind damage 2
A late storm on Monday evening brought in heavy rain and strong winds causing downed branches to block Meany Street.

Wind Damage 1
The strong gusts of wind knocked over a tree three feet in diameter onto two vehicles on Sixth Street.
Mineral County Neighborhood Watch gives community security advice.
Click It or Ticket to boost seat belt use
Mineral County 2013 High-Visibility Enforcement Campaign Begins May 20, 2013
Mineral County Commissioners Briefs
Mineral County Community Calendar
American Legion

Kids at Savenac 6
Margaret Parkin and Maddy Mask work together to place a Christmas Tree seedling in a hole during the Superior Elementary School field trip to Savenac Nursery.

Kids at Savenac 5
Superior Elementary School sixth grader Kathryn Parkin works to plant a seedling at Savenac.

Kids at Savenac 3
Kim Parsons and Kris Maier work on planting their row of seedlings at Savenac Nursery.
Thompson Falls Golf Update
The Bluehawks golf team took off for divisionals on Monday hoping to scope out the course they will be playing on. The team had a tee-off time at 9 a.m. Tuesday and although they were unable to play the course before divisionals, Head Coach Gary Thompson remained positive.
Plains Golf Update
The Plains golf team competed at the St. Regis Invitational on May 9 and then again at the divisional tournament in Missoula on May 14. Coach Magera has stated in the past that the team would be working on their short game in preparation for the last few tournaments of the season.
Plains softball update
The Plains/Hot Springs softball team played Loyola Sacred Heart on Tuesday, May 7 and lost 7-6 and 16-15.
Thompson Falls Softball Update
The Lady Hawks softball team played Florence on Thursday losing 14-0 and 28-0. During a tournament the ladies beat Sidney 14-0 in their first game coming up with a non-conference victory and then went on to play Dillon who outscored them 12-3. The ladies took part in a game Tuesday at 4 p.m. Scores weren't available at time of press.
Plains track team competes at districts
PLAINS - The Trotters of Plains won yet another meet, this time it was the district meet in Eureka with a score of 195 on May 11. The Plains girls track and field team easily defeated the runner up Big fork with a score 131.
Savage Heat puts on a solid performance
HOT SPRINGS - The Savage Heat track and field team put on a solid performance at the 14C District meet in Polson on May 9.

Bluehawk Track and Field
Senior Bluehawk Dominique Holt gets ready to hurl the discus. Holt took fourth in the event during the district tournament.

Thompson Falls comes out with first place victory at Districts
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks Track and Field team made their way to Eureka on Saturday for the district tournament and came out with a first place victory on the boy’s side.
Noxon competes at districts
NOXON – The Red Devils went to the District 14-C meet in Polson on Thursday pulling in a third place win for their boys with a team score of 76.

Hailey Phillips
Hailey Phillips takes time out of a busy schedule to pose for a photograph for the Valley Press. Phillips is set to compete in the last two meets of the season including the state competition in Laurel on May 24 through 25.

Local athlete prepares for upcoming meets
According to coach Denise Montgomery, sophomore track athlete Hailey Phillips is notoriously humble about her accomplishments. Phillips prefers to let her ability on the track do the talking for her and when she takes the field, the voice is loud.

Horseback riding
David Collins rides Benny off Upper Lynch Creek Road. Collins is a guide trainee who recently moved to Montana from Pennsylvania.

OUTDOORS - Horseback riding proves a rough but fun ride
I have not ridden a horse in quite some time. It has probably been ten to 15 years since I awkwardly threw my leg over a saddle and put my life in the hands of an animal that is probably a little indignant about having to haul around 170 pounds of extra payload for the next three hours.
Sanders County Court Report April 30-May 6
Sanders County Justice Court week of 4/30 to 5/6
Otis Dale Trull
Otis Dale Trull passed away May 9, 2013, just one day after his 32nd birthday. Services are being held on May 15, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Assembly of God Church.
Sanders County Senior News
Ruby Lorene Abbott
Our loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great-great grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend, Ruby Lorene Abbott, 94, passed away on May 9, 2013, in Plains, Montana.
Sanders County Community Calendar - May 15
Open Gym at Plains

Plains Pool
Employees of the Plains Public Works Force drained and cleaned the pool on Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in an effort to get the pool ready for the season. The pool is slated to open on Memorial Day.
Mountain Cats claim divisional title
Alberton High School’s Emma Wooldridge had high expectations for herself going into the Southwestern B-C divisional tennis tournament in Darby over the weekend.

Anthony Parkin
Superior High School junior Anthony Parkin will be representing his hometown at the Disney National Wrestling Duels in Florida.

Superior wrestler continues to make history
Anthony Parkin is the first student-athlete in Superior history to win a state championship in two sports the same year as part of the Bobcat state champion football team and then as the state 105 lb. class wrestling champion.

Josh Wright
Wright will be fighting at the Missoula Hilton on June 1.

Josh Wright wins first pro-MMA fight in Minot
He doesn’t fit the bill of your stereotypical Mixed Martial Arts fighter. No t-shirts emblazoned with the popular name brands of the sport, no issues with getting in fights outside of the ring and no ego. He’s soft-spoken, humble and is quick to discuss using his heart above all else in the octagon.
Mineral County Court Reports May 3-10
Mineral County Court Records from May 3 to May 10
Tuesday, May 14

Bear - by Keith Cousins
Ed Josephson shot this bear the other day.
Monday, May 13

Members of the Freshmen class from Plains High School examine the contents of a container they found using GPS technology.

Freshmen class hunts for buried treasure
The Plains High School freshmen class, led by teacher Sandy Revier, engaged in the outdoor recreational activity known as “geocaching” on Wednesday.
Friday, May 10

Jazz band concert
Thompson Falls Jazz Band performs "My Funny Valentine."

Nerds and Jocks perform in Thompson Falls
The music department at Thompson Falls High School was decked out in costume for a rousing performance on Tuesday in the gym. The “nerds versus jocks” themed event included the choir, jazz combo and band directed by Rebecca Haag and Jennifer Haas with accompaniment from Haag on piano.
Letter to the Editor - May 10, 2013
Juried Art Show to come to Hot Springs
Hot Springs Artists Society will be holding their annual Juried Art Show starting on May 15th.
Sanders County Court Report 4/30-5/6
Sanders County Justice Court week of 4/30 to 5/6

Baby ducks - by Colin Murphey
Colin Murphey headed up to the Hendry Farm on Upper Lynch Creek Road and found these new born ducks.
Wednesday, May 8

Veterans Standown
A veteran walks out of the third barn loaded up with gear as his little helper pushes a box of supplies.

Veterans Standown named biggest in the country
PLAINS - The Sanders County Fairgrounds opened their gates in an effort to give back to some of the most deserving people in the country - the veterans.

Messing home
Sanders County resident Jerry Messing points to one of the 25 bullet holes that pierced through his residence in Trout Creek while his wife Shirley observes the damage.

Home in Trout Creek riddled with bullets
TROUT CREEK – Tales of peaceful scenery and wildlife were shattered when Jerry and Shirley Messing’s part-time home in Trout Creek was shot up, with close to 25 shots ringing through the empty house.
Petition started to bring back teacher
PLAINS – After the nonrenewal of non-tenured teacher, many people in the community of Plains are fired up and have started a petition to get the teacher back into the school.

Birds of a Feather 4
Leonna Crump (played by Hannah Hollenback) confronts Officer Frank Doonan (played by Randall Johnson).

BIrds of a feather 3
John Mueller, Patricia Gaston and Sienna Faydo watch their neighbor in "Birds of a Feather."

Birds of a Feather 2
The cast of "Birds of a Feather" gather at the end of the play and the end of the main characters sanity.

'Birds of a Feather' in Superior
For Superior High School Montana History Professor and Play Director Cathleen Kuchera the best part of producing a play every year is “getting to watch the students shine” and this year’s production of the play ‘Birds of a Feather’ was no different – for two nights the high school students took to the stage and shone. Preparation for play, which takes place in the suburbs and revolves around a series of showdowns between Leonna Crump (played by Hannah Hollenback) and her new neighbors – group of “hill-folk,” began two and a half months ago with Kuchera holding tryouts. “We had a shorter amount of time to put this play together – just over two months - and by play standards it is about a week less than what a director would like,” Kuchera said. “I hold a meeting for all interested parties about three months out to inform the students of my expectations. The play requires dedication and hard work, and the biggest part of the dedication is showing up to practice and memorizing your lines. Drama is not for the weak in body or mind.” After auditions, the group of student actors begins an intensive rehearsal regime – practicing over two hours a day to make sure the actors are prepared for their time to shine. “It is not like traditional sports where you have a number of games – we have only two shots at this,” Kuchera said. Another aspect of the preparation is, as Kuchera called it, “in the details” and the group works on finding all of the props and costumes as well as setting up the stage for the performance. “I do get pretty lucky in the fact that our set is painted by the advanced art class under Mrs. Kelly’s supervision – for which I am extremely thankful,” Kuchera said. The months of long practices lead to show time and on May 3 and 4 the student-actors entertained packed houses in the multi-purpose room of the high-school with the story of Leona Crump and her judgemental nature and sharpness being taken to the limit by her new neighbors. “I feel the performances went excellent,” Kuchera said. “Every single one of them did exactly what they were supposed to do – they rolled with the punches. I cannot express how proud I am with my cast and crew.” Although the ending of the play is “always bittersweet” for Kuchera, seeing the students shine and break out of their shells is something she cherishes. “When the students participate in the play and receive the praise they obviously deserve, I begin to see this confidence that wasn’t there before,” Kuchera said. “I say this almost every year, but the dramatic productions are so important because it provides students with an opportunity to express their artistic talents and be noticed for their skills.”

Birds of a Feather 1
Superior High School actors Randall Johnson, Patricia Gaston, Sienna Faydo, Hannah Hollenback, Theresa Rosheim and John Mueller at the end of Act II.
Senators protest timber cuts
United States Senators John Tester and Max Baucus of Montana are two of the countries senators leading the charge in a coalition of senators who formed to protest President Barack Obama’s plan to reduce timber sales on United States Forest Service land.
County commissioners discuss Neighborhood Watch request for funds
Mineral County Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Bob Mahon was present at the April 30 meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners to receive an update on his request for $2,500 in county funds.
Where accountability meets compassion
This May, Drug Courts throughout Montana will join over 2,500 Drug Courts nationwide in celebrating National Drug Court Month. By month’s end, thousands of individuals who entered the criminal justice system addicted to drugs and facing incarceration will complete Drug Court and emerge as productive, taxpaying citizens.
Roundtable discussion on veteran's health to be held Saturday
Mineral Regional Health Center, a federally qualified health center located in Superior, Mont., and its Frontier Medicine Better Health Partnership are sponsoring a roundtable discussion related to the healthcare needs of veterans in the region. The roundtable will be held Saturday, May 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Community Center in St. Regis, Mont.
Superior Ranger District announces firewood road openings
Free workshops offered to assist in calibrating sprayers
FREE WORKSHOP! Get your sprayers ready for the season!

Science experiment
Harli Kinney demonstrates her model volcano for other participants in the Hot Springs Elementary Science Fair. After Harli mixed common household items, the volcano erupted with red colored foam.

Hot Springs science fair displays experiments
Volcanoes erupted, crystals grew and eggshells disappeared as the magic of science was on display in the elementary school gym in Hot Springs on Thursday.

Sixth Grade Campout
Sixth graders from Plains play "tweezli-wop" during the annual sixth grade campout at the Bend Ranger Station. The game involves trying to knock the opponent off the log with a pillow.

Plains sixth graders get a lesson in the great outdoors
Sixth graders from Plains Elementary School were given a chance to get out of the classroom and into the wild during the annual campout at the Bend Ranger Station from Wednesday through Thursday.

Thompson Falls nature path
Mayor Carla Parks walk the new trail system in Thompson Falls. The trail was created to help generate tourist traffic.

Thompson Falls economy promotes tourism
This is the second article in a four-part series, which looks at how local economics are doing throughout Sanders County.

Torch run 2013
Members of the Little Bitterroot Special Olympics team parade down Highway 200 through Plains on Saturday as part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run.

Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run travels through Sanders County on way to Billings
Special Olympics athletes, riders on horseback and runners helped carry the torch through Sanders County on Saturday, starting near the Idaho border and ending just outside of Plains.
An update from Rep. Schwaderer
Letter to the Editor - May 8, 2013

An update from Senator Fielder
Milton speaks to kids about drugs, alcohol, and bullying
Plains High School played host to a special guest on Monday as motivational speaker Milton Creagh made time in his busy schedule to speak to students, parents and teachers about a variety of important and timely subjects. Creagh spoke to students during the day and decided to stay to deliver a message to parents.
Noxon to host second annual bridal fashion show
NOXON – Students will be dressed to impress on Sunday, May 12 – clothed to perfection in wedding gowns and tuxedos at the second annual Bridal Fashion Show.

Playhouse painting
Dick Colver paints the trim that will be added onto the playhouse.

Senior Center makes progress on playhouse
PLAINS – After close to two months of work, the Plains Senior Center is making steady progress on the two-story dream playhouse they plan to raffle off at the fair.
Hot Springs takes the stage
Thespians from Hot Springs High School displayed their talents before a live audience on Tuesday, performing “The Rubber Room” a play by Pat Cook. The production centers around the high-spirited antics of a high school teacher’s lounge and the hilarity that results from teachers’ attempts to stave off boredom in the classroom.

St. Regis record breakers
St. Regis sophomore Gabby Moeller and junior Arianna Jones both broke school records last week at a track meet in Seeley-Swan.

Pair of Tigers break school records at Seeley
Tomorrow, track athletes from across Mineral County will compete in Polson at the District Tournament and two St. Regis Tigers will be doing so after not only winning their respective events at last weeks tournament in Seeley-Swan, but breaking the school record for those events as well.

Comeback kids
Hillary Stevens and Myranda Kuhl are prepared and focused for the final run at the state tennis doubles championship in their high school career.

Superior-Alberton's Comeback Kids
Superior High School senior’s Hillary Stevens and Myranda Kuhl had their first experience playing doubles tennis together at the state tournament freshman year.

Mineral County Fun Run
Kindergarten through sixth grade students from all three Mineral County schools participated in the 8th Annual Fun Run Wednesday.

Mineral County students head to Alberton for Fun Run
Kindergarten through sixth grade students from all three Mineral County Schools were in Alberton Wednesday morning to participate in the Eighth Annual Mineral County Fun Run.

Bluehawks track and field
Braxton Eubanks hurls the discus for the Bluehawks during the Sanders County meet held at Thompson Falls on Thursday.

Track teams compete in county meet
The Trotters racked up yet another impressive win at the Sanders County track meet on Thursday in Thompson Falls winning with a score of 123 points. Led by Hailey Phillips who won all five of her events, the Trotters easily outmatched the 35.5 points put up by Hot Springs.

Destiny's Dive - by Colin Murphey
Destiny Roberts dives toward the plate attempting to get the ball to catcher Alex Green during a double-header against Florence.

Trotters struggle early but pull out a win
The Trotters had a tough few games against the team from Florence on Tuesday dropping both ends of a double-header at home. Plains lost the first game 21 to 13 and the second by a score of eight to three.

TFalls Softball
Kelsey Fitchett was a key asset in the two wins against Troy.

Thompson Falls sweeps Troy in last home game
THOMPSON FALLS – The Lady Hawks swept Troy in their last home game, coming up with two wins of 7 to 6 and 17 to 3.
Bluehawks golf team ready for divisionals
THOMPSON FALLS - The Bluehawks golf team is in good shape for the upcoming divisionals taking place in Bozeman on May 14, bringing in two second place victories home.

Plains Golf
Dallas Burgess shoots onto the green during the tournament in Thompson Falls. Burgess had one of his best days of the season at the Deer Lodge Tournament.

Plains golf team sees personal bests
Despite windy conditions that prompted Coach Rich Magera to remark, “We should’ve flown kites,” the Plains golf team had one of the best performances of the year so far in Deer Lodge.
Sanders County Senior News
Sanders County Court Report
Sanders County Justice Court week of 4/23 to 4/29
Sanders County Community Calendar
Open Gym at Plains

Francis Ward North
PLAINS – Francis Ward North, a longtime resident of Plains, passed away peacefully at Clark Fork Valley Hospital on April 17th, 2013 from pancreatic cancer at the age of 75.
National Day of Prayer held in Plains
On Thursday May 2, 2013 just over 40 people gathered during the noon hour at the Plains City Hall, to pray for our community and nation.

Savenac Nursery
Carole Johnson teaches students how to plant trees.

Savenac Nursery: A legacy of forestry
In 1907, a forester named Elers Koch was on his honeymoon in Mineral County. While on horseback, Koch came across an abandoned homestead along the Savenac Creek and dreamed of building a nursery. Koch’s dream would soon become a reality and begin over 100 years of forestry history at the Savenac nursery.
Mineral County Court Report
Mineral County Court Records from April 26 to May 3
Mineral County Community Calendar
American Legion Post #13 St. Regis
Doyle Lynn Prince
Doyle Lynn Prince, Nampa ID, was called home to be with his Lord and Savior on March 25th, 2013 in Meridian Idaho. In the days, preceding his death he was surrounded by his loving daughters, several grandchildren, his wife, other family members and his church family. As he struggled with illness, he called to Jesus to take him home and was rewarded with eternal life and peace.
Superior School Election Results
Sanders County School Election Results
Looking for a job?
Monday, May 6

Christine Sheldon Howe
Christine Sheldon Howe born February 28th 1952, died at her home in Plains, of a heart attack due to her treatments for melanoma. She left us too soon, on Sunday April 28th.
Community Garden hosts workshop and installs water system
On Monday, April 22, the Plains Community Garden sponsored a seed-starting workshop. The meeting was well attended and everyone had the opportunity to pot up tomatoes and other transplants and to plant pepper, lettuce and other seeds for early starts in the garden.
CNSC announces Music for Mom fundraiser
THOMPSON FALLS - The Cancer Network of Sanders County is proud to announce that the “Music For Mom” event is back. This year the event will be held at the Rex Theater in Thompson Falls, May 11, 2013 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. All proceeds from the show will benefit the Cancer Network. Additionally, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is matching funds, so we will see double what is made that night!
Friday, May 3

Moose - by Colin Murphey

Red Sleep Mountain Drive to open at Bison Range
The staff of the National Bison Range would like to remind you that Red Sleep Mountain Drive is scheduled to open for the summer season on Saturday, May 11, 2013. We are hoping that the worse of the spring weather is behind us and that road conditions will allow travel along the scenic drive. For up-to-date information, we invite you to visit the Range’s new website at
Thompson Falls sees improvements for summer months
THOMPSON FALLS - This summer Thompson Falls has some new and safer open space on Main Street. The old and unsafe sheds, back stop, and bleachers have been taken down at Ainsworth Field. The City Council has referred the future of the field to the Thompson Falls Parks Planning Committee. They are in the planning stages for the Field and at this point several possible uses are being discussed, but for this summer the field is being enjoyed as a spacious play and camping area. In addition to its usual daily uses for sports and a wide open play area for people and their pets, we have a circus coming to town on June 22 and a large bicycle touring group, Ride Idaho, coming in and camping there the 6th of August.
Wednesday, May 1

Noxon Mercantile
Chris Hoge mans the Noxon Mercantile, a small grocery store being forced out of business due to a lack of customers.

A look at the local economy - a four-part series
Chris Hoge estimates around 50 people have left the town of Noxon in the past few years. With the loss of the timber industry due in large part to the nationwide housing bust beginning in 2007 and a delay in the construction of the proposed Rock Creek Mine near Noxon, Sanders County saw a dramatic reduction in the amount of jobs available. And it has killed his business.
Interim speed limit to be introduced on Highway 200
An interim speed limit reduction will be taking place on Highway 200 between mile markers 56 to 59.

Vets Standown
Members of the boy's ranch loaded and sorted pounds of potatoes for the Veterans Standown taking place this weekend.

Tri-State Veterans Standown prepares to take over
PLAINS - The Tri-State Veterans Standown will take over the fairgrounds this weekend, gearing up thousands of veterans with surplus gear, food and medical checkups.
Hospital forms partnerships to improve patient care in county
At the special meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners on April 23, Denyse Traeder of the Mineral Community Hospital made a presentation on the hospital’s Frontier Medicine Better Health Partnership.

Mineral County future
Mineral County Commissioners Laurie Johnston, Roman Zylawy and Duane Simons listen to questions and comments on Tuesday.

Attracting an economy
One common theme rang throughout the special night meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners on April 23 at the St. Regis Community Center – the future.

Buckle up with Bugaboo 1
Students in Superior Preschool greet Bugaboo the Kangaroo.
Child safety seat checks now available
John Woodland, Chief of the Superior Volunteer Fire Department has completed the required four day course to become a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. At the conclusion of the class, on April 26th, he participated in a child safety seat check at the Missoula Rural Fire Station #1. Chief Woodland will be available by appointment to help make sure Mineral County residents are receiving all the protection available from their child safety seats. If you would like to have your equipment and installation checked, please call him at 822-4900 or 529-4317.
Mineral Regional Health Center to host veteran's roundtable
Mineral Regional Health Center, a federally qualified health center located in Superior, Mont., and its Frontier Medicine Better Health Partnership are sponsoring a roundtable discussion related to the healthcare needs of veterans in the region. The roundtable will be held Saturday, May 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Community Center in St. Regis, Mont.
Click it or ticket initiative
Click It or Ticket to Boost Seat Belt Use – Day and Night
County-wide open burning season ends on May 1

A weekend of branding: leaving one's mark
PLAINS – The smell of singed hair filled the air Saturday as the warm weather brought a good opportunity for local farmers to brand and vaccinate their calves.

Branding 8
Bruce Knight drags a calf into the opening in preparation of branding.

Roping a calf - Photo by Justyna Tomtas
Cowboy Jerry Deal gets ready to corral a calf, the old-fashioned way.

Branding 6
John Holland brands one of his calves Saturday afternoon at his annual calf branding. Overall, the Hollands branded 49 calves in a little under two hours and also vaccinated them as they went. Holland is still waiting on one late-season calf to be born.

Branding 5
Justyna Tomtas works on putting the second part of the brand onto a calf.

Branding 4
Larry Kindrick places the burning hot brand while Ty Colombo holds the calf's legs steady.

Branding 3
Steve Clinkenbeard wrestles a calf into the chutes, where it was vaccinated, branded and tagged.

Branding 2
Darlene Malmend brands a calf while Bryan Bosley holds the chute still so the calf is secured in place.

Branding 1
Wyatt Carr tags one of the yearling calves during the branding process that took place at the family ranch on Saturday.

Justyna's Column: The American Dream
This country was founded on the American Dream - the idea that includes the opportunity for success and prosperity. It’s the idea of coming from nothing and building something from the ground up.

An update from Rep. Ingraham
On Wednesday, April 24th, the 63rd Legislative Session came to an official end and we all headed back home to renew friendships and reunite with family. For some, like myself, it was a bitter-sweet moment in time, even though my term of service in the House of Representatives won’t officially come to an end until the first part of January 2015, it was my last Legislative Session unless the Governor were to call for a special session.
Letters to the Editor - May 1, 2013

Torch Run
Participants in last year's Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run pass off the torch as they make the journey across the county.

Special Olympics Torch Run to take place Saturday
SANDERS COUNTY – The Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run will be held on Saturday, showing support for the Special Olympics and raising money for the cause.

Walleye Derby
Paul Rossignol waits to signal the start of the first Walleye Derby on the Noxon Resorvoir on Saturday.

Derby and banquet raise money for local charities
The first annual Noxon Reservoir Walleye Derby kicked off Saturday as anglers gathered at the Flatiron boat ramp outside Thompson Falls to attempt to catch the elusive fish. Twelve two-person teams launched their boats and fished from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. before gathering at the Lakeside Motel in Trout Creek for the accompanying banquet fundraiser.
Thompson Falls school board Q&A
Plains School Board Q&A
Plains Public School District asks for two levies
PLAINS – The Plains Public School District is asking for two levies to be voted on, one for the elementary school in the amount of $35,000 and one for the high school in the amount of $30,000.
Superior School Trustee candidate questionnaires
Free workshop on weed sprayers
FREE WORKSHOP! Get your sprayers ready for the season!

MCH burned bridges
Sharon Patterson (left) asks MCH officials how they plan on mending burned bridges.

MCH addresses how they will mend burned bridges in community
During the public comment portion of the special meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners at the St. Regis Community Center on April 23, county resident Denley Loge directed a question towards representatives of the Mineral Community Hospital.
Commissioners discuss plans for Large Predator Resolution
At the special meeting of the Mineral County Commissioner in St. Regis on April 23, the commissioners discussed their Large Predator Resolution with the thirty plus attendees.

Shannon Diamond takes off in a sprint during the Thompson Falls Invitational. The county teams will compete once again in Thompson Falls on Thursday.

Track teams to compete at county meet Thursday
SANDERS COUNTY - The Hot Springs Savage Heat track and field team sizzled at the Arlee Invitational on Thursday. The boys team won the meet led by strong performances in jumping events and relay races.

Plains golf
Jade LaDeaux shot 124 points in the Thompson Falls Invitational on Saturday.

Horsemen compete in Thompson
On an obstacle laced course on Saturday, the Plains golf team battled fast greens, sand traps, and fairways lined with pine trees as they competed in the Thompson Falls Invitational on the banks of the Noxon Reservoir.
Bluehawk golfers take second
THOMPSON FALLS – The Bluehawks golf team participated in their own invitational on Saturday, getting second place with a final team score of 339, just two points behind the winning team.

Mountain Cat tennis 6
Alberton's Shawndra Rohrbach hits a forehand winner on her way to a straight-set victory during the dual against Ronan.

Mountain Cats tennis 1
Alberton High School senior Emma Wooldridge continued to dominate in her number one single's spot this week. Wooldridge won all three of her matches in straight-sets to remain unbeaten.

Nicole Stroot
Superior senior Nicole Stroot has won the long jump in every tournament this year.

Soaring towards state
Superior High School senior Nicole Stroot is flying high in the long jump this season for the Bobcats. Her key to success? A lot of mental toughness and heart.

Bobcat golf 2
Luke Boyce watches his shot fall during the tournament.

Bobcat golf 1
Sierra Bruning follows through her swing during the invitational tournament in Thompson Falls.
Panther track and field prepares for postseason
The postseason is just over the horizon for the Alberton high School track team and Head Coach Rachael Clevenger and her squad are focused on taking things one week at a time.

Unique Emporium Auction
Jonathan Borntregor points at perspective bidders during the Unique Emporium auction that cleared out the building Saturday afternoon.

Unique Emporium makes way for Little Bitterroot Grocery Store
PLAINS – The Unique Emporium closed their doors on Saturday with one last hoorah of deals for anyone who was interested.
Suicide prevention class teaches intervention
A class designed to prepare people for the daunting task of suicide prevention was held at the Plains Bible Chapel on Tuesday and Wednesday. Organized by Lisa Talcot from Clark Fork Valley Hospital and taught by certified instructors Marty and Roxanna Colman-Herak.

4-H Trap Shooters
Marsada Sweet, left, fires her shotgun at a clay pigeon as Taralee Ryan and Aaron Collins from left to right, look on during 4-H trap shooting practice.

4-H trap shooters practice at Plains Trap Club
About ten 4-H participants gathered at the Plains Trap Club to practice blasting clay discs out of the air with shotguns on Saturday. Shotgun in hand, students as young as 11 years old stepped up to a microphone, yelled “pull” and fired 12 gauge rounds at a clay “pigeon” travelling approximately 90 miles per hour.

Brody Nick Kutzman
PLAINS – Brody Nick Kutzman was born April 14 at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains. He weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces. Parents are Christina and Rob Kutzman of Thompson Falls. Paternal grandparents are Ron and Reva Kutzman of Niles, CA. Maternal grandparents are Deborah Fobare of Waterford, CA, Joe and Cindy Arias of Louisville, KY. Great-grandparents are Russ and Fran Jouett of Mariposa, CA.
Iris Jean Kolberg Scott
Iris Jean Kolberg Scott, of Lewiston, NY and Plains, MT, passed away on Sunday, Nobember 11, 2012, at her daughter’s residence under the care of her family and Niagara Hospice.
Sanders County Community Calendar
Open Gym at Plains
Deanna Maxine Niles
Deanna Niles, 61
Mineral County Community Calendar
American Legion
Mineral County Sheriff's Report
Mineral County Court Report
Mineral County Court Records from April 19 to April 26